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I also post on Ao3, but wanted to post it here as well. |
Finals are coming up and our boy Tommy, despite being the smartest in his class was a unusually nervous and begun eating his nerves away. While our tall(ish) red head hated seeing his best friend this way, all while slowly discovering he has feelings for the blue haired boy. Does Tommy also have these feelings? We shall see. Tommy is 14 and is 5'1 Chuckie is 15 and 5'7 This will get updated eventually, as much as I love these dorks, still gotta do some more research lol "Tommy!" Tommy shook his head. Looking around finally remembering where he was. "Sorry Chuckie, how long was I out?" Tommy asked. Looking down at his empty lunch pan and panning across the table. Phil and Lil were busy comparing soccer scores while Kimi and Susie were busy working on a project. He couldn't find Dil, but he was sure he was around and than he looked to his immediate left and there was Chuckie. The red head looked utterly concerned at the blue haired boy. "You ate your food faster than I have ever seen Phil do it" He said. Phil looked over and nodded in agreement. "And the next thing I know is, you're just staring blankly at your plate, like a zombie!" "I-I'm sorry Chuckie. I'm sure its nothing and once school's over I will be fine" Tommy assured. Chuckie just shakes his head. Placing his hand on Tommy's shoulder and smiles. "I don't think so Tommy, maybe we could have a sleepover at your house? You have been like this for a few weeks now and we gotta get to the bottom of this" Chuckie offered. "I mean, I gotta ask my parents a-" "I already asked them, they have been noticing it too so they told me ye-" The bell rang, and the taller ginger boy frowned. The group gathered all their trash and made their ways and plopped it in the cans. "I-i'll see you later Tommy!" Chuckie yelled as Phil guided him to class. Tommy went to holler back, but was cut off by the rest of the student body as the lunch bell kept ringing. "I swear he makes that bell louder every lunch" Tommy muttered as he walked with Susie to their next class. "With Pangborn, would it surprise you? Also, Chuckie is right, what's been going on Tommy?" "I don't know, you can't tell Chuckie, because, well, he is Chuckie. I keep getting up hours before my alarm and i don't know why" "Stressed maybe? I mean, finals are coming up, but you know you got this Tommy. You have a pretty good head on those shoulder, just keep studying and you will be fine" Tommy smiled at Susie. She was right, as long as he kept up his habits, he would be just fine. The two kids make their way through the classroom just as the teacher begun class. While Tommy was settling into his English class, Chuckie and Phil begun everyone's favorite class, math. Chuckie groaned and fidgeted. Its not that he was bad at math, but something was VERY wrong, at least in his head, with his best friend. "He's fine Chuckie. It's Tommy, he will be fine!" "Yeah, Tommy is always fine, but you remember that time I asked him to make Kimi and I's video for our parents wedding anniversary? He was up for like a week straight!" "Ok, yeah that may have happened, but just re-" Phil was cut off by their teacher. The two boy's sighed and started their class work. The day dragged on for the whole gang. Just as the final bell rang in Tommy's class, a call to attention to the front of the class was issued and all the heads and talking stopped and all attention was to the teacher. "I know you all are looking forward to summer vacation" Cheers erupted from every corner in the classroom, but the teacher quickly shushed them down. "But remember! Finals is a massive portion of your final grade. You need to study accordingly, unless you are like Susie or Tommy, I'm sure you two will ace this with your eyes shut" Tommy laughed nervously while Susie just smirked. Just as the discussion began, the classroom erupted with the sounds of chairs squealing as they were pushed back and everyone bolted out of the room as final bell rang. Tommy let out a sigh of relief and grabbed his backpack and pushed his way through the student body. He watched different groups of kids laughing, something he had rarely been doing recently, no matter how hard his friends had tired. Chuckie was about the closest, but even then, it was a struggle. But, what could the great Tommy pickles be going through? People used to fight over him back when the BLEK group recruited him for his inventing prowess, and tall those other times, but Tommy didn't understand why he was so popular sometimes. Especially when he looked in the mirror, he was short, soft and getting flabby. The latter really stung when he thought about it. He wasn't supposed to be, but no matter what he tried he couldn't feel confident in himself, but he couldn't let his guard down. He had to be strong because he was afraid Chuckie would be let down, after all, Tommy had to be the strong one, the one that always said the right things at the right time. But, sometimes being that person is exhausting. "Tommy!" The familiar voice snapped him out of his trance and he looked up. His little group of Rugrats (their parents nickname for their group, he wasn't very fond of the name, but majority of the group liked it, so it stuck). He smiled and made his way over and Phil wrapped his arm on Tommy's shoulder. "You guy's sure I can't tag along? Kimi is coming over and I can already hear her and Lil squealing about gossip" "Sorry Phil, but I think its best for it to be just Tommy and I. I gotta work on my studying anyways" Chuckie flopped forward, looking stressed. Tommy reached over and pulled his best friend back up. He smiled and gave Chuckie a pat on the back. "You will be fine Chuck. You are WAY smarter than you give yourself credit for. And besides, it might be good for me to have some company tonight besides just having Dil with his crazy theories" The best friend's smirked at each other as the bus arrived. A night of studying, video games and probably Tommy talking about his latest film work was about to happen, and Chuckie couldn't be happier. The slow lurch and squeaks of the bus came to a halt and the two boys waved to the rest of their friends and made their way up to Tommy's front door. To his surprise, nobody was home, but after a bit of searching he did find a note on the kitchen table. Dear boys, We are staying at a hotel for your dad’s latest invention unveiling. We just did the weekly shop so you should have plenty of food options. Dil is sleeping over at a friends house so its just you two. Please be good boys! Love, Mom "So it's just us?" Chuckie asked. Granted he already knew the answer, but he felt the need to make sure, you know, just in case. "Yup. You want lemonade?" Chuckie nodded and Tommy place one on the counter and grabbed two root beer's for himself. Chuckie grabbed his and is right eye brow ticked up. Before Chuckie could spill his curiosity Tommy quickly went over and tagged Chuckie. "Your it haha" Tommy giggled as he ran to the stairs. Chuckie, caught so very much off guard, got his footing as quickly as he could. "H-hey wait for me!" He clumsily followed Tommy up the steps, making sure not to spill his lemonade in the process. By the time he made his way into Tommy's room, the purple haired boy already downed one soda. Tommy was about to laugh, but let out a sudden gasp. "BOOOOUUUUURRRRRP!!" Tommy belched. His face flashed a fire engine red and quickly did his best to change the subject. "U-um, what should we do first Chuckie? Play some games o-or maybe watch a movie?" Chuckie slow blinked and stood quietly for a moment, but smiled and nodded. "Lets play some games, than lets watch that B- horror movie we found on imbd last time we slept over!" Tommy smiled and quickly wiped the little beads of sweat off his forehead. The boys took turns playing Breath Of The Wild, talking about lore and discussing hidden secrets in its overworld. Just, two kids genuinely having a fun time. Neither Chuckie or Tommy remember having this much fun or even alone time together. Both boy's let out a content sigh. Tommy plopped in the movie and went downstairs. "Want some pizza? I'm getting kinda hungry" Tommy said, lightly rubbing his belly. Chuckie nodded and just kinda watched Tommy. He followed him from the bed to out the door. Chuckie shook his head and quietly went back to sipping on his lemonade. Chuckie fiddled with his thumbs as time flew and Tommy walked into the room. The zesty smell of pizza filled his nostrils. "So, um, Chuckie. I've been meaning to ask you? Have any girls interested you in school anymore? I know there was that one a few years ago" Chuckie put his slice down and just face palmed. "Y-you know Tommy, I just think this whole dating in high school thing is just not my thing." Tommy gave Chuckie a little nod and picked up a slice and hit play on the remote. While this was at least half true. Chuckie wouldn't mind dating in high school, but girls, well. They just weren't his thing. There was always this feeling in his chest when we was around boy's he like. Preferably shorter boys, ones with blue hair. Yes, he may have had a massive crush on his best friend, but he was Chuckie, and that was Tommy. Tommy was WAY out of his league. He was one of the smartest kids in the whole school, just behind Susie. He could probably get any girl of his choosing if he wanted too, but he just beyond thrilled that Tommy was his best friend, just the best a guy could have. He was smart, funny, just so cute. Chuckie just watched as Tommy finished his first slice. The light bouncing of his friends soft cheeks. He had noticed Tommy had been kinda putting on weight, but not that Chuckie really minded. As long as Tommy was happy and healthy, he was happy. "Um, What about you Tommy? Anyone tickle your fancy?" He leaned back, rather deep in thought. It wasn't often he got to see Tommy like this. After a few moments he sighed and sat up. "You know Chuckie, I'm not sure. After Rachel, it's just not been the same. I mean, maybe if the right person came along, I'm sure it could be fun" This made Chuckie's ears perk up. Just the fact that Tommy said person and not girl. Now, Chuckie probably shouldn't have gotten too excited, but he was able to slowly calm himself down and relax and kept watching. Tommy kept resting his hand on Chuckie's shoulder as he quietly pointed film makes and theories as they watched. Chuckie didn't mind at all. Hearing Tommy talk about things that made him animated and excited helped him relax. After the movie finished the clock struck midnight. They agreed it was probably best to get some shut eye. Chuckie went to the bathroom to change and when he got back he kinda got a surprise. He remembered when Tommy got those Reptar pj's, they were actually loose on him. Now it practically hugged Tommy. You could see his soft upper body. Chuckie lightly smacked himself, just think to yourself that he just looks cute Chuckie. AND STAY CALM. "I remember when we got those" Chuckie smiled. Tommy smiled back and sat on his bed, slowly getting under the covers. "Yeah, was the last ones they had. They are super comfy. But, I say we hit the hay chuck. Let's study in the morning ok?" "yeah, lets do that. Night Tommy" "Night Chuckie" A few hours had passed and Chuckie's small bladder made him stir. He grumbled and slowly stood up and rubbed his eyes. He could barely make out Tommy asleep in his bed, sprawled out barely under the sheets. He smirked and slowly made his way to the bathroom. After he did his business and washed up, he could have sworn he heard doors creaking. Freaking out, he grabbed his tooth brush, brandishing it like a weapon and slowly opened the door. "T-Tommy!" he squeaked. Obviously too quiet to hear, he tiptoed his way to the bedroom and with a gulp, quickly looked in. He didn't see his friend murdered, in fact, Tommy was missing, well, from what he could see. After finding his glasses, he mustered up the courage and slowly made his way downstairs, making sure not to make a noise. With one more big gulp, the red head made his way through the house, until he was just outside the kitchen, where there was a light on. Chuckie took a deep breath and slowly peeked around the corner and gasped. Tommy was at the fridge, door open and grabbed the fresh half gallon of chocolate milk. Chuckie slowly made his way to Tommy and quietly tried to get his attention. "Tommy, what are you doing?" he whispered. Tommy said nothing and slowly opened the top of the chocolate milk and started chugging it. Chuckie got a little bolder and got next to Tommy and looked down. He waved his hand in front of Tommy, but nothing, he just had this glazed look on his face. That's when it him. "You're sleepwalking again!" he exclaimed quietly. He looked into the fridge and was shocked. Tommy had apparently dug into almost everything his parents had purchased the day prior! Lunchmeat, hotdogs, bread, you name it. A tiny belch drew Chuckie's attention back to his best friend. Tommy dropped the now empty container and lightly wiped his face and rubbed his belly. With one stretch Tommy turned back around and Chuckie assumed was heading back to bed. "Why is he sleepwalking AND sleep eating?" Chuckie asked himself. After looking back at the fridge, he figured he could at least clean up the mess. After about ten minutes, the fridge and the floor were clean, he didn't really want to see Tommy get into trouble. With a big yawn, Chuckie made his way back upstairs, relaxed knowing there wasn't a murderer on the loose. Once Chuckie opened Tommy's door his immediate instinct was to check on Tommy. Chuckie actually blushed a little with what he was greeted with. Tommy was all sprawled out, slight drool and light snoring filled the room. What caught Chuckie's eyes though, was the small, but noticeable white stripe of his belly that his Reptar shirt was too small to cover. Chuckie slowly walked over, his face heating up. Tommy just looked so content? Chuckie took one more longing glance and slowly covered his best friend up. Giving Tommy some light head pats. "Sleep Tommy, we solved you're sleepwalking once, we can do it again" Chuckie POV It's been a week since the sleeper, and I STILL haven't told Tommy about what I found. Luckily his parents never asked us what happened in the fridge, and to be honest, the rest of that day went pretty smoothly. I adjusted my backpack as I ducked and dodged the older students. "Ee-sorry!" I squeaked as I barely dodged one of the footballers. He just grumbled in response and turned around. I swept the sweat off my brow and went back to his original mission. Find Tommy. After more dodging and ducking I finally made it to Tommy's locker. "Tommy" I yelled, just trying to project my voice over all the noise. The purple haired boy turned around and gave Chuckie a little wave. I instantly new something was wrong. I quickly walked up to him as he shut his locker door. "You ok Tommy?" I asked. Tommy kept avoiding eye contact. That's when I noticed his oversized jacket. Not something I would normally consider strange, but this wasn't Tommy. The boy that I love, I-I mean know was never like this. I hated seeing his confidence get lower and lower. "I-I'm great Chuckie, just you know been perfectly fine" his eye blinking a little as he responded. I force a smile and gently pat Tommy's shoulder. "A-are your sure Tommy? You know you can tell me anything right?" I asked. It probably sounded more like begging, but just as Tommy was about to speak, the bell rang and the flow of students increased. Tommy dipped his head back down, but made sure to look at me and gave me a little smile and wave. It hurt seeing Tommy like this. "Tommy.." I whispered to myself. I slowly walked to my next class. Just defeated. I need to talk to Kimi. I couldn't find Tommy on the way to the bus and I'm not gonna lie, I was low key freaking out. I scurry to the back of the bus and pull out my phone. Me: Hey Tommy where are you? I know something is wrong, you can tell me bud After waiting the entire bus ride, I felt a buzzing from my pocket and quickly pulled out my phone. I paused my breath and stumbled on my password a few times, but managed to get into my phone, and it was Tommy. Tommy: Sorry Chuckie, Dil and I had to get a ride home today, have some doctor's appointments. And I promise Chuck, if anything was wrong I would tell you. You're my best friend in the whole world ok? I could hear his voice reading the message, and I really wanted to believe him. With a sigh I got up from the bus seat, and wandered into my house. After I threw my bag into my closet I sat on my bed, looking at the last picture Tommy and I took together. I smiled and remembered what I had to do. Against my better judgement, I made my way to Kimi's door. "Nah, I don't need to do this" I said, trying to be confident. "B-but I guess I could use SOME advice" Mustering up as much courage as he could he knocked on Kimi's door and closed his eyes. "Come in" Now after feeling dumb with standing there with my eyes closed. I opened the door and to my horror Lil was also there? "Uh, on second thought maybe this is a bad idea" I tried to turn around, but I felt Kimi quickly turn me around. "Not so fast Chuckie, something is definitely not a bad idea" she smirked. Lil sprung up and and watched the siblings intently. With a gulp I tried my best to come up with anything. "U-um, well I-I was wondering if you could help me do some studying?" I asked with putting on what I thought was my most convincing face. All I got back was a single raised eye brow. That's all she had to do. "Ok! That's not why I'm here....I like someone and I don't know what to do" I muttered. I watched as both of their eyes lit up and Kimi dragged me to her bed. "H-hey easy now, I'm still fragile you know!" "OMG who is it Chuckie?!" "What's her name?" "Can we PLEASE calm down? I really don't need mom or dad hearing us!" I hissed. Thankfully the girls calmed down, with their volume at least. "Who is she?" They both asked. I tugged my my hair a bit. "I-its not a she" I squeaked. Both girls gasped and I swear their eyes got as big as saucers. "Its...a...boy!!!" The girls squealed with glee. I shushed and begged them to calm down. "but seriously, who though Chuckie?" "Do you promise not to tell nobody?" Both heads bobbed in unison. I took a finally deep breath "I...IminlovewithTommyheisthecutestguyinourschool" I fumbled out and quickly covered my face. The silence was beyond awkward. "Um, maybe again, but slower?" "I'm" "Yeah" "In love" "Yes" "With" "Yes!" Their anticipation building. "T-Tommy" Still clenching my eyes closed as I heard a few small gasps be let out. I suck it up and slowly peek with one eye and both girls are staring at me. "I-I know its wrong...to be in love with my straight best friend....just bring it on..." "They would be so perfect!" I heard Kimi squeal. "I can totally see it!" "Them holding hands and kissing EHHH!" Lil hollered as the girls embraced and jumped around the room. "U-um girls, still kinda right here" I whispered. The girls looked at each other and quickly sat down on both sides of me. "How long have you felt this way Chuckie?" Kimi asked. "Um, since I got super jealous of when he dated Rachel, but there is no way we would want to go out with me" "You don't know that Chuckie" Lil said. "I think you should ask him" "If you don't mind me asking, what makes you find Tommy attractive?" Kimi asked. I leaned back a little, literally running through every Tommy memory I had. "Well, um, he is super smart, brave, adventurous. He says everything right at the right time" And this was when I started to get out of hand. "He also just has this soft little angelic look to him with his soft cheeks and he does this thing when he rests his hand on his face and closes that eye and smiles at you and it just melts your heart and you just wanna..." I turned back to the girls and realized they were recording me. I felt my face flash beat red as the girls both sniffled and began to hug. "That'sso...cute!!!" I groaned and used my shirt to cover my eyes. "Do you promise not to tell him" I pleaded. "Of course big brother, but you have to tell him" "Do I have too, what if he hates me..." I whimpered. Kimi pulled me into a warm sibling hug. "I promise you Chuckie, he is your best friend for a reason. You two have an unbreakable bond, and even if for some reason he doesn't or can't date you, he would still want you to be his very best friend ok?" She smiled. I nodded and gave her a hug of my own. I just hope I don't lose my best friend from all this. |