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Rated: E · Letter/Memo · Self Help · #2287801
a Dear Me letter
Dear Me,

Happy New Year! Last year kinda sucked, especially after our birthday in June. Those check engine lights not only went off, they shined NEON for quite a spell. Some good came out of it, since we are here at WdC. I know that this was a sanity saver, and it has been fun making new friends. Writing has been a balm for the soul, truly.

But the past is in the past - let's not get bogged down, shall we? Cool. So, 2023. Time seems to be flying by. I have set up some goals for us this year, and it's going to be a bit of a stretch, but hey, we are ready for some movement.

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I Write in 2023
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Focus! Focus! Focus! Did I mention, focus?

And then our personal blogs- where a lot of stuff goes:

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Jots and Tittles and other Random Things Open in new Window. (13+)
Just things that I think about now and then.
#2278909 by AmyJo-Spring's on the way! Author IconMail Icon

Who knew I was such a glutton for punishment? *Wave* *Wave* *FacePalm* .

But then there is the non-writing stuff: Our health? Yeah, that has to come first this year. After trying to take ourselves out last year, NO MORE! It's time to quit fooling around and get serious!! *Angry* No more excuses! After all, we WANT to go back to work, so we can have money to pay bills and have some spending cash for WdC, right? *Wink* *Coins* Always good to have motivation *Smirk2* !

Along with health, taking our meds and NOT forgetting! We have a bad habit, and that isn't going to help us...So we need to figure out HOW to get over the hurdle, and take back the ground we've lost.

Well, dear Me; we are stuck with each other for another 365 days, (Lord Willing), and there is a ton of stuff we want to do yet...remember the Chicago Zephyr Train ride you want to take with your Sister? And seeing Mom and Dad for the holidays next year? Well, it isn't going to happen on a whim... time to get on the stick, dear Me.

I promise to help you, and encourage you if you get down, or discouraged. And remember, our help comes from the Lord (Psalm 121:1).

Do not be afraid to ask for help.

Sincerely, and with love -


Word Count: 486
Prompt: Write a letter to yourself and tell you what your goals are for 2023!
© Copyright 2023 AmyJo-Spring's on the way! (ajar0627 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2287801-Me-Myself-and-I---2023