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Rated: 13+ · Novella · Dark · #2297107
a group of kids stumble across an abandoned house and it all goes downhill from there
Tԋҽ Cɾҽαƚυɾe

He thought that he would be doing a simple dare from his friends, but he would be doing so much more. It was a cold autumn day, and Ronin and his three closest friends were playing truth or dare. His friends were Axel, Bruce, and Chad. They had all known each other for at least 2 years and got along very nicely.
Ronin’s friend, Chad, dared him to lick the floor, so that's what Ronin did. And after playing for about thirty minutes, it was Ronin’s turn again. He chose to dare once more and was dared to go into an abandoned house that was thought to be haunted. After about 5 minutes of walking, they arrived, so he went up and rang the bell. Ronin stood there for about 5 minutes before he decided to just go inside. Axel slowly pushed the door open and stepped inside, next was Bruce, Ronin, and then Chad. They decided to go into the closest room and just get it over with. Ronin opened up an old rusty metal door and just as he did he heard a scream from the other room. He recognized it as Bruces' voice and began to run to the room where it came from. When he got in, he saw a dead girl on the floor and a petrified Bruce frozen in fear.
All the boys ran out of the house in fear and Axel immediately called the cops! When the cops arrived they explained everything and from what Ronin heard, the body was an eleven-year-old girl who went missing about two months ago. It all sounded like a regular homicide and the four boys just happened to stumble on it. Or so they thought until Ronin discovered that the 2-month-old corpse still had fresh blood even though it was almost just a skeleton. The next thing he knew was that he was in the car with his parents on the way home. It seemed like it lasted for hours instead of 15 minutes. The entire car ride was completely silent, except for the occasional puddle in the road that would splash up on the car. Even when he got home it seemed like no one was talking or had anything to say. His brother pulled him aside and the two boys went into his room.
His big brother, Travis, quizzed him on what exactly happened and why their parents were completely quiet. Ronin explained how they went to an abandoned house and Bruce found a dead body in the bedroom. To Ronin's complete surprise Travis believed him and after asking him why he said that he had read something like this before. Travis had read a book on this monster- a demon that lived in the woods near the haunted house- a demonic deer that hunts people. The demonic deer likes children and when it eats the flesh off of the child it then vomits back up the blood. Due to the deer's stomach acids, the blood stays as if it was still fresh. Travis told him more, that the worse part was when it kills someone no one will remember that person except the blood relatives. Ronin wondered if this story was true and if maybe this is why no one knew who that girl was. Could there be some truth to this odd story his brother Travis had read?
Ronin quickly went to his room and searched the computer. He found a story, it was from ancient Indian lore about this demonic creature called cervus daemonium. It sounded too far-fetched to be real and seemed more of a childhood scary story, but could it be true? Ronin decided he wanted to know more so the next day he grabbed his bike and off he went. When he got there the sun had already begun to set so he decided to make it quick. The first thing he did was sneak past the yellow police tape, then he went inside. The first place he went to was the room where the body was discovered, he inspected the pool of blood that was still on the floor, making note that it still looked fresh. Next, he went to the kitchen where there was still some canned food in the pantry, so he grabbed a small can of tuna and thrust it into his pocket for later inspection. The third place he went was the bedroom where the bed still had sheets and looked like it had been made up recently. Even after looking at all this he still was clueless as to what had taken place. The final room he went to was the living room where it looked like some kind of struggle happened with broken glass and a shattered window. On top of that was a broken table where multiple dead flowers lay. Yet through all this, there was one thing that stood out to Ronin, all this stuff was covered in dust. Ronin could not understand how all this stuff could be covered in dust when the blood was so new and all the food had relatively recent expiration dates. On his way out he saw a very small pistol displayed on the wall. By checking the magazine he saw it still had five out of six bullets left. Ronin slipped out the front door and under the police tape and realized it had gotten dark while he was inside. There was a full moon so that would give him a little bit of light to bike home in the dark. He was on the road when he suddenly got a horrible chill and felt the hair on the back of his neck stand up. And then he heard it. This loud shrill beastly noise came from the woods beside the road. The next thing he knew he was running along the sidewalk straight to his house hoping that he could find somewhere to recover from what just happened. Once he got home he went straight to his room and shut the door and locked it. Ronin went over to his window to make sure to lock it and close the curtains. He went straight to his computer and quickly searched for what he could have possibly experienced. After what seemed like an eternity of scrolling through different animal sounds he realized that none of them matched at all. He called up Axel to see if he knew anything but Axel did not answer his phone or his text messages. Ronin even tried his email but nothing seemed to be getting through to him. The next day he went to school but it was so odd because it seemed like nobody else knew anything about where Axel was or why he was not at school. Ronin figured that he must be sick or had something big come up. After school, he decided to bike over to Axel's house to see if everything was okay. When he got there he discovered another terrifying event- he found Axel along with his entire family had been murdered in their home! He quickly called the police and was still in shock when he thought he heard a noise from their kitchen. It sounded like something was in the pantry but the second he opened the door guts and entrails simply spilled out of the pantry! Ronin ran to the other side of the kitchen and threw up. Ronin could not take much more- there was nothing in there but guts and blood but there was still that question in his head- what had he heard moving around if there was nothing in there that was alive? Just then he heard something behind the piles of bodies on the kitchen floor, but once he turned around he didn't see anything which under normal circumstances would be good but that was not the case a few moments ago Axel's body had been laying right behind him and there was nothing there now but a pool of blood! The police finally arrived and they questioned him again.Ronin tried to explain everything to them but they just would not listen, and explained it as his brain's way of dealing with trauma. Ronin simply told them that he had just gotten there and found it like this and after he explained the whole ordeal with the pantry the cops did not believe him in the slightest. But upon checking they discovered that it was indeed like the boy had described. It was complete gore with what seemed like every last bit of guts still in that pile all of it looked as if it had been chewed up and spit out. And even though all this was hard for Ronin to comprehend, he also realized Axel's body had indeed moved to the next room -from the kitchen to the living room. His friend’s body had not just been moved somehow but now the body had no flesh on it whatsoever. After the forensics team came in it was determined that the guts and intestines that were in the pantry could be from the three people who were murdered in the house. The police were dumbfounded but Ronan thought he knew what could have happened after all and he decided to call his friend Chad thinking that he was the strongest person he knew and that they needed to work together to find out what happened to Axel and his parents. Chad responded and said he would come over but the conversation was quickly cut short because the police took Ronin back to his house. His parents said something to him about how he needed to talk to someone about what had happened. That it was important for him to speak to someone about all the horrors he had seen in just a few days. But all Ronin could think about was what he had seen and what had happened. When he felt like he was going to go crazy trying to process it all, it was at that moment that Ronin realized the most terrifying thing of all HE had been there when the creature attacked. It had devoured Axel when he was there in the house. Ronin felt more scared than he had ever felt before. With his hands shaking Ronin called Chad and Bruce. They all agreed to see each other after school tomorrow and discuss what happened. He went to meet them both in the school parking lot but only Chad showed up. He and Chad tried calling Bruce but when he did not answer they quickly biked over to his house. They were both nervous and terrified of what they might find or even happen to them. Their worst nightmare was confirmed- Bruce was dead in the same way as Axel and his family! He called the police and waited for them to come. While they waited Chad and Ronin looked around and noticed Bruce still had flesh on his body. He had a horrible feeling and knew he had to get out fast before the cervus daemonium came back to finish the job. He had a sinking feeling like it was a bad dream on repeat. They stepped into the doorway to get out and looked into the dining room once more and saw Bruce’s body, or what was left of it, and what was standing over his dead friend. He was horrified at what saw - a huge deer standing over the body. This was not a normal deer at all. This thing was standing on its hind legs and the worst part was the head of this demonic creature. Its head had no flesh, it was simply just a deer skull that looked old and decayed. Hanging from where a mouth should be was flesh, his friend’s flesh that this thing was eating! He ran outside screaming and after getting Chad they slowly went back in there. When he looked back into the dining room the creature was no longer there. The only thing left was Bruce’s body- just a corpse. As they heard the siren of the police in the distance they both asked each other where could the creature of gone. How did it get out? There was not a single window or door that had been opened nor had he heard anything until Chad pointed out a small hole in the floor with some of the floorboards messed up. Like something had dug its way out.
Chad and Ronin came to an agreement that they would stay at Ronin’s house, where they could take shifts staying up in an attempt to stay safe. Since his parents were on a vacation cruise he decided to stay in the upstairs bedroom so that the creature could not dig its way into the room. When he woke up the next morning he got ready to head out with Chad but realized they would be safer at the house. They decided to go out to the garage, however, when they got there Chad noticed that the bikes were broken as if something hit them. When they were looking around for something to use to fight the monster if it came near them he decided to use a metal bat and a knife, Chad got a rope and a wooded rod that was about 5 feet long.
They were going through the kitchen checking for any signs of the demonic creature when Chad heard something come from the closet. The two went to see but upon opening it they saw nothing unusual. They lowered their weapons and turned around, and there right behind them was the creature. The next thing Ronin saw was Chad's head being caved in by the massive hoof of this creature. Ronin immediately thrust the knife into the creature's paunch, and after hearing a shrill so loud that his ears bleed the creature was gone. Ronin noticed a hole in the floor where the creature was standing, he recovered his bearing and after confirming that Chad was dead he went back upstairs where he sat staring at the door shaking and in shock. He called the police and waited for them to arrive, but before he could get off the phone with the 911 operator he heard the same shrill scream outside the door. He rushed downstairs trying to get out the front door and then he saw the cervus daemonium towering over him and as he tried to run past it to get to the door he heard a crunch. He looked in horror as its massive hoof landed on the back of his shin, crunching his leg under its immense weight. He looked into the creature's eyes one last time before its hoof crushed his head.
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