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Rated: XGC · Appendix · Biographical · #2299138
Character bio
Character Bio
Mia Zin Jin

Rei Kira Akuma, The Rei, Tabooed, Shin Rei Akuma,
Geisha, Underground Street Fighter, Ninja Assassin/Spy
Physical Description:
strict genealogical japanese heritage
geisha: pale skin, normal musclar build, human female, five foot 1 inches tall, one-hundred fifteen pounds, hazel eyes, very long raven black hair kept in a very regal tradional geisha's fashion style, non tradional black silk kimono that doesn't show the nape of her neck it has mid-night sky dark blue clouds that have red linings scattered across it, the kimono resembels a cloudy night sky that's about to flood the land with blood, white base high fashion face paint with mid-night sky dark blue metallic flecks that sparkle, light crimson red metallic fleck eye shadow, light crimson red lip paint, high fashion silk geisha tabi, high fashion wooden sandles, stunningly beautiful looking, (guilty of causing all sexs to rubber neck)
Underground street fighter: medium tanned skin, trimmed muscular build, human female, five foot five inches tall, one-hundred twenty-seven pounds, hazel eyes, looks twenty-three years old, short raven black hair kept in a professional fighter's style, no destinguishing marks very plain looking. wears a plain white top with the japanese kanji painted on it that says no mercy in our soul and boxer trunks that are crimson red with a mid-night blue strip running down the side with durrable lether sandles .
Assassin/Spy: naked ghostly palish blue semi-transparent anorexic muscular build human female, five foot tall, looks one-nundred pounds, looks like a sixteen year old, long raven black hair thats a rats nest of knots, long jagged tears self manifest in her palish blue skin as if repeatly being flogged where the tears appear to over lap one another chuncks of flesh fall off and turn into black color ectoplasmic ooze. her hands and feet have been degloved exsposing the underlining tissues and bones, her eyes look as if thay have been scratched out exposing the orbit bones, her eyes are soild black orbs that float in there sockets.
Shin Rei Akuma: Constanly flickers in a out of the ethereal hift forms endlessly, has no physical features, a large black sphere of annihilation hover six inches over its head with several smaller multi- colored spheres of annihilation orbiting it.
geisha: gentle, with purpose, soft spoken, timid nature, can become manic life of the party when necessary.
Underground Street Fighter: no non-sense attitude, cold, distant, always coolhead and calculating when in a fight, always steps ahead her opponent(s), highly goal focused while training.
Assassin: She is hands down insane and an evil like the world has never seen before. manic, hyper aggressive, substance dependant, hysterical, psychopathic, sociopathic, and as if it had to be said more than prone to violent behavior. a.k.a. A perfect murder / torture hobo
Shin Rei Akuma: has no personality
Habits / Mannerisms
alcoholic fiend, tilting her head from side to side at an extreme angles, and other general oddball behavior, prone to hideous laughter when on the same plane of existence as her husband.
Shin Rei Akuma: Does whatever whenever at its own whim, only gives its attention to other omni-beings.
Back Ground:
Started her life as an omni being of darkness known as Shin Rei. Got re-incarnated into human form by The Divine Lord Buddha for refusing to become a divine being to harold his teaching to man. Became and eidolon after ritualistically committing suicide to complete the ninth trial of the nine paths of immortality, Later became a Divine/Vile being of Chaos
Internal conflict: Knows as a matter of fact that mankind is capable of being far better than they are, suffers from multiple mental disorder.
External conflict:
Actively seeks out and kills individuals whom she believes are the cause of mankinds lack of willingness to be better than they are.
She is haunted by little ghostly jesters that whisper paranoia re-inforce statements to her. One in particularly name Jodan aka The Taunting One
General notes:
Ki Martial Training:

Rei was trained to use her ki martial arts at a romote temple by monks at the temple. After training to use ki martial arts for eight years she was selected by the elders of the temple to under go further ki martial training as a ninja. Rei trained as a ninja for an additional five years before she was accepted into the temples ghost ninja training. Rei trained as a ghost ninja for two years before she was allowed to under go the nine paths of immortility. The Nine Paths of Immortality is a series of nine trails by ordeal. The series of pass fail trials cullminates in a ritualistic self sacifice to the patron God of the temple. Thus resulting in the death of the person under going the trail. The person must die and resist the calling to the true after life and return to the world of the living as an eidolon.

After Rei successfuly passed the Nine Paths of Immortality. Her mentor Lord Baron Edge and Rei traveled the ethereal realm for just over a century in search of a being known as The Taunting One. Lord Baron Edge requested that Rei recieve train by The Taunting One. Once the Taunting One threw a beating on Lord Baron Edge and Rei, It agreed to train Rei for no longer than one-thousand years with one stipulation. The Taunting One trained Rei in ki focus, channeling, and creation, thus ultimely teaching Rei how to take the ki form of a Taunting huant Sage . At the end of the thousand years The Taunting One cursed Rei as the heir to the title of The Taunting One.

Rei would spend another thousand years in the ethereal realm experimenting and mastering her Taunting haunt sage form and sage ki jutsu's.


Grandmaster of ghost taijutsu style of fighting. She created the feigning ghost death touch technique. Rei specializatied in ki focus, channeling, and creation, Grandmastered ki weapon creation, Created and Grandmastered several unique ki jutsu's and gen jutsu's, Grandmastered her Taunting Haunt Sage form.
Created her own version the ki clone technique called Rei Ki Kuron which she calls the clones "The Rei", she created God's Fear Death Cloak, Was at one time an avater to the vile God Rallastar, As such was the wielder of the avatar twin kukri Insanity and Pain set, Has honed supernatural ghost powers of eidolon, Was rebuked by Lord Buddha once as punishment and once by Buddha tricking her, Became an Omni being of Chaos. Heir to the title The Taunting One, She has a insanely extensive list of skills you dont want someone to have thats trying to kill you. Should be in your top twenty list of beings or entities not to be fucked with.
Avatar weapons:
Twin Kukri of Insanity and Pain:
The orginal set was made for her by the omni-forge mater smith Legion when she became the an avatar for the Vile God Rallastar. The blades were full tang contructed, one and a half foot long, quater inch thick, made of some unknown vile material that had viens of annihilation material scattered acrossed them. The handle or scales were made from the skeletial remain of a previous avatar to the vile God.
Rei later learned how to recreate the set of kukri out of ki charged ectoplasm. She reutrn the set to the omni forge master smith Legion. They reside in his personal trophy case as a testament to over coming ones master.
Once Rei learned how to create the set of kukri by only ussing ki creation techniques. She now can create, swap, and dismiss both kukri at her whim. The Blades are now full tang constructed one and a half foot long, quater inch thick red obisdian colored ki charged ectoplasm that has black viens of annihilation material scattered across them. The handle or scales are made from the irovy bone colored ki charged ectoplasm. They're ghost touched as well meaning they can be wielded by ghosts and can hit ghosts as well.
the ki contructioned blade are just as powerfull as the orginals in every way but are not bound to the vile God Rallastar.

The effect of the Kukri of Insanity:
the kukri of insanity does no physical harm to it victim(s).
Those whom touched by it intsantly hallucinate and are paralyzed. The hallucination is whatever the victim wants most to happen the moment they were touched by the Kukri of insanity. the hallucation continues to play out everything the victim wants even if the kurkri of Insanity is no longing touching the victim.
(i.e. in the victims mind the kukri never touch them and there well on there way to killing or have killed Rei Kira Akuma and are most likly agruing who gets what off her body or what do to or with her body. the hallucination has no end it just keeps rolling along with whatever the victim wants. Can you say, "placate", i knew you could.)
It's when the victim is struck more than once that the kukri of insanity really lives up to its name. It can bestow several mental disorder to it's victim. the number of mental disorder varies depending on the victim. the kukri of insanity only has to touch its victim. Rei Kira is the only being not affected by it. It can and most certianly has driven atleast one divine beings insane. The mental disorders playout in the halucinaton of the victim. If the victim some how alievates the paralyzing effect or the halucination the victim will still suffer from the bestowed mental disorders.
fun little note: Rei kira sometimes leaves it laying around in hopes that someone picks it up thinking it's the kuri of pain
The kukri of Pain:
The kukri of Pain looks excatly the same as the kukri of Insanity in every way right down to its atomic mass. Once you've seen what it can do in combat you'll want to get you hands on it really bad.
The kukri of pain does do physcial harm its victim to the point of fucking them up. Once a victim has been touched by the blade. The victims life essence is very painfully drained out of them and granted to the wielder.
When a victim is being drained has a highly visual red mist effect. Meaning everyone that's in the area can see the effect of the victim being drained. The longer the blade touches it's victim the effect compounds.
If the victim is continuously touched by the blade for more than a minute the victim can instantly die from extreme pain.
The victim doesn't scream in pain, their corpse does. If killed in such a fashion the victim becomes a taunting haunt that haunts the wielder of the kukri of pain.
Clarification on life essence and how Rei Kira Akuma uses these kukri. Life essence it is the spark of life. The wielder not only gets healed by the drained life essence but they get all abilities that the victim had.
(I.e. Let's say you're a normal run of the mill human and you just happen to touch a god of flying with the kukri of pain. Yes, that's right you become god like for a time.) The effect of the drained essence does wear off but that depends on how strong the life essence is. You can't just become a god, you have to earn it.
Now imagine if you will that you didn't know about the kuri of insanity. You just happen to see someone become a god with the kukri of pain. Then for whatever reason they drop it while there flying off. Ummm yoink, you're know holding your new kukri. You'll never know that it is the kukri of insanity instead. You can't because your hallucinating that you got the Kukri of pain.
Rei likes ussing the kukri of pain in combat and allows it to leave her hand after she's used it. Except it's not the kukri of pain that leaves her hand it's the kukri of insanity instead. She can dismiss and create both kukri at her whim. There is no way of telling when she switches them. If you were skilled and had a keen eye,- cough- a god. You'll be able to tell that she pulled a switch, but still wouldn't know which kukri is which.

Exsample of Rei Kira just practicing taijutsu:

The wisp of a figure appear out of the ethereal and then rolled forward, then sprang up into the air landing behide the striking bag which Rei chose as target. The series of seven hand strikes were so fast the strikes looked as if they never touched the bag with her fists. The accuracy, speed, and strenght of Rei's strikes caused a sudden pressure differential in the air pressure in fort of her hands. Thus causing serval but just audible sonic booms. It wasn't till the start of the second set of strikes that the sand inside the strike bag started pouring out of the holes created by the frist series of strikes.
The second set of strike were altering between normal palm strikes and twisting palm strikes which again cause serval just audible sonic booms. The sand started gushing out of the striking bag as she started with a third series of strikes. This set of strikes would be foot strikes. The series of raising spining kicks starting at the bottom of the bag and then one foot up another kick and so and so on till she reached the top of the striking bag.
The striking bag had had enough by the time she landed the second kick. The bottom quater of the striking bag flew across the room as sand trailed behide it. What sand that was left in the striking bag didnt fall out of the missing bottom quater of it till the bottom quater landed close to thirdy yards away. Then two really loud sonic booms were heard.
As Rei tilted her head to the right, she had a fuck you striking bag for being a little bitch look on her face. Then she turned and took as single step and vanished.
Jutsu's Rei Kira Akuma created or "perfected"
Higoho Rei Ki Kuron jutsu:
Know as the Outlawed Rule of Law Spirit Clone technique. Named rei clone jutsu for short. Is a highly complex insanely stupid jutsu to prefrom. Even with specialization in ki creation and specialized training of this jutsu. Ussing it once will cause the user to suffer a fate far worse than death. The Rei Kuron jutsu allows the martial ki user to create an exacte copy of themself that has all there skills and abilities. The Rei Kuron also has exact copies of all items that he user of the jutsu had on them at time of the Rei Kuron's creation. The Rei Kuron is permanent it can not be dismissed, it has to die. The Rei Kuron and the martial ki user can't be told apart even by the martial ki use whom created the Rei Kuron. Any Rei Kuron created have a prefect hive mind with the ki user that created it.
The major draw back to ussing this jutsu is having to wrap your mind around the fact that you will no longer have a single mind with singular perspective. The more clones created the mirkier ones mind gets. The creation of a single clone ussing this jutsu can cause mental break. The line between self and clone becomes non-existant.
Another major concern of ussing this jutsu is when a clone dies. Any clones and the user of the jutsu that remain have the perspective of the one that died. This perspective is just visiual although those that reamin also know how it felt for the clone to die. This too can cause mental break.
Yet another issue is in a way the usser of this jutsu becomes near immortal. Althought the clones can die from old age. They don't have the same experation date so to speak when it comes to dieing from old age. The mental regidity of the mind gets streched untill it snaps over time normally. Having to wade throught mutliple perspective speeds the minds snapping. This also can cause mental disorder.

Ki shuriken creation jutsu:
The martial ki user must be specialized in the ki creation to use this technique. The normal version of this technique allows, the martial ki user to create any style of shuriken ussing their ki to from it. As long as all the shurikens created can be held in a single hand and be immediatley thrown, the martial ki user can create more than one at a time.
The Rei ki shuriken jutsu version not only creates ki shurikens. The martial ki user can add any number of desired effects to a single ki shuriken. I.E. homming, explosive, imposive, teleporting to the target, teleporting the target to some place else that the martial ki user knows really well, creating a Rei Ki clone on impact or while in flight. Or all the above the effecs can happen in any order the martial ki users would like. Also the effects are not limit to just these. If the martial ki users has the ki to use the skys the limit. However it's very costly jutsu to preform once let alone two or three times. Not only does the martial ki user have to specialize in ki creation and have enough ki to prefrom this jutsu. By just trying to use the jutsu once without out specialized training and the martial ki user can die from over ussing there ki to preform this jutsu.

Ki Annihilation bomb jutsu:
The jutsu is highly complex and performing it is an act of lunacy.
This jutsu is extremely dangerous and can out right kill the Ki user if preformed right or wrong.
To preform this jutsu the ki user must be able to create Ki charged ectoplasm and be able to shape it as well.

Methodology of the Ki Annihilation Bomb jutsu

Step 1) Ki charged ectoplasm

Create a small amount of ectoplasm.

Then channel a small amount of Ki into the ectoplasm.

Doing so creates Ki chraged ectoplasm.

The Ki user can freely control all aspect of the ectoplasm as long as they channel ki into the ectoplasm.

Step 2) Create dimentional flickering ki charged ectoplasm

The Ki user must continueiously use a ghost strike ability to rapidly flicker the ki charged ectoplasm between being able to strike corporeal or ethereal.

Doing so slowly causes the dimentional barrier between ethereal plane and material plane to weaken.

Step 3) Wash, rinse, repeat

The Ki user must maintain the already created ki charged ectoplasm while continully rapidly flickering it.

Create another flicking orb of ki charged ectoplasm.

Mastery of this step is required before preforming the next step.

Step 4) creation of a sphere of annihilation

The Ki use must continueiously flicker the two orbs of ki charged ectoplasm.

While one orb of the ki charged ectoplasm is able to strike ethereal and the other corporeal.

The ki user must then quickly force the two orbs to occupy the same space.

If preformed correctly this creates a specialized sphere of annihilation.

if successful the ki user has complete control of all aspects any sphere of annihilation they created in this fashion, this includes moving them at their whim as long as the ki user can channel their ki into the sphere.

If done wrong for what ever reason.

the ki user and anything else around the point of which trying to force the orbs together failed is sucked into a random plane of existance. ( This really sucks )

In the worse case the user and anything else around is utterly destoryed, no divine intervention, no wish spell, no prayer, there is no hope of bringing the user or anything else back from being destoryed in this fashion.

Step 5) Lunacy Making the sphere into a ki bomb

At anytime the Ki User can cause the sphere created in this fashion to implode sucking anything into it to be destory it. This is done by stoping the channeling of ki for a fraction of a second then forcing a large amount of Ki into the sphere by means of ki channeling.

Anything not sucked into the sphere will be hit with an intense wave of energy that will destory or kill anything caught in it. This also includes the user of the jutsu

Step 6) Mastery of The Ki Annihilation Bomb

Repeatly use the Ki Annihilation Bomb to learn about how to best to use it. Constantly Testing different aspects of it. Use Caution in doing so. It is highly reconmended to use baby steps while preforming such testing. Testing is best done on planes of existance where the least amount of damage to self and the plane can be caused at first.

Also it should be noted that this jutsu does draw some unwanted attention of Vile and Divine Beings. Consider yourself forewarned these beings are not to be fucked with.

The benefit of mastering this jutsu allows the user to create a ki annihilation bomb in an instant at the user whim. It also allows the user absolute control of any spheres they create.

Rei Kira Akuma uses a special configuration of ki annihilation bombs to increase its potency.
She creates a total of four ki bombs one larger than the others. She then forces huge amount of ki into the three smaller ones just before she froces them into the larger sphere. This forces the smaller ones to detonate the large one. Doing so makes the resulting implotion and explotion of energy afterwards a hundred fold greater.

The Gods Fear Death Cloak jutsu :




If one so chooses to preform this act of lunacy it will cause insanity.

Methology of The God's Fear Death Cloak

Step 1) Creation of a Ki charged ectoplasm layer around ones self

Ki user creates enough ectoplasm to cover them self in a layer of ectoplasm.

The user then continuously channels their ki into the ectoplasmic layer.

This layer should form a shell of ectoplasm completely round the user.

Practice creating this ectoplamic layer untill its creation is mastered.

Mastery occurs when creation of the ectoplasmic layer is instantious and can be done at the whim of the user.


Benfits of the ectoplasmic layer: the user can manipulate all aspects of it. The most benifictional effect is when the ki user channels their Ki into this layer it acts a barrier that can absorb anything that might harm the user.

This barrier does have a finite limit of protection that it offers . Anything that the ectoplasmic layer absorbs drains ki from the user.

The downside of ussing the barrier to absorb harm is if the user Ki is completly drained of Ki the user falls unconsciencious into a persitant coma.

Step 2) Creation of annihilation layer


As per the Ki Annihilation Bomb jutsu the user creates an annihilation sphere. then shapes the resulting sphere into a thin layer around the ki charged ectoplasmic layer.

Once the annihilation layer is formed over the Ki charged ectoplasmic layer it will feed off it.

The user must then only maintain channeling there ki into the ki chraged ectoplasmic layer at the rate at which the annihilation layer feeds on ectoplasmic layer.


Mastering both step 1 & 2 allows the user to create a lesser Gods Fear Death Cloak at the users whim. It also allows the user to control over all aspects of the lesser form of the jutsu.

Step 3) Mastery of The Gods Fear Death Cloak Jutsu



repeat step 1 & 2 until there are multiple layers of ki charged ectoplamic and annihilation layers.

Doing so causes a chain reaction of the annihilation layers feeding off the ki charged ectoplasmic layers. the user only has to channel ki into the first ectoplamic layer. the annihiltion layers feeding off the layer of ki charged ectoplasmic that ki is being channeled into causes a complex reaction in which feeds the next ki charged layer ki. This chain reaction presists with in the difenet layer of the Gods fear Death cloak as long as the user channels ki into the first ki charged ectoplasmic layer.

The desired effect is that the user has covered themself with numerious layers of annihilation that can not be penatrated or negated by even the strongest Godly magics.

The undersired effect will happen once the user of the jutsu can no longer channel ki into the first ki charged layer. Once the first annihilation layer depletes the first ki charge layer there is an instantious chain reaction colapse of all the other layers.

This chain reaction colapse will create a hole in a given number of planes of existance equal to the number of annihilation layers.

The creation of such a hole will slowly anihilate all plane of existance that they exists in.

Only Intervention of several Devine and Vile beings can close such a hole in a existance.

The end result of which is and should be the user of the jutsu will be held in limbo untill such time that all of creation can judge them.

It is reasonable to assume that having to close such a hole upsets such beings at the very least.

More so it might upset the DM as well. ( This jutsu has pissed off atleast one DM in my time when it was used as a means of defence in responce to a God attempting to punch Rei Kira Akuma resulting in the annihilation of not only the God but all of the Gods devine energy. Which is not a good thing )

There are a couple of upsides as well the user can safely end the jutsu at anytime by simply dismissing the outer most annihilation layer then each underlying layer one at a time. The creation of the chain reaction between the layers of the Gods Fear Death Cloak create a sources of Ki which the user can give to numerious others.

Once mastery of The Gods Fear Death Cloak Jutsu is achieved the user can maintain it endlessly, the user can create it and dissmiss it at their whim.

Crono Gen Ki jutsu

Little is know about this type of jutsu due to it being a generational gifted jutsu. This mean your born with the ability to use it. Wether one with it can use it is solely depending on the extent of the ki users ability to use their ki. There are very few that have such gen ki jutsu. Often those that do have them never reach a level of ki use to their gift.

The Crono Gen Ki Jutsu allows the ki user to time travel in some way. Any rules or laws of time travel do not apply to those whom are gifted with this gen ki jutsu. However their is a huge draw back to this gen ki jutsu the user of it will go insane due to the strain in has on the mind.

In practice this jutsu is different for every gen ki jutsu user that has the ability.

In Rei Kira Akuma case her body doesn't travel. It's her mind that travels. This limits her to travel throught time to when she existed as a phsyical being. She can not travel to when she didn't have a body for her mind to transplant into. This also limits her ability to travel forward in time.

The most concering is her future self will lose all knoweldge and gain only the knowledge the new seeding mind has. All ki clones have a hive mind with the ki user. So if you wipe one's memory and seed it you do it to all the clones as well. A few clones is no problem but seeding the mind into the number of ki clones Rei Kira Akuma maintains can cause dangerous level of strain on her mind. She is without a doubt the most insane thing in all of existance. This is due to having used this ability to seed her mind into her future self when she had hundreds of trillions of ki clones. Then reseeding her mind in a past self several times.

Rei Kira Akuma has become addicted to seeding and reseeding her mind into her ki clones. She derives an insane amount of pain and plessure from doing so. The existance of Y'tin A'sni was created from this addiction.

Her alcoholicism stems from her use of this ability as well. This is why she became a drunken master. Rather than endlessly seeding and reseeding her mind she began drinking.

Her drinking has gotten to the point that she no longer drinks alcohol. The huge wine gourd she is forced to carry is not filled with an alcholic liquid. All though it does have a strong alcoholic smell. The liquid in the gourd is liquidify time itself.

If any non-god like being drinks the liquid from her gourd they age and get younger at the same time.( this is not a pleasent death ) This makes the liquid contain in her gourd an extremely dangerous compound.

Her alcoholism isn't an addiction it's her method of self medicating the strain on her mind. If she doesn't drink a large amount of the liquid from her gourd. She slips into her full ghost like presences and unleases her full insanity onto all existance.

Omni Gen Ki Jutsu

This gen ki jutsu is rare and is only gifted to a few with extornary orgins.

This gen ki jutsu allows the ki user at first to have the ability use larger than normal amounts of ki. Over time depending on the gifted use of ki and the amount of ki used the ki user will reach the point that they have no limit on the amount of ki they can use at any given time.

To have this gen ki jutsu unlocked fully is like having cosmic energy flowing into and through you.

The only draw back to fully unlocking this gen ki jutsu is becoming an omni-being.

Some might believe that being an omni-being is all roses. It however is not the sole purpose of an omni-being is to keep the balance of comsic energy. An omni-being is a servent or a slave to
the cosmos.

An omni-being must cut all ties to all they know. In most cases omni-beings are isolated. Only having contact with beings that cause an imbalance of cosmic energies. Other that that omni-being rarly have any contact with another being.

Having this gen ki jutsu is alot like have a predispostion to a illness that is life threating. The ki user must choose to out right stop ussing ki or eventually they will become an Omni-being. Doing so is no easy task for someone with this gen ki jutsu. The urge to use ki becomes like a vampyres thirst for blood. The only thing that alievates this thirst is the use of ki. Once the ki user alievates their thirst is near impossible for them to stop ussing there ki.


Rei Kira Akuma has one of the most potent cursed genjustu's. It was not created by her it was bestowed on her by a cursed ethereal being called the Taunting One. This genjutsu is a curse. Once bestowed the ki user that has it is forevermore surrounded by taunting haunts. These taunting haunts can not be banish or exorcised, there is no way to get rid of them.

Once someone has focused their attention on Rei Kira Akuma for a given time. The genjustu allows a large number of taunting haunts that surround Rei Kira Akuma to attach themseleves to those that are overly observant of Rei Kira Akuma. There is no way to remove the taunting haunts that attach themselves to another being. They aren't real there mental projections of Rei Kira Akuma mental insanity. They do however act as actual Taunting Haunts and have their full abilities.

If you ever wonder if an insane person could be driven more insane,they can. Rei Kira Akuma's insanity is compound infinitely due to have to deal with these Taunting Haunts. It's due to this genjutsu the mental effect of other jutsu's she has used as made her into a Tabooed ghost ninja and lead her to becoming an Omni-being of Insanity.

Tabooed Sage:

There have been a handful of tabooed ghost ninja sages over the ages. However there are only three that are mentioned when speaking about Tabooed ghost ninja. Rei Kira Akuma is the newest Tabooed ghost ninja sage. The other two living Tabooed ghost ninja fear her. It is this fear that commands their respect for her talent. Rei Kira Akuma has never met the other two ghost ninja sages. this is becuase the other two give her a wide birth due to not want to be draged into her insanity.

Tabooed Taunting Haunt sage mode:

This status is somewhat like sage mode in the manga and anime Naruto. There are some differences. The perfect form of it takes on more aspects of the thing being channeled.

Rei Kira Akuma's channels the energy that of all Taunting haunts in all realms of existance. When in this mode she appears as a torment female ghost dragging a huge wine gourd that is chained to her. An grimmy chipped jesters hat crown floats above her head.The flesh of her hands and feet are degloved. Tears in her skin appear as if she is continuely being flogged. These tears disappear and reappear over time. When these tears over lap one another chucks of ectoplasmic flesh fall off her. After a second these chucks of ectoplasmic flesh turn into black puddles of ectoplasm then disapate over time.

While Rei Kira Akuma is in this status she draws the attention of every being around her. The area in which her genjutsu's affect is expand massively. Rei Kira Akuma can not cause or be physically harmed while in this status. However it does allow the spread of her cursed genjutsu over medium sized town depending on how spread out it is.

This status does have its limitations, most ghost ninja sages can't maintain it for long due to the massive amount of ki used while in this status. Some sages are limited to when they can use it. In the case of Rei Kira Akuma she can not cause phsyical harm or be harmed while in this status. She can enter it at anytime and stay in it for years at a time. This is due to her inability to use her ki other than to boost the effects of her cursed genjutsu.

It is due to her use of this status that the other taboo sages fear her. The other taboo sages consider her appearance in sage mode to be a prefect copy of a being Known as The Taunting One an anceint malevolent sage spirit. As if it needs to be said Rei Kira Akuma is the the so called crowned princess of all taunting huants. She is the heir to The Taunting Ones throne.

Rei Kira Akuma has special type eyes granted to her by the Omni-Forge. The eyes are called eyes of the cosmic abyss. The eyes are not linked to the realm / plane known as the abyass. The eyes of cosmic abyss allow Rei Kira Akuma to directly link her ki to the cosmos and use it as at her whim. Futher more the eyes allow her to negate others usage of ki. The eyes abilities extend even futher Rei can link her Ki to any being she has ever laid her eyes on. She can use this link as a weapon against a being by draining of its essence or bolster it.

As it stands now Rei Kira Akuma is the Omni-being of Chaos. When her time come she has no choice but to take The Taunting Ones throne. She will lay aside the title and powers of an Omni being and donn the title of The Taunting One.

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