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I wrote this while suffering from COVID-19. I Thought it would be good to document. |
March 25th 2020, I documented the passage below as I was going through it. Any edits will be in parentheses. Have not edited, I wrote as I Experienced. 57 years old. been blessed with good health. Never have I experienced anything like this. I might not even have it. Haven’t felt good all month with a runny nose, A slight head cold and very low energy. Overly stressed. I developed an annoying headache that wouldn't seem to go away [I very seldom have headaches ]. Then a constant pressure in the center of my chest for about 2 days. (This was during the time we buried Mama.) A slight fever which got worse [105]as my chest improved. In two nights I sweated 10 lbs[felt like]. Waking up numerous times freezing & soaking wet. Feels like my whole head is swollen. My hair hurts. Every muscle in my body aches. Called the doctor he said Go to the nearest Urgent Care call them from the parking lot they will come out to the car call them from the parking lot ,they would come out and do a quick swab for a test. Called Urgent Care First, they said don't come they didn't have any test but they called me in a z-pack. If I still had a fever afterwards go to the ER.( I have never been to this urgent care they didn't know me from Adam and still called something in.) A five-day supply of pills ,Two pills day one, followed by one a day until gone. The first night with the two pills was the longest night I can ever remember my head felt like it might explode. an annoying voice kept saying bullet. I hope The worst is over with now. The second night I thought went pretty good compared to previous. My wife woke up wanting to know if I was ready to go to the ER. She said that I woke up at times Evidently delirious-ill & grouchy. My Daughter asked if I had hit my head. I had a large lump above my left eye.The next day the lump had moved down to my left jaw and the next day to my left chest. Starting to feel better, my fever broke. Fourth night feels like I'm on the road to recovery except absolutely no energy / drive. About 7 hours into the pill for some reason my left arm started going numbTrying to use my right arm to move it my right started becoming week.Tried to chillax breathe deep and seemed to get my composure. I felt better. Until I stood up my arms and Leg not really wanting to help. A long night then slept about all day. Dreading what kind of surprises might come with the last pill. About 7 hours into the last pill so far so good, not trying to push it. Feeling better after the first day with no pill. Very low energy slight headache. Second day with no pill, I thought I was feeling better and walked outside Started to piddle around, suddenly got really sick on my stomach,Started throwing up. My head started spinning and getting faster, felt like I was on an out-of-control Merry-Go-Round spinning so fast. Trying to document . Hopefully it can help someone. 2/11/21 2020 What a year. As I recovered from the virus I never went to the doctor. I was just trying to get back to some kind of normal. It's been almost a year since. I was reading an article today about how covid-19 Victims were experiencing brain fog. They Described their experience with the very same symptoms I’ve been Experiencing while recovering. I just have not felt like myself. Short attention span, very hard to focus,even on Simple tasks that I have done all my life. I don’t want to sleep or go to bed. Anxious and jittery often confused. Problems with my short-term memory. A change in taste and smell, loss of appetite. I think I went through some kind of mini stroke when my left side went numb. Wanted to put it all behind me. Maybe I should go to the doctor. A lot of changes from the pandemic. I was reading the newspaper as I recovered, said the county where I live had no recorded cases of the virus. I guess not when they won't test you or even let you come in. They portrayed the county as A Safe Haven to be in quarantine. A lot of Summer homes and they were packed in the beginning. Seemed like people were Everywhere, much more crowded than normal for the time of year. |