Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2283988-Decisions-must-be-made---Prologue
Rated: E · Chapter · Entertainment · #2283988
A prologue of a starting adventure of an werewolf with a god inside him.

Decisions must be made


Albion, the current-day British Isles, is of major importance to the history of magic and its development. Magic has excited humans since long before the modern-day United Kingdom and Ireland were born. The rare individuals who naturally embodied the magic in themselves sparked the place of security and safety called Albion.

And soon, from the safety of Albion, they were able to breed and rule the lands that Albion had. Werewolves were, and still are, the grounds' warriors. Witches and wizards are the land's learned rulers, and all other magical beings hidden from humans have a special role in this world and always will have. This is important, more than ever as the whole clandestineness of magical beings would soon to be in danger.

The magical inhabitants of British Isles would be in danger if there won't be no one to stop the danger from coming. Simply being one or the other of magical sort, isn't enough. Magic is needed more than ever for them to defend their homelands.

As she walked down the forest path, she knew the time would be soon. The full moon, the blood moon, and her first-born child's due date. She was visibly pregnant, and the due date is a few weeks from now. Despite the obvious risk of walking the path alone while pregnant and having a literal witch as a mother, she was still determined to get help to ease her pains.

Although it was dawn and the sun was just shining above the horizon line, it was still somewhat dim and wet from the previous night's rain. After walking for at least an hour or so, she reached her witch mother's hut. The hut wasn't the stereotypical mouldy wooden hut; it resembled more of a small brick house with a stone brick base. It is decently sized to fit a small family. It definitely has enough space for an experienced witch.

The clay bricks are, of course, close to orange in colour. Maybe with some slightly brownish undertones. The stone bricks at the base were in good condition, but cracked, or whole sections were covered in vines. She sighed as she hadn't talked to her mother since moving to the big city nearby. And it had been nearly twenty years since she had spoken with her mother.

She knew she wasn't getting help if she didn't ask for it. Her husband, who is a normal human as far as she's aware, told her to consult with her doctor. But she didn't because the doctor wouldn't believe her. She no longer wanted to stand just looking and acting like she didn't have issues, and she had quite a few issues that weren't relevant to her current situation or just didn't really matter at all.

With a second, heavier sigh this time, she started walking again and went up a flight of stairs to access the front door. When she did as such, she was facing a nicely decorated spruce door, and there was a string hanging near it with a handle at the end of the string. A knock on the door. She pulled the string, and the light sound of a small, high-pitched bell came through this time.

After the bell stopped ringing after a second or two, she heard some footsteps coming closer to the door. Soon after that, the door lock clicked, and the door was opened by a healthy, beautiful-looking, about fifty-year-old lady.

"Hi, mother." She smiled as she held her hand over her stomach.

"Ah, it's good to see you, my dear." The older lady hugged and landed a French kiss, "What brings you back to this old hut?"

"I'm... looking for help." She replied trying to stay calm.

"Does someone need cursing, a new body, or better equipment perhaps?" Her mother asked.

"No, not really." She replied, "I'm pregnant."

"Congratulations, my dear." Her mother spoke as the English accent came through, "When's the baby shower? Why wasn't I informed about this earlier?"

"I didn't have time and damn the morning sickness hasn't been easy on me." She vaguely replied.

"Aah, the morning sickness. The pain of every pregnancy." Her mother sarcastically spoke, "Come in. I just finished brewing some tea."

"Yes please, and I'm kinda hungry as well." She spoke as she went in.

"Early birds!" Her mother said from the kitchen.

They went inside, and with one simple motion with the older lady's hand, the door closed. They went to the living room that was a bit messy as the older lady wasn't expecting any visitors around. Despite that, they ate some breakfast as it still was an early morning and drank some tea. As they talked about their things and were catching up with each other, she explained to her mother that she was afraid she'll be giving a birth to a werewolf.

This intrigued her mother, and her mother wanted to know more about this supposed werewolf child. She needed to explain again that she wasn't sure and wanted to know if this was the case. Her mother, of course, asked a good question.

"So, a werewolf baby, huh?" Her mother asked as she sipped more of her tea.

"Yeah, that's pretty much why I came here." She replied, "You know, normally when a witch gets a child from another user of magic, or just from a normal human, the baby gets magical abilities regardless of gender."

"Yes, that's normally the case, despite many users of magic, don't really use their magic anymore." Her mother stated.

"But what if the child is a result of a witch and a werewolf fucking around like no tomorrow?" She asked.

"That's a question." Her mother said thoughtfully, "I don't really know what happens as those type of cases are rarely reported, and as a matter of fact, poorly as well."

"Just tell me already if you know at least half a decent answer." She demanded from her mother.

Mother sighed slightly.

"Well..." Her mother stopped for a moment, "It is possible for a werewolf to inherit the magical capabilities of a witch despite being a werewolf."

"Thank you." She thanked as she poured another cup of tea.

"How are you even sure you're pregnant to a werewolf?" Her mother asked again.

"Because of few signs; first of all, the immense hunger during and before the full moon, second of all, the huge muscle cramps during the full moon." She explained her symptoms.

"Sounds reasonable." Her mother said aloud, intending it to herself, "Eat your breakfast. You haven't even touched it yet."

Her mother had already finished hers, but she hadn't even started her ryebread with cheese, berries, and salmon as toppings. She stayed at her mother's place until the time of birth, which wasn't yet in a few weeks.

Despite knowing that the birth would be pure torture and hell, she didn't want to kill the baby she so much wanted. She had a medical condition that affected her ovaries. She has an ovarian germ cell tumour, which affects the egg-producing cells in the ovaries.

Despite having this medical problem, the ovarian germ cell tumour hasn't been diagnosed as malignant, or cancerous in other terms. She had gotten radiation treatment, but still had problems with getting a baby. Now that she has one, she has been happy. But because of the aforementioned werewolf-thing, she went to her mother to get some info on this matter.

Now that she knows her husband is a werewolf, she didn't know what to do with this added information. They both lived and worked at the city; she as a university professor, at the Oxford University, and her husband at the military. At the navy.

As her husband was deployed at the time, she had a perfect chance to call her husband. It was between seven and eight in the morning. She fishes her phone out of the pocket and dials her husband's number. After a few seconds of waiting to get the hold of her husband, he answers.

"This is Mike, how may I help you?" her husband answered to the phone.

"Hi, it's me, Sally." she replied back, "Sorry if I called you in the wrong time."

"Sally, it's fine. Despite me still having deployment." Mike spoke back.

"Can... I ask you something?" She asks.

"Yeah, sure." Mike replied back, "Unless it's something more personal, we can talk about it when my deployment ends in a few days."

"Well, ah... are you a werewolf?" She was hesitant.

"Why do you think that I'm a werewolf?" Mike asked in return.

"Because every time there's gonna be the full moon, your stomach always starts acting up." Sally spoke.

"Okay, after my deployment is over when I get there, I will talk about this as I need to go back to work." Mike said with assuring voice.

"Ok." She replied, sighing slightly.

When the call ended, she knew that Mike, her husband, and her childhood sweetheart, was going to be there in time as the child's due date was coming. She just needed to wait for her husband to come from the deployment.

"It's gonna be a mess." She said to her mother.

"Sally, my daughter, hope isn't over yet." Her mother assured, "You know you're more than capable of being a mother."

"But what if I can't?" Sally asked.

"When I was pregnant, waiting you, I had my doubts too." Her mother said calmed, "Your father always told me that I'm going to be a great mother and a great teacher to a young new witch."

"But..." Sally tried to say.

"No. Your husband Mike helps you to deal with a new-born werewolf." She spoke, "They are always a pain in the ass, but at least they're adorable little balls of fluff and cuteness."

"You're right." Sally sighed; a bit more relieved now.

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