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by Mlh035
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Erotica · #2296419
Lex Luthor is visited by Lois Lane eho and wants information on Superman's disappearance
Characters owned by Warner Brothers Discovery.
Fanfiction by MLH035

Lex Luthor
Mercy Graves
Lois Lane
Kara Danvers
And more

"Mr Luthor, Lois Lane is here to see you." Mercy Graves buzzes.
"Escort her in Mercy." Luthor orders
Mercy enters Lex Luthor's office, followed by Lois Lane.
"Hello Lois, what can I do for you." Luthor asks pleasantly.
"Superman has disappeared, and I know you had something to do with it!" Lois blurts out.
"Lois, before we begin our conversation, I need to check with Mercy." Luthor says stopping Lois in her trade.
"Mercy, was Lois searched?" Luthor asks.
"No, Mr Luthor, she wasn't." Mercy Graves answers.
"Well then, Lois, since you are in an excitable mood, I must insist you submit to a strip search." Lex Luthor demands of Lois.
"What!" Lois screams. "You can't be serious."
Lex Luthor is sitting behind his desk with a sinister smile tapping his fingers together.
"I am very serious." Lex Luthor says.
"You have a choice, have Mercy conduct the strip search here in front of me, or you can go to the lobby and have the 2 giant guards there conduct it. Either way, it is the only way you will find the answers you seek." Lex Luthor smiles on anticipation of Lois's answer.
Lois thinks about it long and hard, but she needs answers, so she decides to submit. She will try to get Mercy to do it privately.
"Ok, but can't Mercy do it privately?" Lois asks.
"No, it will be conducted in front of me." Lex Luthor says in finality.
"Ok." Lois agrees.
"Excellent, Lois, start taking your clothes off and handing them to Mercy. You will take a piece off hand it to Mercy and then take off another piece and wait till she takes it, and so on till you are totally naked. She will then frisk you and have you bend over the desk to search the rest of you. If you balk at any point, I will get up and help her. Understand?" Lex asks.
"I understand." Lois reluctantly agrees. Lois hands her purse to Mercy who opens it and dumps the contents on the floor, and then reaches in the purse, feeling around for anything else or hidden pockets.
"Hey, there was no reason to dump it on the floor!" Lois exclaims angerlily.
"I don't care." Mercy simply says, sorting through the contents with her foot.
Lois fumes for a minute, then starts unbuttoning her jacket and slipping it off. She holds it out to Mercy who finishes going through the items her on the floor and takes the jacket and starts checking the pockets and lining.
While Mercy is checking Lois's jacket. Lois unbuttons and removes her blouse and holds it out for Mercy, keeping in mind Lex's instructions.
Mercy finishes with the jacket and gives it to Lex, who puts it on the desk near him. Mercy takes the blouse from Lois and starts checking it over.
Lois reaches behind her and takes her bra off and holds it out for Mercy and with the other arm swings over to cover her breasts.
Mercy takes her time checking her blouse, leaving Lois standing there on humiliation. Finally, Mercy gives the blouse to Lex and takes the bra, and starts checking it over. Lois takes a deep breath and uncovering her breasts unzips her skirt and removes it and holds it out for Mercy and quickly covers her breasts with the free arm again. Mercy doesn't take long checking the bra and gives it to Lex. Mercy grabs the skirt from Lois and starts going over it.
Lois takes a deep breath and pits her hands in the waistband of her panties but pauses. Mercy, seeing her pause, steps up to her and smacks her ass.
'SMACK' "Get those panties off, Lois." Mercy orders.
"Eeep!" Lois yelps. She quickly pushes the panties down her legs.
She bends over to pick the panties up and Mercy purs her hand on her back to hold her bent over and starts spanking her.
Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack
"You do not stop stripping when you are ordered to!" Mercy admonishes Lois while spanking her. Lois yelps and yips with each Smack Mercy givers her ass.
Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack
"Ow, ohhg, Owwwww." Lois whines.
"Now stand and hold those panties out till I'm ready for them." Mercy orders. Lois stands up straight and holds the panties out to Mercy with one hand and the other goes to cover her breasts, then down to cover her pussy. Lois isn't sure what part to cover most and settles on covering her pussy.
Mercy leaves Lois standing like that as she picks up the skirt she dropped to spank Lois. Mercy takes her time making Lois stand there holding the panties out for a good 5 minutes or more.
Mercy finally hands the skirt to Lex and takes the panties from Lois. Lois with just her high heels and stockings left on start to take her shoes off.
"No, leave those on." Lex orders
Mercy finishes checking Lois's panties and hands them to Lex. She then walks over to Lois.
Mercy begins the search by checking Lois's hair and ear rings. Then, she orders Lois to clasp her hands behind her head.
"Stand up straight and clasp your behind your head." Mercy orders. After Lois complies she then runs her hands along Lois's sides and grabs and fondles Lois's breasts and then pinchs the nipples which causes Lois to draw in a deep breath. Mercy is stroking and feeling her all over going lower and lower. Until she is kneeling before her.
"Spread your legs." Mercy orders. Lois turns red in humiliation but does as ordered and Mercy runs her handsup and down her legs and across her pussy lips and goes behind her and parts her ass cheeks and runs her fingers up and down her anus.
"Ok, lay over Lex's desk." Mercy says as she stands up and grabs Lois by the neck and forces her over Lex's desk.
"Owwwww, not so rough!" Lois complains.
"Shut up, and stay just like you are, i have to go get a pairof gloves. " Mercy says. She then leaves the office. Lois is laying face down over Lex Luthor's desk naked. She turns red in humiliation at the thought.
"I hope you feel the answers you get will be worth all this humiliation, Lois." Lex remarks as he stands up and walks around his desk to admire her naked body. Lois starts to get up but Lex places a hand in the center of her back and pushes her back down.
"Naughty, naughty, you were ordered to stay in position, were you not." Lex mocks Lois. "That deserves some punishment." With those words Lex starts spanking Lois.
Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack
"Owwwww. Owwwww! Please stop Lex, please." Lois begs as Lex keeps spanking her.
Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack
"Owwwww, Owwwww." Lois breaks down and begins to cry.
Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack
Lex brings the spanking to a close and starts fondling Lois's red ass, and running his hand between her legs.
"One thing you need to learn Lois is that I am always in charge." Lex boasts. Lex keeps running hus fingers up and down Lois's pussy and her body starts to respond and her pussy moistens. Lex parts her pussy lips and sees the glistening wetness.
"Getting aroused Lois. Haha?" Lex asks with a chuckle. Lex flicks her clit and she bucks under his hand, he then massages the area he flicked with his finger and Lois relaxs again with a moan.
"Oohhh." Lois moans raising her hips snd spreading her legs to allow easier access. While Lex is stimulating Lois Mercy returns with a pair of rubber gloves. Lois doesn't hear her enter and doesn't realize she has an audience.
"It looks like she's enjoying that, Mr Luthor." Mercy says. Lois jolts at hearing Mercy's voice and tries to get up. Lex holds her down and spanks her.
Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack
"Owwwww, Oww!" Lois cries out and kicks her legs.
"You Smack were Smack told Smack not Smack to Smack get Smack up Smack." Lex says as he keeps spanking Lois.
Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack
"Owwwww, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please no more!" Lois begs.
Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack
"Next time, I will pull off my belt and whip that ass till it is purple!" Lex threatens.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Lois cries tears running down her face.
Lex grabs Lois's hair at the back of her head, and pulls her head up and looking her in the eyes.
"You better start doing as instructed Lois, or I will have my guards come up here and throw you out of the building just as you are." Lex says
Lois slumps in defeat and allows Lex to do as he wishes with Mercy watching. Lex to prove his point, flicks Lois's clit twice causing her to buck under his hand and Mercy to laugh.
"Hahahaha, good one, Mr Luthor." Mercy exclaims in laughter.
Lex then massages Lois's pussy mound causing her to moan. Lex then straightens up and with a slap to Lois's ass, moves back around his desk and takes his seat.
"Ok, Mercy, get on with it. I'm sure Ms Lane is in a hurry to get answers to her questions.
© Copyright 2023 Mlh035 (mlh035 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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