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My future interactive is based on FDMG's toddlerhood, except in this case the characters are anthropomorphic animals, I hope I don't seem like copying anyway I'm stoning on this list of writing the main cast of my interactive I hope you think in the reviews. Conner wooloom Age: 2 & 1/2 Animal: Sheep Gender: Male Alignment: Good Personality: helpful, adventurous timid sometimes scared, cautious, brave, friendly, kind, honest. Conner Owen wooloom is the main protagonist of toddlerfurs. He is the two-and-a-half year old sheep son of Sam and Mary. Conner is 2 and a half lamb, with white fur, (white wool on his head to make it look like he has curly hair), a bit of a pink on his nose, blue eyes. He wears a yellow T-shirt that had blue cuffs, teal overalls, (with a noticeable diaper underneath), blue socks and purple sneakers. Conner is a helpful little lamb who help around the farm he and his parents live in, he can be brave at times but sometimes he can be a bit scared, His fears include bullies, the dark, and loud noises. But when he dislikes most of all even though he knows he still needs them and his Friends know, he doesn't like showing his diapers to other people, (because these afraid they may laugh at him for not being potty trained), so he wears overalls to cover them up. Some at home or school he can be scene holding a blanket and sucking on a pacifier. Wyatt striptail Age: 2 & 1/2 Animal: white tiger cub Gender: Male Alignment: Good Personality: mischevious, sometimes brave, cowardly, friendly. Wyatt jack striptail is the deuteragonist of Toddlerfurs. He's the two-and-a-half-year-old white tiger cub son of boris and , and conner's best friend. Wyatt is a white tiger with blue stripes, brown eyes, he wears a sky blue shirt with a yellow bird on it, diapers, yellow socks and partially untied yellowish green shoes with white laces. Wyatt is a lot more cowardly than conner is, and often tries to talk him out of going on dangerous adventures. But he does care a lot about conner though, and tries to be some time brave. But is often easily startled or scared, both physically or emotionally. Wyatt's interests include painting, colouring, video games including digcraft. Maya and Chelsea hoppity Age both: 2 & 1/2 Animal: bunnies Gender both: Female Alignment: Good Personality maya: Beautiful, friendly, kind, girly, sometimes calm. Personality Chelsea: curious, friendly, kind, hyperactive, a bit squirmy. Maya Ellie hoppity and Chelsea lily hoppity are both the tritagonists of Toddlerfurs. They are both the two-and-a-half-year-old daughter of Carson and bonnie. Maya is a 2 and 1/2 year old blonde furred bunny with blue eyes and a pink nose, blonde shoulder length hair. Wears a pink top with a red tulip on it, and had a light blue tutu the visible diaper underneath, light blue, and pink slippers. Chelsea is a 2 and 1/2 bunny with goldish brown fur with white around her muzzle, lavender eyes, brown hair in a bob cut. Wears purple hairband, an lavender dress with a rose pink skirt with a very visible diaper underneath, and purple open-toed sandals. Maya is beautiful as she is kind. She a really good friend to conner and wyatt, in fact when she and her sister moved next to conner's house. She caught the attention of him, but they just decided to be really good friends for the time being. Maya it's interested in gardening like her mother, she is be calm. Maya hopes that before she is 3 she can get potty trained and were big girls pants. Chelsea is an hyperactive sports girl, who is both friendly and kind to Conor and wyatt, like her sister maya. Chelsea unlike she sister, prefers to be in diapers because it allows her to go potty wherever and whenever she wants. Angel heartping Age: 4 & 1/2 Animal: panda Gender: Female Alignment: Evil Personality: Big, strong, mean, book dumb, defiant, manly, dishonest. Angel poppy heartping is the main antagonist of Toddlerfurs. She's the four-and-a-half-year-old daughter of Harry and mia. Angel is panda with mainly white fur all over her body, and purple fur on her ears, arms, feet, and the heart patches surrounding her eyes. She also has blue eyes. She wears sleeveless knee-length little dress, a long-sleeved yellow blouse with bubble sleeves, violet and light orange polka-dotted tights, baby blue socks, and violet and white sneakers. She also has light blue ribbons tied on her ears. Angel is the spoiled bratty rich daughter of Mia and harry, Angel is often seen bullying and making fun of conner and his friends. She often Braggs about how rich she is, and how she can get whatever she wants from her family. Of course Connor does stand up to her sometimes, but she often stays the mean way he is. Although Conor and his Friends just believe that she's jealous, of them sometimes. Kip bearstunne: Age: 6 Animal: bear Gender: Male Alignment: Good Personality: Cool, well-skilled, brave, smart, kind, active, protective. Kip bearstunne is a supporting character on Toddlerfurs. He is the six-year-old son of kerry and ken, and the younger brother of Kenny. Kip is good at baseball, and video games, but he also likes to help conner and his to know the world around them, and isn'tafraid to stand up to bullies like angel. |