Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2293019-The-Dialogue-500-Contest
Rated: E · Short Story · Contest Entry · #2293019
Prompt for March 2018. This is a short month. Write me a dialogue about short people.
500 Words

         The village people were fed up with short people. They complained about the things that they couldn't do. The battle began in the village of Onery Ville, in Happenstance, New Hampshire.

          In frustration, the short people cried, "Why do they make things too high for us to reach?" "Why can't we be taller than we are?"

         When the tall people heard this, they tender-heartedly gave them an encouraging word. "If you apply yourself, you'll be able to reach it "Tell yourself that you can".

         They expressed fear when they said, "We're afraid to get on a step ladder". "We are afraid of heights".

         "Just do it", they insisted, "There's nothing to it.

         "We don't feel safe doing this, there's nothing to grab on to", they said half-heartedly.

         "You'll be fine, they said, without hesitation, "Tell yourself that you can do it". "Don't be a chicken".

         With an honest heart, they said, "We could change the world if we weren't so short".

         "What makes you say that?", they wondered.

         "People wouldn't have to look down on us if we were taller", they said boldly.

         "To be a leader, you don't have to be a giant".

         Timidly, they said, "We feel small". "We feel that we're being stomped on". "We don't feel that we have a voice".

         "Don't let your height be intimidating", Have confidence in your abilities".

         With doubt, they said, "We're not tall enough to be models".

         "Give yourself some credit". "You can accomplish what you want to accomplish".

         "Because of our size", they proclaimed, "it's difficult to give a tall person a hug".

         "Just believe that you're tall, it works wonders".

         "Buying clothes is hard", they complained, "they don't make them small enough".

         "We're glad that you brought this up", they said with bliss, "We'll work on making smaller clothes".

         Admiringly, they said, "We make good racehorse jockeys because of our size".

         In acknowledgment, they said, "You're right, shorter people do make better jockeys".

         Grudgingly, they said, "In basketball, they make the hoops too tall for us to make a basket".

         "We'll work on making them a little lower", they said with diligence.

         "Because of our short legs, we can't run very fast", "We have to run twice as hard".

         "Due to your size, you should be able to run faster".

         Surprisingly, they said, "We're rather clumsy, we tend to stumble and fall; it's a long way to the ground".

         On the spur of the moment, they said, "Our little legs travel too fast, making them difficult to maneuver", and "We get tired quicker, to the point of exhaustion".

         The short and tall people came together to create unity amongst their friends and neighbors. They did away with making snide remarks toward one another. "We got this!", they rejoiced harmoniously. "This is far better than complaining all the time". "It's about time that we knock it off". From that point on, they had joy in their hearts, and they lived together indefinitely.

         Written by Anna Marie Carlson
         Friday, March 24, 2023

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