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A 3 act tragedy my friends and I wrote about a cursed mother and her family's demise. |
WHEN BLOOD RUNS COLD By: The American idols ROLES/CHARACTER DESCRIPTIONS Caroline (the mom): A sweet mother with a tragic past. Peter (the son): a sarcastic young boy Adonis (the god of resurrection): Impulsive, caring Veronica (the daughter): Two-faced, Selfish Kevin (the dad): Not too involved with the family and what is going on. Thanatos (the god of death): Mature, wants everything to run smoothly. START ACT 1 Setting: Kitchen CHORUS: With this family, we begin Til total chaos brings it to an end When problems blossom and bloom This family is brought to their doom Familiarity seems to strike One of them knows what this is like But this story must unfold As it was originally told (Mom is cooking, dad is reading the newspaper, and Veronica and Peter run across the stage) CAROLINE: I’ve told yall time and time again to stop running in the house! PETER: It was Veronica! VERONICA: He hit me first! (Peter and Veronica distinctly argue) CAROLINE: Kevin can you please help me out here KEVIN: huh CAROLINE: (mumbling) ugh I'm so tired of this (normal tone) sit down so we can all eat VERONICA: I’ll help you mom CAROLINE: Thank you, Veronica (Caroline and Veronica plate the food and then they both sit down at the kitchen table.) KEVIN: Veronica I need you to do the dishes, clean your room, and feed the dog. Peter, I need you to take out the trash after breakfast. PETER: Sweet sounds good to me! VERONICA: WHAT this is so not fair! I have way more chores than he does CAROLINE: Veronica listen to your dad sweetie VERONICA: Why is it always me that has the most chores this is so- PETER: (cuts veronica off) Shut up and eat Veronica it is way too early for this KEVIN: (yelling) Can we all just have a peaceful breakfast for ONCE! VERONICA: fine… PETER: (tired tone) just shut up END SCENE 1 START SCENE 2 Setting: Living Room (peter yells backstage and runs across the stage) PETER: (yelling backstage) FLUFFY! FLUFFY! (opens the door) Has anyone seen Fluffy? (Veronica enters on the opposite side of the stage) PETER: Veronica, have you seen Fluffy? You were the one that saw him last. VERONICA: What? You lost Fluffy? How can you be so stupid that you lose our DOG? PETER: (yelling) I DIDN'T LOSE HIM, I HAVEN'T EVEN SEEN HIM KEVIN: (barges into the living room) What are y’all fighting about now? I swear, there's never a dull moment in this house. VERONICA: Peter lost our dog… PETER: Veronica, stop lying, you always try to pin everything on me! You don't even have proof that I lost him, maybe something--- CAROLINE: (Caroline barges in with dead dog) OH MY GOD FLUFFY IS DEAD. END SCENE 2 START SCENE 3 Setting: Kids' Bedroom VERONICA: (writing in Diary) Why hasn’t it happened yet, something should have happened by now. PETER: (walks into the bedroom) Hey Veronica, got you some water. Mom said it's time to go to bed. VERONICA: Thank … you … Peter PETER: You're Welcome, why are you acting so weird? VERONICA: No reason. PETER: Well ok. OF course tomorrow has to be Monday. Mrs. Nixon gave me three homework assignments over the weekend AND I have a test too, and you know me, I haven’t started any of them. And Mom is making me go even though FLUFFY is DEAD. I mean we haven’t even had a funeral yet. Veronica: Well maybe you won’t have to take your test tomorrow, I’m sure it will all work out… PETER: Maybe. Don’t you miss Fluffy? You didn’t seem that upset… VERONICA: Why would I not miss Fluffy, she was my dog too! PETER: Yeah, it's probably just my imagination. I’m going to go to bed now, I don't really feel that well. VERONICA: Ok see you tomorrow. (devious smile) END SCENE 3 START SCENE 4 Setting: Kids' Bedroom (Caroline walks into the kids’ bedroom) CAROLINE: Good Morning Kids… VERONICA: Good Morning Mom CAROLINE: Veronica, why is Peter not up yet, you were supposed to wake him up for the bus. VERONICA: Well he told me last night that he didn’t feel good, so I thought he might enjoy a few extra minutes of sleep. CAROLINE: Well that’s nice in thought but yall are gonna be late (goes to try and wake Peter up) CAROLINE: Peter, Peter, Wake up honey, time for school. PETER, PETER (shakes him) VERONICA: What's happening Mom? CAROLINE: KEVIN. GET. IN. HERE. KEVIN: What’s wrong? (coughs and falls to the floor in death) CAROLINE: UHHHHHMMMM, Veronica, no school today…. VERONICA: What am I supposed to do??? CAROLINE: Wait, I have an idea, stay here… VERONICA: You're leaving me with the dead people???? END ACT 1 START ACT 2 Setting: Caroline's Bedroom CHORUS: When a nice day turns into a murder mystery Maybe it’d be smart to look into family history One malicious act forces more down that path Who’s to blame for this cycle of wrath When she must call upon a higher power Thanatos sees this as very dour (Caroline is sitting in a chair reading a book about her family history) CAROLINE: (talking to self) I can’t believe this is happening again. I need to stop this generational karma. This happened to me and I need to make it stop. I know what I must do. ADONIS ADONIS I CALL UPON YOU, THE GOD OF RESURRECTION. (long pause) Why isn't this working… ADONIS: Sorry, I was walking my fish. Well, it's been a long time since I've seen you. Who needs to be rescued this time? CAROLINE: (crying) I woke up and ugh this day is so bad first the dog, then my son, and then my husband. I thought I put an end to this problem a long time ago. ADONIS: (pulls a tissue out of pocket and hands it to Caroline) CAROLINE: Now where did you get that (teary) ADONIS: Don’t worry about it. CAROLINE: Please help me. I need my family. ADONIS: I know a thing or two about bringing back the dead but if Thanatos hears about this he won’t let me THANATOS: (barges in and is pacing) Adonis… we have talked about this many times. You can’t keep on bringing people back. Especially this family… You know their reputation. ADONIS: I can't help it she reminds me of myself. THANATOS: Every single time you resurrect you cause more pain and suffering. ADONIS: But think of my story and how resurrecting me actually HELPS others, unlike you. All you do is literally kill people. THANATOS: People die for a reason Adonis, not everyone can have happy ever afters. ADONIS: You are ALWAYS so negative, lighten up a bit… get it… “lighten up” THANATOS: You are such a child, no maturity whatsoever ADONIS: We have to weigh the pros and cons. Pros, she gets her family back, peace is restored, all is well, and we won’t have to see each other for another 30 years. THANATOS: Well, if you don’t resurrect her family, we won't have to see each other EVER again, I’m not complaining. By the way, this isn’t about us, you always make it about yourself (eye roll) Cons, the family reputation continues, and… do I need to tell you… CAROLINE: Tell me what? THANATOS: Well depending on your decision you’re… ADONIS: going to be perfectly fine! THANATOS: Don’t tell her things that won’t happen! Remember when we did the same thing for her? Her family was dead and gone before you showed up and had the bright idea to continue the cycle. ADONIS: Everyone gets second chances… She made a mistake by killing her family, and I thought the curse had ended. THANATOS: Curses don’t just disappear, Adonis. That’s why her family should have stayed dead. The only way to break the curse is for the family to die. It doesn't remind them of their past. ADONIS: This family is different, don’t you have a heart? CAROLINE: This is crazy ADONIS: (looks at Caroline) Crap, Hold on Caroline, we both need to speak about this outside (both exit out of the same door) (indistinct arguing) Sound effect: Loud thump THANATOS: (comes back from the same exit, brushing off hands) So… about that request. ADONIS: (barges in from opposite door) UGHH YOU ARE SO LUCKY THAT I AM THE GOD OF RESURRECTION AND JUST BECAUSE OF THAT (Snaps fingers) END SCENE 1 START SCENE 2 Setting Kids' Bedroom CAROLINE: Good Morning Kids… VERONICA: Good Morning Mom CAROLINE: Veronica, why is Peter not up yet, you were supposed to wake him up for the bus. VERONICA: Well he told me last night that he didn’t feel good, so I thought he might enjoy a few extra minutes of sleep. CAROLINE: Well that’s nice in thought but yall are gonna be late (goes to wake Peter up) Wake up Peter. PETER: Huh, what, what day is it? What time is it? CAROLINE: You're going to be late, so get your butt in gear. VERONICA: (pulling Caroline aside) I feel like this has happened before. CAROLINE: What are you talking about Sweetie? Did you have a bad dream? VERONICA: Are you sure, things weren’t supposed to happen like this. What did you do? CAROLINE: I’m honestly confused. What do you mean things weren’t supposed to happen like this? VERONICA: Well what I mean is… PETER: MOM THE BUS IS OUTSIDE CAROLINE: Ok, you better get going, love you guys. Have a good day at school! VERONICA: Well can we talk about this later? CAROLINE: There’s nothing to talk about Veronica. KEVIN: (walks in) Good Morning kids. CAROLINE: Kevin, the kids already left. KEVIN: Oh…ok… I’m going back to bed. END ACT 2 START ACT 3 Setting: Kids' Bedroom CHORUS: From her dear, dear diary Her writing is very fiery Peter pleads for his life As Veronica sharpens her very sharp knife. Veronica planned the family’s death And decides to take their last breath VERONICA: (writing in her diary) Dear Diary, Mom doesn’t want to talk to me, but I swear this has happened before. I was so close to my goal before SHE messed it up. It was supposed to be the two of us. No Dad, no Dog, and no Dumb Brother. She was supposed to be on my side. I thought she loved me. She said she loved me. But I can’t believe anything she says anymore. I guess this will have to be left in MY hands. At least that dog I killed stayed dead… PETER: Veronica… what are you talking about? No dad? No dumb brother? No dog? You killed our dog? You killed fluffy, and you lied to me about killing fluffy. And what’s moms fault, I mean I never died, did I? Am I in heaven? Am I in a nightmare? Annnddd… I’m sure mom loves you… I mean I was always her favorite child but… that doesn't mean anything… VERONICA: PETER. YOU WERE DEAD, LIKE A LONG TIME AGO. Mom was being psychotic and decided to bring you AND dad back. And I’ve hated that dog for a long time. PETER: so, you, really, did, kill….. FLUFFY……………….. VERONICA: (locks door) And I’m really about to kill you too. PETER: wwwwwwait. You said you’ve killed me before. So how did you get away with it? VERONICA: Poison isn’t that hard to hide in food… I mean the hardest part was pretending to be innocent, Mom was starting to catch on. PETER: Mom, MOMMMMM (Veronica stabs Peter) VERONICA: Well that's done, now for the easy part. KEVIN: (pounding on door) Kids, what’s going on in there, I’ve told you no locking doors in this house! Veronica, there better not be a boy in there! VERONICA: oh don’t worry, we are just sorting out some sibling issues. KEVIN: Well if you won’t let me in, then I will come in myself. (Kevin walks in and goes to help Peter) KEVIN: Oh My God, PETER…. Veronica, what’s going on here (Veronica Stabs Kevin) VERONICA: Oh nothing (long pronunciation) END SCENE 1 START SCENE 2 Setting: Kitchen CAROLINE: Veronica, come help me with the groceries. VERONICA: Ok, coming mom CAROLINE: (putting groceries away) Thanks V, what did you do while I was gone? VERONICA: Nothing much, did some laundry, some homework, watched some TV, you know, the usual. CAROLINE: Fun, was there anything good on TV? VERONICA: Not really. I did watch this really good True Crime Documentary. CAROLINE: I didn’t know you enjoyed those kinds of shows. VERONICA: You know, I dabble in it from time to time. Never judge a book by its cover, Mom. CAROLINE: Fine, you didn’t have to get defensive. What have Peter and your Dad been up to? I couldn't get ahold of him. VERONICA: I don’t know, I have no control over what they do. CAROLINE: What is with your attitude lately, you’re acting like a completely different person. VERONICA: I’m tired of all the nagging… (walks off) END SCENE 2 START SCENE 3 Setting: Undifined ADONIS: This isn’t going to end well, is it Thanatos? THANATOS: I could have told you that a long time ago, you idiot. ADONIS: Well I was just trying to help! THANATOS: Well YOU DIDN’T HELP ADONIS: Can you at least tell me how to fix it? THANATOS: I’m afraid it’s too late for that, I need to teach you a few things about the cycle of life don’t I? ADONIS: I don’t need you to teach me anything THANATOS: (talking to himself) Immaturity at its best… (normal tone) Come here Adonis, I will teach you all I know (grab shoulder) ADONIS: Ugh, get off of me… (indistinctly argue off the stage) END SCENE 3 START SCENE 4 Setting: Kids' Bedroom (closes the door and sits on bed) VERONICA: (opens diary to write) Dear Diary, CAROLINE: Veronica, what is going on here… Oh. My. God. WHAT DID YOU DO? VERONICA: (stands up from bed) It didn’t have to be like this mom, it was supposed to be the two of us until you ruined it by bringing them back. CAROLINE: This can’t be happening. I passed this stupid gene on to you VERONICA: This has NOTHING to do with that family curse or whatever. CAROLINE: How did you know about that? VERONICA: I have my ways CAROLINE: You're insane VERONICA: No, mom. You’re the insane one. You prayed to stupid gods to bring back the dumbest family on the planet. They deserved to die their peaceful deaths but now you get to join them as your consequence. CAROLINE: Consequence? VERONICA: (screams and runs to stab mother) CAROLINE: (sounds weak) Veronica, my sweet girl, can we just talk about all this… I can get you help, I’ve gone through the same thing, I know how you feel. VERONICA: Caroline, when I wanted to talk there was “nothing to talk about” so now you want to talk? Your time is up. CAROLINE: Wait, please, please come help (dies) (10-second pause) VERONICA: (walks to find phone) (scared tone) 911? Yes I have an emergency… (devious smile to audience) |