Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2292649-Attack-on-Titan
Rated: GC · Lyrics · Political · #2292649
Humanity vs the Elite
I got a special new spell, crafted just for you!
I added some gold stars, even used the sparkle glue
So I hope y’all like this brand new song I’ve spelled
A gift imparted by my ancestors who knew how to foretell
So here we go, straight from my heart,
Inspired by the cards that I was dealt

Reply on Twitter to Bob Rae and Justin Trudeau about Laurier's pen:

Y’all just gonna use it to oppress us again
See, the liberals of today aren’t like they were back then
So we gotta unite & cut this communist fire engine
‘Cause we don’t need to see history repeat yet again

The liberal elites try to impress us with their platitudes
But their talk is cheap and they have shitty attitudes
Tellin’ us all to journal our gratitudes
While they taking away all our goddamn livelihoods!
It’s bullshit, dude!

They outsourcing our jobs to the bloody computers
But I don’t want a damn robot, I want a human being!
The human connection is essential to our survival
It’s part of human nature for us to be tribal
So it’s time for us all to have a human revival
That’s far more important than any fucking bible!

So please fucking listen, 'cause the game they playin’ is twisten ‘round our bodies like fuckin’ snakes, ready to constrict and suffocate us all, but I’m not gonna let our peoples fall into this trap, into this maze.
They bindin’ us & blind in’ us, Just Biden their fuckin’ time with us, playin’ silly games with us, while trying to show us the nobility of their ways.

Fucking D.I.E.1 hazing ritual nonsense
They trying to strip us all of our confidence
They’re bloody unconstitutional monsters!
Not gonna let their stupid mission be accomplished
Not like the boots who came before to stomp us
The Nazis, the Crusaders, The Roman ass fuckers
They back in another form, but they still got the same masters
So open up wide you elite Titan muthafuckas!

Hope ya’ ready, cause my aim is steady, and my posts be thready, and my words rip like Freddy’s, Krugers nightmare on Welli-2345

Tik Tok, Time’s up! Gonna bomb it down ya’ throat
‘Cause this bitch still be spittin’ rhymes like a billy goat
Don’t got no disco call, but I got rope for y’all
Like the scout regime, gonna tie up your machine

When you take away our right to play, have fun each day, censor all what we can say, tell us that it’s better their way,
(Guess they don’t listen to Burger King… this the part where someone sings)
When you take all that away us humans start to wither away
Don’t matter how much you fucking pray

Human connection is necessary for us to actually want to stay
Our fragile nature exposed like bones on an x-ray
Our very humanity is what’s really at stake here
As we weep like willows and sob into our pillows

Fade into the background and wait it out
Won't be long before someone snuffs us all out
First you'll get depressed, and then suicidal
Damn you heathens, pick up your bible!
Hark my friends, oh joy, oh rapture,
Look! Here comes our brand new master!
Never mind ‘bout not getting paid,
This’s better than a can o’ Raid!
Don’t worry that you ain’t getting’ laid,
Our saviour's here,
Here comes the MAID6!

Our beautiful angel for the modern day,
She promise she take all your pain away
Your sacrifice today
Will live on
And carry on
Support this ‘new’ way
Where we eat each other alive with propagandist lies
Use the dead for spare parts so the ‘elite’ may thrive
Pussy ass bitches keep fuckin’ with our lives
Us people who know how to really survive

The government is both the cops and the robbers
And if you dare to speak out they send virtual mobbers
Try to cut you off and shut your voice down
And convince everyone else that it’s you who’s the clown
But that’s just more propaganda for the feed
The endless meal they havin’ held up by their greed.

Will someone please let me work in the USA border? I promise I won’t stir up too much disorder.🎵❤️‍🔥🎶

***Supplemental Information/VIP Bonus Features***
Please note, the following items are region restricted as the USA is not fully inc. [Yet] W.E.F.uckin' working hard behind the scenes to share this with everyone, everywhere, totally free of charges! Please stay tuned to this channel for future updates on this development and more!


1  https://www.gadsaad.com/post/diversity-inclusion-and-equity-die-and-the-death-of...
2  https://maps.app.goo.gl/dfXj1mgUYhF8WuKK7
3  https://maps.app.goo.gl/Na5rTAFh9d2tS68S9
4  https://www.ourcommons.ca/en
5  https://sencanada.ca/en
6  https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/cj-jp/ad-am/bk-di.html/docs/MAID_2023_Fact_Sheet_E...

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