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Lika was Henry Kingsley's PA & best friend. He messed up & vowed to get her back. ROMANCE |
THREE YEARS LATER Her eyes blinked rapidly at the onslaught of camera flashes as she stood dutifully behind Henry, who was answering questions from reporters who surrounded him. She couldn't see his face, but Lika knew he was flashing that charming smile of his, dazzling the room in his custom made Armani three-piece suit while he talked in his deep, sophisticated gentleman's British accent. Standing next to her, looking impatient, was his new agent Raina Deveroux. Honestly Lika didn't know the blonde that much. Not yet anyway. She only knew that Henry replaced his old one in the heat of an argument, and when Lika asked about it, the man responded to her query with nothing but a cold shoulder. Lika knew then not to question him. Not now. Now was Henry's night. Against all odds, Henry did get that heroic lead male role they'd been after three years ago. The big break shot his name to more fame and recognition across Hollywood, and tonight, she couldn't feel more proud as they rolled the red carpet to celebrate him. Henry walked forward to his fans who cheered his name upon seeing him approach. He gave them a courteous smile as he exchanged warm greetings with them. Amongst the goggly eyed fans, a kid dressed in a full on superhero custom that matched Henry's role squeezed forward and shouted his acting name, adorably stretching his short arms to Henry. In his small hands was a poster of Henry. Lika couldn't help the internal awww as she looked at the hope that brightened the kid's blue eyes as the boy stared starstruck at her boss. Henry gave the boy a grin as he signed someone's poster and was about to get to the kid before Raina interrupted. "Enough. Let's go," she insisted, grabbing Henry's bicep. "Just a second," he told her. Before he could turn to the kid, Annika Mendez walked in, her designer black and silver dress tailed on the red carpet elegantly. Her smile was captivating as the gorgeous actress joined hands with Henry. "Let's go inside," Lika heard her say to his ear. Henry stood for a moment there, giving Annika's form a once over in appreciation and with lust lurking subtly behind his captivating blue eyes. "Timekeeping, people," Raina added impatiently, tapping her watch. "Come on," Annika smiled, an angel in Henry's arm. Henry gave her a kiss on the cheek before following her lead, not even once taking his eyes off of her. The boy was going to be left high and dry. Lika tapped at Henry's shoulder. "Just one more for the boy," she said. "No time, Lika." With that the man left with his gorgeous fiancee into the building, with Raina following close behind them. Lika hid her displeasure at Henry's insensitivity. He wasn't always like this. He used to try harder to make time for his adoring fans, especially the little ones. Lika knew Henry adored kids and babies. Somewhere along the way, Henry's priorities had been shifted. The little boy with the big doe eyes looked like he was about to cry. Moved by kindness, Lika quickly fished her car key in her small bag and unhooked the keychain–it was a pre-released movie merchandise that she got from the studio, one with the male lead crest on it. Lika gave the weighty golden keychain to the kid. "From Mr. Kingsley. He's sorry he had to go." The little boy's eye lit up. Lika beamed at him before turning and jogged to catch up with her boss and his entourage. *** Lika made her way into Henry's new residence in London. A year ago he bought a new house. Bigger, more extravagant, more luxurious and much more expensive than even the previous one he had. Annika had since moved to London and live with him. Everytime, there was pride in her best friend's eyes whenever he looked at the American actress that was about to marry him in six months. Though Lika wasn't particularly happy with Henry's choices of girls, she herself had to admit that Annika was pretty decent. Knowing Henry, he was serious about her too. Annika Mendez was polite and sophisticated, not wild and a party animal like the ones Henry used to date. She was a lady through and through. Lika also noted how Annika put an effort to win Henry's family as well. Showering them with gifts. Finding time to spend with them between her own busy schedules. Lika and Annika had their differences regarding almost everything about Henry. Annika focused more about building his public image. Lika was focused on that too, it was her job after all, but she didn't quite agree with Henry spending his hard earned money to live up to Hollywood full-blown lifestyle standard just to keep up appearances, even if it was something that Henry himself didn't find particularly enjoyable. Like, buying a mansion in LA. Lika really hoped that he won't get through with the plan. But with Annika whispering to his ears, and with how weak Henry was for any gorgeous girl that manage to catch his heart, Lika couldn't do anything except to accommodate to his wishes. After all, it was his money which he would never lack, and that she was just the employee. Lika hauled Henry's suits in the dry cleaning bag over her shoulders, her high heels clicked on the stairs as she panted–why on earth anyone needed to go through a set of stairs as wide as the lawn just to get into one's house? As Lika finally got inside, she was met with the view of Annika straddling Henry on his oversized, overpriced sofa, sucking the column of his shapely neck while his own hands roamed across her voluptuous body. Lika averted her eyes. It was not the first time she saw him that way with any girl, really, but that doesn't mean it stopped making Lika feel really uncomfortable. She cleared her throat, alerting the two horny adults with her presence. "I have your laundry." Henry looked past Annika, while the female just giggled, blushing in embarrassment upon being caught making out with him on the couch in the middle of the day. Annika was about to get off of him when he dragged her back to his lap, making the woman giggle some more. "Just put it in my room, will you?" said Henry, his voice raspy and his dark curls mussed from the makeout. Henry only gave Lika one, distracted brief look before turning his attention to the bewitching woman in his arms. Keeping her straight face, she made towards the main bedroom quickly just so she could escape from having to watch Henry tongue-bath with his fiancee. *** Lika walked into the spacious kitchen separated from the main living room with her ipad in her arms. She ignored the screams of her ankles as she walked about in her high heels for almost 10 hours non stop. "Good evening, Chef Kitori," she beamed, amazed at how the five star chef managed to turn Henry's home kitchen into something resembling his own Hell's Kitchen. "Miss Denali," he greeted back in his thick Japanese accent. "Everything's good? Ready to roll the appetizers at 6.20?" "All is well, madam. Only the best staff in my kitchen for Mr. Kingsley," the chef replied with his flat, professional tone that matched his expression. Lika noted the hidden threats in his speech–not directed at her, obviously, but more towards everyone else working the kitchen. Lika could only guess that this man must be a nightmare to work with if she was one of his cook or his kitchen helper. "Is there anything else that I can help with?" Lika smiled. "I'm just here to check in. Also giving a reminder that main course should be out by 7, and dessert by 7.40," she swiped at the screen of her ipad, "Oh, and also, Miss Mendez' meal should be free of any kind of seafood. That one is paramount." "Already on it," the professional chef said before adding with suggestion in his tone, "I can send one of the staff to show you Miss Mendez' main course for final check before serving, for your peace of mind." "Perfect," Lika smiled appreciatively. No wonder Chef Kitori was marked as one of the highest paid chef in England. His attention to detail was impeccable. "Thank you so much for being here, Chef Kitori. You have no idea how important this dinner tonight for Mr. Kingsley." "An honor, Miss Denali," the chef offered a courteous smile, "Happy to serve." Lika exited the kitchen and into the bustling living room of Henry's. Soft jazz music echoed the entire space, along with the sounds of people chatting. All of the movie casts, the director, the producer and all the upper management of the studio was here. It was Annika's idea to throw the lavish, exotic dinner–to further impress the studio and help secure Henry's role into the next movie sequel. Lika thought it was unnecessary; Henry's acting ability and his outstanding performance in the first movie was enough to prove to anyone that he was indeed born for the role, and that the success of the first movie box office was enough to secure the sequel. "If it isn't Kingsley's little play thing," Lika turned around, smiling at one of the actors that made his way to her. "Excuse me," she heard him say as he walked out from the good-looking and wealthy group of people that were surrounding him. Tom Skarsgard was an American triple A actor that was working side by side with Henry in the project. He was in fact, the executive producer in this whole movie franchise, him being a senior actor in Hollywood. Senior, though at age 53, Mr. Skarsgard somehow managed to look like a 30 year old, looking totally dashing in his casual white t-shirt and classic blue jeans. His heart-wrenching handsomeness, combined with his southern accent only magnified his charm. "Hello, Eliska. C'mere." Lika blushed when she felt him giving her a hug and a kiss on her cheek. In her defense, any woman (and some men) would totally reacted the same as her. If not, worse. She heard him whisper to her ear, "Save me from these people," before hauling her away towards one of the table where the fancy finger food was. A boyish grin etched on his face the moment they arrived at where the drinks at. "Hi Mr. Skarsgard," Lika greeted him with a smile, "How are you? Looking good," complimented her. "I aim to please," he replied in his charming American accent, winking at her, "Though please stop referring me by my last name. We are coworkers now. Besides, that freaks me out. I thought my ex-wife was calling me." "Which ex-wife?" blurted out Lika without thinking. The handsome man almost choke with his wine. "I'm sorry," Lika cringed in embarrassment at her insensitive outburst, though Tom's hazel eyes were high with amusement. "I should be more careful with you," he teased her good naturedly. The actor on purposely busied himself as he grabbed a glass and filled it with wine, for once glad to find a way to escape the ass-lickers and the fake people he was forced to converse with in the room. He gave the wine glass to Kingsley's personal assistant. Lika took it from him with a 'thanks', mostly out of courtesy. She didn't have time to relax yet; she still had to make sure all the souvenirs for the high profile guests tonight to be accounted for. But for Tom Skarsgard, hell, he was an awesome guy, and she'd make time for him beyond the reason just to be polite. "You should really take those off." Lika knew that his boyish attitude was just a natural part of his personality, so she knew he didn't mean to flirt with her. Especially someone like her. So she looked at her attire, wondering what was wrong. Was her grey jacket not appropriate for the occasion? Was it hideous? Too formal? Tom Skarsgard chuckled at seeing her expression. "I meant your heels," he clarified, sipping the white wine from his glass with an effortless grace, "You are almost limping. Have you been on it the whole day?" "Yeah," Lika chuckled, "I shouldn't be surprised that you know all about high heels, Mr. Most Wanted Man 2020." "That's last year," Her remarks cracked Tom, "This year, I believe, might be Henry's year. Though I won't deny that I have experience taking off and putting on someone's high heels since 1990. Also the fact that I used to play Bonita the Burlesque Queen in '92, and that, taught me that those thing you girls wear is a torture device." A belly laughter escaped Lika as she shook her head in amusement. Tom grinned. "Come on. Take it off. Your feet must hurt a lot." "I shouldn't. Everyone is wearing shoes." "Come on. You know you want to," tempted Tom, "C'mon. Take it off, baby." Lika rolled her eyes playfully and did as he asked, smiling in amusement as she bent down to unclip her high heels. The moment her both feet landed on the cold grey marble floor, a sigh of relief escaped her. "Atta girl!" praised Tom. "Good?" "Splendid," she beamed, "Thank you for the nudge." Tom laughed good naturedly, looking pleased. "I'm happy to hear that. I'm also excited to hear whether you've considered my proposal back when we were on set?" Lika's brows pressed together in confusion, not following. Tom clarified. "The job offer?" He reminded with a boyish grin that would melt any girl's heart of any age, "My assistant still needs an assistant." Lika blinked, thinking that it had been a joke. "You're pulling my leg now, Tom." "I'm not kidding you now. I wasn't kidding you either," he said as he took another sip of his wine, "Whatever Henry is paying you, I'll pay you twice." Lika took a sip on her own wine; seemed like she was going to need it to determine if he was joking, or even worse, testing her, for reasons she couldn't comprehend. "Uh..." "I'll pay you thrice," offered Tom with a serious expression. Lika was still frowning in confusion. "Quadruple?" Tom bargained again. Lika blinked in surprise. In her head she was calculating her current monthly salary and multiplied it by four. The number was astounding. With it she could easily afford the very best care for her aunt as she did now, and make it even better. She could have enough for a down payment of a house. In a year she would be able to pay off the said house. She could have a big amount of savings after that. But none of those would make her happy. She would lose her best friend and the thought kinda dampened her spirit. To be honest with herself, she was happy enough that at her current salary (which was too generous already) she got to enjoy the work that she loved, provided best care for her aunt and pay off her rent–and it was a very nice house in the strategic area of London. Besides, it was most likely that Tom was joking her right now. "You know," Lika clicked her tongue, playing coy, "Henry wouldn't like that. Besides, don't you think that stealing your co-star's PA is something unethical?" "Is there a Hollywood Code of Conduct manual that I didn't know of?" countered Tom back, raising a dark brow, "Besides, I know if you agree to work with me, I could always sweet talk Kingsley into giving me his blessings. I can be very convincing and he won't be able to say no to me," he said confidently, "That, if your current boss' feelings is all you're worrying about." Lika chuckled in astonishment. "Tom, that is an amazing offer. Truly. But I can't leave Henry." "Why not?" Lika glanced towards Henry who stood by the bar, his arm on Annika's waist. She turned her gaze back to Tom. "Henry is also my best friend. I really can't leave him. Besides, he pays me quite well." "Does he treat you well, though?" Tom asked, knowing that Tom himself had sterling reputations with his employee. He could ensure her working satisfaction with him. He knew because he hired only the best. They would work hard for him, and he would spoil them, especially those closest to him. "Better than I deserve," Lika answered earnestly. Tom was an impeccable actor. He often played decent and easy in front of others, hiding his brilliant mind and the hard earned wisdom he gained throughout decades of experience. By the girl's responses alone, Tom could draw several facts about her: One. Eliska Denali felt indebted to Henry Kingsley, and her loyalty could not simply be bought. Two. She didn't realize that her own boss had started to take her for granted, pretty much ever since the start of his relationship with a certain actress that Tom secretly disfavored. Three. She was in love with her own best friend, and the naive woman did not even realize it. There you go, Tom thought. Stephen, his personal assistant for thirty years, must fend for himself and try to find another suitable candidate. At least Tom tried to help him woo Eliska Denali, though to no avail. "Not with that shoes, no. Henry isn't treating you right," he joked, drawing another chuckle from the pleasant girl. "No, no. The shoes is my own doing. Henry wouldn't care less if I walk around the house in my Christmas socks," she explained, "The heels are to compensate for my height." "You're short," blurted Tom, as if it wasn't the most obvious thing in the world. "Thanks." "So what? Own it. You are gorgeous either way." "Thanks," she mumbled again, blushing. "Seriously, don't compare yourself to us on the silver screen or on the magazines," he advised, "It is all smoke and mirrors. None of it is genuine. It's all airbrushed. Believe me–I am one of them, so what I'm telling you is a reliable inside information." "I don't know. You're pretty good without makeup." "Obviously I am an exception," smiled Tom, dazzling her again, making her chuckle. He lifted his wine glass and Lika mirrored his gesture. "To you, Eliska Denali," Tom clinked his glass to hers, "Henry Kingsley is lucky to have you in his life." "Thank you." As they both sipped on their drink simultaneously, the said object of their conversation came and greeted them both. Henry placed his hands each on Lika and Tom's shoulder. "Leave my girl alone, Tom," joked Henry with a boyish grin, pulling Lika to his side and playfully looked at her, "This man is trying to get you drunk." As Lika yet again laughed, Tom placed a hand on his left chest, faking a heart attack. "Shit. I've been made. Am I that obvious?" With that, the two men gave each other a masculine embrace consisting of what seemed to Lika like a painful slap on each other backs as a sign of their genuine friendship. Lika was sure if Henry or Tom greeted her that way, she would've been thrown across the floor due to their muscle mass and strength. Squished between two extremely good looking and famous actors, Lika only smiled upon witnessing the two boys threw jokes around each other. At some point Lika remembered her unfinished tasks, and patiently waited for the right moment to excuse herself. "Annie!" Tom exclaimed happily as Henry's beautiful fiancee came up to them, hugging Tom. "This one is also mine, Tom," Henry said playfully. While his left hand was still circling Lika's waist, he snaked his right one on Annika's. Annika leaned her head on his broad chest and let out a lady-like giggle. "That is outrageous," Tom jabbed Henry's abs playfully, "How are you claiming all the beautiful ladies?" Henry shrugged, flashing his pearly white smile. He was indeed blessed, thought Henry. With Annika and Lika by his side, he felt like he could do and achieve anything in the world. *** Laughter echoed in Henry's massive dining room as more than dozens of people listened to Annika Mendez' story back at the set of Legend of The Sword. Another person topped her story with another funny incident, and the others burts out laughing again. "I couldn't believe he did that and lived!" James Collidge, the director of the movie commented with amusement on his face, "What did you say he was wearing?" Annika choked with laughter, "Well, he's putting on my dress–you know the one I wore in the scene where Jameson the Third was being–" she coughed, clearing her throat, while her expression was still graced by amusement, "–coronated as king of Goslevnia?" Another laughter ensued, while a certain actor who was guilty of making that comical scene during filming break only blushed in embarrassment. "I know. I regret that decision now," quipped Caleb Olson, shaking his head in amusement. Next to Henry, Annika was still coughing. He rubbed her back comfortingly, sending her mild concerned look as she seemed to struggle to clear her airway. "Are you alright?" Annika shot him a smile, muttering 'sorry' under her breath before taking a sip on a glass of water. The feeling of water in her throat only served to aggravate the itch she felt. Henry kept his eyes on her while the others still busied themselves throwing jokes around Caleb's shenanigans on set. Annika took a heavy, deep breath, yet only a small portion of air was pushed into her lungs. She tried to stay calm, but with more air she took, the more she felt her throat being constricted. By this time several people around her, including Tom Skarsgard had already began to notice something off about Annika. "I... can't... breathe." Fear suddenly swept over the room like an invisible entity as Annika fell to her side and out of her chair. Henry was immediately on his feet; panic in his eyes were mirrored by everyone's expressions. "Annika!" "Is she choking?!" "No she was still talking!" Tom, being quick of mind, was immediately searching Annika's plate. "Smoked Chicken California Roll..." he mumbled to himself, his eyes strained as he looked for any sign of seafood. None. Then his eyes caught the sight of the black sauce surrounding the sushi. With his bare finger he swiped and give it a taste on the tip of his tongue. "Oyster sauce!" he announced to Henry. "Fuck!" Henry cursed, knowing that Annika was severely allergic to anything seafood. He tapped on Annika's reddened face, her lips swollen, "Honey, do you have your Epipen?" Annika shook her head frantically, fear evident in her eyes. "Does anyone have an Epipen?" Lika shouted to anyone as she fumbled with her own phone, contacting the emergency services. "I have one!!" Raina yelled back, her hands fumbling with tremor as she fished for the injection in her handbag. The poor woman was shaking so badly that she couldn't finish with the simple task. Henry leapt on his feet and grabbed the bag from his agent's trembling hands before pouring out all the contents on the table. Grabbing the bright orange Epipen in his steady hand, he ran back towards Annika's helpless form on the floor. His blue eyes were laser focused as he purposely uncapped the salvation in his hand and injected it to Annika's leg. The reaction was almost immediate. Annika drew a breath, and upon the relief of being able to breathe again, the now pale actress broke into tears. Henry cradled her head to his chest, releasing a breath he didn't realize had been holding. "I got you now. I got you, love," he cooed comfortingly, placing a kiss on her temple. The scene reminded Lika of that day by the pool in Henry's parents house three years ago. She had been upset after hearing about Katherine guilt and Jean's problem with drugs. He had been holding her just like that. She remembered him pulling her to one of the chaise lounge by the pool side, holding her close as she refused to cry some more or tell him what was on her mind. But Henry knew; he always did, because he was her best friend. "Do you regret leaving Kate to follow after me?" he asked gently, his deep voice carried out with care and affection as he stroke her hair comfortingly while she rested her head on his broad chest. Lika looked up to the graceful plane of his face and couldn't help but admire his features. Glowing skin. Strong, sculpted jaw. Masculine cheekbone. Straight nose. Shapely lips. The adorable slight cut on his chin that added to his handsome visage. A deep set of blue eyes rimmed with wispy dark lashes. His gaze steady, piercing almost. It seemed like they were staring right into her soul, demanding to unveil all secrets and hidden thoughts. "Yes," she answered, before adding, "...and no." Henry's gaze softened. "I know what you're thinking. You're blaming yourself for not seeing the signs." "I was closest to Jean at the time. I should have." "You couldn't have known. All Kingsleys are actors, and the world is our stage," he joked lightly in an attempt to make her smile. She did. Henry caressed her cheek with the back of his fingers. "Don't blame yourself. Please." At the time, Lika could only nodded. Being like this, she was putty in his hands; she'd do anything he asked of her. Henry spoke again. "Thank you for loving me," he said solemnly, "And for loving my family. I love you too, Eliska Denali." Henry planted a light kiss on her temple and tightened his hold on her. He rested his cheek on top of her head. "Promise me that no matter what, you will never let me go," he muttered. Lika was quiet. He pulled a strand of dark hair in her head, tugging at it gently in a rather childish way, "Promise me, Eliska," he demanded, his tone serious. "I promise," Lika answered. "You're the ultimate man's best friend," he cooed. Lika punched at his rock hard abs, making Henry hiss dramatically. "How dare you," she laughed, "I'm not a dog." "No. You're more like a kitten," Henry chortled, "Because you hit like a girl." "Fite me, Kingsley!" "Ma'am, the ambulance is one minute away from the Kingsley residence. Please stand by," the emergency dispatcher announced through the phone in her ear. "I'm standing by," Lika said to the phone before pressing it to her chest as she informed Henry, "Help is coming." Henry nodded. With that Lika jogged towards the front of the house, waiting for the ambulance anxiously. Inside, Henry was still holding Annika, rubbing her back comfortingly as they waited for help to arrive. The dark haired actor looked at his agent, Raina, giving her a grateful look. "We're lucky you had an Epipen on you." Raina smiled in sympathy. Things really could go wrong if she hadn't. "My son has peanut allergy. I keep Epipen everywhere I go. You should too, Annika." Annika nodded, her eyes glassy. Lika hugged her own body as if to protect herself from the cold winter air. Fog formed in front of her face as she breathed and waited for the first responders to arrive. The flashing blue and red lights made Lika's heart seemed to beat again. Everything after that was a blur. Her mind raced with so many things at once. Henry. Annika's incident. The souvenirs that the guests hadn't even had the chance at receiving. The lovely dinner that had come to an abrupt halt. Oyster sauce that was supposed to be sweet soy sauce instead. There was cold fire in Henry's eyes the moment he asked Lika to accompany Annika in the ambulance. She knew then why Henry chose to stay instead of going with her fiancee. He knew she was now in good hands, and that he needed to find out whatever or whoever caused this incident. The eerie protectiveness in his blue eyes sent cold shiver down Lika's spine. Lika held Annika's hand in hers as the woman laid back in the gurney. Annika sent her a grateful yet weak smile; her expression still twisted in confusion at what just befell her. *** [Author's Note: Comment? Thanks for reading! ❤️] |