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The title is temporary and still in the works |
CHAPTER ONE In 1985, Elijah Harrington had it all. The fast car, the doting parents, and girls all over him. He and his older brother Thomas were the kings of Hayden High and he lived it up. His senior year came fast and with Thomas off at college, Elijah became the king, but his title would soon be taken from him by the new guy and his whole world would be turned upside down. As Elijah fixed his brown hair wavy hair in the mirror, he sighed with a small smile his brown eyes shining with anticipation. He was ready for the first day of his most important year to start. He walked from the downstairs bathroom and into the kitchen. He kissed his mom on the cheek and grabbed an apple. “Elijah sit down and have some real food, please.” He turned to his mom a wide grin on his face as he picked up his bag. “I can’t mom. I gotta get to school. You know greet all the newbies.” He grabbed his car keys and made his way to his black and yellow Camaro. His pride and joy that he worked so hard to buy. When he finally pulled into the school parking lot, a navy blue truck was in his normal spot. He parked next to it his brow furrowed as he turned off the car and stepped out. Just as he stepped out of his car a boy with strawberry blonde hair cut into a short pile on his head, stepped out of the truck. Elijah’s breath hitched in his throat as he took in the denim on denim look, the blues of his eyes and the curve of his ass. Elijah had never explicitly said he was either straight, bisexual or gay. As he watched this boy walk towards the school he couldn’t help but feel in the pit of his stomach butterflies. He took a breath reaching into the passengers seat and grabbing his bag. He jumped when a hand landed on his ass and he spun around letting a small laugh escape his lips, when he saw his best friend Julia. “One of these days Jules you are going to literally give me a heart attack.” Julia waved him off with a laugh, as she wove her arm through his and closed the car door. “Did you see the new guy? Can you say ass for days?” She said as she practically swooned. “Yeah I-I saw him..” Elijah felt his heart flutter at the mention of the new guy. As they walked into the school his face dropped slightly when he saw the new guy flirting with a group of girls, he leaned down to Julia’s ear whispering. “I was hoping I was his type.” Julia could practically hear the hurt in Elijah’s voice. “Eli, baby. You don’t know that you aren’t his type.” She kissed his cheek before parting from him and walking over to her locker and he over to his. The last thing Elijah wanted to see was the perfect sculpted ass of the new guy at the locker next to him, but as he moved slightly his eyes widened and he quickly went back to stuffing things into his locker. The smirk evident as the new guy spoke. “You seem flustered, you alright?” Elijah just nodded keeping his face hidden. “I’m Aidan, Aidan Sawyer. You got a name cutie?” Elijah took a deep breath and closed his locker, eyeing the taller boy in front of him. “Elijah and don’t call me cutie. You’re not my type.” And with a turn of his heels, he turned and walked to his first class of the day. The run ins with Aidan were only just beginning. The second full run in with Aidan was in his English class. When Aidan walked in five minutes late. Mr. Karmar looked up frowning. “New to school and already late Mr. Sawyer? Take a seat in one of the seats in the back.” He sighed as he stood up watching the boy take a seat, before going back to what he been talking about. Elijah looked up at the sound of the door opening and his eyes widened as he did, his head shooting back to his notebook, but he had already been caught staring. Elijah felt Aidan before he even saw him sit down. “If I’m not your type why have I caught you staring twice now?” Aidan leaned over to whisper and instantly Elijah felt his insides heat up at the rough yet smooth sound og Aidan’s voice. “Did you not see everyone staring at you? I’m sure you did. You seem to love the attention.” Elijah turned with a smirk as he said the words, he was doing his best to keep his fake face on. After school and after figuring out he had Aidan in nearly all of his classes he rushed from his locker, to his car to keep from running into Aidan again. He made it to his car and slid into the drivers seat. He let out a slow breath as he watched Aidan from the safety of his car, jumping when the passenger side door was opened. Julia slid in, closing the door as she tossed her long blonde hair over her shoulder. “ So tell me Eli, are you playing hard to get, or trying to keep up appearances?” Elijah frowned at her words as he turned on the car and peeled out of the parking lot. “You wouldn’t understand, Juls. I’m Elijah Harrington resident ladies man..what will happen when everyone finds out I don’t even like the ladies?” Julia turned slightly an eyebrow raised. “Sweetie a lot of people suspect something already…I mean you turned down Alexa Winter and she nearly told the entire school and I quote ‘I don’t know how he can resist me..he must be gay or something’” At those words Elijah slammed on the brakes his knuckles turning white as he gripped the steering wheel. “She said what?” Julia set a hand on his trying to calm him down. “I’m sure no one believes her..” Elijah pulled his hand away from Julia’s speeding towards his house. The next few weeks went by almost in a blur and before Elijah knew it, it was already Halloween. The biggest party of the year was all anyone could talk about, it was all everyone’s focus was on. Elijah had heard the string of rumors, he’d seen the looks people had started giving him and with each passing day he got more worried that people would figure out the rumors were true. As he scribbled random drawings in the margins of his notebook the last thing he expected to hear was the voice that sent a fire coursing through him, but when Aidan spoke Elijah couldn’t help but turn to his voice. “You know I really like those little swirls you got going on there, got something on your mind?” Aidan asked as he watched the younger boy with a smirk. “Nothing that concerns you. If there was I probably wouldn’t tell you anyway.” Elijah turned back to the paper in front of him as he eyed the swirl that resembled an A, his heart beating faster when he felt Aidan’s breath beside his ear as he whispered. “You can’t hide the way you feel forever, baby.” Something about the way Aidan had called him baby sent Elijah’s heart, stomach and brain into overdrive. When the bell to end class rang he picked up his things and ran from the classroom. The day flew by and before Elijah knew it was Halloween night. Elijah and Julia had planned to go as Danny and Sandy from Grease, to the biggest party of the year at none other than the house of Alexa Winter’s house. Elijah was excited and nervous for this party, excited because he could finally let loose and not have a care in the world, everyone would be to drunk to remember anything anyway. As he pulled up to the house with Julia, he frowned at the already littered front yard and the drunk people staggering around. Elijah looked over to Julia sighing. “Well show time!” He stepped out of the driver’s seat, looking around before making his way into the house and straight to the already spiked punch bowl. One keg stand later and what felt like twenty cups of "punch" Elijah was to say the least plastered. He staggered to the backyard and heard the counting and cheering, someone was breaking his keg stand record. Just as he made his way over to the sounds, he watched Aidan get down from the keg and traced his glistening abs with his eyes, his heart swelling slightly as he looked up and found he had been caught staring. Before anyone could say anything Elijah walked off to the side of the house where no one was. He ran his hands over his as he let out a loud sigh. "Get ahold of yourself Elijah, he just stole your crown and all you can think about is what he would look like naked, and hovering above you." Elijah jump letting out a small squeak when he heard a deep chuckle, turning slowly to see Aidan leaning against the wall next to him a cigarette in his mouth. "So that's what goes on in that mind of yours? You thinking of me naked?" Elijah felt his heart racing as he watched the way Aidan's lips pursed around the cigarette as he tried to form a coherent thought. "I-I" Aidan raised an eyebrow as he too a drag before turning his head to blow out the smoke dropping it and crushing it out with his boot. "You what? Weren't just having dirty thoughts about me? I see you staring at me all the time, clearly you like what you see." Aidan smirked as he reached out and grabbed Elijah's waist pulling the younger boy to him. Within that moment any rational thought Elijah had left went away, as he set his hands on Aidan's chest pressing his lips to Aidan's. The slightly innocent kiss quickly turned into a heated make-out session. As Aidan turned them so Elijah was pressed up against the wall his hand slowly traveling up Elijah's shirt. Elijah pulled away shaking his head, looking up at Aidan. "T-This can't happen.. I have to go.." He slowly moved his hands from where they were and ran off to find Julia so she could drive him home. The next morning Elijah woke up with a hangover ten times worse than he had ever had before, he couldn't fully put the pieces together of what happened the night before just blurry faces and slurred words. He barely made an effort with his outfit. Just jeans and a white t-shirt along with his black converse. He made his way to the kitchen to have some breakfast, groaning when he saw his brother, he grabbed some of the bacon rolling his eyes as his mom tried her best to tuck his shirt in. "Woah little bro, you look lie death." Elijah held up his middle finger as he took a bit of the bacon in his hand. "Elijah Anthony!" Elijah jumped as his other smacked his finger. "Sorry mom. Tommy please shut the fuck up." Thomas laughed as their mother smacked the back of Elijah's head. "I will not tell you again young man." Elijah rubbed his head as he grabbed his car keys and his bag walking out of the house. For once the car ride with Julia wasn't filled with loud conversation. "You really don't remember anything?" Elijah shook his head at her question, sighing softly as he pulled into the spot next to Aidan's navy blue truck. "Not really. After the keg stand it gets blurry." He shrugged with a small chuckle. "I just hope I didn't do anything overly stupid." Julia let out a laugh as they stepped out of the car, her eyes narrowing slightly as she watched Alexa walk up to Elijah, hiding a 'slut' behind a cough. Elijah laughed as he turned to Alexa. "What do you want, Alexa?" Alexa tilted her head a sly smirk on her face. "So I'm not sure if I saw it correctly...but were you making out with Aidan Sawyer last night? I mean I could be wrong but it sure looked like you two." She looked up at him from her nails the smirk never leaving her face. Elijah's eyes widened slightly before he glared at her. "I don't know what you saw but it wasn't me." He pushed past her and walked into the school, keeping his eyes down to keep from looking at the boy leaning on the locker next to his. "Hey can we talk about last night? About what happened between us?" Aidan asked as he watched Elijah tense and turn to him, locker door gripped tightly enough to make his knuckles turn white. "Whatever you think happened, happened because I was shitfaced. I don't remember a damn thing. Whatever went on was a big mistake and will never happen again." Elijah practically seethed as he grabbed his English textbook, slamming his locker door and as he turned he saw the smug look on Aidan's face fall. Elijah walked into the classroom feeling Aidan close at his heels as he sat in his desk and Aidan in his. The whole class period was filled with Aidan trying to get Elijah's attention and towards the end Aidan leaned close enough so only Elijah could hear his whisper. "That kiss meant something to me." Elijah jumped out of his seat and turned to Aidan with a glare as he yelled. "I am not gay!" Aidan looked petrified and as Elijah turned slowly to look at the rest of the class there were scattered looks of curiosity and excitement. He hastily grabbed his stuff and walked from the classroom. He felt a hand on his wrist turning to loo at Aidan. "Why are you trying to hide how you feel? Why are you trying to hide what literally every fucking person here can see?" Elijah pulled his hand away keeping a neutral expression on his face. "Everyone sees it Elijah, you aren't fooling anyone, especially not me." Aidan said as he stared back at Elijah. "You don't know what you're talking about , so just shut up." Elijah felt his hands ball into fists. "Everyone expects me to be perfect to have a pretty girl on my arm, you're the California bad boy, that everyone says is fucking ever girl. Why do you care what the fuck I am hiding?" Elijah let out a slow breath as he finished, shaking his head as he moved to walk away. "You can't even answer me Aidan." He walked to the front doors and outside. He made it to his car before he felt the hand again. "I care because hiding who you are truly fucking sucks, Eli." "Just leave me alone Aidan please." With those words Elijah got into his car and drove off. He drove around for the better part of the day before finally going home. Only to see his brother sitting on the couch. "School called said you didn't show up to any of your afternoon classes. So I covered for you said you came home sick. Oh and Julia is in your room." Thomas finished as he finally turned to look at his younger brother. "You okay, E?" Elijah nodded as he made his way to the stairs. "Yeah...thanks Tommy." With that Elijah made his way to his bedroom, frowning when he saw Julia standing there with her hands on her hips. "First off what the fuck, Elijah?! And second because you ditched me, I had to catch a fucking ride from Carlos. I already live with the asshole, I don't want to be in the car with him too." Julia growled as she watched Elijah walk in and sit on his bed. Her sneer turning to a frown when she heard the defeated sigh leave his lips. "I don't have and excuse for that. I don't have an excuse for anything anymore..." He felt his voice crack as he looked up at her. "You know how Alexa asked me about Aidan? He confirmed it and I yelled in class that I'm not gay...pretty sure I confirmed it instead, and now I can't get Aidan out of my head more than before. I'm going fucking insane Juls and I can't stop feeling that some way, some how this is all going to blow up in my face." He set his head in his hands as he tried to hold back tears. "Eli what exactly happened last night?" Elijah shook his head at her question. "I don't know Juls, it's still blurry." After that day things started falling into place. The whispers the rumors were spiraling out of control, but Elijah did his best to brush it all off. He started off when got paired with Aidan for an assignment, in their History class. He would let his graze Aidan's or he would smirk at him. By the time class ended Elijah had flirted his heart out with Aidan, but now class was over and as Aidan went to confront Elijah he ran over to Julia to avoid the conversation altogether. "I just shamelessly flirted with Aidan Swayer in History class, and I feel great about it." Julia patted him on the back. "Wait does that mean you're like out now?" Elijah shook his head laughing softly. No not yet. Just being who I used to be. I can't let these stupid rumors get to me." He shrugged as they got to his car. As Elijah sat on the couch with Julia, popcorn stuffed into his face, there was a knock at the door and thinking his brother forgot his keys, he stood up with a loud sigh/ "Tommy I swear to-" He cut himself off as he opened the door to see none other than, Aidan Sawyer. "What are you doing here?" Aidan let his face fall as he heard Elijah's words. "Well, I thought we could..you know work on our project. I'm not good at History or anything really...but I really want to pass this class,: Aidan said as he slowly ran his fingers through his hair waiting for Elijah's answer. "Uh yeah sure." Elijah moved to let Aidan into the house, looking over to Julia with a small shrug. "Um Juls this is Aidan Sawyer, Aidan this is my best friend Julia Groves." Julia stood up shaking Aidan's hand with a nod. "I have to get going Eli. It was nice to officially meet you Aidan." She turned to Elijah winking before she grabbed her bag and walked from the house. Elijah lead Aidan up to his room trying his hardest to play his nervousness off. Once they got into Elijah's room Aidan's eyes instantly scanned the room. His eyes looking over all the pictures he had around it, his eyes landing on a single strip of pictures on the mirror. He walked over to them his brows knit together as he looked at Elijah with another brown haired boy smiling and kissing. he grabbed them holding it up. "Who's this?" Elijah's head shot up from gathering his stuff and with wide eyes and a frown he grabbed the pictures from Aidan's hand, and put it into his drawer closing it before he walked back over to his bed. Aidan watched Elijah's demeanor change. "Was that your boyfriend or something?" Elijah sat down on his bed, shaking his head. "Ex, actually. It didn't end to well." He sighed as he grabbed his notebook. "Please don't ask me about it. Let's just get this stupid assignment done." Aidan nodded slowly, usually he would push him to get him to tell him, but he could tell that this was not the time to do that. Two hours later and they hadn't really made a dent in what they were doing, the mood had shifted from sad and tense to joking and happy. Elijah practically snorted at the comment Aidan had made. "That actually works on girls, seriously?" "Excuse you they happen to like it when I call them doll." Elijah fell back onto the bed holding his stomach as he laughed loudly. "Oh yeah. I bet they just melt for you," Aidan watched Elijah laughing and he actually felt his heart swell at the sound. "They do melt. Kind of like how you melt when I call you cutie." The second the words left Aidan's mouth he felt Elijah tense and the happiness was gone from his eyes. The scowl Aidan became all to familiar with was back in place on Elijah's face, as he sat back up. "We should work on this tomorrow..at school in the library." He stood up practically trying to shove Aidan out of his bedroom and down the stairs. "Eli wait I didn't-" "Stop Aidan we will just do it tomorrow at school." Elijah cut him off and finished shoving him outside. The next day after Elijah spent the night tossing and turning he groggily started his day. He took a quick shower, put on a pair of dark blue jeans and one of his Metallica shirts and his black Converse shoes. He barely glanced at his brother or his parents while they talked to him, not really saying anything just nodding to things they asked him. Finally he stood up from the table grabbing his bag and walking to the door. "I won't be home right after school today. I'm going to the library to work on a history project." With that he left not bothering to stick around to listen to his parents talk about how proud of him they were. When he pulled up to Julia's house his heart dropped as he saw her on the front lawn arguing with Carlos, he knew he was the reason they fought so much. He tried his hardest to smile when she got into the car but it faltered quickly as he drove towards the school. "Aidan found mine and Carlos's photobooth pictures...and before you ask no I didn't throw them away, after multiples times you said I should. And I won't be able to drive you after school. I have to meet Aidan in the library to finish this stupid assignment," Julia looked over at him with a small nod. "That's fine just call me when you get home and give me the details." They both nodded at each other as they made their way to the school. The day seemed to fly by and before Elijah knew it he was walking into the library. He didn't expect Aidan to actually show up. So when his eyes landed on him he couldn't keep his heart from racing or the smile that made it's way onto his lips, as he walked over to the table setting his stuff down. Aidan kept his eyes on Elijah the entire time he was setting his stuff up, he couldn't the way his heart fluttered as he watched Elijah's hair just slightly fall into his eyes, he couldn't help the smile that crept onto his face when Elijah finally looked up at him with a smile of his own. "Since we got tasked with world war two how about you do the part where it impacted everyone back then and I will do the part where we have to decide how it's still impacting us today." The entire time Elijah talked Aidan just watched his lips move, not even registering that he was saying his thought out loud. "God damn I bet those fuckable lips get you in trouble." Elijah dropped his pencil and just stared at Aidan, trying to wrap his head around what he had just said. "W-What did you just say?" He whispered his eyes darting around slightly and with that a smirk made it's way onto Aidan's face as he leaned closer, whispering. "You heard me, cutie. But yeah I'll do the first part don't you worry your pretty little head." With those last words, Aidan stood up and walked out of the library, Elijah took advantage of the time he had and did as much of his part of the assignment that he could before finally closing his book, putting them in his bag and walked out to his car. When he finally got home he was getting ready to change when he heard the doorbell start ringing. His parents weren't home and he knew Thomas was to lazy to get it, so he rolled his eyes did his pants back up and ran down the stairs to open the door, his eyes widening in surprise when he saw the boy in front of him. "Want to go get some ice cream and just talk?" Elijah nodded slowly as he slipped his shoes on. "Uh Tommy. I'll be back later." With that he closed the door and followed Aidan to his truck. He noticed the bruises that were scattered on Aidan's face, he noticed the split lip. He got into the truck and turned to him. "You okay?" Aidan gave Elijah a slanted smile as he started the truck and drove towards the town's ice cream parlor. "I hope you don't mind me bringing you here.." Aidan said as he finally parked the truck and watched Elijah smile. "Not at all. I love coming here." He stepped out of the truck and waited for Aidan before walking inside. They found a booth and ordered their ice cream and as they waited Elijah kept his eyes on Aidan. "What happened to your face?" Aidan tensed a frown on his face before he replaced it with a smirk. "Got into a fight with someone. It's not important." Elijah nodded slowly changing the subject. "What was California like?" He watched the smile spread across Aidan's face and grinned himself, as he listened to him talk about the beach and his friends. He watched his eyes light up as he talked about his mom but also saw the sadness seep in. "And then one day she had enough of my dad's shit and left. I didn't blame her, I still don't my dad is a dick." He stopped when their ice cream was placed in front of them. "I'm sorry...I know how it feels to have people walkout on you." Elijah said as he took a bite of his ice cream. "Carlos..the guy in those pictures..he's my ex and he's also Julia's step-brother. Last summer we went away with his mom, she's really care free..one drunken night things happened and we started dating and then school started and he was shutting me out. He wouldn't talk to me. Then in September he called me a faggot in front of the entire basketball team." Elijah chuckled dryly as he finished his ice cream. "He acted like nothing happened all summer like we weren't together and, told me that I would never be good enough for anyone, especially for him and with that he was gone." He finally looked up to see Aidan clutching his spoon. "Are you talking about Carlos Amata?" Elijah nodded at Aidan's question and jumped at the barking laugh that left Aidan's lips. "You know he was caught literally in the closet with his little friend Andy, right?" Elijah's eyes widened as he shook his head, letting out a laugh. "I didn't know that was him." Aidan nodded watching Elijah's face. "By the way, he's wrong..about you not being good enough." After some more talking and getting to know each other just a little better, Aidan dropped Elijah off at home. The days leading up to their presentation, Elijah and Aidan were pretty much inseparable, spending all of their free time together and most of their time between classes and at lunch. When it finally came time for them to do the presentation they stood up and walked to the front of the class. Elijah a few paces behind Aidan his eyes practically glued to his ass. The presentation went by rather quickly and they sat down grins on their faces. The next few weeks went by pretty fast Thanksgiving came and went and soon enough it was December. Alexa was doing her annual secret Santa and she made sure that Elijah and Aidan got each other. Aidan was having a hell of a time trying to find the perfect gift for Elijah without giving it away that it was from him. As the days went by and the more time Aidan spent with Elijah the more it seemed he was falling for him. The second Elijah had picked Aidan's name he knew exactly what he was going to get Aidan. He had neem eyeing a Saint Christopher medallion with a gold chain that he had seen at a local antique store. Finally the day came for the Christmas party at Alexa's house. Elijah had done his best to wrap the gift in a small bag, and when it came time to exchange gifts Elijah's heart was practically beating out of his chest. The only thing people were allowed to write on the presents was the name of the person it was for, and when everyone had their gifts they were allowed to open them. Elijah gently tore the paper off and opened the box, a small smile coming to his lips as he looked at the small owl talisman, he looked up to see Aidan looking at him a he looked from the note in his hand to Elijah, before slipping the chain of the medallion around his neck. After much eggnog and festivities everyone went home. Aidan walked passed his father to his room without a word and took the note from his bag tracing his finer over his name, before slowly opening it to read it, he could practically hear Elijah's voice while he read it. 'Dear Aidan...who the fuck starts things like that anymore? Oh whatever. Dear Aidan, I'm not good with stuff like this writing things I mean. But when I picked your name out of that stupid hat I knew exactly what I was going to get you and I knew it would need some context, as to why Saint Christopher of all the Saints. Well Saint Christopher is the patron Saint of travelers and I know you are going places. This letter was supposed to be just that and be done but there's something else I need to get off my chest, and I can't tell you in person. Fuck...Aidan I'm falling for you. I kept telling myself I wouldn't. I kept saying you were just my friend but ever since Halloween I can't get you out of my head...okay well this is embarrassing. Merry Christmas, Handsome. With so much love, Elijah.' Aidan couldn't help the smile that made it's way onto his face as he read the letter, knowing that Elijah felt the same would make asking him to the new years eve party so much easier. From that day on Aidan wouldn't take the medallion off. Christmas day came and went and then once everyone and once everyone was in bed, Aidan quietly dialed Elijah's number and when he heard the groggy voice on the other end he let out a chuckle. "Eli is that you?" Elijah perked up at the sound of Aidan's voice. "Y-Yeah it's me...d-did you um..." He tried to shake the sleepiness and shakiness from his voice, but it didn't seem to work. "I did read it but I don't want to talk about that..not right now." Elijah felt his shoulders fall and went to say something but stopped when Aidan's next words. "Will you go with me to Alexa's New Years party, cutie?" Elijah felt his heart race at the question as he grinned widely. "Yes, yes! I didn't think you'd want to talk to me after you read the note." Elijah felt his voice waver at the end of his sentence. "I was going to call you after because I wanted to hear your voice when I said this. I think I'm falling for you too, Eli." Aidan said with a slight grin, jumping when he heard shuffling, quickly whispering. "I have to go but meet me tomorrow at the dinner at noon and we will talk. Bye, cutie." Before Aidan could get caught he hung up and ran to his room. Elijah hung up as well, the smile never leaving his face as he went back to bed. The next morning Elijah greeted both of is parents with a kiss on the cheek, sitting next to his brother, picking up a piece of bacon his whole family watching him, "What do I have something on my face?" He asked as he put the bacon down wiping his face, before Thomas shook his head looking to his plate with a small smile. "No. You just seem really happy. It's nice, much better than the distant asshole we've seen a lot of lately." Thomas groaned, rubbing the back of his head when his mom smacked it. "Even though that is true..watch your language, Thomas." Thomas nodded as he looked up at their father. "Yes, sir. I'm sorry." Breakfast went by as it usually did with chatter about school and everything in between. Once everyone was done Elijah, got ready to meet Aidan at the diner. Before he could make it out of the door his brother pulled him over to the stairs out of ear shot of their parents. "Why are you so happy all of a sudden? Does it have anything to do with whoever called last night? What did you even talk about?" Elijah raised an eyebrow as he listened to his brothers questions, setting a hand on his shoulder. "I'm going to meet the person at the diner. I promise to tell you about it soon." Elijah patted Thomas's shoulder before walking out of the front door, leaving his brother mouth open and speechless. Elijah did his best to not drive fast he didn't want to seem to eager, but when he arrived at the diner and saw the navy blue truck and the familiar blonde leaning against the hood..he couldn't stop the grin from spreading across his face. He turned the car off and stepped out chewing on hs lip, his grin faltering slightly when he saw a bruise forming on the side of Aidan's face. He gently touched his arm, jumping back when he saw Aidan's head shoot up. "Oh hey, cutie." Elijah lifted his hand to gently brush the bruise pulling his hand back when Aidan flinched. "What happened?" Aidan shrugged and walked towards the diner. "I'm fine. I can handle myself just fine." When they got inside and ordered, Elijah took a breath before he looked to Aidan again, talking in a hushed voice. "Look I'm not asking you to come out..I'm not even out....wait are you even gay?" Aidan shrugged playing with the fork in front of him. "I like guys and I like girls, but I like guys more." He looked up to meet Elijah's gaze thinking 'Actually. I like you more' Staying completely silent when the nurse brought their food and Elijah rolled his eyes at the blush on her cheeks. "You can go now, we are talking." Aidan said as he took a bite of a fry, his eyes meeting Elijah's again. "I meant what I said last night, Elijah. I meant what I asked you and I meant what I am about to say. I want to see where this goes. I want to see this workout." Aidan ended the conversation there as he took a bite of his burger and Elijah took a bite of his. They finished eating and both leaned back with wide smiles on their faces. Bothe reaching for their wallet. "Don't even think about it, cutie." Aidan set the money down and stood up, Elijah following as they walked out of the diner. Once they were near his truck Aidan pulled Elijah's body close to his, he leaned down to kiss his lips but Elijah set a finger to his lips pushing his face back, shaking his head. "I don't kiss on the first date." Aidan laughed softly lifting his hands in mock surrender. "But you kiss at Halloween parties? You can't play hard to get anymore, cutie. You're already mine." Elijah felt his flutter at Aidan's words, his fingers brushing the medallion around Aidan's neck, his words coming out just above a whisper. "I'm yours?" He finally looked up to meet Aidan's piercing blue eyes as he watched him nod. "You were mine the second I laid eyes on you." Elijah stepped back a smile on his face. "Then if thats the case..you've been mine since the second I laid eyes on that ass, cause damn, baby." Aidan's eyes nearly bugged out of his head when he heard Elijah call him baby. You need to call me that more often. Make sure you are by the phone at midnight. Once Ava is asleep I'm going to call you." Aidan kissed Elijah's cheek as he whispered. "Don't miss me to much, cutie." Elijah watched him get into his truck and drive off, before touching his cheek. The day went by to slow for Elijah after that, but once his parents and brother were asleep he waited by the phone chewing on his bottom lip and as promised at midnight the phone rang and he quickly picked it up. "Hi." He could hear the smile in Aidan's voice when he spoke. "Hi. Didn't miss me too much I hope." Elijah rolled his eyes before he leaned back against his head board. "Aidan can I ask you one thing and you answer truthfully?" Aidan let out a small sight before answering. "Eli please don't ask me about the bruise. I promise I am okay. When it gets worse I will tell you okay?" Elijah frowned at his words as he played with the phone cord. "I don't want it to get worse Aidan..I don't like seeing that handsome face have bruises on it." He could hear the worry in his own voice and cringed slightly, but when Aidan spoke he could hear the smirk. "Handsome huh?" "Oh don't let it go yo your head, Sawyer." He couldn't help but laugh along with Aidan. "I thought we were passed last names, when you called me baby." The next hour went with back and forth flirting, but withing a matter of seconds Elijah felt Aidan's fear seeping in. Aidan looked to the front door, the phone still in his hand as he watched his father and step-mother walk in, before his eyes settled on his father, Richard. He felt his hand shaking but he couldn't hang up. "What are you doing up? Talking to another one of your whores?" Aidan inched backward the phone still clutched in his hand. "Y-You weren't supposed to be home yet.." Elijah flinched on the other end when he heard the sound of something crashing, he knew he should hang up but he couldn't. Aidan winced as his dad slammed his back into the wall. "Dad it's not what you think." He flinched when his dad smacked him across the face. "I don't care what it is. Tell your whore you have to go and get to bed!" Aidan jumped slightly when the phone was shoved back against his chest. "I-I have to go." And with that the phone was hung up and Elijah felt his heart break as he worried about what was happening on the other side of the phone. Elijah tried calling Aidan everyday up until New Years Eve. When he decided he would go to Alexa's party with or without Aidan. While he was finishing his hair he heard a knock on the front door, and then the door bell ring. He finished and walked downstairs to the door his heart racing, his stomach doing flips as he took in Aidan's outfit and when his eyes made their way to his face, he could see a faint bruise under his eye, a cut on his lip and one on his cheek. He couldn't help but smile when he saw Aidan smiling. "I'll be back later!" Elijah yelled to his family as he pulled Aidan to the truck. By eleven PM both Elijah and Aidan were feeling the buzz of all the alcohol and by the time the clock struck midnight Elijah lost all care in the world. He wrapped his arms around Aidan's neck, Aidan's arms around his waist and without hesitation as it hit midnight, Elijah pressed his to Aidan's in a passionate kiss. Only pulling away when they heard a camera click. Elijah turned slowly to see Alexa a smirk on her face while she waved the picture. "Well, well. Looks like I was right." Aidan pushed Elijah away from him, who in turn stumbled back as Aidan ran from the room. Elijah looked over at Alexa shaking his head slowly. "You are a real piece of work." He ran after Aidan looking around for him, finally finding him sitting in his truck. He climbed into the passengers seat setting a hand on Aidan's shoulder. "You know for someone who bitched about me not wanting to tell people I'm gay, you sure have a hell of an exit strategy." Aidan's head shot over to him with a glare. "Now is not the time to be a smartass, Elijah. If my dad finds out he will beat the shit out of me...these bruises aren't from fights, they aren't from me being a klutz. I know you heard it that night on the phone." Elijah felt his heart break slightly at Aidan's words. "Why didn't you tell me?" "I didn't tell you because it's not something I like to broadcast." Aidan gently set his hand on Elijah's twinning their fingers, as he slowly lifted it to kiss Elijah's knuckles. "We can go to my house if you want. My parents will probably be gone most of the night, and Tommy well I don't know he's probably sleeping." Elijah said softly as he raised a hand to run his fingers through Aidan's hair. Aidan nodded as he started the truck and drove towards Elijah's house. Once they got to the house Aidan parked the truck and got out, quickly running over to Elijah's side to open the door for him, he twined their fingers as they made their way into the house. Elijah lead Aidan to his room and closed the door before attaching his lips quickly to Aidan's, slowly backing him up to the bed, both od them falling back onto the soft surface. Elijah moved so his legs were on either side of Aidan, straddling his hips, his fingers trailed the buttons on Aidan's shirt as the kiss got more heated. Their tongues fighting for dominance. Aidan moved his hands down to Elijah's ass and squeezed eliciting a moan from Elijah, just as his bedroom door opened. "Eli, can I-" Elijah pulled away from Aidan his eyes wide as he turned to see Thomas backing out of the room and closing the door. Elijah moved off of Aidan fixing his shirt. "I'm going to go talk to him don't move." He quickly moved from the room stopping Thomas on the stairs. "Tommy I can explain.." Elijah said as he watched his brother shake his head, "No Eli you don't need too. I should have known all the times you hinted about a person instead of saying a chick. I should have known with how sad you were when Carlos stopped coming around, I should have known when you turned Alexa Winter down, but you should know this doesn't change anything. You're still my little brother and I love you, kid." With those words he pulled a teary eyed Elijah into his arms hugging him close. Elijah hugged back as he whispered. "You're two years older than me, asshole." After their hug Elijah walked back into his room his eyes landing on Aidan who was already standing. "I should go...I gotta be home before my dad gets up." He said as he walked closer to Elijah capturing his lips for a brief moment before pulling away. "I'll see you Monday at school, cutie." Monday morning came fast and Elijah clearly had more pep in his step, as he made his way to the table where his brother was shoveling cereal into his mouth. Elijah rolled his eyes as he poured himself a bowl and ate the smile never leaving his face. The smile stayed on his face all morning right up until he opened his locker to have a note fall out, he picked it up and his eyes widened as he read it and saw the picture. "Plenty more where this came from. Meet me behind the school at lunch and you better do what I tell you or your pretty boy will be ruined.-A" Elijah shoved the note into his pants pocket looking around before his eyes finally settled on Alexa but she wasn't alone, draped across her shoulders was the arm of non other than Carlos Amata, and on his face was a smirk as he eyed Elijah down. Elijah slammed his locker shut and quickly turned to look for Aidan. when he finally found him he pulled him outside to the back of his truck. "Well cutie I didn't know you were one for public places." Aidan said with a smirk as he Elijah rolled his eyes, pretty much slamming the picture and the note against his chest. "Put your hormones back in the box, Sawyer. We have bigger problems." Aidan winced slightly at the use of his last name before reading over the note his face quickly turning to anger. "That bitch it trying to blackmail you?" Elijah nodded chewing on his lip. "But I don't think she's pulling the strings. I think it's Carlos.." Aidan tensed at the mention of Elijah's ex. "Okay meet them, then after school meet me right here and we will talk about this. They won't get away with this, cutie." Aidan said as he looked around before pressing his lips softly to Elijah's. Lunch time finally rolled around and with his anxiety bubbling to the surface, Elijah made his way behind the school. Once upon a time the sight of Carlos leaning against the wall looking like a Greek god would have made Elijah flustered, now it just made him sick. He glared at the two as he spoke. "So what is it you want me to do exactly?" Alexa pushed herself away from Carlos a sly smirk on her face. "Your party next weekend, you know the big one-eight?" Alexa asked sweetly as Elijah rolled his eyes. "Yeah what about it?" He looked back at the other raising an eyebrow. "Be prepared to play spin the bottle, lover boy." With that she patted his cheek, before grabbing Carlos's hand pulling him away, as Elijah turned to watch them, he could swear he caught a glimpse of something in Carlos's green eyes. From that point the day seemed to go smoothly, and after school after everyone else had left Elijah met Aidan behind his truck but before Aidan could ask what had been said at lunch, Elijah pulled him to him by the lapels of his denim jacket and attached his lips to his in a fevered kiss. Aidan let Elijah pull him into the truck, he let him undo his belt and push his jeans off, he let him kiss him and even let him grind on him, but when Elijah went to push his boxers off he stopped his movements by grabbing his wrist, as he whispered. "Woah, woah, baby slow down." Elijah huffed at his words and rolled his eyes. "What you can fuck girls but not me?" Elijah moved off of Aidan to fix his shirt running his fingers through his hair, his voice just above a whisper as he said. "Am I not good enough?" Aidan frowned as he pulled his jeans up leaving them undone, pulling Elijah back into his. He tilted his chin up so he could into his eyes. "Don't you dare think that for one second, Elijah. You are more than good enough but I know from experience that the first time hurts and pretty much every time after that shit hurts. I want to make love to you, but not in my truck...well not the first time anyway." He ran his thumb along Elijah's bottom lip. "But I promise it will happen, so don't pout, cutie." Elijah kissed him once before moving off of his lap again. "Next weekend is my eighteenth birthday...you better be there or I'll let Tommy kick your ass." He smirked slightly as he got out of the truck and into his own car. Aidan let out a breath running his fingers through his disheveled hair, as he did up his belt, mumbling. "I never did get to ask what the fuck happened today." Aidan had picked his step-sister Ava up at the arcade and had been home for a few hours before his dad and step-mother came home. He had been working out in the living room and the second he sat up his dad on him. "Why are you out here and not studying like your dumbass should be?" Aidan stood up and rolled his eyes. "I did it when I first came home." He moved to push past his father who pushed him back. "Are you really sassing me right now, Rhys?" Aidan flinched when his father used his real name, shaking his head. "No, sir..I was just saying that I already did the work I was supposed to." He gulped slightly watching the storm brewing in his fathers eyes and the next thing he knew was being pushed against the wall and a punched was on his face. Instantly he felt his healing lip break open, he couldn't fight back he learned that the hard way before. When his father finally pushed him into his room Aidan locked his door, grabbed his car keys and a jacket and made his way slowly and carefully out of his window. Within twenty minutes he was knocking on Elijah's window. Elijah sat up groggily, he had fallen asleep while doing some of his homework. He moved towards the window his eyes widening, before a frown made it's way onto his face. He helped Aidan into the house, "Hey cutie. You're a sight for sore eyes." Aidan said as he made his way over to the bed to sit down. Elijah grabbed the first aid kit he had put together all those months ago, and walked into his on-suite bathroom wetting a cloth with warm water. He walked back into his room. He stood in-between Aidan's legs, who's hands were resting on his hips. He slowly and gently cleaned the blood from Aidan's lip, nose and eyebrow. Softly placing kisses on his face as he did. He put some antiseptic cream on the cuts before putting a bandage over the one on his eyebrow. "Do you want to talk about it?" It was the first thing Elijah had said to him since making his way into the room. "There's nothing to tell. my dad got rough that's all. I kind of deserved it as well." Aidan said with a small chuckle as his thumb drew a small circle on Elijah's hip bone. Elijah moved back shaking his head. "Aidan you do not fucking deserve to get hit..we need to tell someone." Aidan stood up shrugging off his jacket. "Eli if anyone finds out he will do worse than just this." Elijah glared scoffing softly. "He's hurting you Aidan. He's fucking hurting you and you expect me to just do nothing?" Aida nodded at his words, as he grabbed his hand gently pulling him back to him. "I do because it's what I do." Aidan said as he carefully moved all of Elijah's work off of his bed, and laid down pulling him down beside him. Elijah sighed softly as he set his head on Aidan's chest, his eyes closing when he felt Aidan's fingers sliding slowly through his hair. Within twenty minutes, Elijah's breathing had evened out as if he was asleep, Aidan let out a slow breath his voice low as he spoke the words he had been holding back for weeks. "I know you're asleep so this will be easier to say. When I'm with you I feel safe, I feel like I am on top of the world. That's something I haven't felt in a very long time. I look at you and I see a future..I see the way you look at me and I think, damn I mean something to this boy. I look at you and I think he means the world to me. I am in love with you Elijah Harrington and all your little things." At those last words Elijah couldn't help but smile as he finally fell asleep. For the first time in what felt like forever Aidan slept peacefully. Elijah woke up at seven am and carefully got ready only waking Aidan when it was time to go get some breakfast. Elijah's parents had left the night before and his brother already knew about them, so when they walked into the kitchen he didn't care that Thomas was there. Until he heard him choking on his cereal. "Oh yeah Aidan that's Tommy, Tommy this is Aidan." Elijah said as he poured himself a cup of coffee, he watched his brother look between the two. "He slept here in your bed?" Thomas asked when he was finally able to breath again. "Yes Tommy and no we didn't have sex, so get that thought out of your mind, dirty minded freak." Elijah handed Aidan a bowl and finished making coffee, before sitting down. He watched Aidan take a bite of cereal only to choke a few seconds later at Thomas's words. "Do you always climb through guys windows in the middle of the night, looking like shit or just my brothers?" Aidan's eyes widened at his words as he looked to Elijah, then back to Thomas, sighing in relief when Elijah spoke. "What the fuck Tommy? Aida I'm sorry for this assholes no filtered mouth, please ignore him." Aidan chuckled softly at Elijah's words finishing his food and standing up a smirk on his face. "Your brother just tends to clean me up better than I can by myself." He shrugged walking out of the house and to his truck. Thomas turned to Elijah pointing behind him to the door. "I like him, Eli. I like him a lot." CHAPTER TWO Aidan had gone home to change and get his step-sister and drove to the school. He didn't see Elijah's car as he made his way into the school, it took all of two seconds before he heard the shrill laugh of the one he was looking for. He walked over to Alexa, gently but roughly grabbing her arm and pulling her away from the group, shoving the note Elijah had shown him into her face. "What are you playing at, Alexa? What will this shit get you?" He didn't wait for her to answer before snatching it back and stalking off. The next few days were filled with talk of Elijah's birthday party. By that Friday everyone was more than excited. Elijah woke up and got dressed in a plaid button up, a pair of blue jeans and his black converse. He walked down the stairs and grinned when he saw his family at the table, he walked over and sat next to his dad and brother. "Happy birthday, Elijah." David said as he lowered the paper. "Thanks dad." His smile only widened when his mom put the plate of chocolate chip pancakes in front of him, kissing his head. "Happy birthday, my sweet boy." He kissed her cheek in return before taking a bite of the pancakes. Thomas slid a small wrapped box to him. "Happy birthday, little bro." Elijah took the box and unwrapped it, a puzzled look on his face, as he looked to the key then at everyone else. "It's to the guest house...for now you can live there on weekends and once you graduate it's fully yours." He grinned widely as he listened to his brother explain. "Thank you so much you guys." Once he finished eating he stood up and grabbed his bag and car keys, only to step outside and see the truck he had come to love. He walked over leaning into the window grinning widely at Aidan. "Happy birthday, cutie. Your chariot awaits." Elijah laughed at Aidan's words, as he got into the truck his hand instantly finding Aidan's. "Don't you think people will question us showing up together?" Elijah asked as he played with the ring on Aidan's finger. "They think we are best friends, oh and I told Julia to meet you there." Elijah frowned before looking away with a nod. Once they got to the school Elijah kissed Aidan's knuckles before letting go and getting out of the truck to meet Julia. For a split second when he saw her getting out of Carlos's car his heart stopped, when he saw his green eyes flash towards him he looked away adjusting his bag on his shoulder. "If Aidan's driving you home I'm catching a ride with you, I cannot deal with that fucking asshole again." Julia said as she walked over to Elijah. The day seemed to go by smoothly with many people saying happy birthday. When Aidan dropped him and Julia off at his house, he promised to be back when the party started, and true to his word he was there. Elijah was not prepared when Alexa stood up and announced that they would be playing spin the bottle/seven minutes in heaven, and he sure as hell was not prepared when he spun the bottle and it landed on Alexa who ever so slightly moved it so it landed instead on Aidan. Elijah |