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My take on Men In Black: International M vs Riza. |
*Author's Note: I do not own the copyrights to MIB, Riza, Agent M and anything else that is credited and non-credited to being in the films, graphic novels or video games of the Men In Black universe. All rights are reserved. The frown on Riza's face switches to a gentler disposition. She smiles genuinely as she sees her cute and newly acquired little green goblin moving swiftly down the hallway away from her. She giggles as she races towards him as if she was tip toeing through a field of wildflowers. Her blue dress already has the colors of them anyways. "Look at those cute little legs. You're so fast!!" She looks around the corner just in time to see the little bugger hop around the next one. Naturally she gives chase to her new pet. "Wait, don't go in there you little goblin!". She giggles as she waltzes down the corridor after him. "You're a fast little one, ain't ya?" She picks up the pace as he gets further and further away by the second. "Wait!" she cries as she quickly skips up to him. She bends down with the grace of an experienced ballet dancer, scooping him up in a heartbeat into the warm protection of her left hand. She quickly cups him up with her right as well, ogling over how big his eyes are. As she mindlessly backtracks her steps she keeps staring into them. A moment later she rounds the corner and approaches the entrance to her study. She gleefully deposits him onto her left shoulder and strolls back in, ready to resume business as usual. "Now you don't run away again..." Riza says, mocking a chastising voice. She enters her study doorway...just in time to see a man trying to escape through the window opposite her. "Oh, hello." Her voice drops to a deeper and more sensual tone, one that a black widow might give an unsuspecting fly caught in its web before she devoured it. A delicious, devilish dance of sensual feeding off of its fear and finally its body. She realizes she is mistaken by intruder's identity as the curly black hair bobs on top of her head as she spins around to face her. The woman is lean and a somewhat, although stereotypical, embodiment of the agency she represents. This is, Riza realizes, an agent from the MIB. The crooked and corrupt organization that her love said he had just left. The one he said he had, quote, found himself out, actually. The thought does cross her mind that maybe she was just sent to track down H. That would have been better...for him. Because she knew that no one except HIM, and him alone, knew anything about her lonely island out here. She had to have it that way. She had many enemies. She hadn't seen any other boat make its way to the shore. 'That means she came WITH him. That double-crossing, cheating, conniving piece of filthy slime...' she thinks as her lips twist into a sadistic smile. Her vision blackens around the edges as she mentally imagines strangling him with two hands until he is blue and then blowing his head off. "Oh and here I thought..." she says, her words concise and thought out carefully. She brings her left hand up towards her left shoulder as she takes a step forward, flipping the shroud off of her with a delicate flick from her wrist. The little creature, still perched on her shoulder, has to jump to avoid being hit. "...H worked alone," she continues. Her words become almost like a living, writhing poison seeking flesh to devour. She grabs the rest of the shroud covering her right shoulder in her other hand and, with a shrug of her shoulders a bit too sensual, she slips it off of her to reveal her dress underneath. She gives a quick twirl of her wrist as she holds it outstretched by her right side before she slams it down to the ground. "Silly me." she says with extra articulation of both words, which seem to be hurled at the surprised agent with the same speed the shroud was. Gone is the initial playful attitude she had before she had seen this...dumpster trash...stealing from her. The widow's fangs were leaking poison as she approached the entrapped ant. Riza makes quick mental notes as she gives the thief a look over. 'Scrawny, weak...seemingly unarmed...and only has two.' She wrinkles her nose and feels sorry for her. "Poor you," she mocks. "I can't imagine the type of rotted hell H has put you through. I can promise you darling..." her voice drops almost an octave. "...it won't be nearly as bad as what I have in store for you." +++++++++++ For the first time since she had been seen, the agent speaks. Her voice almost cracks as she squeaks the words out. "It's been a steep learning curve, yeah." She frantically tries to focus her brain on getting the hell out of here and getting back to the boat. 'I think if I turn around now and leap out I'll land...' Em tries to think as her thoughts quickly, and unconsciously, manifest into a set of crude instructions for her to try to pull off. Just as she is about to go for the window, Riza keeps her in her place with a simple, but very unexpected gesture. ++++++++++++ A third arm whips around from the left side of the weapon specialist's upper back quicker than Agent Em can blink. Riza easily keeps her bicep pressed as tightly as possible to her back and her forearm perfectly resting against her left arm's bicep, snug in place to fire the beeping alien firearm she wields in its grasp. Despite how much effort seems to be needed for her arm to be controlled the way it is, Em is surprised that Riza is not only not giving any sign of strain or concentration lapse, she doesn't even need to pay attention to aim it at her. Em glances at the firepower Riza sports, a cool looking sort of plasma pistol that reminds the agent of some black and red variation of a possibly modified redesign of the Covenant's plasma pistol from Bungie/343 Industries Halo franchise. ++++++++++++ Riza trusts her aim with her snub-nosed Karzig annihilator with total certainty. She has never missed a target with it so far...and today will not be an exception. The agent stiffens like a board as she surprises her with both of her arms, pun very much intended. Her eyes lazily drift from her gun and then to the agent. A coy smile creeps onto her face before she speaks. "Oh, this?" She says matter-of-factly as she hefts the gun, casting another quick glance at the firearm as she squeezes the handle tight with nothing but a tug of some hidden muscles. "Snub-nosed Karzig annihilator. You know what this does to the human body?" she inquires as she takes a step closer. She feels that all too familiar impulse to just shut up and pull the fucking trigger already. Her third arm always did have that inkling when she wielded weapons in its grasp. She just had to use every weapon she acquired with it. It felt good. It felt right, as if it was what it was meant to be used for. It is indeed what she is meant to do with it. She always did her executions with it. Except for today when he arrived. Her fingers automatically squeezed the priming guard tight without her realizing and the gun made more beeps. 'I feel even better when all three of my hands are armed...or when I have to beat up someone for stiffing me on payments, or blowing up a shipment or two of mine here and there or stealing one from me.' She stops suddenly, analyzing old, willfully forgotten and very painful memories. Where all of her major issues ever came from in life and when she became her own woman. Alone in the universe besides whomever she hired as her associates. And many of them she had personally executed because they were either scum that ripped her off or they assaulted her. That was until HE came along... ++++++++++++ Em feels like her shoes are stuck in quicksand and the more the gun beeps at her the quicker she is being dragged down. 'I can't believe I walked into this. Stupid.' Her thoughts got in the way of her being able to analyze the situation at hand. But that's when she sees Pawny located on the arms dealer's left shoulder. ++++++++++++ "It boils you from the inside out..." Riza answers as she thinks about H and their relationship. 'Hmmm...maybe I should just let this one go,' Riza thinks disdainfully as she remembers she has another matter to take care of. 'That dirt bag, where is H?' Riza thinks about beating the crap out of him. She could easily take him on. And both of them would enjoy it. The makeup sex after would be simply divine. She takes mental control of her arm and teases her thumb over the safety switch as she debates engaging it and simply going to find him instead. The image and feeling of her arms coarsing all over his corpse override her thought processes. 'No...no. I can't kill him, damn it.' Her control slips back into her hatred and she presses the gun forwards as if jamming it to someone's skull as she has time after time before. A part of her began to cry inside. 'I need him alive, damnit!' ++++++++++++ "It boils you from the inside out..." Riza says as if the idea turns her on. As her mind starts drifting elsewhere, not bothering with Em for the moment, Em realizes in horror that it not only feels as if Riza wants to make out with someone as she watches Em's corpse boil from the inside out alive, but that that was what she WAS actually thinking about doing. Creeped out, Em eyes Pawny and the two have the same, silent mental exchange floating between each other in the waves of the ether. "Cute, " Em replies as she shifts her eye contact back to the dealer. She notices Riza's expression darkens once again, the evil swelling throughout her being as she raises and presses the death ray forwards, the last beep sounding off the walls of the room. There was silence. Em could literally hear her own heart run cold. 'Is the Master of Death also capable of that as well?' Em wonders as she feels herself grow numb. ++++++++++++ Riza hears her own voice calling H's corpse cute, separating her from her thoughts. The image of H holding her and caressing her is shredded and torn before it vanishes into oblivion as a new image of her blowing his head off with her Xanio cleaver replaces it. 'No one will call killing him cute,' she spits out telepathically as her soul fills to the brim with pure hatred. She stares the soon-to-be-dead agent dead in the eyes as the last beep sounds on her Karzig. 'Her on my other hand...' her sadistic smile springs back to life. ++++++++++++ "Do you know what a Pawny does to sadistic alien arms dealers?" Riza freezes for a moment, not expecting a question. She rolls her eyes, interlocking her free hands together in front of herself to keep herself calm. "No dear," she says. "Tell me, what is a Pawny?" she asks as if bothered by a fly zipping around her web. She gives her extra hand a slight flick to remind Em again of the gun that is only a fraction of a muscle pull away from boiling her alive. A small but fiercely high-pitched voice unexpectedly bellows from her left shoulder, distracting her. "I'm a Pawny you psycho!" As she turns her gaze off of Em and stares bewildered at the once docile and seemingly benign creature on her shoulder, she watches as it pulls out what she thinks is a miniature grappling gun. +++END PART 1+++ 'It's so tiny!' Riza giggles to herself before she realizes what is happening. The Pawny shoots the hook at her annihilator. It digs into it easily and the critter yanks it towards him with unnatural strength, pulling her arm back along with the gun. Em watches as he successfully disarms her, but not before the weapon suddenly discharges with a blaring whir of energy. Em instinctively ducks down to the ground, barely missing the red bolt that launches out from the Karzig. It smashes into the glass window, shattering it into thousands of tiny glass shards that both fly out of the window and onto the room's floor alike. Thanks to Pawny's little distraction, Em decides to make a break for it. Sure it had been a while since she had participated in a hundred-yard dash but she doesn't need to run a hundred yards...right? She takes a step from a crouching position before transitioning to a full on two yard dash towards the fancy golden chest blocking her way to sweet freedom. She reaches out with her right hand, rests it on the chest and uses her momentum to hurl herself up and over it. She touches down in the other room where she immediately turns left and breaks out into a full blown sprint for the door. Nowhere in her plan did she account for a crazed twirling acrobat with an extra arm to leap from the stairway leading up to the room she had just escaped from and side-slam her palms into her. ++++++++++++ Riza stops thinking momentarily when she sees the "Pawny" as it uses what appears to be a grappling gun to disarm her. The gun accidentally discharges as he yanks back on the annihilator. She hadn't truthfully meant to, honestly. She decides to let it go, sending the Pawny flying away on his grappling hook all the way to the opposite end of the room behind her and out of sight. His cries suddenly cutoff with a resounding thunk, indicating that he had finally hit a wall. 'Poor guy,' Riza sighs. As she turns back to Em she sees her enemy is on the move, speeding towards the chest on the floor that blocks the two rooms off. 'Oh no you don't,' Riza thinks to herself as she turns her body parallel to Em's. She pumps all three of her arms as she runs alongside her route towards the stairs leading into the same room. As she plants her right foot down at the edge of the stairway she maneuvers her third arm around, rotating it under her left. She makes a diver's pose with her other two and flings herself off of the floor. As she dives over the small flight of stairs, she rotates the arm on her back so it cuts easily through the air around her. When her arm is halfway behind her back, she corkscrews clockwise in mid-air. She completes her one-eighty rotation and extends all of her arms at once. Her two arms from her left side shove hard out towards the unexpecting Em while her right arm shoots quickly behind her. Her left palms both connect, throwing Em off balance. For good measure, she also takes Em's left leg out with hers. This sends Em sprawling to the ground. Riza snaps her feet down to the ground and leans to her right. She feels the floor make contact with her right hand and in the blink of an eye rotates her extra arm behind her. Just as she feels her forearm make contact, her momentum stops as her left palm lands on the ground and successfully stops her fall. She squats her legs as she pushes off from the ground with her arms. She wastes no time turning into a right fighting stance with her right arm by her hip to strike whenever she gets a clean shot at the thief. She covers her chin with her left elbow curled around it as her extra left arm guards her face. ++++++++++++ It happened so fast that, at first, she can't tell what direction up and down are after Riza hit her for a few seconds. All she remembers is being shoved hard backwards and falling in a heap on the floor. As her vision begins to realign, Em uses her arms to push her body up enough to get her right leg under her. In another second she feels the dizziness drain away and she steps into a crouching position. With no early warning she rushes towards Riza, holding her right forearm in front of her face hoping it is enough to bypass her extra hand. ++++++++++++ Riza, unclear on what Em's plan is, uses the rookie agent's inexperience to her advantage as she advances towards the crime boss. Riza rotates her hips to her left, locking her two left arms in sweeping parallel motions with each other. As she pivots, she feels the inside of Em's arm against the back of her extra hand as she starts to swing her left elbow towards Em's face. Her extra arm makes short work of Em's guard as she successfully swats her arm away. This in turn makes Em turn her body to leave her chest and most of her face exposed. Riza clenches her right fist as she uncurls her left elbow to deliver a hammerfist to Em, who turns enough to expose her left cheek for direct contact. The agent's startled face proves to Riza she realizes how powerful her blows are. Riza isn't, after all, a human. Em scrambles to get her, for lack of better categorization efforts, left wide roundhouse punch in quick enough but Riza's right arm comes into contact with it as her torso stops turning. As it glances off of her arm, Riza pulls down and she returns hers tight to her right breast. The block causes Em to lower her guard. Behind her, Riza's third arm flexes like a snake as she and Em spin their hips back around, coming at each other simultaneously. She lifts her extra limb up and around to intercept Em's incoming right arm as she brings her left arm in tight to her chest for a speedy rotation. +++++++++++ The sting is still fresh as Em comes at Riza with a left elbow and a revved up clawed hand thingy. Unsure what to call it, it doesn't matter as first her elbow is knocked down and away by Riza's right arm. Second, she notices that Riza is now rotating back the other way. Before she can react, she feels a hand grab her outstretched wrist. ++++++++++++ After she swats Em's left arm and grapples her right, Riza prepares to put a final stop to her pathetic attack. She yanks up with her third arm, bringing both of their arms to shoulder level. She begins to step forwards and change to a left fighting stance. As she does so she pushes her extra hand and Em's arm to the left. Without needing to physically move it at all, she locks her extra arm directly behind her back. She rotates her forearm down and around, up to her right side to lash out and strikes Em firmly on the left side of her face with a right hook. She snaps her third arm back in a flexed position, quickly ready to strike with another change of fighting stances. As she moves her left leg forwards she starts to drive Em back. Her locked third arm rotates again and comes up and back around to the other side to extend out and plant a left jab on the right side of her face. Not giving her a prayer in Hell, Riza brings her right leg forward again as she rotates into another left fighting stance. Her third hand unclenches as it retreats behind her and locks in place while she also throws her right arm out to grab Em's shoulder. Em stumbles backwards and throws both of her arms up in a frantic attempt to usher in some type of defense against the arms dealer. A question echoes in her mind even while she is supposed to be paying attention. 'Did she just use a fourth arm?!' Riza's hand hits the outside of Em's left arm and bounces off as she rotates her extra arm down and returns her right one into a guard position by her chest. Em lowers her own guard, her strength not keeping up with the onslaught Riza unleashes at the agent. The arms dealer steps in again with her left leg, driving a quick, sharp low jab towards Em's abdomen with her left fist as she begins to clench her third hand and lifts her elbow towards her right shoulder to wind up. As her jab connects, Riza smiles how only someone blood lusting would understand as she flexes her muscles in her third arm. She shuffle steps closer, picking her arm up as well as dropping her right guard from her chest to her abs. She pulls both of her arms in tight by her sides into a low guard as she finishes stepping into a right fighting position. She grins like a sadistic psycho, as if she is actually getting off to this. She uses the energy channeled from shuffling into her stance and delivers a final blow with her third arm as she puts her shoulder into it, literally. She keeps her head tucked in as she pulls her arm around and snaps it forwards in a powerful left jab, rolling it all the way through as a hook. It smashes against Em's right cheek and sends her careening backwards as it curls over Riza's left arm in a guard position. Em slams into, and almost knocks over, the bookcase behind her. As she slumps to the floor, Riza's grin widens. 'She is getting off to this,' thinks Em as she reaches up to touch her face with her right hand. It hurt...it hurt a lot. "Tell you what, dear..." Riza coos in a soothing voice. She starts to turn her whole body towards Em and lowers her arms to her sides. "Give up and walk away. I have things to do today." Her third arm falls like dead weight and sways back and forth behind her like a pendulum. Em feels a tingle in her face still as she turns around to grab a shelf to prop herself back up on to her feet. She takes a large book from the rack and tosses it at Riza. Surprised, Riza catches the book with her two hands. 'This one is persistent.' Riza thinks as she advances towards her assailant. Em had already picked up another book the size of an unabridged dictionary as Riza closes the gap to melee range and hands her book to the left where her extra arm snatches it. Em holds her book above the left side of her head as she prepares to swipe it down on the arm dealer's skull. Before she can, Riza grabs the top and the binder of the book with her hands. The woman grunts as she tries to yank the book away. She almost does. Right as Em tries to return the favor, she watches her opponent pivot to her right and her third arm, holding a book, slams into her stomach. She cries out as her lower back slams hard into a shelf jutting out from the book case, but she still maintains her grasp on her weapon. That is until Riza presses the book into her harder, extending her third arm to full length. Em had no idea that it was longer than her other arms. By what she can tell it seems like its another half a foot at least. Probably because its located slightly lower on her back than her shoulders are, thus giving her a slight extra advantage. Riza turns her back to Em and simultaneously pulls away and down from her, quickly disarming her foe and throwing the book across the room with a battle cry. Riza straightens back up and drives backwards, without looking, towards the bookcase. To Em's surprise Riza's arm does not move or return back into her at all. It stays in its extended state by bending her elbow down and keeps her pinned against the bookcase with the book digging into her harder. 'How strong is this woman?' Em thinks in awe as her enemy turns to face her in a right fighting stance. Em prepares to double hammer-fist the book in a quick attempt to unpin herself. Before she can actually pull it off, Riza places her right foot behind her left one at an almost ninety degree angle. As she spins around she whips her third arm out of harm's way, taking the book with her. Em's hands pass through empty air and she looks up in time to see a back-fist hurling at her right cheek. 'Oh shit...' she says to herself realizing her mistake too late. ++++++++++++ The arms dealer comes out of her spin and pivots in a left fighting stance, letting her third arm whip over to her left side. At the same time, she releases a right back-fist that smashes on the right side of Em's red face. She rotates her hips through the hit, and in a nonchalant and perfectly controlled move, her hands retrieve the book from her hand on her right side. She reverses directions, bringing it up and slamming it into Em's head as hard as she can, knocking her back down the cabinet. She slides to the floor as Riza tosses the book away and her extra hand grabs Em's chin with her index finger and thumb. She forces her head back against the case and then up to lock eyes with her. "Hmm..." she gloats over Em. She moves her hand up to her right cheek as she turns around and walks away, her fingers lightly trailing off of her face. "You'll need to do better than that darling if you want to be an agent." She turns around after spacing herself around three yards from Em. She smiles and shrugs her shoulders. "By the looks of things you'll never get there." ++++++++++++ Em, brimming with pain and anger, picks herself back up off the ground. She glances back to the book shelf again and notices a rather large candle holder about a couple feet in length almost ready to fall off. She reaches out and grabs it with both hands before turning back around towards Riza, wielding it like a baseball bat. Riza is ecstatic and is practically bouncing up and down. She gives her arm a quick flex and it shifts its anatomy around. Her elbow starts to bend the opposite way and her hand reforms from a left hand into a right one in the blink of an eye. She gives her entire arm a shake as she completes the shift and brings it around her body to help block Em's swing if needed. 'So she can shift it,' Em thinks as she advances towards the lunatic. Em's first swing is wild and the syndicate leader backs up, easily avoiding it. As Em brings it back around, Riza again backs up out of range and bends her arm the opposite way again. Uselessly wasting her strike, Em prepares for a third swing from her left side up towards her foe's head, but Riza has other plans. She steps in with her right leg in a left fighting stance as Em swings. Riza straightens her back as her extra left hand swings down and lands on the candlestick. She grapples Em's right wrist with her right arm as her extra arm snaps and shifts again into a right arm. She pivots and pulls forwards, driving Em off balance before swinging her left elbow down hard on top of Em's. ++++++++++++ Em cries out in pain anew as Riza forces Em's arms down, bending them in and keeping them down as the agent tries desperately to bring them back up. Because of her very much inferior fighting ability, Riza is able to stop her from raising her left arm by pressing down and swinging Em's arms down and to her left. She uses tremendous force as she keeps forcing her left forearm tightly against the upper portion of Em's arm. Riza eyes her moment of opportunity. She pulls Em's arm up and back towards her with her right arm while her extra arm jerks backwards. She tears the candlestick away from Em's grasp with a grunt and a final wrench. Victorious, she holds it out behind her far out of Em's reach. Like a bully at recess who had just stolen a kid's lunch money, Riza glances from their arms to Em's face. Fear fills Em's eyes as she tenses up. Riza curls the candlestick behind her as she continues to forcefully pin her opponent's arm. Her extra arm shifts again into a left arm and Em realizes she is powerless for what will happen next. Before Em can think of firing a quick jab to Riza's face, the villainess begins to turn to her right. Her non-grappling arm swings the candlestick at Em, hitting her in the back as hard as she can. The pain is unbearable for Em. As the throbbing brings her vision just the right amount of black for her to be hindered, Riza releases Em's arm. She swings back around, reshapes her extra arm and whacks her again with the heavy blunt item, this time square in the stomach. Em feels the air gush out of her lungs and throat as the force sends her staggering backwards. Riza begins her reign of terror, first using her right fist as she throws a jab to her face followed by a reverse punch from her left. Em tries to deflect the blows, finally putting her dukes up to block any more punches, but Riza's third arm flies around her body as a left arm to hit Em on the right side in the ribs with the candlestick. It bounces off of her after a loud thwack breaks through the silence of the room. Riza jerks her third limb behind her and sends the candlestick flying away with a flick from her wrist. As it shifts into a right arm her hand curls menacingly into a fist. She spins around, advancing towards Em with her right leg. First comes the left backfist and then her extra arm's powerful right hook slamming into Em's jaw. Em sees darkness as she is just moments away from blacking out. "Oh no you don't, " Riza chuckles as her third arm whips back around to the left side of her body and stretches to grab Em's shirt. "Come here." she says as her hand shifts and she pulls her towards her. She grabs Em's right arm with her two free hands and places her now second left hand on Em's head, grabbing a handful of her hair. She pulls it back quickly, eliciting a pained moan from Em as Riza rushes her towards her desk. She shoves her hard down on the wooden surface, firmly pressing her right arm, now in a lock, and her head tight against it. Em blacks out for a second. "There," Riza coyly smiles as she feels Em stop squirming. "This should keep you down." +++END PART TWO+++ |