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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Adult · #2297912
Two college roommates explore their sex lives and the world of vore together
CONTENT WARNING: This story contains vore and toilet erotica, including pissing, farting and scat. I will have an alternative, scat-free version soon, I’ll add that link here when it’s done.

This is a continuation of Chapter 2, which can be found here:

Peeps would have jumped with excitement, if she didn’t have her shrunken friend in her hand. “Abbs!!!” she exclaimed. “How does it feel to be the first human ever shrunk?” Peeps was in awe of her Asian roommate, who was the size of a jelly bean, standing naked in her palm.

“I feel fine!” Abby replied. Something was strange though. Jennifer sounded too quiet, almost inaudible. She would have expected the opposite from the blonde girl who towered over her like a skyscraper.

Peeps wrinkled her brow. She couldn’t hear Abby’s reply at all, not even a squeak.

“Hold on Abby, I’m going to put you down really quick”, she said. The still-naked Jennifer placed the tiny girl on top of the wardrobe, and then started rummaging through her closet.

“We’re going to need a communicator”, she explained. “When the bones of your inner ear shrank, your audible frequency range must have shifted. Same goes for your vocal chords. Your voice is too high of a range for me to hear”.

Jennifer emerged from the closet with two headsets.

“One of my lab’s old projects used these to try and communicate with fish”, she explained. Peeps adjusted a knob on one of the headsets, and then tapped it with the shrinking device. The headset immediately zapped down to Abby’s size. Peeps picked it up with a pair of tweezers, then laid it next to Abby on top of the wardrobe. She took the second headset and put that one on herself . Abby picked up her miniaturized version, and the two girls switched the devices on.

“Can you hear me Abby?” Jennifer’s voice sounded clearly over the radio.

“Loud and clear!” Abby replied.

“Good, I can hear you as well”, Peeps confirmed. “It’s not perfectly calibrated, but these frequency settings are enough to communicate. Just make sure to keep that on while you’re shrunk!”

“Copy that!” Abby said.

“Okay, now the science part!” Jennifer exclaimed. “I know you’re itching to play with my pussy and bum, but I do need to collect some control data first.” she said. “This study is to investigate the physiological aspect of arousal in the shrunken state. Before we get to sexual stimulation though, I need to monitor your biometrics while you’re sitting still, and then during adrenaline-based arousal. After that we’ll attempt a hybrid stimulation, followed by pure sexual excitement.”

“Sounds good to me”, Abby said. She really hoped the other data collection wouldn’t take too long, because she really wanted Peeps to fart on her again.

“Here, take this and stick it on your arm”, Jennifer instructed. She shrank down a patch-like device with a wire and battery embedded inside. It was sticky like tape on one side, and Abby pressed it against her arm securely.

Still totally naked, Jennifer leaped onto her bed and grabbed her laptop. She hummed to herself excitedly as it booted, twirling her blonde hair between her fingers. The computer started up and Jennifer ran a program. “That patch you’re wearing will let me monitor your heart rate, perspiration and breathing under different levels of excitation”, she explained to Abby. Peeps thumped her feet idly as the computer churned away. “Okay, that does it for the idle data!” she exclaimed after a minute.

“Good, that’s one step closer to your butt!” Abby exclaimed over her headset, provoking a short chuckle from her roommate.

Next up were the adrenaline tests. For fifteen minutes Jennifer put Abby along different Hot Wheels tracks, letting the shrunken girl experience the thrill of the roller coasters. Abby was having a fun time with it, but she did start to get a bit dizzy by the end. After the experiments Jennifer went back to her computer to look at the data they’d recorded. Abby stumbled out of a Hot Wheels car and regained her footing, then looked up at her giant friend and noticed a puzzled expression on her face.

“What’s up Peeps?”, Abby spoke into her communicator.

“Well this is interesting”, Jennifer replied. “Your physiology behaved about the same as it would at normal size when stimulated by adrenaline. You had an increased heart rate, you perspired a bit more than usual, and your pupils dilated within a normal threshold. However…”

“…yes?” Abby asked.

“But your breathing rate makes no sense!” Peeps exclaimed, grabbing at her hair with both hands and pulling it to the sides. “You should have been gasping for air, but your body never registered any drop in oxygen levels at all!”

“Huh”, Abby replied, curious. “Now that you mention it, it does feel a little strange when I inhale. Like there’s not as much air flowing in, but I have no trouble breathing?”

Peeps thought about it. “Maybe… yes!! That must be it!” she exclaimed, snapping her fingers. “Abbs, when I shrunk you down, the air in your lungs became compacted on an atomic level too. That air never left your body, but the molecules must have been absorbed during the compression process! Since gas is mostly empty space between the molecules, they must have squeezed into the solid lattice structure of your lung tissue.” Jennifer explained.

“Okay…?” Abby said, completely lost.

“Well, not all tissues behave the same in the molecularly compact state”, Peeps continued. “My guess is that the density of the oxygen atoms allows it to diffuse directly into your blood stream. And I bet you’re feeling less air when you breathe in because your lungs are already saturated with the compressed gas. Try holding your breath for a second!”

Abby followed the instruction and sucked in deeply, and then held her breath. She did indeed feel something odd. Her diaphragm still wanted to breathe by reflex, but she didn’t feel like she was suffocating at all. Abby easily held her breath for a full minute, and then two. When she did exhale again, she wasn’t even winded.

“Abby that’s amazing!” Peeps exclaimed, excited by their discovery. “You have a full-sized breath of compacted air in those tiny lungs of yours, but your shrunken body only uses a fraction of that! You basically have an internal scuba tank!”

That did sound pretty cool. “Neat, how much air do I have?” Abby asked.

“I’m not sure”, Peeps answered. “But since you’re about 20,000 times smaller by volume, I’d guess somewhere around 23 or 24 hours. You could go a whole day without needing air!”

Peeps bolted up straight. “Holy smokes Abby, do you know what this means?!”

“What?” Abby asked, perplexed.

“It means you can explore inside me!!!” Peeps shouted, jumping up and down. “Since you don’t need oxygen, you can go inside my pussy, and even up my butt!! We can have some AMAZING fun with the sexual arousal experiments!”

“That’s incredible Peeps!” Abby cried out in delight. It was hard to say which of the girls were more turned on as they considered the possibilities of their situation. Abby was ecstatic at the idea of seeing the inside of her roommate’s sexy bits, and Jennifer couldn’t help but fondle her clit as she imagined her shrunken friend inside of her. Neither girl could think of any way to be more intimate with another human being.

“We are going to need WAY more shrink time than just an hour”, Jennifer noted as she fumbled with the settings on the shrinking device. “Let’s go ahead and crank the reaction time up to three. That should still give us plenty of time to get to Greg and Tom’s later tonight.”

Peeps poked Abby with the device again. Abby didn’t change size this time, but she did feel a slight tingling as the reaction was adjusted for an additional two hours.

“Okay, let’s make the hybrid experiment quick!” Peeps said. “I know you’re as antsy as I am for the super-duper sexy one, but I do need to take some measurements in an in-between state of arousal types.”

“Okay, what’s the plan?” Abby asked.

“You like my pussy, right?” Peeps asked.

“Of course I do! Your ass turns me on even more though”, Abby said with a giggle.

“I know it does, which is why we’re saving my stinky butt for the sexual-only experiment! My vagina will make a perfect middle ground for the hybrid test”, Jennifer said.

Jennifer picked up Abby and walked to the bathroom with her shrunken roommate. Here one of the Hot Wheels tracks snaked lazily across the tile floor, ending in a hill up the side of the bathtub. Peeps put her laptop on the floor and squatted over the lip of the tub, carefully aligning herself so the track was directly beneath her hairless mound. Then she held her pussy lips apart with one hand, and used the other to place Abby in the slippery pink slit. Abby grabbed on to the pink tissue and awaited further instruction.

“I can see you’re getting a little excited”, Jennifer said with a smile as she saw the spike in Abby’s heart rate on her monitor. “I’ll let you thoroughly explore my pussy another time, but this time I need to make sure some of the excitement comes from adrenaline too.”

“Okay what do you need me to do?” Abby asked.

Peeps pointed to the spot right beneath her clit. “ Climb up to my peehole, Abbs! I’m going to turn this track into a water slide for you!” Peeps answered with a grin. She brushed her blonde hair out of her face and leaned back on her hands, getting in a position to pee. Abby climbed over the folds of her roommate’s genitals and found the tiny hole that led into her roommate’s urethra. In her shrunken state the hole was almost twice the size of her fist. Abby lined herself up so her back was to the opening, and grabbed on tight to the warm pink tissue around her.

“Okay I’m ready!” Abby said into the communicator.

Peeps let her bladder empty, and a geyser of golden urine expelled from her peehole, washing over Abby’s body. It really did feel like sitting at the top or a water slide to the tiny girl, the jet of warm liquid urging her forward. She moaned despite herself from the intimacy. Abby ducked her head beneath the stream and opened her mouth to let the pee inside, and managed a few gulps of the salty fluid before the pressure overwhelmed her. She released her grip and was expelled out of her roommate’s hairless slit in a gush of golden urine. Abby landed right on the hot wheels track and slid down the plastic ramp off the side of the bathtub. Her momentum and the rushing water sent her flying down the track out of the bathroom and into the kitchen, where she finally spun to a stop.

Jennifer hooted with glee. “You got a lot of distance there!” she said. “I hope you don’t mind the pee everywhere, I’ll clean that up later.”

Abby laughed. “Of course it’s okay! That was super fun, and definitely a turn-on”, she said. She was soaked from head to toe with Jennifer’s pee. She was even more excited for the next experiment though.

Jennifer bounced up and down, thrilled that her roommate was delighting in this as much as she was. The jumping caused a slight tremor that made Abby lose her footing, and she plopped down onto her butt on a kitchen tile. Peeps looked at her computer and grinned. “That’s a perfect recording!” she exclaimed. “Gosh Abby, I didn’t realize you were such a gold mine for data!” she teased.

“Anytime Peeps! Seriously, the pleasure is all mine!” Abby replied lustfully. She smirked and rubbed her pussy to accentuate her point.

“Alright Abbs, you ready to have some real fun together? I think we’ll both have some incredible orgasms from the next part!” Peeps exclaimed. She gently picked up her bean-sized roommate from the floor and brought her into her bedroom, along with her computer. Jennifer laid the laptop open on the floor so she keep an eye on Abby’s biometrics, and then sat down with Abby on the edge of the bed. She held her tiny roommate up in her hand so they could see each other clearly.

“Abby… are you ready to go inside my big stinky butt?” Peeps asked, gazing lustfully at her roommate with her giant green eyes.

Abby could’ve died right then and there and been happy. Well, almost. She had to go inside Jennifer’s ass first. Then she could die happy. She didn’t have any words to express the intensity of the horniness and excitement she felt, so she just sat there and nodded vigorously at the beautiful, naked blonde giantess.

Peeps rolled onto her back so her asshole was in the air, and then gently lifted Abby by the legs and placed the tiny girl next to her anus. From the shrunken girl’s perspective it was much like sitting on the edge of a giant trampoline. Except that it was much, much stinkier. Abby thought she would cum just from the sexy stench! Jennifer noted enormous peaks in Abby’s pulse and respiration rate on the laptop monitor next to her. She smiled at her roommate’s excitement at being near her giant asshole.

“I can see you like it there a whole lot, Abbs!” Peeps said. “Wanna masturbate together before you go inside?”

“Yes please!!!” Abby exclaimed into her mic. “Are you gonna fart on me?”

“You know it, girl!” Peeps said with a chuckle.

Abby lowered herself onto all fours and crawled across her roommate’s butthole. It felt tight and rubbery under her hands and feet. From her normal size Abby had always thought Jennifer’s asshole was perfectly hairless. Zoomed in though, she could make out details that had been microscopic to her full-sized self. Abby could now clearly see each individual filament of peach fuzz around Jennifer’s anal ring, and see the flecks of dust, toilet paper lint, and excrement that clung to a good number of them. “No wonder her butt always smelled so strong!” Abby thought.

Abby made her way to the puckered indent in the middle where Jennifer’s fart would come out. Abby brushed aside a few flecks of poop with her hand and lied down directly over the pinched opening. Jennifer’s elastic anal muscle contracted reflexively beneath Abby at her touch, sucking and clinging to her skin. The sticky ring seemed almost playful, teasing the shrunken girl. It would pull Abby inwards with each twitch as though it yearned to share its secrets with her. Then it would bulge outwards again, pushing the girl away.

Abby learned the rhythm quickly, and she shimmied her body in time with the undulations. She pulled herself in when Jennifer’s anus relaxed, and held herself firm when it tightened. She managed to embed her lower body in the entrance of her roommate’s poop chute, like a cork in a champagne bottle. Satisfied, Abby stopped to enjoy the blonde girl’s intoxicating stink. She was completely enshrouded in the stench that emanated from all around her, the pure essence of Peeps’ butt. Abby started playing with her clit furiously, which was just above the pinching embrace of Jennifer’s butthole. “Oh my god Peeps, I’m gonna cum from the smell”, she breathed into the microphone.

“No not yet, you have to wait for me to fart!!” Jennifer said. She started rubbing her clit furiously too as she enjoyed the tickle of Abby’s body wiggling against her anus. The giantess started to push, trying to coax the gas she’d been holding in to the surface. Abby felt the rubbery ring begin to push upwards around her, and her body began to spasm as she lost control of her orgasm. Jennifer managed to release her fart just in time. The hot, foul stench erupted around Abby right at the climax of her ecstasy, covering the shrunken girl like a blanket as her body succumbed to a massive orgasm.

When Abby’s body stopped shaking, she was surprised to find she wasn’t even winded. In fact, it seemed that the reduced need for oxygen allowed her body to reach levels of ecstasy that weren’t even possible in her unshrunken state. Jennifer, on the other hand, did need a minute to catch her breath. She had climaxed hard when she farted on Abby, and it took her a moment to recover.

“Abby…” Peeps breathed into the microphone. “Your pulse during your orgasm… was through the roof! It’s like you’re some kind of horny machine!”

With the oxygen levels of a full-sized human embedded in her tiny body, Abby was indeed a mini-sized powerhouse. She was ready to keep going. “You should put me up your butt now, yeah?” she asked. Peeps couldn’t agree more.

“You’ll just need one more thing, hold on tight for a moment”, Jennifer said. She got up from the bed, her roommate still stuck halfway in her anus. Abby had no problem holding herself in, the sticky ring clinging to her lower body did most of the work. Peeps rummaged through the closet and brought out a headlamp.

“For camping trips”, she said. “But this time it’s so you can see while you’re exploring up my bum”. She touched the headlamp with the shrink device and it miniaturized down to Abby’s size. Peeps put the tiny device against her butthole and Abby grabbed it, fitting the elastic waistband around her head. Peeps then returned to the bed and laid down on her side.

“This position should make it easier for you, since my butt will be a horizontal tunnel”, Jennifer explained.

“Good idea”, Abby said. Climbing up or down would have been much trickier. She still needed to turn herself around though so she could go in headfirst. Using both hands she pulled her lower body out of Jennifer’s asshole, and fell in a heap on the giantess’s inner ass cheek. Then she picked herself up and turned around so she was facing the giant orifice. Abby still couldn’t believe how sexy that stinky hole was. God, she was already horny again. She started licking Jennifer’s butthole lustfully, choosing a spot in the center close to where her poop came out.

“So the easiest way to do this will be for me to make my butthole gape a little, and then you crawl inside while it’s open”, Peeps said over the headset.

“Mmff… thah souns wike a good pwan to me!!” Abby mumbled. The tiny goosebumps on Jennifer’s anus were just the right size for Abby’s mouth, and she had decided to try sucking on one. It was like trying to suck on the side of a house, but Abby managed to completely fill her mouth with the little bump. Her best friend’s asshole tasted salty and bitter and sweet, and only a little bit “poopy”.

Peeps laughed. “Well you can finish tasting my butt first I suppose. Do you want me to fart again?”

“Nah, let’s save the next one for when I’m inside you”, Abby said. “I want to be hot-boxed with your gas while I’m inside your bum!” Abby said.

“That’s a super fun idea!” Peeps chimed. “Well it’s in there for you, whenever you’re ready to crawl inside!”

Peeps inserted her two index fingers into her anus and pulled the ring open. Her tight, grayish-brown pucker opened before Abby to reveal a squishy pink tunnel. The opening was about eight feet wide from Abby’s perspective, easy for her to fit inside. Abby climbed up one of Jennifer’s fingers and took a step through the threshold of the blonde girl’s stretched butthole. The squishy inside was difficult to walk on, so Abby crawled into the damp pink tunnel instead, pulling herself forward with her hands. Once she was past her roommate’s sphincter, she gave the “ok” on the radio. Abby switched on her headlamp and watched behind her as Jennifer removed her fingers. Her anus squeezed itself closed, leaving Abby completely enveloped inside her best friend’s rectum.

Abby couldn’t contain her excitement. “Haha Peeps!! I’m really up your butt!” she laughed over the microphone. She took long, passionate licks of Peeps’ anal ring from the inside, and then pressed her face into her friend’s rectal wall and sucked the earthy flavors of Jennifer’s butt. The walls were slick with Jennifer’s ass juices, which quickly coated Abby’s naked body. Her roommate’s rectum squeezed down gently on Abby, but the shrunken girl was small enough that she could pull herself forward with her arms. She was grateful that her tiny body didn’t need to breathe. Abby pulled herself forward for several minutes, venturing deeper into Jennifer’s shitter.

“Okay Abby, I’m going to push a little to see if I can get my fart to where you are”, Peeps said. “Hold on to something so you don’t get pushed backwards too!”.

Abby found a ridge in Jennifer’s rectal wall that was large enough for her to grab on to. “Okay I’m ready!” she replied into her microphone.

The soft tunnel around Abby began to undulate, and she felt a sucking force try to drag her backwards towards Jennifer’s anus. She managed to hold on though, and after a few seconds it was over. Abby saw that the pinched passage in front of her had dilated slightly. Abby squeezed her head through the hole, and found that it opened into a wide chamber.

“I found your fart Peeps!” Abby exclaimed. “It’s like a cave in here because of the air bubble.”

Abby pulled herself into the cavity, and sat against her friend’s rectal wall. The smell and warmth of Jennifer’s unborn fart made her insanely horny.

“I see your heart rate is spiking again”, Jennifer noted, observing her monitor. “Are you going to have another orgasm?”

“Oh absolutely”, Abby responded over the microphone. ”Being inside your fart is making me horny as fuck”.

Peeps pressed a button on her keyboard to start collecting data.
“Okay, everything is ready on my end Abbs!” she announced over the mic.

Abby couldn’t hold it in. She began masturbating furiously as she sucked in Jennifer’s gas, rolling her body around on the floor of her roommate’s rectum. Within seconds she orgasmed in a climax more intense than any she could remember. Abby moaned loudly and thrust her hips out as a mix of arousal fluids and piss erupted from her tiny crotch and dripped down the inside of Jennifer’s poop chute.

Again, she didn’t even feel winded. She loved how her shrunken body could experience levels of ecstasy that would have left her gasping for breath at her normal size. “I came so hard that I peed in here!” Abby said into her headset.

Peeps laughed. “Well when that re-expands it’ll wash me out like an enema. Thanks, Abbs!” she said. Then she farted, releasing the hot gas that Abby had just enjoyed. Jennifer’s rectum deflated back down into a snug tube, gently squeezing Abby in its slimy and stinky embrace.

“This is so much fun Peeps, thanks for letting me do this.”, Abby said genuinely. “Is it okay if I explore a bit deeper in here?” she asked.

“That’s fine with me if you want to”, Peeps said. “But just to warn you, you’ll probably find more than farts if you go too deep inside me”.

“I’ve decided that I’m okay with that.” Abby said. “Honestly, I wouldn’t have come this far if I wasn’t. In fact, I’m kind of hoping to see some of your poop. I’ve already cum from your farts, so maybe I’ll enjoy that too.”

Jennifer felt a jolt of ecstasy at her roommate’s admission. She was happy that her bum could bring her friend so much joy and excitement. She loved that her farts, and even her shit, was admired by someone. It made her feel like a goddess. Even though she couldn’t feel Abby anymore, the blonde felt an urgent need to start touching herself. She wished she could watch as Abby explored the naughty end of her digestive tract. Next time she would make Abby wear a camera, so she could see along with her.

”Well have fun in there then…”, Peeps said lustfully.

Soon Abby came to a turn, although it actually bent upwards as Peeps was still lying on her side. “I found a bend Peeps! I have to climb up though”, Abby reported over the headset.

“Hold on… I’ll turn over for you”, Peeps said. She turned her body to lie down on her back, which caused Abby’s world to shift. The upwards bend became a sideways turn, easier for Abby to navigate. Abby reoriented herself and continued forward, pulling herself around the corner. Jennifer fondled her clit and had another small orgasm from her roommate’s intimate adventure.

“You’re so deep inside me…” Peeps whispered. “You’re past my rectum now, going into my colon…”

Abby chuckled at her roommate’s arousal. “Well I have to go deep to take advantage of the extra time you gave me!”, she said.

“You’re going to find my poop in there…” Peeps said as she continued playing with herself.

“Yeah, I’m gonna go find your shit”, Abby confirmed. “I want to be the first one to see it, even before you do!”

Abby crawled onwards, and found that the tunnel was a lot wider in Jennifer’s colon thanks to a pocket of intestinal gas. Much to Abby’s enjoyment, it also stunk to high heaven. It was different from the fart she’d orgasmed in earlier though, with a much “poopier” odor. The new, depraved part of Abby became extremely excited by the stench, and she continued quickly with anticipation. She knew she was getting close.

“There’s another turn here Peeps”, Abby said into her mic as she came to another turn.

“It sounds like you’ve reached my descending colon, it’s where my waste is stored until there’s enough for me to use the bathroom.”, Peeps said.

“I can tell, from how it stinks in here!”, Abby said. “But it’s your poop, so I’m excited to see it.”

It didn’t take much longer to find. After Abby rounded the next bend, her headlamp revealed a brown mass peeking out the end of the tunnel in front of her. It wasn’t actually the end of Jennifer’s colon, but since her turd occupied the space from wall-to-wall, it looked like Abby had reached as far as she could go. The tiny Asian girl felt an intense sexual surge at the sight of her roommate’s waste. She imagined the brown lump pushing its way out the passage she had just crawled through, and pictured Jennifer’s beautiful anus dilating open so the mass could exit her body.

Abby was awe-struck. “I found it Peeps, and it’s amazing…” she said. She crawled forward and placed her hand against the sticky brown surface. “I can’t believe it, I’m actually touching your shit!”, she exclaimed.

Instead of a response on the headset, Abby felt a physical jolt as Jennifer’s body entire spasmed around her. She could hear and feel her roommate breathing heavily, and knew the blonde girl was going to cum soon.

Abby smiled. “Alright Peeps, let’s have another orgasm together!” she said. She was about to explode with desire herself, so the timing worked out well. Abby extended her arms and legs and hugged Jennifer’s giant turd, trying to merge her own body with the reeking waste. It was the true essence of her best friend’s body, the result of Jennifer’s morning meal being distilled by her complete digestive process. Only now, deep inside of the blonde girl’s butt, could Abby truly appreciate the beauty of such a masterpiece.

Abby’s whole body shook as she started to orgasm, not even needing to touch herself. Peeps, who was also losing control, heard her roommate’s heavy breathing over the headset. “What are you doing in there now Abbs…?” she asked, with a sense of urgency in her voice.

“I’m giving your shit a hug, Peeps! And it’s gonna make me cum!”, Abby replied.

“You should lick it”, Peeps said. “We’ll orgasm together while you’re tasting my shit!”

Abby couldn’t have agreed more. “Okay Peeps, let’s do it on three! One… two… three!”

Abby shoved her face into the blonde girl’s turd, and started French kissing the brown mass. It tasted vile, but Abby was too turned on to care. She savored the fecal bitterness as she sucked her friend’s shit, and as she did her pussy exploded in a massive orgasm. The turbulence around her told her that Jennifer was cumming too, and the two girls both moaned into their headsets together as they climaxed.

Peeps laughed after she caught her breath. “That was so fun Abbs, I can’t believe you’re into this!” she exclaimed. “I think it’s about time to get you out of there though so you can get yourself cleaned up before the party.” She looked at her computer monitor, which she’d nearly forgotten about.

“I got so excited I forgot to record that last orgasm, so we’ll have to do that again sometime”, she said.

Abby giggled. “That won’t be a problem!” she said.

Abby actually wanted to keep going, but Peeps was right that it was time to leave. Besides, the blonde girl’s turd was a formidable barrier with Abby shrunken down to jelly bean size. Next time, Abby thought to herself, she would ask to be slightly larger- maybe the size of her thumb- so she could climb over such obstacles.

“Think you can help me out of here Peeps?” Abby asked over the mic.

“I’ll do my best!” Peeps exclaimed. She jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom, and briskly brushed a Hot Wheels track off the toilet. She took a squat on the seat and started pushing, grunting loudly with the effort. Abby was a good way into her colon, and Peeps normally wouldn’t have pooped for a few more hours. The pushing worked though, and the brown log behind Abby started slowly inching forward. Abby clung to the front of the shit to hitch a ride as it slid towards the exit. In less than a minute she made the turn back into Jennifer’s rectum. Pushed downwards by the poop, Abby saw the light of day again as Jennifer’s anus began to dilate beneath her.

Now that the log was approaching the exit, Peeps finally felt a strong need to shit. She held herself back though, not wanting Abby to fall into the toilet. “Okay Abbs”, she said over the microphone. “Why don’t you jump on out of there into my hand before I drop that stinker?” She placed a hand beneath her butthole so she could catch her shrunken roommate. She relaxed her sphincter just a little, allowing her butthole to gape while keeping her waiting turd from sliding out.

Abby released her grip on her roommate’s poop and let gravity do the rest. She fell out of Jennifer’s butthole and plopped into the giantess’s outstretched palm. Abby looked upwards to marvel at the sight of the orifice she had just come from. The perfectly tight pucker she had worshipped for so long had become a loosened pink ring, opened in the center to reveal Jennifer’s shit just inside the tunnel. Abby gaped in amazement. “Wow Peeps, I’ve never seen it like this”, she said.

“Well I guess you’ve never seen me take a shit before. Today’s your lucky day, you’ll have a front row seat!”

Peeps held Abby close to her asshole as she dropped her turd into the toilet, wanting her tiny roommate to have a good view. Abby watched intently as Jennifer’s anal ring stretched apart, allowing her poop to slither out. The stinking mass dropped into the bowl with a “plop”, and Jennifer flushed it down. Then she grabbed a sheet of toilet paper with her free hand to clean herself off.

“Wait Peeps, don’t wipe yet!” Abby spoke out. “Can you make me big first and I can lick you clean?”

“Oh my gosh I’m such a silly goose, why didn’t I think of that?” Jennifer chimed. She dropped the toilet paper in the bowl and closed the toilet seat, then placed Abby on the lid. “Be right back!” she shouted. She bolted out of the bathroom, and was back seconds later with the shrinking device. Peeps adjusted a dial and crouched on the floor to bring herself eye-level with Abby. Now that she finally had a good look at her roommate, she couldn’t help but laugh. “You are covered head to toe in my poop, Abbs!” she exclaimed. “Maybe we should regrow you in the bathtub so you don’t make a mess.”

Abby looked down at herself and had to chuckle too. There wasn’t a single part of her body that wasn’t soiled with Jennifer’s waste. “Probably a good idea Peeps!” she agreed.

Peeps placed Abby in the bathtub and then touched the tiny Asian girl with the prongs on the end of the machine. Abby slowly grew back to normal size. It turns out that Jennifer’s waste didn’t expand with her body, and by the time Abby was full-size again it was just a small smear on her arm. Aside from that, her body was clean. And completely naked, except for her headset. Abby no longer needed that, so she took it off.

“Well I guess we didn’t need to stick you in the bathtub after all”, Peeps said, removing her own headset. She got down on all fours on the bathroom floor, giving Abby access to her freshly-used anus. The Asian girl got out of the tub and bent down behind her roommate, putting her face behind her best friend’s ass. Without hesitation she began lapping Jennifer’s dirty butthole with her tongue, cleaning off whatever leftover bits of excrement she could find. When she was finished with the exterior she stiffened her tongue and pushed it into the hole, licking off the light brown residue that still coated the inside.

Abby French kissed her roommate’s anus for almost ten minutes. During that time Peeps farted as much as she could, giving Abby little bursts of extra flavor to enjoy. Abby locked her lips over Jennifer’s anus every time she felt one coming, and greedily sucked each stinker into her mouth and down her throat. She could have licked Jennifer’s asshole for hours if they had more time!

“Alright, I think we really should get going now”, Peeps finally said, however.

Reluctantly, Abby finally separated herself from her roommate’s rear end. It was already 7PM, and she did need to get ready for the party. Peeps turned around and patted Abby on the head reassuringly. “Aww don’t worry Abbs! We’ll do this again soon, I promise.”

Abby smiled. “Well you know, any time you need to collect data, I’m your gal!”

“Well… I do plan on having a sleep study soon. It’ll be good to get some biometrics at the opposite end of the spectrum from the arousal experiment. What would you say to spending the night up my butt later this week?”

Abby loved the sound of that. “It does sound warm and cozy!” she said. “But that’ll make me plenty aroused, isn’t that bad for a sleep study?”

“Eh, you’re probably right”, Jennifer acknowledged. “But it’ll be more fun this way, and we won’t know unless we try!”

Abby grinned to herself. She thought it was adorable that Jennifer still wanted to put a scientific spin on their sexual exploration. She hopped in the shower and rinsed herself off, then grabbed some leftover Thai food from the fridge. She had a party to get ready for!

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