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Contest entry for Fabulous Fantasy. Jasper tries to save his lover from death |
Word count: 2807 words. Prompt #2,3 “You need to help her!” Jasper pleaded. “Something’s happened to Vespera!” He placed the unconscious dryad on Lunitecia’s table. The witch examined Vespera closely. The leaves on her body were turning yellow and splotched. The blossoms were fading and falling from her body. Lunitecia pursed her lips grimly. “I have magic but saving this dryad will not be easy,” Lunitecia said. “She has mosaic pox, a disease I have not seen here since my youth. If we don’t find a Thorn Bird feather, Vespera will die.” Jasper tried not to cry. “It’s impossible find something that doesn’t exist anymore! I can’t imagine my world without Vespera in it!” He attested. Lunitecia put a hand on Jasper’s broad shoulders and tried to soothe the young man. “It’s true Thorn Birds haven’t been seen on the mainland for some time,” she conceded. “But there are rumors that on an island called Hinertia, the thing that will save Vespera still exists.” Blinking in disbelief, Jasper shuddered at the mention of the island. “It’s also rumored that Hinertia is entirely peopled by cannibals,” he countered. “I’m a mercenary but I’m still just one man. How can I do this alone?!” “I can’t solve all problems,” Luniticia said. “All I know is you must ask Lord Edgar for his blessing on your quest. Go quickly; I fear Vespera only has a fortnight before mosaic pox claims her!” Outside the hut, Jasper mounted his horse. The ride to the keep was rather taxing. Thoughts of the difficulties he faced made him uncomfortable. Lord Edgar was raising an army to rebel against his cousin, Queen Tanya. Jasper doubted Edgar would be thrilled to let him go. Thadeus stood before the portcullis glaring at Jasper. “Sneaking off to make love to your wood nymph?” He asked derisively. “No one can slack off like you! She’s not even human, you disgust-“ “Shut up, Thadeus!” Jasper growled. “You never had a heart! II had finished my watch so I was at leisure! I don’t have time for your hatred. I need to see Lord Edgar.” Jasper’s harsh retort made Thadeus grit his teeth and made his face turn ruddy. The senior officer stood aside but followed Jasper all the way to Edgar’s great hall. Lord Edgar sat at a large table clapping as a minstrel strummed a joyful tune. He noticed the pair of mercenaries’ entrance with great annoyance. “Kneel so you show me my due respect,” Lord Edgar ordered. Armor rattled as Thadeus and Jasper knelt. “My lord,” Jasper addressed the nobleman. “I seek your permission to go on a quest to Hinertia.” Standing up from his table, Lord Edgar approached the two mercenaries. “I don’t believe you,” he proclaimed. “Everyone knows the Hinertians are cannibals. You can’t really be headed there! You’re probably just going to defect to my cousin’s army!” “Lord Edgar!” Jasper exclaimed. “I have been honest in my request! I simply seek—“ Lord Edgar slapped Jasper so hard he fell to the ground. “Thadeus,” he said. “Take this traitor to the tower! I’ll put his head on a pike in the morning!” A mirthful smirk sprang to Thadeus’ lips. He roughly pulled Jasper into a standing position. Other soldiers pointed their spear tips at Jasper’s throat while leg irons and manacles were clamped around his limbs. Several times during their march to the tower, Thadeus pushed Jasper so violently that Jasper fell up the steps. When they got to the prison cell, Thadeus grinned at his captive cohort. “I’ve wanted to see you locked up since we met,” he admitted. “I never could stand you since you arrived in our camp. It always irked me how everyone thought you were a better warrior than me! The truth is you’re a dishonest, lazy, rogue!” Jasper seethed glowering at Thadeus through the grating of the cell door. “I am not!” He retorted. “Truth is you’ll never be anything more than a skulking, ass kissing, bastard!” Rage burned in Thadeus’ eyes. “When you’ve gotten the chop, I’ll be sure to spit on your face after it hits the ground.” Thadeus promised. “I won’t miss you.” The torch light faded as Thadeus left Jasper in the gloaming of the tower. “Did you make Lord Edgar angry too?” A feminine voice asked from behind him. Looking around, Jasper found a young woman with soot stains smearing her cheeks observing him. “I guess so,” he confirmed. “I asked his lordship if I could go on a quest to Hinertia and he thought I was going to join the Royal Army.” The girl nodded empathetically. “He’s nuts isn’t he?” She said. “Lord Edgar had me locked up when I couldn’t turn dung into jewels!” This woman was extremely odd, she had just used ‘dung’ and ‘jewels’ in the same sentence. “So, erm, how exactly did you plan on transmuting excrement?” He asked. The girl looked at him quizzically and dawn finally lit on her face. “Right!” She exclaimed. “I’m an alchemist. My name’s Lisel! I forget not everyone knows about my craft. So I was going to use some Aqua Regia and sugar mixed together with the dung but before I could add the feces, the sugar transformed into a massive black rock!” It was hard not to laugh at such a strange tale. “I’m Jasper,” he said. “Well, it’s too bad we met just before I’m to be executed. You seem like an interesting person.” Lisel’s mouth gaped in excitement. “I was gonna get killed too,” she said. “I think I might have some items that might get us out of here.” From the sleeves of her dress she produced a few vials of some potion. Wordlessly, Lisel poured the liquid onto the metal that bound their hands and feet. The restraints melted, giving off a huge amount of steam. Lisel sprinkled a white powder over both of their hands and feet. “This will keep the Aqua Regia from eating us,” she explained. “Now for the really dangerous part.” She pulled a small spherical object with a string from her robes. She lit it using a flint and steel she had. “They didn’t really search you before they locked you in here,” Jasper observed. Lisel chuckled; “Nope,” she confirmed. “Stand back now!” Jasper barely had time to get out of the way as a concussive blast destroyed the cell door. Guards clamored below in reaction to the din. As Lisel and Jasper clamored through the rubble, he picked up a piece of shrapnel to use as a weapon. “The stables are just below us,” Jasper said. “If you have a few more bombs we might be able to get out through the main gate!” As it turned out Lisel did have several more explosive devices. They left sizable craters as they progressed through the Keep. Fortunately, the escapees found an unflappable war horse. Jasper gritted his teeth as he helped Lisel up onto the saddle and then swung himself up behind her. The burns from the potions made moving hard. “We’ve got some of Edgar’s goons chasing us!” Lisel observed. “If we go through Antiqua Forest we’ll be able to ditch them!” Jasper pushed the horse into a gallop. Not long after they entered the woods, a horrible, reptilian shriek surrounded them. Soon the screams of men and horses were also heard. “What is that?!” Jasper shouted. Lisel looked over her shoulder. “Thats just the Wyverns,” she answered. “They’re not too fond of intruders! As long as we ride fast to Deluga we should be fine!” Jasper was beginning to find Lisel’s risk taking annoying. He caught sight of a Wyvern swooping through the trees towards them. He flung his makeshift weapon at the yellow scaly hide of the beast. It pierced the Wyvern’s wings crippling it. A second one caught Jasper by the shoulders and dragged him to ground! Its talons raked across the soft flesh on his abdomen. As he lost consciousness he saw Lisel turn the horse around and gallop towards him. The blood loss made his vision turn murky first then dark. Warm hands were the first thing Jasper felt. “Vespera Rosa?” He asked. “Are we reunited in Paradise?” A melodious yet masculine voice replied. “No, my sleeping cherub,” it said. “This good woman dragged you to the fabulous cottage of Bruno the Healer.” Startled, Jasper tried to sit upright but groaned as his body protested. “Careful there,” Bruno chided. “Your wounds are stitched and I put some aloe on those burns but you’re still not fully mended.” Sitting up slower, Jasper extended a hand to the Healer. “You have my thanks,” Jasper said. “May I have a private word with the woman who brought me here?” Bruno nodded and set up a partition. Moments later Lisel poked her head through the curtains. “Hi,” she said cheerily. “So happy you’re awake!” Jasper bit back a scathing reply. “What happened?” He asked. “Where’s our horse?” Lisel fidgeted with the tattered end of her sleeve. “I used some homemade smoke grenades to drive off the Wyverns,” she told him. “By the time they were gone, our mount was already dead. I could only save you; You’re welcome by the way!” Jasper sighed, this is not how he imagined his quest going. At this rate he wondered if he’d get what he needed. “I’ll never see Vespera again,” he lamented. Lisel gave him a confused look. “Who or what is that?” She queried. “She’s the most beautiful Dryad in all Berenia,” Jasper sighed. “I pledged my unending love to her. Now Vespera is sick and if I don’t get her a Thorn Bird feather from Hinertia she’ll die.” A despairing look passed over Lisel’s face. “I didn’t know,” she said. “I lost someone close to me. I can’t just stand by and let that happen to you. I know I’m a little impulsive and strange but let me help you.” Somehow, Lisel’s offer gladdened Jasper’s heart. “Thank you,” he said sincerely. “Lets get going. The closest port to here is Deluga?” Lisel hesitated briefly but nodded. “Yes,” she affirmed. “One thing before we go?” She leaned to whisper in Jasper’s ear. “I think Bruno might be infatuated with you,” she said. “I know you love another but try to be kind in letting him know.” Jasper blushed, he hadn’t even thought about that. This was going to be an uncomfortable conversation. As Jasper opened the partition. He coughed to get the Healer’s attention. Bruno looked over to Jasper. “I am grateful for your help,” Jasper said. “I..I hope this doesn’t upset you but I am on a quest for my lady love.” “Are you and her?” Bruno puzzled. “Oh! Oh no! I’ve made a foolish assumption! You kept moaning ‘Vespera Rosa’ while you were out. That must be…oh Bruno you silly fool.” The Healer looked about ready to despair. “Love is never silly,” Jasper asserted. “Why don’t you come with us? Perhaps you’ll meet a man who can return your affections along the way.” Bruno’s dismay turned to joy. “You know,” he admitted. “It’s been a long while since I saw the wider world. Perhaps a journey is just what I need!” It was slow going without horses. It was nearly sunset by the time the tired band of travelers reached Deluga. They arrived just as the city watch was lowering the portcullis. “The port will probably be closed soon,” Lisel commented. “Luckily, I used to live here so I know a place we could stay.” She led them all to an inn with a sign declaring the establishment to be “The Cozy Dragon.” As with most inns, the first floor of The Cozy Dragon was a pub. Lisel guided Jasper and Bruno to the counter. Bruno, who hadn’t been to such and establishment, regarded the other patrons cautiously. “Excuse me,” Jasper said with confidence. “Can we get a room for the night please, Sir?” A lot of grousing happened before the proprietor turned around. It turned out that what Jasper had thought was a man was actually an obese woman with large forearms and hair on her chin. “Figures,” she said. “You forget to do your laundry, comb your hair, borrow your husband’s trousers and everyone just thinks you’re a man!” “I’m sorry I—“ “You made a right ass of yourself! Assuming like that!” “I did’t mean to—“ “Well whatever! I’ve run The Cozy Dragon since my Eggbert up and croaked! Think that’d earn me some respect!” “So sorry!” Jasper back paddled. “Um, we’ll pay whatever price you ask but may we please have a room for the night? Please good woman?” The slightly unhinged innkeeper broke into a not so toothsome grin. “There!” She exclaimed. “Thats more like it! It’s Three Queenies a night.” Three Pittance wasn’t the worst price but not cheap. There weren’t many other options unless the group wanted to be robbed. Jasper pulled out his coin purse and plunked down the coins stamped with Queen Tanya’s visage. The innkeeper picked up a coin, sniffed it, scratched it and nodded. “Yep these’re Queenies,” she declared as she took a key from her apron. “The room comes with chamberpot, bed, pile of hay and a chair. Second door on the right at the top of the stairs.” The room was as promised. Both men agreed Lisel should have the bed. Jasper, who couldn’t sleep, decided to keep watch. While his companions slept, Jasper thought about many things. He thought of Vespera, about Lisel’s ability to hide explosives, why he worked for Lord Edgar. Eventually, Jasper became stuck on the latter subject. He thought about how cruel, childish and despotic Lord Edgar was. While being a mercenary was about the money, Jasper found he didn’t like Lord Edgar. What would he do? Surely the horsemen in Antiqua Forest wouldn’t be the noble’s only attempt to deal with Jasper. Suppressing his pernicious worries, Jasper looked out the window. The sky was already lightening. Soon Deluga would awake. Best rouse the others. After a breakfast of greasy sausage and stale bread, the trio made their way to the dock. It became obvious that no captain was willing to risk a journey to Hinertia. “I don’t know if it’s the sausage or the worry,” Bruno complained. “However, I am starting to feel unwell. I hope we find a ship soon.” In answer to an unsaid prayer, a throaty chuckle brought Jasper’s attention to a somewhat gangly buccaneer. “Planning a journey to an island full of cannibals?” The man guessed. “The Golden Dahlia and her crew could take you. All we ask is a share of the swag. Florian DeCorizon at your service.” The jaunty sailor extended a lace glove. Jasper, taken with the fellow’s charisma, shook it without hesitation. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that Bruno seemed to like the stranger but Lisel was glaring at Florian. It seemed their new acquaintance had noticed the alchemist’s reaction. “Lisel,” Florian addressed her. “It’s been some time. I, er, don’t suppose you’re still upset with me about that…incident?” Lisel took one giant step towards him almost touching noses with the man. “You mean where my fiancee, Jonas, went on a voyage with you?” She sniped. “And then he died because he was swept into the sea?” Florian rubbed the back of his neck. “Right,” he said. “I guess it doesn’t matter how much I apologize. The gods cursed me with a sister who neither forgives nor forgets.” He turned back to Jasper. “Seems like you’re in charge though,” Florian surmised. “What say you? Shall we take The Golden Dahlia onto the open ocean?” The voyage to and from Hinertia was rather unremarkable. As it turned out, a small yet murderous doll acting as Lord Edgar’s assassin had snuck aboard. It was subdued, thrown into a weighted chest and disposed of in the murky deep. Hinertia, as it turned out, was inhabited not by cannibals but by conservationists. The cannibal rumor had been started to protect the Thorn Bird. The chief of the indigenous tribe graciously gave Jasper the feather he needed. After a couple days of battles, aided by the pirates that Florian recruited, Jasper managed to defeat Thadeus and Lord Edgar. Jasper managed to give Lunitecia the feather. Vespera made a full recovery from mosaic pox. Bruno found his true love. A pirate by the name of Kirk. Instead of returning to Antiqua forest, Bruno decided to become The Golden Dahlia’s on board healer. That way he and Kirk could have adventures together. Lisel, while she would end up forgiving Florian, would always miss Jonas. She and Jonas had wanted to set up shop together. In her late finacee’s honor, she opened an apothecary in Deluga. The End |