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Rated: E · Poetry · Mystery · #2287083
What is under the tree?
Opening presents one by one
Christmas day has finally come
Thanking each person as I go
Opening carefully, each one bestowed

I spotted one gift, as yet not claimed
I saw no tag, nor written name
Curiosity got the better of me
I lifted the gift from under the tree

Whose gift is this? I wanted to know
A wonderous box topped with a bow
No one knew from where this gift came
So I opened the gift without any shame

Inside, there was written a verse -
'Twas a blessing and not a curse
"Your life, a gift was given back to you
Don't waste it now, it's yours to choose"

I closed my eyes, eternally grateful;
For last summer, a health scare fateful
To encourage and give back, now my desire
More than any presents I could now acquire.

Line count 20; Written 12/21/22 for Writer's Cramp

Write a story or poem inspired by this prompt:


Your genres must be MYSTERY & HOLIDAY
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