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A new Jane Austen Newsletter. P&P Q&A, Astrology Signs of Jane's characters.
Jane Austen May 2023 Newsletter
Editor: Princess Megan Rose 22 Years

Hello Janeites! It has been awhile but I am back with a new Jane Austen Newsletter. May. Summer is almost here. It is 50 Degrees but it is supposed to warm up this week. It was 70 and 80's for awhile. I am hoping life will be good for all of us. I am going to talk about Pride and Prejudice Questions and characters, Astrology signs of Jane's characters and the one house Jane Austen lived in is being sold. I hope you will be curious enough to read this and see what I came up with.

Steventon House in Hampshire, the home that replaced the original building where many of Jane's famous novels were born, is on sale for $10.5 million. The current Grade 11Georgian House sits on 51.64 acres of land and was built by Jane's older brother Edward. Jane lived there from 1775 to 1801. The house has been remodeled and is beautiful. Green forests, gardens, a coach house, tennis court, a two bedroom cottage. I am not good at giving links but feel free to look it up online. If you bought this house and lived in it, Jane's characters and stories would be following you and that wouldn't be a bad thing. You would be living in Austenland in modern times.

Pride and Prejudice is a favorite with me. Everyone knows that. Pride and Prejudice has sold over more then 20 million copies. Wow. I love Elizabeth and Darcy. Here are some questions to think about when rereading P&P.

What are some themes in the story? How do they relate to the plot and characters?

Love versus marriage. Women were expected to marry who their parents chose when you were part of the ton. Manners and obeying your husband. You had no say so in who you married. A bully like Lady Catherine. You were to bow to her. Wrong. Elizabeth didn't. I don't blame her.

What were your favorite moments of the book? What is your least favorite?

I like when Darcy bailed Lydia out and made Wickham marry her. I like when Elizabeth finally accepted Darcy's marriage proposal. I like when they got married. I like when Elizabeth told off Lady Catherine. I like when Mr. Bennet told Elizabeth if she married Charles, he would never speak to her again. I liked when Mrs. Bennet told off Lady Catherine.

Least favorite. Mrs. Bennet putting on airs and making a fool of herself. Darcy putting down Jane to Bingley.

The original title was First Impressions. Why is Pride and Prejudice a better title? Are Darcy and Elizabeth both guilty of pride and prejudice?

First Impressions captured the essence of the story. Pride and Prejudice narrows it down. Darcy had pride and was prejudice against Elizabeth and her family. Elizabeth let him have it right back. That was a first impression. Darcy is full of pride and Elizabeth was prejudiced because of Darcy's money.

Marriage in P&P. How do you feel about the marriages in this novel?

Mr. and Mrs. Bennet are unhappy. Mrs. Bennet nags and Mr. Bennet hides in his library. They have a marriage of convivence. Charlotte Lucas married Charles Collins so she can have a husband. Any man will fill the bill.

Lydia and Wickham. She loves him and he will stay married because he will stay out of trouble and have the money he needs. Sad really.

Elizabeth and Darcy will be happy. We know that.

Jane naming one of her characters after herself in P&P. Jane is described as everything lovely. Jane probably wanted to think she would be married someday and be happy like Jane Bennet. She put herself as the character of Elizabeth's sister.

Do you find the characters likeable?

All except Lady Catherine, Mrs. Bennet and Charles Collins. I don't care for Bingley's sisters. The rest of the characters I could have dinner parties with.

What makes Pride and Prejudice timeless?

It was written over 200 years ago. It is still relevant. It is beautifully written with a happy ending and first impressions of people can be wrong. Darcy and Elizabeth is a great love story and this is a romance we all want. Pride and Prejudice is impressive and will live and thrive forever in our hearts.

Astrology signs of Jane Austen's characters. Let's talk about this.

Captain Wentworth Persuasion

Aries. He is an Aries. He is impulsive and hot headed. He flirted his way to head injury. He demonstrates passion, courage and enthusiasm. He does marry Anne.

Darcy Pride and Prejudice


A bull head. He dismisses Lizzie as soon as he meets her. He does have reliability, stability and devotion. He watched over his younger sister, took care of Pemberly, admired Lizzie and he is well grounded.

Emma Woodhouse Emma


Curious. An affectionate nature. Gentleness. She's spoiled and indecisive and a busybody. She learns from her mistakes and gets her own love life in the end. She minds her own business finally.

Henry Tilney Northangar Abbey


Charming. Smart. Center of attention. He has humor, sass and self confidence. He loves Catherine.

Anne Elliot


Creates an orderly world. Long suffering. Self sacrifice. Kind. Boring maybe but listens to her friends, watch a sick child and remains loyal to everyone. She finally marries Captain Wentworth and finds happiness.

Catherine Morland Northanger Abbey


I am a Sagittarius! Catherine is direct, fire sign and flexible. She desires to live a gothic romance. Me, too! Good humor, thirst for novelty and idealistic spirit. She makes the most of her experience in the eerie castle.

Elizabeth Bennet


Unique, independent, forward thinker. She refused two suitors. She worked her magic on Darcy. She was set in her opinions. Hello Pride and Prejudice! A well written love letter. She marries Darcy. The letter mattered.

I hope you have enjoyed this newsletter. I would love to hear from you. Have a Happy Summer!

I dedicate to this newsletter to eyestar~* I miss her. She always enjoyed reading my Jane Austen Newsletters. If she found something of interest about Jane Austen, she would email me about it. She always wanted me to let her know when I wrote a new Jane Austen Newsletter. I think she is reading this Newsletter and smiling.

Read these items:

Jane Austen Discussion Forum  (ASR)
A Forum for authors and members who love Jane Austen.
#1710273 by Princess Megan Rose 22 Years

Jane Austen Meeting Place  (ASR)
A place to meet other members and write about what you love about Jane Austen.
#1992432 by Princess Megan Rose 22 Years

Jane Austen Group  (E)
This group is for all those who love Jane Austen. Nominated for a Quill 2014 ,2016 &2018
#1992277 by Princess Megan Rose 22 Years

The Darcy Writing Challenge  (ASR)
Writing challenge to earn the Darcy Merit Badge.
#2077921 by Princess Megan Rose 22 Years

A picture I drew of Elizabeth Bennet from "Pride and Prejudice"
Original Jane Austen picture.

© Copyright 2023 Princess Megan Rose 22 Years (tigger at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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