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Inspector John Collins makes his debut in this British country mystery (not finished yet) |
{{size:4}size:3} Mystery in Ivenbridge An Inspector Collins Mystery By Carly Phillips Chapter 1 It was a cold, damp day. Jolene Hayworth was working in the Anchor and Sparrow, one of Ivenbridge's three pubs. She worked as waitress and sometimes helped behind the bar when Matt Helman was not there. The locals loved a good pint, although Jolene was not a drinker herself. It was a Tues afternoon, and she was refilling all the salt and pepper shakers. She had just filled half of each when her boss Lawrence Scott came in. For a boss, he was all right. He was usually fair with those he worked with. He was recently single, never married. His ex-girlfriend decided she liked the insurance agent at Ivenbridge Relators better. Lawrence was sad about it, but in work he tried not to show it. Jolene did find him attractive; his dark brown hair had a wave to it; he was in good shape and had a nice smile. Jolene though didn't think he would go for her. She wasn't as cultured and super pretty like his ex-girlfriend. Jolene had dark brown hair, was of average build, blue eyes and grew up Ivenbridge. Lawrence didn't think she was so average though. He knew she was a good worker, the locals liked her, and she was funny. He was not going to show any sign of liking her other than being a good boss though right now. He needed time to heal from Marissa, his ex. Lawrence walked over to the table Jolene was sitting at with the salt and pepper shakers. "Hiya Jolene, are you nearly finished filling those?" "Yes Lawrence, is there something you need me to do?" "Yes, I do. I need to go down the street to Jackson's Brewery and put our order in for us. I would go but I must see the dentist. My appointment is in 15 mins. and Matt isn't here." "Ok who will watch the pub?" "Since it's not peak time, it will be closed while we are both out. Be quick though so we are not shut for long." You can finish those later." Said Lawrence. Referring to the salt and pepper shakers. Jolene got up and took the order from Lawrence. She then went to the backroom and grabbed her jacket, brolly, and purse. She then placed the order in her purse so it would not flap around in the wind and get wet. A wet order for the ale would be no use to anyone. She made sure she had her key to get back into the pub because Lawrence would be out and no one else would be at the pub yet to let her in. Seeing it was there, she headed out the back door of the pub. Outside it was drizzling so Jolene popped open her black brolly with polka dots in different colors. She then walked up Hampstead Road, which was made of cobblestone, the Stephenson's the butchers were across the road, as well as Nellies which was a fabric store. Up the road and around the corner on to Wickerson Lane was Wickerson's Brewery. The Brewery had been in Ivenbridge for as long as Jolene could remember. It was a big establishment, tall buildings and outbuildings and a large chimneystack which towered high in the air. There were four-grain silos also; each had a big W for Wickerson on them. Her Uncle Todd used to work there before he retired. Keith Wickerson was a burly man, very strong, with dark eyes and curly black hair. He greeted Jolene in the front office. Keith was at his desk, which was overflowing with papers. Plans of the brewery were on the wall as well as pictures of the owners, staff from long ago up to now. "Well, who do we have here? Its Todd's niece I believe. To what do we owe this pleasure?" said Keith smiling. Jolene smiled back. Jolene knew why he was asking. It was Lawrence who usually came with the order for the ale, and she normally did not go to the brewery. "Lawrence has to see the dentist and asked me to deliver our order." "Ah I see, let me have it then." Said Keith. Jolene opened her purse and handed over the order to Keith. He then looked it over for a minute. "Let's see 2 barrels of stout, 3 ale and 2 of the bitter ale." Said Keith. He then looked up at her and said, "Right tell Lawrence my boys will deliver it tomorrow." "Is there anything else you need?" Keith said looking like he needed to get back to the main part of the brewery. As head manager there was always plenty to do. "No sir, I will tell Lawrence when the order will be delivered." "Alright then, and call me Keith love, I am not into people calling me sir." Jolene smiled and said" Ok Keith." Jolene then went out of the office and back down the road. She looked at her watch on right hand, which read 12:20pm. She was in good time; Matt was due to in about and hour and she could go in and finish the task she was doing before. When she got to pub, she unlocked the front door and looked about. Nothing seemed to have changed since she left, and everything was secure. Jolene was a naturally cautious woman. Part of it was good training from Lawrence; part of it was just how she was. Jolene then went to the back room and put away her things. Then she went back to the table with the salt and pepper shakers. "Half done, half to go" she said to herself. About twenty minutes later, Lawrence came into the pub. He went over to where Jolene was sitting. "How did things go at Wickerson's?" asked Lawrence. "Great, Keith said his boys will deliver the order tomorrow." Said Jolene. "Wonderful. Thanks for doing that, Jolene. Emma and Matt and Joel will be in soon." Lawrence then went back to his office where he checked on accounts, answered emails and other business things that were associated with the pub. Emma Jefferies did the cooking for the pub, as it was not just a place to get drinks but some good food as well. Her fish and chips and cottage pie were excellent, and she was fun to work with. She and her husband took turns watching the kids during the day, which is why she was not always there. Matt and Jeff went to college in the day and so they did not work full time either. Jolene finished her refilling task. She made sure the tablecloths were clean and neat. Then she arranged the salts and the peppers on the tables, the silverware, as well as the little lamps that went on each one. She then made sure that the bar was in order. She would not have to be barmaid tonight as Matt and Jeff would be working. Her job this evening was to take the orders from the guests and serve the guests. She waitressed along with Jill Hockley also was a student in the morning. She came in at 1:30pm. Jill was a small, petite girl in her 20's who fancied both Joel and Matt even though Matt had a steady girlfriend and wasn't interested though she tried to flirt. Joel liked girls but was not sure how to flirt with them really, Folks usually started coming in about 2pm for a late lunch. The bar was in order, all the taps were nice and clean, and glasses were ready to give to the customers. Matt, Emma, and Joel came through the door. "Hiya everyone!" said Jolene. Emma smiled and the boys waved. "The bar is all set for us?" asked Matt. "Yes, Matt as usual." Said Jolene. She knew Matt was teasing her thinking she had lots of time in the pub just because she was in earlier. Matt Fosterton was in his 20's with blond hair and blue eyes. He was tall as well very built; he played Rugby for the Ivenbridge Knights. Joel McCormick also in his 20's was a bit shorter, stocker, with dark hair and freckles. He wasn't a sports fan but more into science. "Emma, do you need any help prepping today?" asked Joel. "I do if you wouldn't mind lending a hand. I need these vegetables prepped. Said Emma. Emma was in her mid thirties. She had long black hair, which she kept in a tight bun at work. She was not overweight but a bit rubenesque mainly due to having two kids. She and Joel set to work preparing lunch. Jolene also went back in the kitchen and asked if Emma needed any assistance. "How good are you at making rolls?" Asked Emma. "I can make them fairly well." Said Jolene. "Great, here is the batter, and the pans, set the oven at gas mark 3." With an hour to go before any customers, Jolene set to work working the whole grain dough. She placed equal amounts of dough on the greased pans and put them into the oven for 15 mins each. Joel was at the counter cutting up vegetables and humming one of Queen's songs. After the rolls were finished, Jolene went to restroom and washed her hands and she look tidier. One thing Lawrence did not allow is sloppy looking staff. Two o'clock arrived and the first customers came into the pub. Lionel Bartlett who was a regular. He always came in for lunch. Lionel owned the hardware store down the street. He sat down at one of the tables on the left side. Lionel was in his mid-fifties; he had a rugged look to him. He was always in a flannel shirt and suspenders. Jolene picked up her notepad from behind the bar and went over to take his order. "What'll you have Lionel?" Asked Jolene. Lionel looked at her and said, "Ploughman's and Bitter ale lass." Said Lionel. "Coming right up." Said Jolene. Jolene then went to Matt who was at the bar and got the bitter ale first for Lionel and then brought back to Lionel who she knew would be interested in it first. "Ah thank you." Said Lionel. Then Jolene went back to the kitchen and gave the order to Emma. While it was being prepared Jolene went back out to the main part of the pub where Ken Jones has entered. Ken Jones was a contractor and built many of the homes in the newer part of Ivenbridge. He did rather well, drove a posh Mercedes. He and his wife were not disliked exactly but locals did find them a tad cocky and a bit pretentious. "Oh, look it's Moneybags himself." Said Matt quietly. "Shhh!" said Lawrence overhearing Matt. In Matt's ear Lawrence said, "Your father's rivalry between him has nothing to do with this pub. You will be courteous to him as you are to any other customer." somewhat sternly. "Yes Lawrence." Said Matt half sincerely. Lawrence then went back to his office. Matt's father did not care for Ken too much because Matt's father was a contractor as well and so thus explains why there was a bit of a rivalry between the two men. As Ken sat down at one of the tables Emma called "Order up!" signaling Jolene to pick up Lionel's order. This she did and delivered it to him. Then Jill went over to Ken Jones. "What will you have today? She said to Ken. Ken looked at her with a slight smile on his face and said, "Well, I think I will have Steak Pie and a Guinness." "Ok, coming right up." Said Jill. Ken seemed pleasant enough thought Jill. Maybe its just the guys who don't like him. Ken was always well dressed, either in a suit or a sport coat and chinos. He also had steel gray eyes, dark brown hair, and a mustache. Jolene got the Guinness, gave it to Ken and then went back to the kitchen and gave the order to Emma. Then she went back to the main part of the pub again. There was a TV, which was mounted on the wall, and it had a rugby game on, Wales vs. Brazil. Matt glanced at it, but he knew he had to watch the bar. Ken's order was up, and Jill delivered it to him he said thanks and then tucked into his lunch. It was to be his last. After Ken had finished his meal, he went back to his home office, which was at his home Pinehurst Park, which was on Prince George Lane. He did some drawings for a new building he was working on for a few hours. About seven he felt very strange and not well at all. He went to one of the bathroom cabinets to get some antacids. After an hour he still felt not better. He his vision began to be hazy. "I better call a doctor before my sight gets worse." Sid Ken. He went to get his cell phone from the pocket of his jacket, but he collapsed before he could dial 999. A stranger entered the home through a back door. Seeing Ken on the floor, instead of calling an ambulance, hit Ken with a bust which was on the mantle piece. The stranger did not know thar Ken was already dead but fled the scene, taking the bust with them and went through the farmers field which was nearby. linespace:2} Chapter 2 The next morning across town, Inspector John Collins was just finishing his lunch at the White Horse pub which was across town from the Anchor and Sparrow. John Collins was in his 40's. He was tall, muscular; he had dark brown hair and a handlebar mustache. He sometimes ate at the Anchor and Sparrow as well but only when he was in that part of Ivenbridge. He was enjoying his fish and chips and not being a drinker a nice cold glass of fizzy lemonade. The White Horse's interior was painted in a light blue. It had local memorabilia on the walls from fairs, carnivals, and fishing competitions, which had gone on during the past years up until the present. The owner Jack Hornsby was also very into equestrian activities and so medals and other awards for show jumping and other activities he had participated were also displayed. John had just finished his meal when his cell phone rang. John picked it up an answered it. "Hello, Collins speaking." "Sir this is D.C. Styles. I am sorry to call you from your dinner sir, but there has been a death in the village. " "It's all right Styles, who is the victim and where is the body?" said Collins. He was a bit unhappy his dinner was cut a bit short but in his job being off the clock was not something he could ever guarantee. "It's that contractor, Ken Jones. He was found his home Pinehurst Park sir, by the box elder bushes near the lake. "said Styles. "Right Styles, I will be there shortly. Stay there till I get there." "I will sir." Said Styles and the call ended. Collins grabbed his brown jacket and exited the White Horse. Pinehurst Park where Ken Jones and his wife lived was on the south side of town and so it was too far to walk. He went to the corner of Kings Lane where the White Horse was located, and then turned left and went up Flaxson Street where the police station was and where his car was parked. He quickly went to his office and grabbed his car keys. Before heading out, he stopped by James Samuelsson who was the police pathologist. He entered the double doors where James worked. "James, are you busy?" John called to James. James came from the other room. When he reached John, he said "No, I am not right now. What do you need?" James Samuelson was a tall man, in his early 50's. He had lots of white hair. He was well built, was always into fitness. John wished he were a bit more into fitness. Inspector John Collins was a bit shorter than James, had brown hair but it was thinning a bit and he had enjoyed the pub food a bit. He was not overweight but needed to get a bit more in shape. "I need you to follow me over to Pinehurst Park. It's the home of Ken Jones. There has been a death, D.C Styles is there now." Said John. "Who is the victim?" asked James. "It's Ken Jones." Said John. James looked a bit sad and said "Oh no his poor wife Katrina. My wife Peggy and she were in the same book club together." "Let me get my equipment and I will meet you there." Said James. "Call the forensics team and meet me over there. Said John. "Ok, I will, see you there." Said John. In his mind he thought, so there is one person who knew a bit about the Jones's whom I can interview. Inspector Collins didn't know much about Ken Jones or his wife. He had heard that some people in the town didn't care for them, but he didn't know if there was anything to it or it was just jealousy. Now Ken was dead, and he needed to find out why. It took just a few mins to drive to Ken Jones house. When Collins got there, he parked his car in the driveway, got out and locked his car. The house was large and in the Tudor style. He walked along the path which led to the door. DC. Styles were waiting near the body which was near the desk in the study. "Who found the body?" asked Inspector Collins. "The cleaning lady sir. Harriet Danson. She comes regularly to clean for the Jones. "Where is she now? Asked Inspector Collins. "She was very shaken up sir, her sister came for her, and I said we would ask her some questions tomorrow after she got over the shock," "Very good Styles, if she in a state is better to have her calm down before we ask her about her movements. "Now, about the body sir, I have already checked for a pulse sir, and there is none. He is cold as well as if he has been here for a while. He has an awful gash on his head as well." Said Styles. D.C. Lawrence Styles was a young officer from the Northampton area. He was a stocky, with curly brown hair, and bright blue eyes. For as young as he was, barely twenty-two, he was very bright, organized, a real asset to the force. Inspector Collins was very happy when he became apart of his team. His previous partner was Keith Paulson who was hard to work with, lazy and sometimes could be quite arrogant. Inspector Collins went over to Ken's body and briefly examined it. Sure, enough there was no pulse, body was cold, and he noticed the large gash on his head as if he had been hit by something and hit hard. About ten minutes after John had arrived James arrived with his equipment and two assistants. After examining the body for fifteen minutes John asked him "So what do you think the time of death was?" "I would say about 9pm last night, the rigor mortis has started to set in." He is ice old, like he was here on the floor all night. He was hit by a blunt instrument; I won't know exactly till I examine him in the lab." Said James. Looking around the room Inspector Collins noticed that something had been removed from the mantle. There was a thin ring of dust where it used to be. The forensic team noted and tagged the body and photographed the scene. They dusted around the room with finger dust powder. They were looking for prints and any other evidence which the killer could have left behind. The actual killer would not be found at the scene. Then they placed the body in a body bag. Soon after a large van appeared in the car park and two men with a stretcher came and collected the body, put it in the van and James and his crew headed back to the coroner's where the van would be waiting. John knew it would take time to get the full results and whilst he waited, he knew he had to visit the widow of Ken Jones, Katrina Jones. Katrina had been away at a conference. She was due to be on the 11 am train. After smartening himself up a tad, Inspector Collins took D.C. Styles with him meet her at the station. "This won't be easy." Said Collins. "Murder never is sir." Said D.C. Styles. What could be construed as a bit condescending John knew that Styles didn't mean it that way. Inspector Collins and Styles drove the station where they would meet her at platform 3. She was a tall, blond woman who briefly one could tell she had expensive taste. Her nails were immaculate, in a bright shade of red; she had bright blue eyes, and creamy white skin. Inspector Jones wondered if she had been a model or did modeling. She wore a flattering blue dress just above her knee and high heels. She looked at the two men with a slight smile on her face. "Yes? What do you two gentlemen want? Her accent was from somewhere in the North. Inspector Jones took out his warrant card and said, "I am Inspector Collins and this D.C. Styles. I am afraid we have some bad news for you about your husband." Katarina Jones looked a bit shocked and said, "No! Not Ken." She began to cry "Can I see him?" "Yes, we need to come and identify the body." They all went back in the police car back to Ken and Katrina's home. They walked in by passing the yellow caution tape which was now on the door. "Where was he found? Asked Katrina. She then began to sob. DC Lawrence led her to the study where the body lay. "Yes, that's Ken but why?" She spoke. She went to touch the body but was told not to. They moved to the sitting room where Inspector Collins began to interview Katrina. Inspector Collins suspected that Katrina a thing for being dramatic. Something about her behavior did not seem genuine. "Mrs. Jones, can you think of anyone who would have a grudge against or was an enemy to your husband?" said Collins as he got out his notepad. "Well, some folk didn't like Ken or me because we were not from here. We moved from Lanehurst up north eight years ago. These folks around here don't like outsiders much. Inspector Collins had to agree, the townsfolk were very cliquish. It had taken him and his wife awhile to be accepted when he had moved from Birmingham. Collins continued his questions "Was there anyone in particular who disliked him?" "Oh yes, there was, or rather is, Henry Fosterton. He owns Fosterton Contracting, He and Keith did not get on at all." Said Katarina rolling her eyes as if to state there had been words between the two men of which she was tired hearing about. Either that or she did not care for the man herself much. Sensing that but needing more information Collins asked why. "Henry Fosterton didn't like a rival, he thought this town only needed one contractor, which is daft." Said Katarina. "I see, were there any threats made to your spouse by him that you know of." Asked Collins. Katarina thought for a moment. "Well, only if the two of them had too much to drink. Then they got a bit out of sorts but there was never a fight or anything. Ken accused Henry of cheap labor and in retaliation Henry accused Ken of being overpriced." It was quite childish really. Said Katarina. "Moving back to your spouse, I know you were at a conference, can you go into a bit more detail about that? "Yes, was not here, I was out of town, with a friend." I had a conference that we went to. Said Katarina. Inspector Collins thought she might be the type. Katarina looked at Inspector Collins. "And yes, it was a male friend. Steven Cartwright. Relations between Ken and I have not been good for a couple of yrs. We were civil and tolerated each other, but he did what he wanted to do, and I did what I wanted to." said Katarina looking over her shoulder. "Had you discussed divorce?" asked Collins. Katarina looked at him blankly. "Inspector, we are Catholic, we don't divorce. Besides Steven is not a forever thing." Said Katarina in a matter-of-fact way. Catholic in name only, certainly not devout thought Collins. "One last question, do you know his movements the day before he died, like where he may have gone?" "I am afraid not, like I say I was not here. But you can ask that young secretary of his, Kellie Jenson. She'll know where he was. She always did." Katarina opened her purse and gave a business card which had Ken's contracting business address on it and telephone number. Sensing that this interview had gone on long enough for the moment, Collins wrapped it up by saying I will keep you informed of any developments Mrs. Jones, and can I get the number of your friend Steven Cartwright? ""I don't see why, he was nowhere near here, he was as I told you with me. Here you go then." Katrina jotted the number quickly on a piece of paper from her handbag. "Thank you, Mrs. Jones." Inspector Collins and DC Lawrence then left and began driving back to the station. Chapter 3 Inspector Collins and Styles drove down Kings Lane. "What was your impression of Mrs. Jones?" asked John. D.C. Styles thought for a moment and said "She was everything I thought she would be to be honest sir. She is probably a very high maintenance woman. She is hardly the grieving widow; I think the only thing she will miss about Ken is his money. "I think you nailed it right on the head Styles." Said John with a slight smile. Or did she have someone kill her husband for the money? Thought Inspector Collins. Yes Mrs. Jones was everything he was glad his Clarissa was not. John and Clarissa had met 25 yrs. ago when they were students at Oxford, and they had been married for 23 yrs. Clarissa was a wonderful wife. She was educated, talented and a wonderful mother to their two daughters. Helena, and Krista. John would not want her to be like Katarina who was very worldly, probably was hard to please. He shook his head at what James' wife saw in her as a friend, but then he thought he was judging based on his first impression. Time would tell if she was really the kind of woman John suspected, He could be wrong but often he found his instincts were right, Besides, Styles got a similar impression of her. They arrived at Ivenbridge Police station and went inside. The first stop was a meeting with Commander Yarworth. Commander Ivan Yarworth was a bit of an intimating man. This was mainly because he had a rather large girth. He had risen through the ranks in force. He had a deep resonating voice, dark eyes and hair and bushy black beard. One could say he resembled Bluto from Popeye. An observance John had noted but never would say out loud. Sitting behind his desk Yarworth looked at Collins and said, "Collins what is your report?" John then told Yarworth all that he knew so far about the victim, and his wife. He also added the coroners report was due to be ready soon No sir we do not. ""Find out Collins.". said Yarworth. "Yes sir, I will ask Styles, as he is the one who phoned me." Said John "Right. We shall have to hold a press Conference tomorrow. I want you present and make sure DC.I Styles is there too as he discovered or at least alerted us to the body." "Do we know who found Ken Jones first?" asked Yarworth expectedly." Yes, the cleaning lady did this morning sir. "Has she been interviewed?" asked Yarworth? "Not yet sir she was too shaken up. We are going to interview her tomorrow." "Ok see that it's done. "We shall hold it in the conference room. I will telephone you the time before you go home. Now if that is all you have for me, you best get back to work." "Yes sir." Said Collins. Quick and to the point, that was Yarworth's style. Back in his office, Inspector Collins then went to the whiteboard put up Kens picture, Katarina's and Henry Fosterton and wrote and Ken's secretary names, and the name of Katrina's toy boy on the board as well. These were known people Ken Jones life, counting Ken but he was the victim. Other known details were put on the board, such as his occupation, where his office is, and where the body was found. Known facts about death were also put on the board until all that they had at present was visible. After this was done the phone rang on Inspector Collins desk. It was James the coroner. He was ready for Inspector Collins to come down. Inspector Collins made his way down the corridor and down a flight of stairs to the pathologist. James met him in the front reception area. "It's more complicated than I thought John." James gestured for Inspector James to follow him into the morgue. Ken Jones was laid out on a slab with a green sheet over most of his body. On either end his head and feet poked out, his eyes were closed; you could see the gash on his head, which had been cleaned up. Though dead James believed in giving the victims the best look they could have post autopsy. Looking at the body, Samuelsson said, "Right, we know about this gash on his head, but this was not what killed him." Said "Oh? What did kill him?" said Collins intrigued. "He was poisoned. I found Amanita viorsa. Otherwise known as Destroying Angel. Its highly toxic and there is no antidote. ""Whoever did this did it not long before he was killed. This big gash here on his head was done after he was killed possibly by someone else.Said Samuelsson." James handed John the autopsy report for review. "It is a terrible business, James. Then again, it's what gives us our jobs. I will be going to Ken's office tomorrow to find out his movements. His wife Katarina said his secretary would know." Said Collins. James looked at John and said, "How is Katarina?" "Well to be honest mate it seemed hard to tell. She seemed grieved but then again not so much when we told her the news. She was not around, meaning not in town when the incident occurred, she was with a lover." Samuelsson looked a bit surprised and said "A lover? I didn't think Katarina was the type. "Inspector Collins shrugged his shoulders and said, "Well, when she greeted Styles and I today she looked the type." To which Samuelsson gave a puzzled look. Inspector Collins turned and then made his way back to his office. While walking down the hall Inspector Collins wondered if Katarina had become a different person when in the company of James's wife. Did she dress less glam for the book club and charity fairs? It made John wonder which was the real Katarina. When John got back to his office, he looked at the clock, it was 5:30pm. It was time to go home. Of course, John was technically on call being an Inspector but even in the police force there was a kind of schedule. Yarworth called John briefly and told him the press conference would be at 10 o'clock the next morning. John said to goodbye to Styles and told him about the press conference and that he needed to be there. Then he went to the car park, got in his car, and headed home. Chapter 4 On the way home John thought about what he needed to do the next day. He had the press conference, and then he needed to talk to Ken's secretary, Kellie Jensen. Then he needed to see Steven Cartwright John and his family lived in a detached house, with a thatched roof on Hester's Lane. The outside of the house was painted pale blue. The front door was a solid oak. When he got to his driveway, he quickly got his cell phone out and dialed the number for Directory Assistance and got the number for the Anchor and Sparrow. He then called the number and talked to DC Lawrence and found out when Jolene would be in and made an appointment to meet with her there. John opened the door; the kids were at the table doing their homework. "Hi Dad." They said in unison. "Hello girls, what are you working on?" said John as he hung his hat on the coat rack. "I'm working on Math's. "said Helena, the older of two, she is 7yrs old. Krista, who is 5 piped up and said, "I am doing spelling Daddy." "Right. Need any help any either of you? "said John moving closer to the table. "No." they both said. "Ok then where's Mum?" Asked John. "She's in the kitchen." Said Krista. With that John went to the next room where the kitchen was and found Clarissa preparing supper. "Oh, hello dear, I didn't see you come in. How was your day? "said Clarissa, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Very, long, I am on a murder case." "Murder? Who was killed?" "I don't want to spoil dinner my dear I will tell you later, ok?" Said John giving Clarissa a hug. "Alright. Well wash up for supper then it's nearly ready. Tonight, it's Lancashire hot pot." Said Clarissa going back to the stove to check on it. "One of my favorites." Said John and then he turned and walked towards the downstairs bathroom to wash up. After what he had seen today, he felt his hands needed a good scrub. He washed his hands and dried them and then went to the dining room where the girls were already sitting. He then went to the kitchen and helped bring out the sides that were also prepared. Everyone was then seated at the table. John offered Grace on the food. John's family was religious. They were Church of England and went to St Giles church in town. James Polliston was the victor and gave good sermons. John would not be talking to him though about the funeral arrangements for Ken, he would need to talk to Lyle Jameson, the Catholic priest who was at Our Lady of Mercy Chapel, which was the Catholic Church in town. John wanted to know if the Ken Jones and his wife were members of his flock. If so, he would need to tell him what happened. The funeral arrangements could be done after the pathologist was finished with the body. He could ask Katarina, but he didn't want to see her again if he didn't have to. Katarina kind of gave him the creeps. Something about her made him a bit uneasy which in his line of work he had learned to not let a lot of things bother him, but she did. After supper John helped clear the table. The girls were old enough to wash the dishes and it was their turn. Clarissa put a little stool for them to stand on at the sink. Whilst they were busy, John pulled Clarissa aside to the front room. There he told her about the case, at least what he could tell her about it. "Ken Jones? The building contractor, right?" John nodded. "How awful. His wife must be grief stricken." Said Clarissa, as she tided the room a bit. "I wouldn't say that exactly." Said John. "Really? You have spoken to his wife?" Clarissa did not know Katarina Jones. John was glad of that fact. "Yes, Styles and I went to see her today. I wouldn't want to say she is a loose woman, but a hard woman for sure and has a lover." Said John. "Well, I never." said Clarissa with an obvious tone of disapproval. By then the kids had done the washing up, what they could anyways and went up stairs to play. They were too young to do the big dishes and pots. These John and Clarissa did, with John doing the washing and Clarissa doing the drying. They talked a bit more about the case and what things needed to be done the next day in general. After the large dishes were all done, it was time to get the girls ready for bed. Tonight, it was Clarissa's turn. While she did that, John changed his clothes into his pajamas, and then sat at the small desk in their bedroom. He got out the notepad, which was in the right top drawer. He always liked to write down what he needed to do and whom he needed to see. He knew he had to see Ken's secretary and try to get a hold of Stephen Cartwright. T Call Harriet and arrange to meet her at 1pm 10am- Press conference 11:30- Arrange to Interview Steven Cartwright 12-lunch 2pm Meet with Ken Jones secretary 3pm- Meet with Steven Cartwright 4pm Meet with Lyle Jameson 5pm Report back to HQ to discuss findings. This was a rough outline, he knew other things could come up, but these were things, which had to be done. After placing the list in his suit pocket, John went and said goodnight to the girls. Then went back to his and Clarissa's bedroom, set his alarm for seven o'clock and got into bed. Clarissa soon joined him, and she and John went to sleep. The next morning John Collins woke up and got ready for the day. He helped the girls get their breakfast which today was Wheetos and toast with marmalade. The girls attended Saint Elizabeth's Primary school. After they had their breakfast Clarissa braided their hair in neat plaits. Then John drove them over to school and then went on to the station. It was only 8:30 am in the morning when he arrived, and this gave him some time to look over the evidence which he had so far on the case. First thing he did was go down to the canteen and get himself a cup of coffee. Commander Yarworth insisted on a quality coffee machine. After getting his coffee, Inspector Collins went back to his office and phoned Mrs. Danson, the cleaning lady. He was in luck, and she was at home. He arranged to have DC Styles interview her at 1pm like he had planned which she agreed to. Inspector Collins reassured her it was just to establish her whereabouts on the day the incident occurred. That job ticked off on his list he prepared for the press conference which by that time was in a half an hour. Chapter 5 The press conference went well as expected. Ken Jones was a known contractor throughout Kent which is where Ivenbridge was located. The reporters asked their usual questions to which Inspector Collins and Commander Yarworth. John was glad to get it over with and back to the case. It was just about 11:30am and he was on schedule for the day. He went to his desk and called the number which Katrina had given him for Steven Cartwright. "Steven Cartwright speaking, how can I help you?" Steven's voice was upper class John could tell. He did not have the local inflections in his voice. "Hello Steven, this is Inspector John Collins of the Ivenbridge Police. I understand from Katrina Jones that you are a friend of hers." "Well yes, I am (slight chuckle) but why is that important? " Her husband Ken Jones has been murdered." "Oh, that's terrible. Poor Ken. When did it happen? Said Steven "Thursday night.". Answered Collins "I suppose you will want to talk to me about my movements that night. Well, I can talk about some of them (slight chuckle again). "Yes, can I interview you this afternoon?"" "Oh yes I have nothing to hide would 2pm suit you?" There was almost a smugness in his voice." Well, I am interviewing Ken's secretary Kellie Jensen then, let's make it 3pm." "Oh her. Well, I suppose you must. I'll be here Inspector." Said Steven He obviously did not think a lot of Kellie Jensen thought Inspector Collins. "What is your address?" asked Inspector Collins. 22 Juniper Lane in Marsh Green. ""Thank you, Steven, see you then." "Till then Inspector." Collins then hung up the phone. Collins made one more phone call to Kellie Jensen who readily agreed to meet him at 2pm He could have arranged to see her after seeing Cartwright and Steven would never know but Inspector Collins liked to stick to his set out schedule, at least as much as possible. It was then lunchtime and Inspector Collins was not going to eat in the staff canteen. It was ok, but after dealing with the press conference and arranging the interviews, he was hungry and for some good food. He headed to the Anchor and Sparrow. Not only was he hungry but he wanted to know the local's opinion of Ken Jones and his wife. He might be able to flush out a motive for murder or at best an honest overall opinion of them. He needed to see if what Katrina said was true or if she was just imagining what people thought of them. He suspected from his own settling in experience that she wasn't too far off, but he also wanted to know who particularly disliked them besides Fosterton. Inspector Collins grabbed his keys from his desk and got in his green Rover SE. He drove down the street and turned left on Main Street towards the Anchor and Sparrow. Chapter 6 Inspector Collins entered the Anchor and Sparrow and was greeted by Pat Winslow, a young attractive waitress in her late twenties who had curly brown locks. "Welcome Inspector to the Anchor and Sparrow, let me show you to your seat." Pat led him a table which was by the bay window which faced the street. After sitting down Harriet then said to Inspector Collins, "Here is your menu, I will give you a few minutes, but can I get you something to drink?" Inspector Collins looked at Harriet and said, "I'll I have a Coke please." "I will be right back with that sir." Said Pat as she walked towards the bar which also had a soda fountain. Which she as away Inspector Collins looked over the menu which had a lot of typical pub favorites. John decided he would have fish and chips. Pat came back to his table with his ice-cold Coke and sat it down on the table. Inspector Collins thanked her and then Pat said, "Have you decided?" "Yes, I think I will have fish and chips." Good choice." Said Pat. When Harriet returned with his fish and chips Inspector Collins said, "I am working on Ken Jones's case and wondered if you had any thoughts on the feeling of people who came here about him." Pat thought for a moment. She didn't like to get all caught up in village gossip but sometimes it was unavoidable. "Well, you probably know about Henry Fosterton, he and Ken didn't get along very well at all. Henry was always accusing Ken of stealing his clients. Then there was Jack Wiliby who accused him of trying to steal his wife." "Did they come in here and dine often?" asked Inspector Collins between bites of his meal. "Oh yes gov' they do but never if Ken was in here." Said Harriet with a slight chuckle. "So, in general, people didn't really like Ken. How about his wife?" asked Inspector Collins. "Oh 'er. What a trumped-up little madam she is." Said Harriet with a look of distain on her face. "I see you for one did not like her." Said Inspector Collins. "She's a very demanding woman, and not just 'ere mind you, she thinks she's royalty or something and she is always galivanting around with some toyboy and so no I can't say people like her much. "Said Pat. "Thank you, Harriet, I will let you get back to your customers." Said Inspector Collins. He finished up his meal and then thought for a moment. He had achieved what he wanted to, which was to have lunch at the Anchor and Sparrow, and he now had two additional suspects to question. Two men who certainly might have a motive for killing Ken, He also knew that Ken's wife wasn't exaggerating that people in the town disliked she and her husband. However, there seemed to be good reason for it. It was then time to meet Harriet Danson to get her statement. He drove from away from the Anchor and Sparrow and turned right on to High Street and he turned another right to Prince George Lane. He passed Pinehurst Park which still had police tape and men guarding the entrance. Harriet Danson lived about halfway down the street in a modest detached house. Inspector Collins parked the car on the side of the street, locked it, walked up the short path and then rang the doorbell. He waited a few moments then the door was opened by Harriet. "Good afternoon, Inspector, come in." said Harriet. Inspector Collins walked through the front door into the front entry way. Harriet Danson was a middle-aged woman, about forty-five. She was short and stocky and had dark brown mid-length hair. She invited him to sit on the sofa which was a bit worn in places but still was very comfortable. She had lots of pillows on it, a lot had animals on them. "I don't wish to take up too much of your time Harriet, but I do need to ask a few questions." Said Inspector Collins. "Yes, Inspector I understand." Said Harriet. "First of all, how long have you cleaned for the Jones family? Asked Inspector Jones. "About 6 months I reckon." Said Harriet. "Would you consider the Jones fair employers? What was it like working for them? Inspector Collins further asked. "Well Mr. and Mrs. Jones were certainly fair with the money for the work I did. Mrs. Jones could be a bit particular about how certain rooms where cleaned and what went where but overall, they have been very decent to work for." Said Harriet. Inspector Collins then asked "Have you been there very often when Steven Cartwright was there? ""A few times I have yes Inspector." "And what has your opinion been of him? asked Inspector Collins. "Well Inspector, I don't like to talk bad about anyone, but he never has given me a very good feeling when he has been around. He is all into Mrs. Collins, but it seems to me like he could be into more than just her." Said Harriet. "Would you care to elaborate for me Harriet?" probed Inspector Collins, gently but wanting to know what Harriet meant. "Well, he always was being given gifts and the like by her. They seemed to get more expensive as time went on. "Said Harriet. Harriet had given Inspector Collins a leg up as it were on the type of man Steven Cartwright was, which was a toy boy and a gold digger. However, was he a murderer as well? Did he kill Ken Jones so he could have more than just gifts but everything he could get. It was too soon to tell at this point. Inspector Collins asked her about the day Ken Jones was murdered and found it was more of a shock than anything else for her. She hadn't noticed anything unusual other than Ken not being alive. Inspector Collins thanked Harriet for speaking with him and for the information she gave him. He told her that if she thought of anything else which was of importance, to give him a call and he gave her his card. He then got in his car and made his way to Kellie Jensen at Kens office. Chapter 7 Inspector Collins arrived at Ken's former place of work. It seemed to be fully operational with a full car park in the employee's parking section. That was something which Inspector Collins could start his conversation about. One would have thought that they would be off due to mourning, Inspector Collins parked his car and headed inside to the building. He was met by a receptionist who from the looks of it had been filing her nails. "Can I help you sir?" said the receptionist. From her badge Inspector Collins could see her name was Norma. Showing his detective badge Inspector Collins said "Yes Norma, I am Detective Inspector Collins of the Ivenbridge Police. I am here to see Kellie Jensen. I do have an appointment." Norma looked down and looked at the appointment diary. "Ah yes, Inspector. Do have a seat for a minute while I tell Kellie you are here." Inspector Collins turned around and saw a row of blue plush armchairs. The office was very handsomely furnished with tasteful artwork and comfortable furnishings. After about five minutes Norma re appeared and said, "Do come through Inspector, I will show you to Kellie's office." And so, Inspector Collins did so move past rows of cubicles until turning to the right and to the end of the corridor where Kellie Jensen's was. "Come in Inspector." Said Kellie who was sitting in a large executive office chair which was behind a large oak executive desk. Being the personal assistant to Ken did seem to come with some perks. Kellie herself was a tall woman, in her mid- thirties with long wavy dark brown hair. She was very attractive, and one could see why Kens wife seemed to be a bit jealous of her. There was a chair on the other side of the desk and Inspector Collins sat down. "I have an idea of why you're here Inspector but do ask your questions. "said Kellie. Kellie had a low voice, almost sultry. "I first would like to ask you, why are all the staff here so soon after Ken's death?" "It's what he would have wanted Inspector. We have this big development project, and it was started before his death. He would want us to see it through. We will have a time of mourning when the funeral happens," said Kellie. "Who takes over now that Ken is gone?" asked Inspector Collins. "Ken has a son, Lance Jensen. He will be managing director he is coming from Lancashire. He will be here for the funeral. Said Kellie. "Will you become his personal secretary? asked Inspector Collins. Kellie looked to the side than then forward at Inspector Collins. "Most likely Inspector, but we will have to see." Said Kellie who seemed to have confidence she would. "Now where were you on the night of Kens death?" asked Inspector Collins. "I certainly was not with him. Oh yes, I know what that cow of a wife of his may of said. She always thought I was after her husband. I never was, we were coworkers and nothing more. I was visiting my aunt Geraldine Wilson on Nottingham Way, not far from here. You can go and ask her if you want to." "I probably will secure alibis." Said Inspector Collins. "I didn't even know he was dead till someone in the office mentioned it. I forget who it was." Someone saw the police press broadcast most likely Inspector Collins thought. "What was your reaction?" asked Inspector Collins. " Well, what do you think Inspector? I was in shock and saddened. Ken was a good boss to work for no matter what anyone else says. He was decent to me, treated me fairly and I am sad he is gone. I want you to find out who has done this Inspector." Inspector Collins looked at Kellie. She looked sincere to hm, and he could tell she was trying not to cry in front of him. "One last thing or perhaps two. One did Ken have anyone who had any motive for killing him. Two was there anything about his business practices in any way that would lead someone to wish him harm? Asked Inspector Collins. "Well Inspector, there were a few different people who might wish to do him harm, His wife for one because she wanted him out of the way so she could be with toy boy. Oh yes, I know about Steven Cartwright. He's very capable as well. Other rival building firms around here may have gone to that length. I can't tell you who specifically though. For your second question, as far as I can see Ken was a good businessman who did good honest work. It's not his fault if preferred him to do work for him than say Fosterton., "said Kellie. "I have taken enough of your time Ms. Jensen." "Its Mrs. Jensen, another reason why I was never interested in Ken more than coworkers." said Kellie. "I see, I may need to call on you again." Said Inspector Collins. "Please do, and if I have anything else important which comes to mind, I will let you know," With that Inspector Collins left Ken's office and went to see the infamous Steven Cartwright who so far seemed like he had motive and maybe was using Katrina Jones for what he could get. Chapter 8 Inspector Collins drove down the road and on the highway which led out of Ivenbridge. Stephen Cartwright did not live in Ivenbridge naturally. He did live close in Marsh Green which was about 15 miles from Ivenbridge. March Green was a nice little town, it had a narrow canal which ran through the center of it like some other towns Inspector Collins had been to. Juniper Lane was three streets from the main street. Steven Cartwright's house was five downs down the street. It was a very nice, detached house, with a lot of stonework in the design. Cartwright's Jag was in the driveway. Yes, the man did very well for himself or was sponging off Katrina. Of all the interviews, John was not looking forward to interviewing this one. From their conversation on the phone, Steven Cartwright seemed like a shifty character. He certainly had no shame being Katrina's "bit on the side". In fact, he was chuffed about it. John hoped this wouldn't be a waste of his time. John went up to the door and rang the bell. It took a few minutes, but eventually Stephen Cartwright opened the door. "Ah Inspector, do come in and sit down." Steven gestured with his left hand towards the sitting room. Steven Cartwright was tall and had a slim build. He had light brown hair. He had pearly white teeth as well which looks like they had been straightened at some point. The sitting room had a couple of well-made couches, a glass coffee table, and an expensive looking stereo system. On a bookshelf there were various trophies, one being for a golf tournament from some years back. "A very nice place you have here." Said Inspector Collins as a conversation starter and to appeal to Steven's vanity. "You like it? I certainly do. It's very comfortable and suits my needs. "Said Steven taking the couch opposite from the one Inspector Collins had chosen. "Right, can you tell me about your relationship with Katrina?" "Well Inspector, where do I start, I met her at a golf tournament down in Kent about five years ago. Said Stephen. "Was Ken there also?" asked Inspector Collins? "He was but not playing. That man wouldn't know a 9 iron from a putter. It's Katrina who golfs, though Ken should of, it would have done him some good, He was rather unfit. I will be kind there as the man isn't buried yet." Said Steven with a slight smirk on his face. Crickey what did Katrina see in this man thought John to himself. "And so, your relationship began there?" asked Inspector Collins. "Yes, it did Inspector, she admired my golf swing, and I admired her and so it began." Said Steven this time very pleased with himself. "What did Ken think of this?" "Well Inspector, he played about himself, of yes. Plenty of mistresses in his black book. Kellie Jensen was his latest. Didn't she tell you?" asked Steven, "No she rather omitted that, though I didn't ask her." Said Inspector Collins. "Well how modest of her. She and him were seeing each other." "So, Steven, take me back to the night Ken was killed. Katrina said she was with you at a conference. Can you confirm this?" asked Inspector Collins. "Yes, we were together, we stayed at the Arms hotel. It was a shareholder's conference. Ken said he couldn't attend so he sent Katrina in his place, who took me along." "Are you a shareholder?" asked Inspector Collins. "Me? No, I don't work for Ken's company at all. I am an actor." I did not go to the conference, I waited for her at the hotel." Said Steven. An actor thought John. That would explain the dramatics. "Is there anyone at the hotel who can verify this? ""Oh yes, ask anyone there. It's not our first time going to a conference together and staying there," Steven said with a bit of a laugh. "Did you and Ken get along, being his wife's lover? Asked Inspector Collins. "Well Inspector, they had what is called an open marriage. I already told you he played around. I can't say we went out for drinks or anything, but he certainly didn't mind sharing his wife if that's what you mean." Said Steven who was straightening his collar. "Did she ever indicate she wanted you to be more than her lover and get rid of Ken?" "I am sure she told you she was Catholic and so divorce was not an option. ""What did you think of this?" asked Inspector Collins. "It wasn't ideal, but I enjoy being with her and she with me, so the arrangement was fine with me and now its even better." "How so?" "Now she is free to marry me. ""Does she wish to be your wife?" "We have talked about it often Inspector. We just knew we couldn't marry given the situation, but you could say the heavens smiled upon is and now we can." "You didn't want to help the situation?" "Inspector! What a suggestion! No, I didn't like the man, I thought he was shady and wanted Katrina to be free to be with me, but violence is not in my character." Steven ran his fingers though his hair. However, you're and actor thought Inspector Collins. "I have questioned you enough for now Mr. Cartwright, I may be back if I have more questions.," Anytime Inspector, please do keep me informed.," Chapter 9 John went back to his car, feeling thoroughly exhausted after day full of interviewing people who knew the victim. Of them he had interviewed so far and would interview, he knew he could eliminate Harriet Danson from further investigation, she did not seem to have any motive whatsoever for a having a grudge or killing Ken Jones. He also knew that he could eliminate the vicar Lyle Jameson, but he would talk to him all the same. He drove his car back to Ivenbridge this time stopping at Our Lady of Mercy chapel, which was at the end of the main road, Market Street. The church was made from grey stone and had a tall spire that had a clock in it. It was built in the mid 17th century. The main door had a brass knocker on it. There was a graveyard in the chapel grounds, but it was in the back of the property. Ken Jones would be buried there. John went up to the door and tapped the handle. Rev. Jameson opened the door. "Inspector Collins, I believe you are Rev Jameson? "Yes, I am how can I help you?" asked the reverend. Rev, Jameson was a tall, thin man with dark black hair. He was wearing his traditional black cassock with a white clergy collar. "It's about Ken Jones. As you may have heard he was found dead in his home last week. I came to ask if he and his wife were members of your congregation." "Come and sit-down Inspector." Rev. Jameson shut the main door and gestured for him to sit on one of the front pews. While the Reverend closed the large oak door, Inspector Jones looked at the interior of the church. It was very open with rows of red pews. There was an alter at the font of the church with a white cloth and gold cross. To the left was a pulpit with a small staircase up to it. On the back wall a sculpture of Christ on the cross was displayed. Overall, very Catholic, which was of course fitting because that is the kind of church it was, Reverend Jameson sat down beside him. "The Jones were not regular church goers. There is a lot in their life which they needed to rectify, still need to rectify. Their flagrant disregard for the teachings of the Bible about chastity are not unknown those who worship here. ""Had Ken or his wife ever come to you for confession?" asked Inspector Collins. Rev. Jameson looked at him and said "Yes Ken had come to me before, the exact details I cannot discuss with you. He had made an attempt confess his sins and change. Sadly though, it was not something he was able to stick with. His wife, Katrina never has made any attempt." There was a tinge of contempt in the Reverend's voice that Inspector Collins could detect. "So, in your opinion Ken and his wife were Catholics in name only. Katrina had me thinking that it had some importance to her, not divorcing her husband when it seems she had no real desire to be with him." Said Inspector Collins. "Katrina is a hypocrite, and yes, I agree that she and her husband were Catholics in name only. I am sorry the man is dead, but he never nor his wife took religion seriously." Said Rev. Jameson. "Thank you, Reverend, will you be overseeing the funeral?" "Yes, I will be." Said Reverend Jameson. I need to get ready for Evensong. Inspector." "Oh yes by all means I have taken up enough of your time. Thank you for speaking with me Reverend. If there is anything you think of which you may think as important, please don't hesitate to contact me." Inspector Collins handed Reverend Jameson a business card with his number. Reverend Jameson thanked him and walked with him to the door of the chapel. With all his boxes ticked of who to interview, Inspector Collins headed back to the station to report to Commander Yarworth and then he could finally go home for the day. Chapter 10 John walked into the station and up to Commander Yarworth office. Commander Yarworth was in his over- sized leather backed chair. If smoking was still allowed in the building, he might just be smoking on a Cuban cigar. “Well, Collins what do you have to report?” John looked at Commander Yarworth who was awaiting his response. He wanted to go home for the day and have the lovely Lancashire hot pot his wife Julia was making for tea. “Well sir, I have interviewed all the primary people who are connected to the case. Most of them seem to have solid alibis although there were a few surprises in what they told me. “What kind of surprises? Asked Yarworth. “Well for one, when I was interviewing Steven Cartwright, he mentioned that Ken Jones h ad been having a relationship with his secretary Kellie Jensen who when I interviewed her made no such mention to me. ““Do you think that is relevant? Asked Yarworth. “Well sir, she was more than just Ken Jones employee, she was having a relationship with him. Speaking of that from Steven Cartwright this “open marriage” concept was something both Ken and Katrina employed which when I interviewed the Rev. Jameson, he seemed very bothered about this. He also mentioned to me that Ken Jones had come to him at least once for confession, but he didn’t change his ways. “ “Interesting that the Reverend Jameson should be concerned about people who weren’t regular parishioners of his. Do you suspect any of the ones you interviewed today? “I don’t sir, not yet. I need to investigate more and also interview the rival builders who had a obvious grudge against Ken.” Said Inspector Collins. “Good. Get on it and keep reporting to me of progress. I am off home now.” Yarworth then got up, locked his desk, and grabbed his jacket which was on the wall. He can really move when he wants to thought Inspector Collins. Inspector Collins then went down to his office where Inspector Styles was. Tomorrow would be Styles turn to interview one the rivals of Ken jones. Henry Fosterton John was going to revisit Kellie Jensen. She omitted an important detail out of her interview with him. She didn’t just work for him. She had been currently seeing him as well. Why had she not even mentioned that? This and other things would wait till tomorrow. Now it was time to go home. It had been a long, but a. productive day but it lacked the leads which John wanted. He would have to dig deeper to find them. |