Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2291019-The-Author
Rated: E · Short Story · Dark · #2291019
Short story about where the idea comes from
The Author

Maggie sat on the couch with her knees propped tight against her chest as she read. The intensity of the story she was reading showed in her furrowed brow and wide-open eyes. At times, she would cast a glance at the man sitting next to her and allow her mouth to gape open in awe. Maggie couldn't help but devour the tale like a greasy bag of chips on a Saturday night binge. She was sated by the last line, but disturbed by the brutality of the story.

She found it very hard to believe that the gentle man beside her had written about the events she had just read. There was criminality in the whole process, but also a psychosis that couldn't be denied. How can one delve into the mind of a killer, if the traits don't reside in your own heart?

"Matt, can I ask you a question?"

"Sure, but I refuse to give away any secrets for my next book."

"No, it has to do with how you are able to write with such graphic detail of murders. How do you come up with your ideas?"

"It all happens to come from simple events that have occurred in my life, and then I take the scenario to the extreme. If something scares me, I think about the worst possible outcome. If something makes me laugh, I add to the comedy."

"Wow, well it makes me worry about you a bit."

"You probably should be! With each girl I date, I need them to tell me it is the best book I've ever read. It means I can carve out the details of my next book. And I do mean carve."

Matt pulled the large knife out from behind his back. And a new chapter began.

Word Count 299

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