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A small excerpt of the ending of my short story, A Deal With Luci. |
Proudly, Lucifer stepped through the door and immediately spotted a grand chair in the middle of the room. It was cluttered with gold and jewels and overly glamorous designs. Honestly, it was disgustingly grand. Just like the rest of her house. And sitting atop of the chair? A silver angel with a golden halo. As if even with all the terrible deeds Daisy committed and people she had kicked down to rise up in the world, were a stairway to heaven. An angel. A true testament to what she thought of herself. Orange hair peeked to the side. Daisy’s hair. One hand precariously balanced a glass of wine and the other a cigarette holder. The glass was half empty and the cigarette a quarter-burnt. She didn't even notice he had entered the room until he clapped his hands together. "Congratulations! Truly, congratulations! Look at how far you’ve come! Bravo!” Startled by his sudden exclamation, Daisy's glass shattered to the floor. “Lucifer?” Daisy said, surprised, then relaxed as she remembered. “It has been so long. Far too long. Are you here to give me something? What is it?” “Greedy as ever! I love it! That hunger for more and more no matter how much you have. But as much as I love your insurmountable greed, Daisy, I am not here to give you anything." "Oh. That is disappointing." She scowled. "I am here to take." "What? Why? I got all this money on my own." "Trust me, I am not here to take your money. I have no interest in such material things." She took a generous puff from her cigarette. "Oh thank goodness. It can't be that bad then." "I'm going to cut to the chase. We’re here to talk about you." Lucifer, back turned to Daisy, smirked. "You see, you are a bad person, Daisy. Good for nothing, no good, despicable. Bad people don't get anything.” "Pardon? I only got so far doing what felt good and what I wanted. It doesn't matter how bad I was, I lied and it made me rich. That's what you taught me." "That I did. Daisy, you have done so many wrong things and screwed over so many people… And well, all bad deeds come with consequences. Do you believe you are above such consequences?" Uncertain to his reasons for asking such a question, every bad deed and selfish choice she had ever made relayed through her head. Her palms began to sweat. “...No? Why?” "Humans shamelessly commit so many sins over the course of their lifetime. Big, small, or otherwise, and you all know right from wrong. You all know you shouldn't. Yet you still do it anyway. And do you know why that is, Daisy?" "..." She didn't know. Lucifer continued undeterred. "Because, Daisy. It's too sweet. It feels so good to do it. Despite the fact they know they shouldn't sin, they just can't help themselves. They think that if they are sly, their sins won't catch up to them. But they do. And when they do, it's too late. In the end they must pay for their sins. And you, Daisy, compared to the majority of humans…” His grin grew ever wider. “You've quite the debt, have you not, Daisy B Daffodil?” Daisy clenched her jaw on her cigarette, quickly becoming unnerved by his dark implications. “What are you saying?” "I’m saying that now…" Lucifer turned, eyes glinting with malice. "What? ‘Now’ what?" Daisy tensely asked, fearing what his response might be. She was right to. "Now it is time to relieve yourself of your mighty debt. You are mine and I am here to take your soul to hell. Such is the price of your decadence." "What?!" Daisy fearfully stepped back, heart pounding. A lump formed in her throat. "But I did everything you said! I did as you told me! I did everything I wanted to do and didn't care about anyone!" Fear became anger. "It isn't my fault! You told me to! You made me! It isn’t FAIR! Why do I have to go to hell when you made me do it?!” Lucifer began to approach her. "Oho! Look at you! So quick to blame me for all the wrong things you did. I never made you do a single thing! What you did was your choice! It always was! You coveted the money and fame. Glitz and glamour! You lusted for the taste of that sweet, sweet sugary life of indulgence!" Daisy's nose scrunched as an ominous odor emanated towards her. Like burnt hair and elm. He manifested a piece of candy and dramatically popped it into his mouth, savoring it. "Mmm, mmm, mmm!" Then smiled wickedly. "And taste you did! You thought if someone told you to do something, no matter how bad it was, the fault wouldn't be yours! That you wouldn't have to shoulder any of the blame. But you were wrong!" He taunted and crowed. "But why am I to blame?! It isn't fa-!" His entire demeanor flipped. "Did you enjoy your life of sin?! Good! Now you get to enjoy your eternity of torture! Aren't you proud of what you've earned Daisy?! After all, it's the first real wage you've worked for!" A cuff and chain manifested in his hand. "No! Nooo!" Daisy shrieked and scrambled backward. But alas, her struggle would be for naught, for the cuff and chain had magically made its way around her wrist. With a single jerk of his wrist, she was painfully yanked forward onto the hardwood floor face-first and her nose bled. Heart pounding, she looked up in terror. The chain led to Lucifer and he began to drag her. "You got what you wanted Daisy! Now I'm gonna get what I want!" There was no escape. He was going to take her to hell. She couldn’t lie or cheat her way out of this like everything else she did. Not anymore. She was doomed. DOOMED. The door to the flaming chasm burst open. Beyond, hell awaited. Fire roared and lava bubbled furiously as if ravenous to collect its next unlucky sinner. The odor of burnt hair and elm from earlier exploded out. She kicked and screamed and fought as he walked through the door, dragging her behind. Tears streaked her face. There was nothing she could do but wait for the end. "This can’t be happening! Please! Not now! Not this time!" Daisy pleaded as she desperately clawed at the ground. Her nails cracked and bled to stall her fate for just one more second. "I'll give you anything I got! My money! My business! My mansion! My wine! Anything! Please! I promise I'll pay you back! I PROMISE!" They were beyond the frame of the door now. Lucifer turned to the terrified sinner with a crazed smile. "Daisy, oh my sweet Daisy! We are far past the bargaining stage! You were mine the very second you accepted sin into your heart and gave up on God!" And with that chilling statement, the door shut behind them. Nothing was left of Daisy except for ten bloody, crooked scratches leading from the chair of twisted gold to the door she had been dragged through. Nobody heard from Daisy B. Daffodil ever again. In the coming months her fortune would be donated to every charity in the state until not a single penny was left. Truly, those who are greedy of heart will surely lose everything. |