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My fantasy of BigCuties ssbbw |
Chapter 1 - Pineapple Pizza They was sitting at the living room at Leahs place, Summer was sitting in a loving chair like a trone, you could only see a litle gap between her side and the chair arms, Leah was sitting in the couch with her legs up. Summer was visiting Leah in California for taking some pictures for their website. They had a good week of work and they was relaxing at this Friday, they had just finishing work and the photograf guy just had leave after organizing the room and equipment. They start smoking their vapes and relaxing. - You look gorgeous on your sets those yoga pants really make your boody looks awsome - Thank you girl, i really look smal next to your figure toguth, and you have some amazing tatoos - U r sweet, why dont you have anyone? - O i really didnt think of that in my youth, and now i think i am a bit to old for that - Non sense, you can have amazing ones, you have some great thinck tights, you can do a few nice ones there, and you have a big guns who would love some. - Do you think, maybe i would make my favorite pizza, Lol - LOL, that is a nice one, speaking of it this vape is making me hungry - We are Always hungry, LOL, well i think pizza sounds amazing - Yea, i am craving for a Peperoni - I love Gorgonzola cheese - Hmmm since i am the Baconator and i am in California one must have that meet - Meet, i want a barbecue with cheadar - And the pineapple - Pineapple, eeeeeu - Try it before you deny it - Ok, so five large ones - Defnatly, i am starving Leah grab her phone and open the Uber eats, she make a quick order since they decided wich ones she will ask. - They will arrive in 30 - O god, do you have any appetizer? - I will grab some cookies - Yay!! The chat goes one as they wait for the pizza - What you think that tonight we go to "the loft" - Whaaat no lazy evening? - Try it befor you deny it! - You got me on that, but i am not in the mood - Come on girl, i need to have a girls mouth on my fupa today - Hahaha, you are terrible - Girl i am serious, nothing better to relax than have someone that knows what she is doing, speacily when you have a big fupa - I hear you girl, one a guy try to go down there and didnt know what he was doing - I Always told you girl, a girl know what to look for - Well i have a big task for any brave one who are willing to go there, LOL - You would be amazed for the amount of willing ones that want a big girl - I dont know Then they hear the dorbell ring - Right on time Leah rise up and wadle to the door, she was in a short who barely cover her ass, flip flops, and a tank top with her belly expose. When she open the door she see five big boxes, a litle girl holding the pizza and carring a bag with four big jugs of soda (coca zero). Leah bite her lower lips. - Hello there, do you mind to bring those heavy boxes at the kitchen? - Sure think mam - Hmmm polite The girl carry the boxes and put on the island in the kitchen, it sure was heavy for a 5'2'' girl, and 110 pounds girl. - You guys will have a party? - LOL, well, almost that The girl turn arrownd and see the size of Leah and got mesmerized. Leah love that look, the girl was shaking her legs Leah could tell, Leah take a step close to the girl smiling and looking right trought her eyes letting the girl speachless with her mouth dropped - Well the party will be at "The loft" later, if i get that lady on the mood Leah pointed to Summer and the girl saw the bigger lady sitting in the chair, had a goulp - You, are, a couple? - LOL no i am totaly single Said Lead leaning foward to the girl. She put her hand at the island right at the side of the girl, touching her arm softly, She could feel the electricity between them, but the girl dont move na inch. In a lower voice she said - Please sweet help me to coinvince this lady to try new things The girl have a deep breath to try recompose herself - Yea it will be fun - How old are you hunny Said Leah while live room for the girl recompose - I just made 18 this week A big smile came across Leah face, a sweet 18 years girl - Good for you girl, had your party yet? - N.. no mam - Well, you should Leah grab her wallet and give the girl 100 bucks. - Your present sweet, maybe you want to show up at "The Loft" at 2300 - It... it is a nice idea. - Yay Said Leah, and she gave the girl a big hug and wishper a happy birthday at her ear. And add. - i will love to see you there The girl thank her and go out, it was 1900 now, Leah grab their pizzas and bring to the living room, her and Summer ate it from the box, Leah was so excited. - You see that, a Young lesbian for tonight, i love when my treats are ready for when i arrive - How did you knew? - Knew what? Said Leah shoving a slice in her mouth - That she was a Lesbian? Summer shove almos all the slice in her mouth. Leah answer with her mouth full - Hmmmm, i didnt... Big snug at her cocke - Just make my move confident in my beauty, sometimes it work, sometimes not. - I never make a move to anyone - Well you should, you are a gorgeous woman, one of a kind - I am affraid to indimidate people - LOL, yea, i love when that happen - You are weird, LOL - Aren't we all? Anyway we have to go now - Hmmm i am not sure, i am not as confident as you are - Come oooooon girl, you see that, a preaty Young girl ready for me, i bet i let her wet, did you see her legs trambling - LOL, i don't, i tought that any moment she will run out of the house - LOL, sometimes they do, LOL - Yea, i was thinking is whatching some Anime and relax - Girl come on, i already told you what could make you relax for real - I don't know, sounds fun but not for me At this moment only the pinaple pizza had leftovers, because only summer had eat that one. - I tell you what, trying new things is the only way to know if you like it or not, if i eat that pineapple pizza you will go with me - Summer let a little lough, ok deal, only because you was so sweet to me this week Leah ate the pizza and they start to chose their clothes for the night. |