Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/228959-Chapter-Eight-But-What-About-Annie
Rated: ASR · Fiction · Drama · #228959
Jeff hurt when Bob kissed Ellen's hand. Would it have been the same with Annie?
Working in the Twilight Zone

Chapter Eight: But... What About Annie?

         As Jeff began the walk back to his office, he knew there were some other very important feelings of his that had to be dealt with: "Would I have been as uptight if I'd seen some guy kissing Annie's hand, or her cheek?" he asked himself. He made sure no one was in that small conference room, then turned around and headed back up the hallway.

         "Annie, have you got a minute to talk?" he asked as he reached her desk.

         "Sure, Jeff, what's up?" she asked, smiling. Then she noticed he wasn't. "Is... something wrong?"

         "No, Annie, there's just something I don't want anyone else to hear. Let's go to the conference room."

         As they walked, Annie got more and more nervous. "God. I hope he's not going to tell me it's over," she thought, silently fighting the tears that welled in her eyes. "I couldn't stand that. I... know we don't... have a commitment, but... I'm hoping we will... someday. At least I'd be with him, where I want to be. But... I can't tell him that. That would be pushing him. And I need to know he's doing it because he wants to, not because of anything I said."

         Jeff opened the conference room door and held it for her, closing it behind him as he followed. He stepped up to her, took her head in his hands, and kissed her forehead. "Annie, I have to ask you something."

         "Well, if he's asking me something, he's not telling me it's over," she realized. That took a big chunk of her fear away. "What... is it... Jeff?" She knew what fear she had left was showing, but she couldn't help that. Silently she thought, "And somehow, with this tone, I don't think the question will be the one I really want to hear." Nervous and scared, she waited, hoping Jeff couldn't see how badly she felt she was shaking.

         "Are you... dating anyone else besides me?" The very moment Jeff heard that question leave his own lips, he had the answer to his earlier question. He immediately felt that same ache in his gut as he'd had when Bob kissed Ellen's hand. And he didn't know whether to be happy he felt it, or if it confused things. Only that he didn't want Annie dating anyone else, any more than he wanted to see anyone kissing Ellen's hand.

         "Um, no, Jeff, I'm not," she said, hoping that would reach him where she wanted it to. She hoped like mad that he wouldn't ask her if anyone else had asked her, besides him. Because that answer, in her mind, could ruin everything.

         "Then, can I see you tomorrow night? For dinner? And we'll decide then if there's anything else we'd like to do. Okay?" he asked quickly, his fear replaced by eagerness.

         "Yes, Jeff!" Annie almost squealed, just catching herself so as not to be heard outside that room. "I'd... love to!" she said, still grinning.


         "Wonderful!" Um... anything in particular you'd like me to wear?" she asked, thinking of the dress again.

         "Yes, as a matter of fact there is, Annie," Jeff said with sudden inspiration. "It can be either a dress, or a top and a skirt, but, if it's okay with you, I'd like to see you in the tightest fitting outfit you have. Is... that... okay?"

         Annie's heart was beating with joy at such a request from the one man she had already known she truly loved. "I'd love to do that for you, Jeff. It would be a pleasure."

         "And... make sure the skirt is short enough to let me see a little of your legs above your knees, okay?" he asked, only a little calmer now.

         "You bet, Jeff!" Annie knew then that, just like before, she'd do anything he asked of her. Even go to bed with him again. Tomorrow night, and every night for the rest of her life. Willingly. And she liked it that way.

         "Thanks, Annie," he said as he opened his arms. She practically jumped into them this time, and for the second time that day, for a single moment in time, that little conference room became the only place that existed on earth as they shared what felt, to Annie, like the deepest, most meaningful kiss they'd ever had.

         "Thanks, Jeff," Annie said as she caught her breath. "I needed that, and the invitation," she said, smiling. "We'd... better get back out there. Um... would you... steal another kiss before you... leave tonight? Please? She begged, laughing at the same time. "You spoiled me when you did that yesterday," she blushed.

         "Certainly, Miss Birthmark," Jeff said, grinning. "It would be my pleasure," he laughed.

         "Thanks, Mr. Zone," she said, grinning back at him as they went back to work.

         "Martin, Martin and Bernstein," Annie announced as she answered her phone later that afternoon.

         "Annabelle Jackson, please."

         "This is Annabelle," Annie said, feeling both curious and nervous. She hardly ever got calls here.

         "Annie, it's George. George Carson."

         "Oh, god," Annie suddenly thought. "I haven't seen George since we... dated a few times 3 years ago, before I took this job. What the...?" Aloud, she said, "George, how did you find me here? I... mean...?"

         "That's my little secret, Annie. Let's just say it took a lot of phone calls. Listen. I... know it's short notice, but... I'd like to see you again. Are you free for dinner tonight?"

         Annie realized she was curious about George now, how he's doing, and all that, but it felt like she would betray her heart if she went out with him. "George, I'm flattered, very flattered that you... thought of me after all this time, but... I... can't. I'm... seeing someone. And I remember the things we talked about, so I know you'll understand when I say I have to be faithful to him. I'm sorry."

         "That's okay, Annie. I was afraid that might have happened, as pretty as you always were. Um... actually, I'm surprised you're not married yet, you know."

         Annie blushed, thankful George couldn't see it. "Thanks, George, I appreciate that. I'm... hoping to hear the question soon. It's... that close,' she said, knowing that that statement may only apply to her feelings alone, but hoping to find out otherwise, someday.

         "Good luck, Annie, I'll be thinking of you. I hope it's all you want it to be."

         "Thanks, George, I know it will be. "Silently, she thought, "If I can get Jeff to ask."

         "Goodbye, Annie."

         "Bye, George, and thanks for thinking of me."

         "My pleasure, gorgeous. Bye."

         As closing time approached that afternoon, Annie remembered that Jeff would be stopping by to steal that kiss. And her mind had been mush ever since George's call. "How will I ever keep this from showing when he looks at me?" she asked herself. "I can't tell him. If he finds out I turned down a date, when we agreed we have no commitment, he'll want to know why. And I can't very well come out ant tell him it's because I only want him now, can I?"

         Annie was so distracted by this development, she didn't see or hear Jeff approach her desk.

         "Hi, Miss Birthmark!" he said cheerfully. Then he saw Annie jump.

         "Um... hi, Jeff." She tried to smile, and realized it wouldn't work. That the only thing she could do was admit it all and hope for the best. She slowly stood up and faced him.

         "Annie, are you okay?" Jeff knew his concern was obvious. He wanted it that way.

         "Um... not quite, Jeff. This time it's my turn. Can we... go to the conference room, please?" she asked nervously as she headed in that direction.

         "Sure, Annie," Jeff said as he walked beside her. He decided he'd better keep a closer than usual eye on her. She hadn't been that nervous since those last few seconds before they made love that first time in her apartment.

         The conference room door was ajar, so they knew it was vacant. After they entered, Jeff closed the door. To his surprise, Annie walked over and locked it. "I know this looks strange, Jeff, but I can't afford an interruption on this one or I'll never be able to say what I have to say."

         "Do you... want to sit down, Annie?" Jeff asked as he noticed she was all but physically shaking.

         "No... um... I... can't. I'm... too scared to sit still. Um... Jeff?"

"Yes, Annie?"

         "Um... when you asked me if I was dating anyone else, I was honest. But I didn't tell you everything. No one else has asked me out."

         "Oh, I see. But..."

         "Until this afternoon."

         "Oh." Jeff stopped on that one. He didn't want competition now. He knew he couldn't handle it. "And?"

         "I turned him down."

         Jeff's relief was openly obvious, but only to him. He knew that Annie was so scared she hadn't noticed it. "Why, Annie?" he asked gently, watching her face intently.

         "Because I love you, Jeff!" she blurted loudly, before she could lose her courage. She grabbed him in a bear hug, laying her head on his shoulders, and began openly crying with both relief at having said it, and fear of his response.

         Jeff let her cry a minute, then gently took her head in his hands. "Look at me, Annie. Please."

         She sniffed, wiped her eyes on his shirtsleeves, and let him turn her head toward him.

         With the strong emotions of the moment that both of them were feeling, those emotions were evident on both their faces, and Jeff found himself staring more deeply into Annie's eyes that he ever had before. And he suddenly realized he was looking into two deep, deep blue pools that held a sparkle within them that he had not seen for eight long, painful, heart-wrenching years, since 8:52 PM on June 24, 1993. "Oh, my god!" he almost shouted. "My god! It's... you, isn't it, darling? It's really you!"

         "Yes, my love," Annie said, sounding totally exhausted as all her stress and fear left in a single massive rush. She hugged Jeff for support, and he, in wonder, joy and disbelief closed his arms tenderly and lovingly around her once again. "It's really me. My darling, you have no idea how it's felt to be waiting, hoping, and praying, for these past eight years, that you would come to me again. Never for one single moment of that time have I ever stopped loving you!"

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