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puss in boots finds out his has a brother and goes to fing him |
we open on a picture of a baby puss with a cat that looks like him puss in boots begins to narrate puss: i am puss in boots it has been a long time since i last stepped into adventure little did i know what i was getting myself into one my latest adventure i've learned alot now it's time for my newest adventure and boy is it about time cue the title of the film PUSS IN BOOTS: THE TROLL'S CURSE they are playing cards at puss's orphanage Perrito: Any 13's? kitty: hmm looks at her cards revealing all to be 13's go fish?'Puss: You know there are no 13's, right? kitty: then how do you explain all my cards being 13's covers her mouth Perrito: I knew you have 13's kitty: growls angrily then slams her cards in anger that's the fifth time how are you so good at this game? are you cheating? Perrito: I just guessed. thelma: your dog friend is one good card player Perrito: ^_^ Puss: I lost one of my lives in a card game once. kitty: right thelma: piqueno i am glad you came to visit you see i have somethin to tell you i never could before Puss: What? thelma: i found this in your old room shows the picture this is your brother russ you see piqueno you were seperated at birth before the wind carried you here to my orphanage Puss: I have a brother? thelma: indeed he is a luchadore Perrito: What's a luchadore? kitty: it's a spanish wrestler perrito thelma: indeed he is in a place called america where he is known as el azula gato diablo Puss: Come on, amigios. We must go find my brother! thelma: farewell puss in boots she then sits on a table and closes her eyes Puss: (raises my eyebrow) Huh? He looks at his mama Puss: Are you OK? no response Puss: Oh no... sad music plays Puss: She's... cue the funeral scene live and let die plays as some random people sing it at said funeral Puss: ð¦ we then hear whistling Puss: That whistle. death appears death: hello gato i am not here for you i am here for thelma i heard you were gonna visit your brother i must warn you they're is someone on your tail Puss: What? Who? death: allow me i call this story the tale of the troll who defied death puts up a story book as it shows visuals shrek style ounce upon a time there was a troll an italian troll born in italy he had dreams of becoming a world renowned pizza maker so when he grew up he soon did so but as time moved on the prices for pizza ingredients kept rising and rising so with a heavy heart he closed his pizza place and moved on he soon realized he needed to get money somehow so as he got older and older he became a vicious pirate hiring three billy goats and a hunchbacked bell ringer named quasimodo but as he got even older he soon heard a whistle the whistle of death thus death himself appeared death told him his time was up and he would soon be on the way to the afterlife but on the day the troll did something nobody has ever done he defied death itself legend says the troll and his crew are still out there looking for money to steal and treasure to find and bury for himself closes the book Puss: Interesting story death: indeed the troll had heard about you losing your eight life and has come to collect the bounty on you i'd be careful if i were you the troll is vicious and merciless but he does have one weakness you see the troll is only half dead he made a wish on the legendary wishing star and wished to be half ghost thus meaning he still has a heart death: well if you do that i just might owe ya one death: oh...well...uh hang on a moment turns around and starts speaking angrily and spanish and swearing as told by the bleeps he then finishes and turns around death: i'm sorry you had to hear that but you drive a hard bargain therefore you got a deal they shake handschange the trolls heart and i will give you more lives Puss: Gracious, Lobo. lobo: din nada gato just don't expect me to give you more treats cause if you fail then i will take your life myself cat: ooooooohhhhhhh Puss: (gulps) Right. death: good luck gato you'll need it takes thelma's soul and walks off whistling. Puss: We know what we must do. We must change the Troll's heart. el perrito: i guess it's another adventure for team friendship only question is how do we get to america? (they rode on a boat to America) el perrito: o hyeah i forgot we got a boat i hope you know where your going Puss: I do. Thelma gave a poster to where my brother is at. el perrito: may your mama rest in peace Puss: 𥲠el perrito: off we go team friendship sings a pirates life for me Kitty: That song is copyrighted. el perrito: sorry.. |