Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2289508-Is-There-Life-Under-Water-331-Everyone
Rated: E · Short Story · Contest · #2289508
My choice between outer space or life underwater.
If I could explore anything it would be life underwater. My love for water started at an early age. They say I could swim before I could walk. (thinking that may have been a bit exaggerated by my parents) But nonetheless, I loved the water. In my early youth, my dad bought a sailboat for my brothers and me to learn on. It was a tiny little Sunfish sailboat but once we tackled that he said he would get a bigger one for us to sail. Well, we took that promise to heart and took to learning all we could on sailing.

My dad is a rather smart man knew all there was to know about the subject and didn’t hesitate to let us know this at every turn. But it paid off to listen to him, oh we so wanted to be defiant, but we wanted that next boat up more. Being a military man, once out always in, he had the program written on how he would train us. It wasn’t enough to learn about sailing and techniques, nope, he had to show us how to get out of dangerous waters, what to do when the boat tips over and how to tread without a life preserver for long periods of time…an hour or two.
Little did we know we were in boot camp training for sailors but that is what it ended up being. I would have liked to learn in a more pleasurable way but that is not the life I chose when picking him as a father. I learned it all and more. Being the only girl and the baby in the family, I had tougher training. He was determined to make sure that I depended on no one for help should I get into danger. I had to learn how to breathe under the upside-down boat in the tiny hull if I needed to hide from danger.

It was in the little hull that I saw my first school of fish. I never saw a swarm of fish before and this spurred me on in my later years to go snorkeling. I fell in love with the ocean in New Mexico on a trip and whenever possible I head to ocean and check out the under water life. Nothing beats the waves of the ocean and the life within.
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