Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2291246-Fallen-Light-Legend
Rated: E · Novel · Mystery · #2291246
However, this is just a legend.
"God, please respond to our expectations."

"Hopefully when it will come..."

"Save her, please! Please."

Countless prayers echoed on the pitch-black altar, enveloping a sleeping boy.

The boy was lying on the cold stone bed in a white robe, his golden curly hair hanging down from the stone bed of the altar, and his face was pure. In the darkness at this time, such a beautiful young man is like the only ray of light.

On his chest, a pendant key shining with dazzling light was floating in the air, creating a solid enchantment made of light for the young man on the altar.

The black mist floated around him like a ghost, and he tried to approach the young man on the altar countless times, but was blocked by the light from the key pendant.

Countless prayers also came from the key pendant. As time passed, the light emitted by the key pendant became weaker and weaker.

Occasionally, an extremely dark mist invaded the young man's body through the light, but the strange thing was that the prayers coming from the key became more and more louder.

Suddenly, the boy on the altar opened his eyes.

The silver pupils looked blankly at the dark sky, at the black mist that tried to pass through the light and occupy itself.

Instead of feeling angry, he sat up straight curiously, slightly touching the floating black mist with his hands.

Suddenly, an indescribable pain came from the back of his head, as if something was about to emerge from his mind, the pain made the young man curl up, and the outstretched hand was withdrawn immediately, and he hugged his head instead.

At the same time, several memory fragments flickered in front of the young man's eyes at an extremely fast speed like a revolving lantern.

Among those memory fragments are high-rise buildings made of steel, cars coming and going, and exquisitely drawn oil paintings interspersed among them. Some oil paintings have not been finished yet, he raised his hand, holding a paintbrush to fill in stroke by stroke.

In the last memory, I walked slowly into a mirror in a room full of plaster statues and traces of paint.

"I have traveled through time?" He subconsciously asked himself, but when he tried to carefully recall the meaning of the word time travel, he felt another headache, and no more memory fragments appeared.

Realizing that recalling memories was futile, the boy stopped torturing himself and looked around instead.

At this moment, he was sitting on an altar like a stone bed. Around the altar, there were candles emitting faint flames. Those candles seemed to have special abilities, and they were dispelling most of the not-so-thick black for him. fog. By the light of the candle, the boy could barely see his surroundings.

There are four downward stairs in different directions beside the altar. The ends of those stairs are shrouded in black mist. Maybe the light from the candle is too weak, or maybe the black mist is too dense, so he can't see clearly.

But facing the unknown darkness, he didn't have the slightest fear in his heart, instead he opened his mouth and shouted into the depths of the darkness.

"Is anyone there?" The boy's crisp voice slowly diminished with the echo unique to the open area, and then came back again.

After waiting for a long time, just when he thought his question would no longer be answered, a voice suddenly came from the darkness.

"Yes! Yes, can you save me!"

That voice was unusually old and hoarse. The content of the words made the young man's heart twitch violently. Concerned about the safety of that person, the boy took a candle from the side of the altar that could drive away the black mist, and hurried down.

"Where are you? Are you injured? What can I do to save you?" The boy asked over and over again, but there was no response.

He had no choice but to follow the sound for a long, long time, until the altar where he came could not be seen, the old voice sounded again:

"It's here! I'm right here. Next, I need you to blow out the candle in your hand and place the candle on the step you're standing on now, and finally turn your back on it."

The voice came from very close, but the boy didn't see any figure. This aroused the vigilance of the young man, and he couldn't help asking:

"Can this really save you?"

Seeing this, the voice said sadly: "Of course! You are the light, you must be the light! Please, since the Lord of Darkness imprisoned me here, I have not seen my wife and daughter for a long time. "

"If I still can't leave this place this time, then please go to the main city of God's Domain of No Return to find my wife and daughter."

"As long as they are happy, I will die without regret, please. At least promise me to visit them and tell them that I am doing well."

Hearing the sound of the old man almost crying, there was a trace of pity in the boy's eyes.

"I will help you, and you will surely see your wife and daughter again."

Immediately, the voice seemed to be full of hope, and it agreed to him repeatedly.

Immediately afterwards, according to what the old man said, the boy blew out the candle and quickly put the candle on the ground.

The black mist lingered at the moment when the light went out, they passed through the young man's body again and again, the cold breath made him shiver, but he did not leave, but endured the coldness brought by the black mist, waiting for something.

After a few seconds, seeing the boy's sincerity, a sigh came from the darkness, and a huge and ferocious ghost claw suddenly grabbed the boy's shoulder tightly.

The young man paused, and then wanted to break free, but he couldn't break free from the strange power ghost claws. Until the owner of the ghost claw approached the boy's ear.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, but I can't trust you."

After getting close enough, the boy finally saw the real body of Ghost Claw clearly in the dark. It was a terrifying-looking demon with a height of nearly three meters.

His voice was unmistakable to the teenager, it was exactly the same as the voice calling for help. It's just that it no longer contains grief and apology, only indifference and secret joy remain.

Just as the demon was about to make the next move, a burning sensation suddenly came from the ghost's claws, and the demon shook his hand away instantly in pain.

The young man at this moment didn't know that he had been fooled, so he ran down quickly while the man was distracted.

The huge body of the demon brought him a lot of obstacles in speed, and the demon who let go of his prey roared angrily and chased after him.

His huge body made every step he took extremely heavy, and the entire corridor trembled.

Countless worms crawled out of the demon's body, flying or crawling in the darkness.

The boy could even feel some extremely fast reptiles crawling to his ankles, biting his flesh with their huge mouthparts.

"It must be faster." The boy did not give up hope, he saw a light in the distance, that was the exit.

As he got closer to the light, more and more bugs chased him. Feeling the tearing pain coming from all over his body, the boy was about to approach the light and was about to be swallowed by insects at the moment:

He jumped, and the wind whizzed by his ears. Immediately, the boy felt that he had fallen into a cold room. He couldn't feel anything, and his whole body was as numb as ice piercing into his body.

After a short while, the numbness gradually receded, and the endless pain subconsciously wrapped him up with a fierce attack.

The arm under the body seemed to be broken, the ankle was bloody, and the whole body was full of large and small wounds.

Enduring such pain, he struggled to stand up, wanting to continue running. He didn't relax until he found that he had successfully jumped into the room, and there were no more bugs chasing after him. And the bugs that gnawed on him before turned into soot without knowing when.

After reconfirming that there was no danger in the surrounding area, the boy sat down again. He rested wearily leaning against a huge mirror that could not reflect his own figure. With his head down, his silver pupils inadvertently discovered that the room was extremely smooth, Black ground like a mirror.

At this moment, he only belatedly looked at himself now.

The body shape looks like a boy of seventeen or sixteen, with a white robe and a head of golden shoulder-length curly hair. Although he couldn't see his face clearly, this outfit alone was indeed very 'bright'.

But the young man knew very well that the light in the mouth could never be confirmed by appearance alone, it must be because of something special about him that attracted them. But with the boy's only remaining memory, he didn't think he would be able to analyze what that special thing was.

In any case, it is now alive.

The monster seemed unable to enter the room, perhaps because there was something in the room preventing them from entering.

The boy raised his head and looked around.

But there is nothing else here except the huge mirror that I am leaning on now.

No exits, no frills, no frills. Even the light came from nowhere.

If you go back at this time, you will definitely encounter demons again, but there is no other exit here. If he wants to get out of here, maybe he can only try to talk to this mirror.

?Who are you. ?

Suddenly, a black text appeared in the mirror. The text was twisted and twisted like a snake. The young man was not familiar with it, as if he was seeing this kind of text for the first time.

But the strange thing is that he can easily understand the meaning conveyed in the text, and also knows how to use these words to communicate. Thinking of this, he tentatively opened his mouth: "I don't know, I don't remember."

?You will save a demon, then you must be a good person, and we do not welcome good people. ?

As soon as the words on the mirror appeared, the boy vigilantly moved away from it, and after waiting for a few seconds, he did not see any attackers.

Even so, he did not relax his vigilance, but said with a slightly lowered voice, "Then you'd better let me leave this dark realm."

After the mirror was silent for a few seconds, a new line of text was slowly displayed: [Then tell me, what is the dark lord's request. ?

The boy was silent this time, but it still couldn't escape the problem of the mirror.

[I'm sorry, the answer was wrong, you must accept the punishment. ?

Seeing that the boy didn't answer, the mirror gave the answer on its own, and then the strange words on the mirror kept popping up and disappearing, quickly showing line after line:

[Tremble, human, he is the evil of human nature! ?

[Be honored, life, he is the Lord of Darkness! ?

[Then sigh, existence, he will bestow on you the most terrifying eternity! ?

While flashing the words, the mirror trembled violently, and soon the whole mirror was covered with frightening cracks.

Finally, accompanied by a crackling sound, the shattered mirror fell off the frame, fell to the ground, and became smaller pieces.

On the other hand, the young man stood there in a daze, staring at the remaining mirror frame in a trance, not even noticing the wounds on his body caused by the falling fragments.

"Look at what you have done!" An old and hoarse voice came from the stairs behind the young man. The young man seemed to have never heard of it. Your only way of life! You ruined the only mirror we fear! Hahahahahaha, your ending is death!!!"

Before he finished speaking, the demon dragged his huge body and ran towards him. The demon opened his mouth and grinned sinisterly. In the big mouth dripping with blood, there were long and sharp teeth ready to tear Crushed prey.

And at this moment, the boy slowly turned his head, his silver pupils looked at the devil with sadness and joy.

that look.

It's like giving up everything in the world.

Eyes that represent darkness and death.

It's exactly the same as the dark lord...

The demon realized something was wrong and wanted to stop, but his body had already rushed out.

When the ghost claw was about to touch the boy, an extremely ominous premonition emerged from the devil's heart.

I saw, in front of the young man, the shining key pendant reappeared.

In the next moment, the entire room surrounded the boy with an extremely dazzling light, and the demon's body was quickly and inevitably turned into ashes from the fingertips.

He finally realized what was wrong.

Really light.

It's light...

The whole body was involuntarily purified and turned into ashes, but the devil felt extremely peaceful. He couldn't help but think of his wife and daughter. The scene in front of him gradually blurred. They stood smiling under the light, as if they had been waiting for a long time.

"Ira X, Ada X, I was a human too..." The demon with only his head left a tear from the corner of his eye, muttering to himself.

The young man stared blankly at all this for a long time, then suddenly opened his eyes wide, looking at the fading light and the empty room as if he had just recovered from his senses.

"My name is Solus?"

As soon as the words fell, the key pendant shining from the corner of the eye finally couldn't hold on, and with the last ounce of strength, it wrapped Soles' whole body with light. Disappeared in place with him.

The entire pitch-black altar fell into a long silence again.

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