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Rated: E · Article · Self Help · #2292268
Why be in the now?

         Leave the past in the past. Be grateful for all the lessons learned. Do not waste time going back and wondering if I did this, or if I did that scenario. Accept it all as is. It can’t be changed even if you wanted to. Everything that happened happened for a purpose. Without it you would not be the person you are today. Use these lessons to move forward starting now. If you get stuck, restart from that new now point. Always start from today forward and don’t worry what tomorrow brings because whatever you do today, still affects tomorrow. Then all that tomorrow thinking would be a waste of time. I am not saying don't have goals to go for; we all need some. It's just you may have to change the path getting there.

         Never go back. This is all new ahead. Try again what didn’t work in the past, it may now work. With new eyes, lessons learned, and a new perspective, things that didn't work before may. Take any and all positive things forward as badges of earned honor. Don’t assume, or necessarily use them in a decision you're making now because they may not work in a different circumstance. New eyes, new perspective. That is why you don’t want to change the past. The lessons learned have merit either way for the unknown future. I am not saying what you did in the past has no consequences, it does. What I am saying it don't have to define your whole life going forward.

         Treat each day as a new beginning, building momentum. When you crash and burn. Say to yourself “What a ride, What’s next”. Don’t try to change that because that won’t work either. Dust yourself off. Apologize if applicable then take that lesson and move on from this point here. A new now. This will keep the momentum you have to continue moving forward. You never know what life has in store for you in the now. Create your own now, building on who you are. Obviously you are capable of doing that with all the work you have already done.

Thomas Seeker

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