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Bell Vists a mysterious bath house age regresion Male to female tf |
Finaly a day oofff"bill yawned as he got up for the day. For the first time in two weeks he had a day off from his construction job giving him some time for r.n.r he got dressed and made breakfast in his one bedroom apartment. He would have taken a bath today but, today he had different plans instead of just staying home all day he wanted to check out a bathhouse that was near him so he sat down to eat thinking of how tired he still felt even though he got a full night sleep. "I guess That's just what being an adult feels like" bill said finally at the age of 26 feeling like an adult free to do what he wanted when he wanted as long as he kept his money in a good place which is why he had his construction job. Finishing eating bill leaves his house walking to the bath house. As he was walking he passed a school kids playing and teens on there phones. Feelings of nastolgia wash over him remembering his time in high school playing foot ball ,even thouch he at first didn't intend too, He was stronger and taller then most kid his age so he was recruited right away and even though he liked it he felt he was pushed into it just because he was big. He was pushed into construction just the same way if he wasn't big maybe he would have more in life then just moving bevy things. After a few more blocks he finally found the bathhouse small and homey he went in side,"hello welcome to my bathhouse my name is chess"! Said the 18 year old girl chearingly sitting at the reception desk .This is weird how can a 18 year old own a bathhouse bill thought but he decided not to question it "hello how are you"bill said,the girl look surprised he didn't question her owning a bathhouse."intresting?" She said in a strange tone. "Your in luck we are having a deal and there is no one in the bath so you'll get it to your self you get the bath and a free cream the you put on before hand would you like one" she said yes said bill that's a good deal he played and went in and looked at the cream case and open it he spred it all over his body then look back at the case and it now said "unicorn tots little girly cream" which was weird you were sure it didn't say that before but you paid it no mind and got in the mixed bath alone. "May I join you" a now naked chess said. Cute and small 5 foot girl who was now siting next to you with a calming smile. Bill begins to feel strange ly calm in the water almost sleepy you then feel a surge of plesure from your crotch as you see chess is jacking you off the best you have ever felt she whispers "its just the two of us it fine" but,it wasn't fine you couldn't speak or move it was as if the pleasure was to much to do any thing you feel a warmth keep up your body as the water around you Turns pink? As your right on the edge and you take one deep breath and cum harder then ever before "aaahhhhhh"you breath heavy "that ....was amazing. I know right chess says over your shoulder.WAIT that can't be right your six foot and she is five that should be inpossible but it was you and her were the same size and the water was closer then be fore "did I just shrink" you say in a slightly higher voice . surprised you cover your mouth. "Sort of "chess says as she wraps her arms around you"you got younger" "YOUNGER but I was never this short at 18 "you say "never say never "she says as chess goes to grab you now smaller dick for round 2 starting to jerk you off twice as fast as before you can barely react as the it feels even better then before only getting out a slight yell"aaaahhh" as she continue the water turns pink again. You feel your self start to shrink. As she places you on her lap feeling her boobs on you back as cum for the second time "aaaaaahh!" You hear your voice go up multiple office into prepubescent voce sounding like little kid say "why" you say "because I'm a god and I don't want to be alone any more so will you please keep me company" she said with a very somber face see her like this instead of the cheerful girl I met at the entrance broke my heart so I said "otay" with almost a lisp A she hunges me harder and said thank you. "One more time she said as. She started a again. "This will feel like the first and the last orgasm you'll ever fell as she started I was already look up at her by a lot and felt a very plesureable tingle go though my body as I shrunk once more and gain some baby fat as it felt like she was now cradling me in her arms a I came close to the edge and was held there in complete exsexsty As pink hair poored out of the back of my head slightly covering my eyes and my dick shrunk away Turning into a pink haired 3 year old girl as I came for the finial time it felt so good I screamed in my new baby voice and started to feel very sleepy Good night bell"chess said as I fell into a deal sleep |