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Rated: XGC · Appendix · Other · #2299139
General bio
Character Bio
Bob & Big Stabby


The Omnivore, Omni-being of hunger & rage

Big Stabby:

No known aliases


Bob has no occuppation. He doesn't even know what the word means. Has no understanding of monetary value of anything.

Big Stabby sole occupation is to fook up what ever Bob slams it into.

Physical Description:

light crimson red skin, hulking mass of muscles, male demi-asgurdian, fourteen feet tall, looks nine-hundred pounds, icey blue eyes, looks twenty years old, bald doesn't have a single hair on his whole body. Has petrified bark protrusion that run up from his knuckles then up his arms arms across his shoulders and down his spine and acrossed his chest. He is easly mistaken for a woodland troll or an ogre.

When enraged:

Bob's muscle mass more than doubles as he grows to a huge sized creature. His skin turns mid-night sky dark blue. Runic symbols appear all over his body that produce prismactic energy that constanly rolls and arcs off of him. The same prismatic energy hiss and pops from his smoltering gaze. The bark protrusion thicken and turn into plates of petified bark thats harder than dragon scales.

(The abyss shuddered when looking into his soul; for the abyss felt fear for the first time.) ( i told you, rei should be on your top ten beings not to be fucked with list. Her husband Bob would just on top or under her.) ( hehehehehe thats a bad dirty joke.)

Big Stabby:

Is a massive serrated double edged sword maul with a very primitive look. It's dimensions are ten foot long, consistently six inchs thick, it has no guard, the blade material is living tarrasque tooth, the blade has a monstrous serratted double edge, the blade is three foot wide on the opposite end of it's point, there are three holes in the blade, one above the other two, the three holes are seven inches apart, the top hole in the triangle is one foot from the base of the blade, these three hole are used to lash the hilt to the blade, the hilt is made from bone from the same tarrasque, the hilt is three foot long and the grip is twelve inches round, there is a slot cut in to the hilt that the blade fits into, the lashing are treated tarrasque leather and sinue, the lashing also used to grip wrap.

When Bob becomes enraged:

Big Stabby dimensions are comparable to Bob size. So no matter what size Bob is, he always can use Big Stabby.



Over protective, friendly, dumb witted, brave, honorable, savage,

Bob when eraged:

somewhat witty in his own way, stoic, extremely savage, adept(beating opponents to pulp)

Big Stabby:

funny, annoying, outgoing, quick witted

Big Stabby when Bob is enraged:

extreme sadist, extremely mindfull of others and surroundings, battle focused

Habbits / Mannerisms:


tends to roam in the deep wild, gets really loud suddenly, gets angry fast, eats things normally that shouldn't be eaten, always hungry, talks to tree and plants

Big stabby:

when not used in battle for sometime makes an audible loud noise of teeth grinding, tricks bobs friends into getting bob to eat the funniest thing possible at the worse moments possible.

Back Ground:

His conception involved a group of wild magi messing up a summon meteor spell. Instead of killing his mother the wild magi basically magically preform in viro fertilization with a seed from the world ash Yggdrasil. Some time later he was born a slave. His mother died during child birth. Another slave adopted him.

When he was eighteen he was sold to a gladiator arena. He slaughtered a group of wild magi by transforming into a massive mid-night dark blue giant. After wards he was place in an oubliette. A serious ridiculous amount of time passed. The gladiatoril guild forgot he was down in the guilds vault. The guild held a event that would be groups could try and raid the vault and they could win a kings treasure if they lived.

One day durring the event a group of wild magi entered the event. The nameless slave killed the wild magi by collasping the guild vaults turning it into a pit. the guild started sending larger and larger group in to kill the blue gaint. All who tried died in the utmost brutally savage fashion possible. The giant started eating his victims while they were still alive.

This went on for quite some time untill a centuar made a wager that his master had a beast that could kill the blue gaint.The beast that the centuar had in mind was a tarrasque. So. the tarrasque was place in the pit with the blue gaint. The battle lasted over a month, but the blue gaint finally subdued the tarrasque. the blue gaint smashing open the tarrasque skull and ate its brain while it was still alive.

Once the tarrasque died, Odin the all father showed up, beacuse Odin was impressed that the nameless slave killed a tarrasque by himself bare handed. Odin granted the blue gaint three requests. The gaints first request was to have a name.

Odin allow the blue giant to name himself. So the nameless slave named himself Bob after the slave who adopted him after his mother died. Bob's next request was to have a weapon that was worthy of him. Odin told him to take the tarrasques remains to an omni forge master smith and the requested weapon would be made for him. Bob told odin that's all he needed.

Odin was obligated to grant Bob three request. Since Bob refused a third request, Odin touched Bob and made him an Odin touched battleborn rager.

So, now when Bob turns in the blue gaint runic symbols appear on his skin and he is filled with the prismatic energy of Asgard.

Since then Bob has roamed the planes looking for the omni forge master smith. While roaming bob met a slew of many powerful beings, to name just a few Odin, Thor, Heimdall, Freya, the Cesetial Zaphkiel, Queen Morwel of Court of Stars, Lolth, The Lady of Pain, Wyst, Tphaneron, Eanius.

Big Stabby:

The serrated double edge sword maul was created by Legion an omni forge master smith. As promised Bob was presented with a weapon worthy of him. When presented with the monstrous sword maul bob named it Big Stabby. Big Stabby is bonded with Bob. The excate classification of Big stabby is an omni-forged divine intellegent frist generation epic weapon of legacy.


Tarrasque leather loin cloth:

This loin is made from the same tarrasques Bigg stabby was made from, it is of the highest quality.

Tarrasque skin bag of preserving goods: This bag was awarded to Bob for beating Thor son of Odin in a arm wrestling contest with out enraging. this bag will preserve any food or liquid place in it forever. Bob calls this bag his snack sack. Also happens to be Thea Estra Pestalkin's extra-dimensional home.


Bob as a few abilities ganted to him by his blood heritage. Bob is a 25% asguardian, and 75% sapling of the world tree.

Abilities granted to bob from his World Tree heritage:

Sapling of Yggdrasil

Bark of Yggdrasil:

Due to the creature being more tree like than anything else it has tree bark like protrusions on it's skin and it's blood is sticky acidic sap.

The creature is actively immune to all forms of psychic abilities and magic. The creature also takes ninety-five percent less damage from all sources.

Tay inda wind:

The creature can see pheromones up to 30,000 yrds away.

The creature can speak to trees and plants in the ancient lost language of yggdrasil.(wether or not the trees and plants talk back is anyones guess.)

All plants seem to be happy to have his company.

The creature sees onmi-beings and gods as featureless shiney figures. The brighter the shine the more powerful the omni-being or god is.

Bob sees Rei Kira Akuma as a soft but very bright will-o-wisp that has streams of soft light coming from her.

He is the only being that sees Legion and Tao as ridiculously bright featureless figures.

Legion and Tao are so bright to him that they hurt his eyes.

Feed me Semore feed me all night long:

the creature can eat anything harmlessly for sustenance, up to one-thousand lbs or gallons.

Spring time growth:

The creature heals absurdly fast. The creature can regrow lost limbs or reattach them. If a lost limb isn't reattached it roots and a normal ash tree sprouts from it. If the creature is decapitated the head can be reattached. If the head is not reattached the head roots and the body regrows a new head over time.

Timeless Growth:

the creature no longer ages. The creature can endlessly grow in size creature when enraged.

Roots of Yggdrasil:

The creature can survive in any environment. If an environment lacks something the creature needs to live. The creature adapts to not need it over a short period of time.

Abilities granted to bob from his Asgardian Heritage:
Planner etched:

The first time the creature visits a plane it gains a runic symbol brand. If the creature has a runic symbol of a plane the creature can choose to return to that plane by passing through any potal they can fit through. Normal doorways can be used as a portal for the purpose of this ability.

Terrifying Enrager:

When this creature enrages all but the strongest opponents become terrified. They ether run away or become paralyzed with fear.

Odin touched:

When the creature enrages they are filled with prismatic energy of the bi-frost. The creature can no longer be harmed by fire, acid, cold, electricity, entropy, sonic, or negative energy drain.

Ruinous Rage:

While enraged most objects shatter if struck by the creature. Opponents struck by the creature take severe damage. If not out right sundered.

Incite Rage:

When the creature enrages it can cause its allies to enrage as well. The induced rage of allies from this ability does not end untill Bob rage ends.

Big Stabby:

Bigg Stabby has a few abilities as well. It's abilities mostly augment Bob.

Because Big Stabby is so, big. Small to medium sized creature can hide behide Big Stabby. Doing so grants a single small or medium creature full concealment from incoming attacks.

Big stabby can actively refuse to be moved by anyone or anyhting that trys to move it. Except for Bob.

Words will never hurt you, but Bob sure the Fook Can:

Big stabby is bound to Bob. If anyone can steal Big Stabby from Bob. Big Stabby Telepathically screams " HEY, DUMB FUCK QUIT FINGER FOOKING MY POLISH. IF YOU CONTINUE TO FOOK UP MY POLISH WITH YOUR MEATY NUMBS, BOB'S GOING TO SKULL FOOK YOUR SOUL!".

Everyone in one-hundred yards from Big Stabby's location can hear it's screaming.(everyone except Bob)

After screaming Big Stabby teleports into Bobs hand. Big Stabby then provokes Bob into enraging, this rage doesn't end untill whoever tried to steal big stabby apologizes to Big Stabby.

While the provoked rage lasts for however long, Bob can only subdue other creatures. Also Big Stabby can track the person no matter where they go untill they apologize.

Blood and Bone:

Anytime there is blood on Big Stabby the bone material absorbs it. After Big Stabby has absorbed blood any creature struck by it suffers from a maiming wound.

A maimed creature must submit by taking a knee or bleeds out and become unconscious.

The maimed effect lasts untill the creature is healed by magical means.

Twice as hard as a rock:

Big Stabby is indestructible. Big Stabby is immune to the effects of time and can not be disintegrated, sundered, or destroyed by any means.

Not as dumb as a rock:

Big Stabby has beyond brilliant genius level of intelligence. Because of it's intelligence Big Stabby can telepathically speak to everyone except Bob. (i.e. when it speaks to bob's allies "Hey buddy, You know that big guy named Bob that follows you around, Well he's pissed off and you're in the way.

If you would be so kind to take a few steps out of the way. If not, I am going to hate having Bob clean your remains out of my serrations later.")

Anytime Bob enrages while holding Big Stabby. Big Stabby telepathy roars as loud as a tarrasques.

This roar can be heard for thousands of miles by everyone except Bob. Those not smart enough to flee as fast as possible hear this message. "SKULL FOOKING SOULS IS MY BUSINESS AND MY BUSINESS IS BOOMING MOFO'S!"

Unyeilding Rage:

When any creature that is struck by Bigg Stabby dies as a result. Bob gets healed. the amount depends on the strength of the creature killed. If a creature would be subdued by being struck by Big Stabby Bobs movement speed becomes beyond that of a god of speed.

Detests Shimmer:

Big Stabby has only one hated enemy The vile unholy avenger named Shimmer. Shimmer is Big Stabby's older sibling in their sword family.

Not if, but when Big Stabby and Shimmer confront one another. Bob will be wielding Big Stabby.


When Big Stabby confronts Shimmer. Big Stabby unleashes its full power. Big stabby turns Bob into an omni-being of hunger and rage. Any attacks made with Big Stabby against Shimmer directly cause maximum destruction possible.

Not if, but when Big Stabby destorys Shimmer, all the pieces of Shimmer get absorbed by Big Stabby . Big Stabby then telepathically yells so loud that all gods can hear. "THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE!"

Bob's omni-being of hunger & rage status becomes permanent.

A celestial war beacon becomes fixed on Bob's position and travels with him at all times.

This beacon is ether a challenge or a warning to all other omni-beings or gods. If an omni-being or god is on the same plane of existence as Bob they get a telepathic message from Bigg Stabby.

"Hey if you think your an all powerful. COME AND GET YOUR SOUL SKULL FOOKED, I DARE YOU!, If not run away like a little bitch ass mortal you really are."

A God of War took up this challenge, The conflict between Bob and the God of War lasted only a fraction of a nano-second.

Bob decapitated the God of War with a single swing of the sword maul Big Stabby. Bob then hung the God of Wars head by a braid of hair from his loin cloth ether to provoke other gods or as a warning to them.

(Apon learning of the outcome of the conflict Odin simply smirked and mumbled "That's my boy.")

Although this did not actually kill the God of War it did establish Bob as a being not to be fooked with.

Bob is the only omni-being that can be summoned to appear by casting a spell.
Anyone that worships Odin can use this spell and summon The Omnivore.

Conjuration (Summoning) [Good]
Level: Sanctified 9
Components: V, S, Sacrifice
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range:Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Effect: 2 or more summoned creatures,
no two of which can be more than
30 ft. apart
Duration: 1 minute/level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

The caster opens a portal to one of the good-aligned outer planes and calls forth celestials to aid in battle against the most fearsome forces of evil. The spell takes place over a period of time.

The first round, avorals arrive.
Two rounds later, a ghaele eladrin arrives to join the fight.
Two rounds later, an astral deva arrives.

Once these creatures appear, they serve the caster for the duration of the spell. The spell’s duration begins the instant the first celestials appear. At the end of the spell’s duration, all summoned celestials disappear at once.

The celestials only heed the summons if the caster is of good alignment and there are evil foes to fight. After their arrival, the celestials obey the caster explicitly and never attack her, even if someone else manages to gain control over them.

The caster does not need to concentrate to maintain control over the celestials. She can dismiss them singely or in groups at any time. Sacrifice: 1 character level.

If the caster is a worshiper of any god of Asguardian Pantheon.

Bob The Omnivore Omni-being of hunger & rage is summoned instead of the Astral Diva.

When Bob is summoned instead of the astral diva, a murder of crows pours out from the portal then incircles the battlefield stoping anyone from fleeing the field of battle and then numerious lighting bolts of prismatic energy strike the battle field randomly followed by three blasts from a horn of deafness that only affect opponets .

Once the last blast from the horn falls silent all other celestrials fly from the field of battle back into the portal. Bob flys out of the portal and attacks the evil creature with the most Hit Dice with a slam attack ussing Big Stabby. On the next round Bob randomly attacks any evil alignment creatures on the battle field with leap attacks ussing big stabby followed by whirlwind attacks. The leap attacks have an stun area of effect of twenty feet around the point of impact.

The Omnivore continues attacking in this fashion untill there is only one evil alignment creature left on the field of battle that has not yielded to his might.

The Omnivore then automatically hits the last evil alignment creature with a charge attack. Once the last evil aligned creature submits Bob plants his foot on the creature and savagely roars then the murder of crows incircle him, with a clash of thunder. The Omnivore and the crows disappear in a flurry of absolute black crow feathers ending the Armageddon spell.

If there are any evil aligned Avatars, Demi-gods or Gods on the battle field.

Big Stabby telepathically yells. "YUM, YUM, COME GET SOME." All evil aligned Avatars, Demi-Gods, or Gods either flee ussing devine intervention or become forcefully provoked into attacking The Omnivore and can only attack.

All of Bob attacks for the Duration of the Armageddon spell do sub-dual damage only.

Any evil creature struck with Big stabby is considered maimed and takes half damage each turn untill they yield or fall unconscience.

This maimed status can only be cured by magical from a good aligned creature.

Special note on Bob
I a huge fan of the Marvel Character Hulk, Thor and Grout. So, Bob is my version of mixing there abilities into a character of my making. Although i am not what some would call a diehard fanboy of the comic books that these character appear in. I am a Huge fanboy of the character themselves.
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