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Fantasy novel about a young knight on his first quest.This will be added to as it written. |
Parthlian's Quest By Carly Chapter 1 Let me tell you a story of dreams, courage, magic, and good over evil. Our story begins in the land of Oreacia that is a mountainous place, with many lakes, fields, and acres of forest. A temperate place, rain fell often keeping the land green with all species of plant life. It was never too cool or warm. It bordered the land of Gyston with its dry deserts. In the land of Oreacia, there were many kingdoms and principalities. Beyond the Crystal waterfall was the kingdom of Mondora. The kingdom was ruled by King Silus. He was in his middle 40's, in prime shape, and came from a long line of monarchs. King Silus was a good ruler his subjects looked up to him and respected his commands. He was a master of many things. He was not just noble who told all his subjects what to do. He was an excellent financier, a supreme marksman with the bow and arrow. In politics he was fair, on the whole there were not many like him. Also in his court, was his wife and Queen, Gabrielle; Gabrielle was from the kingdom of Peshia, a warm tropical land with exotic trees and birds. She had dark brown eyes and long flowing dark hair. Like Silus, Gabrielle had many fine qualities. She was a painter, an aria singer, and she put some of the best royal banquets for miles around. She was a good companion to Silus, and a good mother to Prince Lynceus, and Princess Madeline. Silus and Gabrielle lived in Gable Fort Castle, which sat a top a green rolling hill. Beneath the rolling hill, was the city of Kings Hill, aptly named for the castle, which was straight above it. In the city there were the usual fare of markets, ironmongers, tailors and all other manner of industry and commerce. Closest to the castle, just outside on Shield- Forth Lane was the knight's barracks. Shining his shield and sword was Maxillian Parthlian. Most people called him Max. Max was a Knight Bannerette. He had been with the King's Order of the Bright Star for many years and yes he had gone to battle before, battling the Nigarths who had been a trouble for Mondora. After many battles, the Nigarths met with King Silus and a peace treaty was drawn up, so far the treaty had lasted. Max was not the tallest knight in the Order, but not as short as Ivax Horlan who was barely five feet six. Max had dark brown hair, which once was golden but over time had darkened. His eyes were blue and was popular with his fellow knights because he was charming and witty. Now in sharp contrast, when Max was in battle he very focused and agile. Max had just got his is shield to the point it shone like a mirror when Captain Jaychious who was the head of Bright Star came over to him. Captain Jaychious was a large, tall man who was very muscular. He had thick dark hair, dark eyes and a commanding presence. " Max!" said Captain Jaychious. This made Max slightly jump mainly because he was not expecting him to come by. " King Silus wishes to see you this evening. Here is his document to give to the guards." Even though King Silus was a good-tempered king, he did not let anyone past his gates without the Document of Invitation. People he wanted that was he of course was always preparing his troops for invaders. Foreign nobles drew up their own documents or brought ones which King Silus has sent them. No one but who worked directly in the castle, or the Kings family could get past the Chevalier Guards. The Guards were the top knights in the Order who now protected the King. Max had a desire to be made of them he had been with the Order a while but not quite long enough. There was a ranking board in the dining hall of the barracks, Max was in good standing but there were several ahead of him, who had been in more battles and quests. It had been awhile since Max had been on a quest. Max took the Documentation of Invitation from Jaychious. " Thank you Captain J." In casual settings such as this Captain Jaychious let his knights be informal in addressing him. In front of any dignitary, the king, or in battle this was not allowed. Captain Jaychius turned to leave, and Max halted him a minute. " Captain J, do you know why King Silus wishes to see me?" "I do, but I am not liberty to say, but it was handed to me as I met with Chevalier Geoff today." Jaychious then turned and walked down the hall of the knight's quarters in the barracks. Max opened up the scroll; it had Silus's seal on it. The seal was a horse with two stars either side of it. It read: King Silus Rex wishes the presence of Maxillian Parthlian today at seven pm. Be sure to bring this document with you and show to the Chevalier Guards at the West Entrance. King Silus Rex. Max went out to look at the clock tower, which was in the main square of the town and not far from the barracks. It was two pm. It was time for Midday meal. Max went back into the barracks, and to the dining hall. He sat down at the long table. Bennett the server and cook would give the knights their meal. Horius Bennett had been an active knight but he had gotten wounded in the battle of Istaibhar a good many years ago. King Silus knew he still needed to earn a wage, and so he allowed him to serve the knights as their server and cook. Somewhere in his travels, and quests Bennett had learned to cook, he was quite good. Other barracks in neighboring cities wished they had him to serve them; their food was much less appetizing. Kelton Shorn one of Max's friends in the Order, sat down next to Max. Kelton was taller than Max, but only slightly. He had known Max since they were young. Kelton had ginger hair, including a beard. His father was the city's blacksmith, and all the Order's weaponry was made in his shop. " Hello Kelton, what is new with you?" " Well I just passed off a merit in long bow today." Max gave Kelton a smile and thumbs up. Archery was Kelton's specialty. He was very accurate in hitting targets; wither for practice or in battle. " And in return my friend, what is new with you?" Max passed him the Document of Invitation. Kelton opened it raised his eyebrows and said " Well, that is something, what do you think it could be he wants?" Max shrugged and said " I don't know, Captain J did not know either when I asked." Kelton rubbed his chin and said " Hmm something Captain J does not know about, very interesting indeed." Just then Bennett came round and served them their midday meal. Today was forest caught venison with vegetables and Stone table bread, called so because the baker's last name was Stone Table. The meal never disappointed, it was filling and delicious. After midday meal, it was time for Combat Theory class, where Deputy Calyx taught them aspects of war. It was part classroom learning and part hands on learning. Once the concept had been explained the men went to the drill yard to practice what they learned. After Theory it would be Personal time, this would allow Max to get ready to see the King. Chapter 2 The day went by quickly, drill practice went well, and Calyx was impressed with his fighting skills, which were practiced on both wooden dummies, and in mock battle with someone in the Guard. Everyone moved in rotation so tall could practice with those who were short, or lean and vice versa. The idea was so that the men would be ready for any type of attacker, no matter their build or size. It helped increase their abilities to be quick and agile and improve on any weaknesses. There were many types of people in the land of Oreacia, but even more types on the whole planet of Eldonis which all the kingdoms resided on. . Max had only seen a couple of the other kingdoms. There were many more he had never seen, some he had read about in the King's Hill Library, and some he had read when he was young in school. Looking at the clock tower, Max realized it was near time to go see King Silus. He went to his room in the barracks, washed his face and changed into his formal attire, kept for special occasions, such as parades and certainly for seeing the King. He checked in the mirror to make sure he looked right, and he remembered to pick up his Document of Invitation, which he had put in his dresser drawer. He would not get far without that. Up Halberd Street he went, up until he reached Royal Lane. The castle was a large, concentric style castle made of the best Mondora grey stone. The top of the towers was guided It had a moat, which was filled with water, and dangerous creatures Max had only glimpsed a couple of times when he had been to the castle before. They were not from Mondora; Max knew that, all he knew is that he did not want to encounter them. They were there for protection of the castle and in rare cases, punishment for those who did wrong against the King or kingdom. Max reached the gates of Gable Fort Castle. "Halt! Said one of the Chevalier guards. " Have you a Document of Invitation?" " Yes, I do." Max then presented it to the guard. "It is well, go up to Receiving room and wait." The Chevalier guard then returned to his post. Luckily for Max, he had been to the Castle not often, but a few times. He knew where the Receiving room was. Through the main entrance with the carved doors, painted with gold, up the central staircase and to the right, there was a large room where visitors of any kind other than the Kings personal guests waited to be received. It was a comfortable room, with large windows; the central window was stained glass. The stained glass had a picture depicting Sir Silus in full armor on horseback. A stone fireplace was lit and was in the center of the room. On the mantle was an ornate clock. It had several chairs and couches, which guests, could sit on to wait. At seven o'clock, Sir Julius Mallion, King Silus's personal assistant came into the Receiving room. Sir Julius was a tall man, with jet-black hair, thin but agile. He was very business- like; he took care of the Kings appointments very efficiently. "Knight Maxillian Parthian? " he inquired. Max got up from the chair he was in and said " Yes Sir Julius, I am here." " Very well then, His grace, King Silus will see you now, follow me." Max followed Sir Julius down the hall to the right, to King Silus's study. Not knowing what he was there for exactly, Max began to wonder even more now. He had never been allowed to go there before, not even on his last quest. He normally had gone to the Throne room where Silus and sometimes Queen Gabrielle. When they got to the door of the study, Sir Julius knocked three times. " Who wishes to enter?" asked King Silus. " Sir Julius with Knight Parthlian." Said Julius. " Enter." Said Silus. Protocol was always observed and carried out, even though King Silus was not a strict man. Max entered the study and Sir Julius exited the room. "Knight Maxillian, welcome, do please sit down. " Max said down near to King Silus but a slight distance away. The room had a massive wood desk of the finest making from the from the Mondora forest. There were scrolls and books and maps all around. Clearly King Silus was a learned man, but this was well known. " Max, if I can call you that, I have called you here for special quest. A quest very different from what you have done before". Max did not speak but marveled at what the quest could be. The king continued, " Captain Jaychious knows of the quest but no one else does. Finally Max spoke and said " What my Lord is this quest?" "In the valley of Kantori, in the kingdom of Palgani, which is in the land of Bodiechia, there is a treasure that I not just want, but need to be brought back here." It's more precious than any ornament one can have." "What is this rare thing I must go and retrieve for you?" King Silus looked very serious and said" It's a potion, which will cure my boy who has been struck ill. The medicine men in the town have tried many different things but so far nothing is a cure." " Is it serious my lord, this affliction?" "Lynceus, is not gravely ill, but he suffers from a memory lapse condition, he can't remember his sums, his letters well and other things. Prince Ontoburi in Palgani holds the potion, which will cure my boy of this malady. He is not a gentle man, a reasonable man like your sovereign. He is quite the opposite of who I am. Nevertheless I need you to get this potion, the Potion of Clarity for me. " Does Ontoburi hold this potion in his castle? Asked Max. "Oh if it were that it easy said King Silus." No, it is held on a island in his kingdom which will be hard to get to. Come over here Max and I will show you a map. " Max followed King Silus further back in the room where a large map was spread out. He showed him where the island was. It was a good distance from the Ontoburi kingdom. After looking over the map, King Silus asked, " Do you feel like you can do this task? "I will my lord, when I am to go, and will I be going alone? King Silus shook his head. "Oh no Max. I want you to go at the end of the week, and no you will not be going alone. You will be going with three of my Chevalier guards and Captain Jaychious. If you prove well in this quest, there will be a reward, one I know which you want. I will be making you Max one of my Chevalier guards. Max's eyes widened. " Really my lord? You would consider me? " King Silus knew his subjects well. That is what he wanted to be, but never thought it would happen for a very long time. " I would Max, I know you have wanted to join them, and Captain Jaychious and Calyx have mentioned it to me." Said King Silus with a smile. Max knelt before King Silus. " I will do as you ask my sovereign." " I know you will, at the end of the week, my Chevaliers will send for you. Till then, tell no one but you may converse with Captain Jaychious about it as he is going. "Even my family my lord? " " Yes, even them. Don't worry about your drills, classes or anything if you think you will miss them Calyx has been informed about that but only converse with Captain Jaychious so the other men don't find out, I don't want it to be known about my son as he is healthy but does have a malady. Queen Gabrielle is very sensitive about it." " It shall be done my king. One question, how come Captain Jaychious said he did not know about this?". " I told him not to tell that is why." Said King Silus. Max turned to go, but King Silus stopped him. " Wait one second Max, I have something for you." King Silus went around his desk to a cupboard with glass doors. He picked up a wooden box from the second shelf. He then came back around the desk where Max was now standing. " This is for you, keep it safe." Said King Silus. " May I open it now?" asked Max as he looked at the well-made box in his hand. " Yes you may." Said King Silus. Max carefully opened the box. It was a compass. " This is no ordinary compass Max though on the outside it appears to be." Said King Silus. Max was a bit puzzled; it did look like many compasses he had seen before, even used. " "What makes this particular one different my lord?" King Silus smiled again and said, " This compass is special, it's magical." "Magical?" Now Max was curious, magic was known but not very known about in Kings Hill or even Mondora. The Alchemists knew of it mainly. " How is it magical, my lord? "It will point you in the right direction, wherever you are, you cannot get lost with this compass with you." " How was it come by?" " I have held on to it for many generations Max, my great grandfather Malvious discovered it on a quest he went on a long time ago. This is a quest for my family. Its appropriate that I have you take it with you." "Thank you my king." Said Max. " I bid you now goodnight Max. Train well during the week and my men will come for you at the end of the week for the quest. The day before you leave I want you to prepare your horse and your supplies. Here are the names of the suppliers I have told to give you what you require, visit them then." Said King Silus. " Again I thank you my lord, and bid you goodnight." " Good night Max." As Max walked down the hall he was buzzing with excitement. Had that just really happened? He looked at the compass, yes it had to have, and he never would have had this fine instrument in his hand if he dreamt it. A quest! Not just any quest either, nothing like he ever had done before. A quest with the Chevaliers and Captain Jaychious! This was going to be a defining moment of his career. He wanted to tell someone but there was only one person he could confide in and that was Captain J. It was getting kind of late and Max was hungry. He decided to stop in at his parent's place, not that he could tell them anything, but he felt like visiting with them and he knew his mother, Abrielle would have something for him to eat. Chapter 3 After visiting home for a bit, telling them how he was doing in his training, funny stories he knew and being careful in not mentioning the quest Max returned to the barracks. He was still sure what he had been asked to do was a dream and all would be back as normal in the morning. However, in the morning in his locked portion of his dresser, reserved for the most special things, and until now had only his medals he had earned. In this part of his dresser was the special compass, same as it had been placed in his hand when King Silus gave him it. Max admired it, wondered how it worked for a moment. He then hurriedly put it away and locked the portion of his dresser as he heard Kelton and Borstin coming by his room. "Hey Max, coming to morning meal?" said Borstin. Borstin was also the same age as Kelton and Max but had come from Castle Ridge, which was a small village on the outskirts of Kings Hill. He was a sturdy, strong lad who was big boned but in excellent good shape. He had sandy blonde hair and blue eyes. Like Kelton he was a very accurate bowman. " Yes lads I will be there shortly." said Max. The two then wandered off down the hall. As Max was pulling on his left boot, he heard a knock at his door, which was already open. It was Captain Jaychious. " So Max, did you accept? " Max pondered a minute but then realized that Captain J may not know that yet. " Yes, Captain J, I have." Said Max with a smile. "Good, I had a strong feeling that you would. We shall speck more later, meet me in the study room at midday I have some things to discuss with you only." Said Captain Jaychious. "I shall be there." Said Max. Max went to breakfast where the hot porridge and bacon rashers were filling. It was Tuesday, a couple of days before the Chevalier guards would be by the barracks. Thursday night he would prepare his provisions and get his horse, Wind-driver, a dappled grey horse who was sturdy and had flowing dark hair. Wind-driver had a very even temperament and had been trained for battle as well as parades. Max had had him for three years and Max had a good horse-owner relationship with him. In Max's free time of the day just before midday. he decided to go out to the Golden forest which was by Kings Hill with Wind-driver. A horse wasn't a human. Since his horse would be on the quest, he felt it only right to "tell" him what was going to happen. He had to be alone to do that and so to the forest for just a bit he went. "Well my good companion you and I have been set a task." Max said as he rode through the trees. "I am excited, but I am also nervous, I have never done this before." Wind-Driver neighed which seemed to indicate he possibly understood. The trees were beautiful with their colorful leaves and wide branches. "You get to be with me boy, along with some of the Chevaliers horses, which I want you to be friends with. We must make a good impression. It's going to be an adventure. Now let's go meet with Captain J." Again Wind-driver neighed to indicate that perhaps what Max said made sense. Max took Wind-driver to the stables and then made his way to the study room where Captain Jaychious was waiting for him at one of the tables. He had notebooks and maps out. "Close the doors Max," The study room has two double doors which Max slowly and carefully shut. He then went to the table where Captain Jaychious was and looked over what he had on the table. "If you look here Max, this is where we are Kings Hill. We will ride due west to our first stop off point here in Lumaria. I have a contact Sanchie Buriman who will put all us up for a night at his estate. We will have supper, rest and breakfast there and then ride on passing the Sacred hills and Gilbreath Cavern. "Do you know which of the Chevalier Guards will be joining us on this quest?" asked Max. There had to be a half a dozen in the regiment some he knew a bit and some he had never spoken to. "Yes, I do, they are fine men who are good and trustworthy. I even think that Caviler Kentock will be an excellent mentor for you. He is a good, honorable man who is patient and if you show him you are willing to learn he will teach you what you need to know to feel ready to join his company." The other two, Lingard and Hostin are good, reliable men also. Lingard does like to joke sometimes and with you being younger he may with you but do not let him rattle you. "I will keep all of this in mind Captain." said Max. "What will my friends and fellow knights here think we with us being gone?" asked Max. He knew that they would notice that he and Captain J were not around for a bit. "Not to worry, Max, Calyx will simply tell them that we are on the King's errand and that is what they are to understand. He will not answer any other questions about it. Now this is just the first bit of our journey. We will discuss more on the day of, but I wanted to give you a slight insight on where we will be going. Now Calyx is expecting you for training so off you go." said Captain Jaychious. Chapter 4 In the training yard all the men of the Guard were with Chief Captain Calyx. "Company forward!" shouted Calyx running the regiment through the day's exercise. "Men, about face!" all the men changed direction. When Kelton able to, he got closer to Max to ask him or at least try to ask him about his meeting with the King. "So Max, you have not told me how last night's appointment went. What was it about?" Max whispered to his friend, "Kelton, the meeting went well, but I am not at liberty to discuss it. I gave the King my word." Kelton was a sensible lad and he understood not to pry where he should not. Especially if Max was not able to discuss the matter. "Ok Max, I understand. I was just curious." What Kelton did not know is that Max really would have liked to have told him about this amazing opportunity he had been given. He would have liked it if Kelton could go also, someone besides Captain J he knew. Training exercises came to and end and it was time for the evening meal. It was also a night where knights if they had such talents such as playing the lute, or poetry, or storytelling could get up after the meal and share their talents with the company. The meal consisted of wild caught silvered fish and summer vegetables and wild grain rice. Elderflower wine was allowed but not mead. After the meal was over, Lance Juston a tall knight, strong build and mid length blonde hair was the first to get up and share something for the company. He shared a fable. Lance talked with a soft voice, so everyone had to be quiet so he could be heard. He told of a sleeping dragon in the land of Mirion. Mirion was south of Mandora which is where King Silus's kingdom was. In a deep dark cavern in the Forgotten hills was Licious a temperamental dragon w whose body about 50 feet long. He had large pointy teeth and black scaled skin. His wings when stretched out reached at least 40 feet. He was capable of breathing fire and not fond of strangers. Lance paused and looked around, "But one day fellow knights, a knight riding through the land noticed the cavern and he got curious." The company was interested and intrigued. Lance was a very good storyteller. He went on to tell how the knight went into the cavern and could hear the dragon breathing. Licious could smell the knight before he even got close to him. "What was going to happen next?" Lance said with a slight smile "I shall tell you." He went on to say that as the knight approached Licious spoke, "Yes, this dragon could speak." said Lance incase his fellow knights thought it to be a bit farfetched. "Who has entered my home and disturbed my slumber?" said the dragon. The knight who was scared as you can imagine said "I am Perion of Gottha. I had not seen this cavern before and was just curious." "I see, come closer to me." said Licious and so Perion did come closer to the dragon's view. Licious's huge yellow eyes looked at the small knight. "Normally, human I do not like being disturbed in my lair. It's assumed I have treasure here and I do not. However, since you have come here honestly, without trying to do harm. I shall not harm you. You may visit but promise me you will not bring others with you." And the knight gave his word, and the knight and dragon became friends. Lance's story was met with applause and it got Max thinking. He would like to be like Perion and met an actual dragon. He wondered if he would get the chance. There were dragons in the land he just had not ever come across them. He didn't know what they were like, hopefully like the one in Lance's tale and not terrible. Everyone retired to the barracks after the entertainment and went to bed. The next morning Max arose early, he looked at the curious compass again, this time a bit more closely. It was easy to wonder about it, especially since what King Silus had said that it just knew the way to go. How? He flipped it over and looked at the royal emblem on it. M for Mondora, S for Silus and a falcon clutching arrows in its talons. He then put it away safely and got himself washed and dressed and went to breakfast. Kelton and Borstin were still talking about the great story Lance had told the night before." " I don't know about you Kelton, but I would be pretty petrified if I were to encounter a dragon." "I would have to agree, I wouldn't want to one my own." "Yeah I wonder if Perion is made up or if there was such a knight." Said Kelton between mouthfuls of oatcakes and honey. Lance who happened to be walking by stopped and said with a smile "Legend has it he did exist, but the main part of the story was about being honest and having courage to face your fears." "That was a great way to convey that message, Lance." said Captain J. "Thank you sir, I am glad it pleased you." Lance was pretty good person, a good knight and had a definite talent for storytelling. After breakfast it was Culture and Etiquette studies. A knight had to be well versed in the different kingdoms traditions and know correct etiquette when talking to dignitaries as they had their parades, banquets other formal occasions. Any who wished to be a Chevalier guard like Max did had to know these things very well as they worked closely with the king's men. The Chevalier was a step up from where he was, but the Kings Sentinels was even higher. For Max that would be the goal, but he would be happy to get to be accepted into the Chevalier's first. Chevalier's got to do more quests and were able to court the dignitary's daughters. Knights of the order did have sweethearts, but they were to be of a certain age before ever getting serious. Max was twenty-four and was getting to the point where that could happen, but he just didn't have anyone who fit the description. Being a Chevalier would give him a chance to meet a good, eligible girl but right now he didn't know of any. Just ones he got to meet at formal occasions but only then. Max refocused his attention to the lesson at hand, table manners. Yes, knights were expected to have good table manners at banquets and fetes. Boorish, slovenly behavior was not permissible, and Captain J would not allow it with any of his knights. He always was telling them" You are representing the realm be at your best." Which is why the rule was 1-2 pints of mead at festivities was allowed but no more and only at those occasions. Once the lesson was over the men had Weaponry Education was as you might expect, they were taught about the types of weapons which were used in battle and ones which were use just on parade. They had to know how to clean the weapons, hold them properly and assemble those which could be taken apart for easier transport. There was special equipment for jousting also. Max had been to a couple of jousts but had never been paired with any major knights from other kingdoms before. Chapter 5 The week came to an end faster than Max thought it would, and it was Thursday night, preparations were needed to the journey in the morning. The Chevalier guards would be at the barracks at dawn. Max was fortunate to have his own room in the barracks so having a roommate to explain things to was not needed. He opened the wardrobe and examined the clothing he had therein. He took out his best riding boots and brushed them. He then selected his best armor, including his shield and sword. Sets of clothing for underneath were packed with care also. He then packed his side satchel which would be worn over his shoulder. There he put some personal essentials, a notebook, and the special compass of course. Max's belongs were ready and packed, he then went over the stable to groom Wind-driver. Max walked 5 stalls down to his stall and opened the gate. He petted the steed and talked to him in hushed voice. Max knew Wind-driver couldn't understand him really - or perhaps he could. Max knew that some animals did have the ability to understand. As he brushed Wind-driver, Max said "Tomorrow is a big day for us. A big adventure we are embarking on the one I was telling you about. A journey to the unknown, somewhere we haven't been. I am nervous and a bit scared my friend." Wind-driver looked at him with his left big brown eye. Yes, Max thought, I think you do understand what I am saying. With Wind-driver groomed, Max went back to his room in the barracks and tried to sleep. Chapter 6 The sun's morning rays shone through the window of the barracks. It was early about five am, after washing his face, Max dressed in his formal riding attire. His armor was not needed to be worn but would be attached in a saddle bag to Wind driver. He grabbed the compass as put in his pocket. He gathered other essentials such as a medium knife, bedroll, and a grooming kit that he needed. He was expected to be in the front gates at five- thirty. When he arrived Captain J and the 2 Chevalier guards were waiting as well as two other men and a woman who Max and not met before. "Good morning, Max." said Captain J. Captain J's horse was named Thunderbolt. It had come from the southern providence called Galida. Thunderbolt was a strong horse, chestnut brown with a long flowing mane. Wind-driver was familiar with this horse, Thunderbolt was his father. Naturally the two horses greeted each other. Thunderbolt stayed in the same stables as Wind-driver but has been on quests before. "Let me introduce you who else will be in our company. Benzie Jepson who will be our guide in this journey. He has travelled all over and knows the best routes and ways though the mountains and Maybelle Oilman who is a translator for us. She is fluent in 5 languages and 2 native dialects. Gudtano Urso will be our protector he is a skilled marksman who has been picked by the king to defend us should we run into any trouble we cannot handle on our own" Captain J said with a slight tone of laughter in his voice which made everyone chuckle. Max looked at the three new additions to the company. Benzie was a man in his middle forties, medium height and slightly overweight. He had brown eyes, short brown hair and a beard. He was dressed in riding clothes which were made of quality leather. Max noticed He had an accent but spoke clearly. His horse was very fine, a well-bred horse which was jet black with a silver riding saddle and reins. Max would love to be able to afford such things for Wind-driver. Then he looked at Maybelle. Maybelle looked like she was about Max's age. She had long brown hair which was braided. She was also medium height and had blue eyes. Max could not see any kind of ring on her finger on her left hand. She did have one on her right, but it was not a wedding band. She wore a dress suitable for riding. Her horse was white, and its mane was a blonde color. Lastly, he glanced at Gudtano. He was a tall, well-built man. He had jet black hair with a long black beard. He certainly looked imposing, yet his manner was not. Maybelle introduced herself to Max. "Hello, I am Maybelle Orman". Max looked at her in the eye and replied, "I am Maxillian Parthlian, pleased to meet you." They shook hands together. Maybelle's soft little hand was warm. Max didn't know it right now, but this was the girl he had hoped to find some day. Maybelle did not know it yet, but she had been waiting to find Max also. Max introduced himself to the rest of the company or they did to him. The two Chevalier guards were nice, professional men. Max wanted to make sure he made a good impression on them. After all the introductions everyone secured their belongings to the side saddles on their horses. They the gathered to look over the map which Benzie had. "We will take this road west until we reach the Inn which is in Lumaria. Sanchie Buriman will meet us in at the Lamplight Inn. We will stay the night there before travelling on to through the Sacred Hills and the Gilbreath Cavern. Once we are out of the cavern we will stay at the Cavern Inn, Kenneth Harrison will meet us there, who is the inn keeper. When we reach this point, I will show you where we are to go from there." Said Benzie. Max thought about it and he reasoned it was good not to have the whole journey to think about at once. With a clear direction the company then saddled up and began riding. Max rode side by side Captain J for about a quarter of an hour and then decided to ride a little faster to be side by side with Maybelle. Her horse was white with a braided mane. A very luxurious horse, Windriver neighed to the horse who neighed back. "What is the name of your horse?" said Max "Angjo" said Maybelle. "He's a beautiful horse." Said Max. "Thank you, what's your horses name?" asked Maybelle. "His name is Wind-driver." "He's a very nice horse too, is this his first long journey?" "It is, for both of us." said Max." For the next little while Max and Maybelle talked back and forth. The company was not going at a breakneck pace, but a moderate one. After twenty-five miles, the company stopped by Gilsore Lake for a short break. There was a fresh spring there where everyone could fill up their flasks and their horses could have a drink. Max got out some sandwiches which Bennett had made him. Bennett didn't know where he was going but knew from Captain J that he would be away for a while. Max offered half of one to Captain J who accepted it and half of another to Maybelle who also accepted it from him. Wild boar. Meat with fresh garden vegetables and Bennett's special dressing were in the sandwiches. Max looked around and saw that everyone had provisions with them. After eating, the company got back on their horses and rode until they reached Lumaria. Lumaria was a town which was full of lights, hence the name. The road which led to the inn was lit up as if by a magical glow. Sparkle bugs which had the ability to glow in the dark were flying around. They were non-biting bugs, which made them pleasant to be around. About 10 miles into the town, the Lamplight inn could be seen. Sanchies stableboys Horus and Akerman took the horses from the travelers and took them to the stables. Before doing so, Max whispered to Wind-driver "You will be fine, go be with the other horses. I will see you in the morning." Max said it quickly but clearly. Wind-driver had only been with horses of the fellow knights before. A little reassurance, Max felt was needed. The company then ascended the inn's staircase to the front door. Sanchie was there to open the door for them and to greet them. "Welcome travelers." Said Sanchie. Sanchie Buriman was medium height, not quite as tall as Captain J and shorter than Gudtano. Max guessed he was in his mid-sixties in age. He had raven black hair along with a long black beard and his clothes were almost like men's sleepwear but were the traditional clothes for the region. He was a bit portly but not very overweight. "Thank you Sanchie for your hospitality." Said Benzie. "I suspect you are all hungry. I have had our cook. Prepare a meal for you. Come through to the dining room." Said Sanchie. They went into the inn's dining area which was not very fancy but fancier than the dining hall in the barracks. The dinnerware was made of finer material than the plates which the barracks had. They all had been engraved with the Lamplight Inn on them. A touch of luxury but not overwhelming. There were two medium sized chandeliers which were lit by candles. Once everyone had found their seat at the round oak table, one of Sanchies attendants poured wine for everyone, except Max and Maybelle also declined. Max was of age to drink it but he did not care for it. It looked like Maybelle felt the same way. Two other servants came out with roast boar and goose. A variety of vegetables were served with the meal as well as breads. Max was hungry but was mindful to eat like a gentleman would. His fellow travelers did not seem adjust their eating habits but were enjoying the food before them. Max wanted to make a good impression on Maybelle who ate daintily as a lady should. Everyone chatted to each other during the meal. The Chevaliers traded stories with Captain J. Benzie and Gudtano talked together about past things they had done together. They had been friends for a while and talked of places Max had only heard about and some he never had before. Max and Maybelle talked some, there was a lot to find out about each other but in view of the fact they were in a company it was kept light and cordial. Max and Captain J also talked about things in the barracks and the knights which resided there. "Do you think Calyx will ever retire and go to his villa by Lake Moore like he talks about? "Asked Max. "Oh I think so, said Captain J. He probably will in the next few years. He has served the king a good long time as your instructor." After a couple of hours everyone decided to go to their rooms to sleep. Max was a couple of doors down from Captain J and shared a room with Gareth Hostin, one of the Chevalier guards. Hostin was a bit of serious man, tall with jet black hair. He was muscular and very fit. The guards had to stay in prime shape as they went on various quests. "So, this is your first official quest Max, what do you think of it so far?" Asked Hostin who was changing taking off his riding clothes and armor. It was standard for the men to wear a two-piece flannel undergarment and the rest of the gear on top. "Oh, it's exciting! I am enjoying it very much so far." "Good to hear said Hostin who had settled into his bed. Max checked that all his belongings were with him including the special gift the King had given him, the compass. Yes, it was still there right where he had put it and to be safe, he would pretend to use the satchel it was in as an extra pillow. No one knew he had it and he had not shown it to anyone. He didn't know if he really should, certainly not any of the company at least not right now. Satisfied it was safe, Max drifted off to sleep. Chapter 7 The next morning Max awoke, and found the compass was by his side. He washed his face and got dressed. He put the compass in his pocket of his riding trousers which had an inner pocket. Hostin has woken up earlier and was downstairs enjoying breakfast with Lingard and Captain J. The rest of the company were at a different table talking and discussing different things. The breakfast was done in a buffet style with a wide array of meats, pastries, fruits, and porridge. There was honey-lemon juice, grape juice, and cold water. Max loaded up his charger plate and a mug of honey lemon juice and cutlery and sat down near Captain J who was talking to Roman Lingard. Harrison Kentock was enjoying his breakfast Captain J smiled when he saw Max, asked how he slept, and Max replied that he has slept well. Max then tucked into his breakfast. After a while Max had finished and most of the company had also. Sanchie came into the dining area and told the company that the horses were ready for them and that cook had prepared food parcels for them to take on the journey ahead. Everyone thanked Sanchie for his hospitality and his staff. Captain J paid for him, the Chevalier guards and Max. Everyone else paid their share for the stay, food, and maintenance of their horses. Benzie then had everyone gather so they could discuss the next part of the journey which had been discussed but that was before they got to the Lamplight Inn. They were to travel further north Once everyone was clear on the direction to go; they went to the stables for their horses. "Hi there boy" said Max to Wind-driver. Wind-driver had been fed, water and groomed. He looked happy to see Max. Maybelle's Adajo was near Windriver and it was the first time Max has seen Maybelle that day. She was eating with the other members, and he hadn't really had the chance to see or talk to her. Everyone mounted their horses and headed further North towards the Gilbreath Cavern Hills. The scenery was breathtaking. Not far from the Lamplight in was a beautiful, crystal-clear waterfall which descended out of the rock face above. "What a wonderful waterfall said Max." Hearing him Benzie then said "Yes, it is the Waterfall of the Lamp. It is called this being so close to the Lamplight inn. Let's take a moment to fill our flasks," And so, everyone dismounted and did just that. They hadn't been riding long but good water was not always able to be found, besides that the horses were happy to have a nice drink also. While filling his flask, Max noticed Maybelle as she stooped to fill hers. A bit shy, Max looked at Windriver when he saw her turning his way. "Perhaps I can talk to her later." Max thought to himself. The company was refreshed and then on they rode as the hills got deeper and the sides of the road got narrower and soon turned into the Gilbreath Cavern. The sides of the cavern were full of trees of many colors. A small river ran through on the side of the road which the travelers were on. Such natural beauty was all around them. Max felt very fortunate to be on this journey. The road on the cavern turned upwards, soon the valley could be seen below. When Benzie talked about getting out of the cavern, he didn't mention it would be on top of the Gilbreath mountain range, which the cavern was a part of. Max looked down. It was good thing he wasn't afraid of heights, but Windriver was not too keen. "Easy boy, it will be alright, just a bit further." said Max reassuringly, it took a couple of hours to reach the top of the cavern where the land levelled out again. At the top of the hill down a dirt track was the Cavern Inn. The tired party had arrived just before dusk. Benzie stopped his horse and knocked on the inn's door. Kenneth Harrison opened the door and greeted the party. Chapter 8 Everyone dismounted and four of Harrison's servants took the horses and led them to the stables. Kenneth walked out to the porch and said "Greetings my friends! Come in! Come in!" said Kenneth. Kenneth Harrison was a tall man with a broad chest. He had a long chestnut brown beard. In his left ear was a large gold hoop earring. Pirate or nomad? Wondered Max as he entered the inn and viewed the man. Perhaps Captain J knew a bit about him. Max would ask him abit later. Everyone entered the inn with their satchels with their personal belongings. One of Max's servants held out a hat which contained numbers connected to keys.. |