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Rated: GC · Chapter · Erotica · #2282490
Kai displays his cheeky and loyal personality as well as his feet
The sun was glaring upon me and Kai. The both of us had successfully made it out to the deep sea without any major complications, save for the few times the boat nearly capsized due to Kai's playfulness. This kid would seriously be the death of me one day. While waiting for the catch, we both discussed his new size, how he felt about it, and all the quirky benefits and downsides to being a giant. Hearing him talk about the benefits made me want to be as big as him, who wouldn't? There'd always be a streak of jealousy within whenever I see my already taller than me younger brother grow bigger and taller. However, he also highlighted the inconveniences he has, things that I'd never think of being that big. His sleep hasn't been the best, his legs constantly dangling off the bed, barely having any room to toss and turn on his bed. He'd always had the habit to do so, however, his constant rolls and turns had always resulted in him rolling off the bed due to his bigger size, thus gradually he'd stopped it.

"Another problem is when I use the toilet, it's hard to aim right in the toilet when you're this tall, and even if I wanted to sit on the toilet, it wouldn't even support my weight! And my huge cock would be touching the walls on the bowl and that's nasty! I can't even pee properly if I were to do so. I just resort to kneeling and aiming my cock into it. Even then, it splashes slightly due to me having more piss. Don't even get me started on wanting to shit."

I'd never really think of it that way. It's always about the benefits but nobody considers the drawbacks. The necessities of life like using the toilet or sleeping on a bed. Makes me appreciate my smaller-than-average height, despite how shitty it is. But hey, at least I have a cool, awesome giant for a younger brother.

It was then a fish bit the bait, and the cranking sound of the reel filled the air as the fish tried to escape. "Finally! Got one!" I exclaimed, reeling in the fish as it struggled against my pulling and reeling.

"Must be a big one! Help me with this Kai!" my drastic call for help as I struggled to reel the fish. He laughed slightly before scooting over, the boat rocking slightly, placing both his hands on mine. His large hands easily covered my own, as he pulled on the rod, while I reeled in the fish.

"Pull!" I exclaimed as I enthusiastically reeled in the fish, while Kai supported the rod. Eventually, we reeled the fish in. It was huge! It was slightly more than 3 feet long! Bringing it on the boat, it continuously flopped about. Kai was annoyed by this. It was already confined enough on the small boat, he didn't need the fish flopping about splashing water everywhere on it. He took off both shoes, his feet now exposed. I was surprised that he wasn't wearing his socks. Must've taken them off at the back of the car while driving. The hot weather had caused his feet to sweat rather tremendously. As they were stuffed into his shoes, they developed a rather rank odour. As the fish continued to flop about, he placed both his feet onto the fish, lightly pressing it. His feet were more than two-thirds the length of the fish! I was captivated by his large feet, how they could subdue and contain the fish, which had stopped flopping about. Teasing him, I said,

"Don't do that! See, the fish already suffocated, probably from how smelly your big feet are!"

"You talking about these bad boys?" Kai replied before shoving one of his feet into my face. The sweat mixed with seawater from the fish was rather repulsive, and I swatted his foot away, which again, caused the boat to rock. Focusing back on the fish, I started to imagine. If Kai were to continue growing, would he reach a size where he could do that to me? I squealed with delight imagining Kai placing his huge feet over me, covering my torso, his toes wiggling over my face. It was then he noticed me staring at his foot. And as though he were reading my mind, he said,

"You know, it just feels so good to be this big. I love the feeling of having the fish underneath my feet, knowing how big I am and how I can easily overpower it. Look --" he released the pressure on the fish, which started flopping. "How easily I can subdue the fish, just by using a fraction of my weight and power." he said as he pushed his feet down onto the fish, which instantly stopped moving. "I love my new size and I just hope I continue growing. It's pretty obvious you're enjoying it too!" Kai said as he wiggled his toes on the fish. I love it when he does that, I put my palm on his instep, then below his foot. I loved feeling how big his feet were compared to myself. Sticking a finger between the fish and his foot, I could feel how much force he was using to step on that fish!

It was then I noticed something. His feet were starting to cover more of the fish. Of all the times his growth came, it had to be now. The tiny boat creaked as more mass began to pour into his already huge body. His long legs spilled further over the sides of the boat, while his massive feet grew bigger and bigger, the poor fish squashed further underneath his vast sole. I was still mesmerized by his growth, seated in between his two colossal thighs as he continued to grow. He straightened his legs, his feet now extending into the water, as he continued to inch further. His biceps grew larger, straining the sleeves of his Hawaiian beach shirt to the maximum. His pecs filled with more mass, and I could see the buttons on his shirt struggling to contain his ever-growing body. His chiseled body grew wider, causing button by button to pop off, shooting into the sea. The shirt became far too narrow to contain his wide pecs, the gap running straight down to his abs, which were also becoming increasingly defined. The eerie groaning of the boat snapped me back to reality as it started to sink, the water level creeping up to the edge of the boat. Some of the wooden supports he was sitting on were also starting to give way as his immense weight was upon them. The boat in itself was already back heavy before his growth. Now, it was even more pronounced. The front of the boat was starting to lift! As the water level eventually reached the edge of the boat and started flowing into the boat, I quickly shouted at him,

"Kai! Get off the boat now! You're too heavy for it!"

Kai, who was also in a trance enjoying his still-growing self, snapped back to reality and obliged, heaving himself off the boat. That caused the boat to severely tilt to that side, causing it to take in even more water. I was in a state of panic, as much of the boat was flooded and the side of the boat was partially crushed by Kai's weight. I called out to Kai to help, as the boat was currently sinking. It was then he went to the side and lifted the boat whilst treading water. I was surprised that he was strong enough to lift the boat. With all our gear and things sloshing about in the boat, I threw whatever I could into the cooler box for the fish and held onto everything else. Kai then helped to pour the water out of the boat and set it back into the water.
I heaved a sigh of relief once the crisis was averted. Kai, now swimming in the water, chuckled deeply about the whole situation. His laugh sent waves all around him, oscillating the boat slightly. Little bro was really growing really big.

"That's enough water sports for the day, what do you say we head back home? We could take your measurements." I asked Kai. As much as it was fun fishing, I wanted to get back to finding out his new size. Measuring his size had become a ritual I liked to do whenever he grew. We both enjoyed it tremendously knowing his new size. However, Kai proposed that we both continue to fish, that way we wouldn't need to worry about finding enough food for dinner. Thinking about the logistical nightmare needed to get ingredients for Kai's dinner, I agreed with him.

Apart from fishing with the rod, I got Kai to dive down to try his luck in catching some fish. There was a fishing spear on the boat as well, which he used quite effectively, catching quite a few fish. In the end, we caught a sizeable number of fish. Packing it into the ice box, I started the engine and was about to go off, before Kai interrupted me.

"What about me? How am I going to go back?" he asked, his huge hand placed onto the boat.

"You're definitely not going on the boat Kai, you're too big for this." I replied, my mind scrambling to find a solution.

He swung his right leg onto the front of the boat, immediately causing it to tilt forward, almost knocking me overboard. "Yeah I know, but don't you love it when I throw my size about, especially how I use it to make you feel small?" he continued, before sliding more of his weight onto the boat, the back dangerously close to lifting up.

"Stop it, Kai. That's enough." I said seriously, which was stern enough to deter Kai off the boat.

"Was just kidding with you bro, don't get all worked up."

"Okay, I thought of something, you latch onto the boat, and I'll drive us back. Oh and do it from the front, I'll reverse back. Don't want your face getting caught in the motor."

Kai then grabbed the front of the boat, while I changed gears to reverse. Throttling it, the boat reached maximum speed, but it was, unfortunately, travelling at a snail's pace.

"I think you're too heavy for the motor Kai... Why don't you try swimming as well while you grab onto the boat, it'll probably help us get back faster."

"Sure, anything to get me out of this water faster, it keeps going into my mouth and eyes and it's too salty." With that, Kai started to kick and pedal his legs, helping to propel the boat towards the pier.

Reaching the pier, I went over to let the boat attendant know about our tiny mishap.

"Of all the boats you decided to damage, it had to be my boat huh? You stupid runt, why did I even let you and that stupid giant rent the boat? You're gonna pay me for the boat!" the attendant, who was a foot taller than I was, stepped towards me and struggled to reach into my pocket to get my wallet. It was scary, my eyes were level with his chest, and him leaning his weight in to grab my wallet made it hard for me to hold up against him. It was then I heard the sound of water cascading, followed by wood breaking as a foot planted itself firmly onto one of the wooden steps where we were at. A huge shadow was cast onto both of us.

"Is there a problem huh?" Kai's voice bellowed, instantly dissolving whatever courage the man had.

"What? Playing mute now? Weren't you talking so big just moments ago? Try taking his wallet, I dare you. Here I am trying to enjoy the time with my big brother, and you just had to ruin it. I already did my best to salvage the boat, if it wasn't for me, it would've sunk already. Just because you think you're big, you think you can bully him huh? I'll show you what's big."

Kai's aggressive demeanor and the tirade of abuse led to the attendant stumbling and falling onto his butt mid-speech, cowering as Kai threatened him. It was then Kai hovered his right foot over his torso and lowered it onto him against his desperate pleas for help. Kai's foot was as long as his torso! He slowly increased the pressure and savoured every moment crushing the life out of him. I pleaded with Kai to just let it go, and he relieved the pressure and lifted his foot off the man, just before any damage was done. He was choking and gasping for air. Then, Kai grabbed the man, threw him onto the boat, and put one foot into the boat.

"You're lucky my brother doesn't want to pursue this, consider it a miracle that you get to see the next sunrise."

With that, Kai started to put more of his weight onto the boat, slowly but surely sinking underneath his massive weight. The attendant cried for dear life for Kai to stop. Then, as it started to sink, Kai lifted his foot and slammed it down into the boat, puncturing a hole through it and sinking it entirely. The poor attendant struggled to stay afloat in the water. Despite his ill-treatment earlier, I still looked at him with sympathy, only to be met with Kai signaling me to forget about him and go. I shook my head and went to the things I left at the attendant's shop. Climbing up the stairs, his feet crushed the wooden stairs, a testament to his new weight.

Kai helped me with our gear. Apart from the ice box and fishing gear, I also managed to salvage Kai's AF1s from the boat. Although his feet might be too big for them now, any clothing of Kai was still a treasure which I could use to compare to. Heading back to the car, there was a tense atmosphere. It was mostly silent, save for Kai's bare feet slamming onto the wooden planks, some of which even broke as they were unable to support his huge mass. Reaching the car, his new size was absolutely massive. Despite what just happened, my cock couldn't help but spring up seeing how the car barely reached his stomach. I could also see that likewise, Kai was also equally excited by this. I opened the back doors for him, also finding out that his socks were on the bottom of the seat. Picking them up, I gave them a sniff, before putting them in his AF1 and putting that and the fishing equipment in the back. His socks still didn't stink, as they were in the car the whole time. It had a slightly funky smell that was from Kai's feet that I have grown accustomed to. Kai squatted down and tried to squeeze in. He put his hands through and out the car door on the other side, his hands on the floor as he hoisted and curled his body inside. This time, he gently lowered his mass onto the vehicle. I could hear the suspension of the car groaning in agony as they were being tested to their limits. I could literally see the car going lower and lower as more of his mass was placed onto the car. Eventually, he contorted his body such that his torso and head were curled up tightly within the back row seats, while his legs came through the middle where the armrests were and his feet were occupying the passenger seat. Despite having pumped the tyres recently, much of it was still flattened out against the ground trying to support Kai's ungodly weight. The car was mere inches away from the ground. I started the drive back home.

Along the way, I had some confused looks from other drivers while waiting at the red light. It was quite a squeezy ride. His knees were at my arms, while his arms occasionally draped over my driver's seat. Occasionally I'd glance over to the passenger seat to look at how much space his feet were taking up. God did I love Kai's feet. The car had much trouble accommodating the increased load from Kai's growth. Every time I moved off from the red light, I'd get blasted by horns, as the car took extra labored efforts to climb in speed, the engine overworking to pull Kai's weight along. I also dropped by the mall to get a drink for the both of us as well as 2 more weighing scales, for his size measuring later.

Eventually, we reached back home. Opening the door, Kai literally spilled out of the car. I didn't expect the door to fly open, knocking me over as he had somehow manged to position his feet against the door while I was opening it. Standing to his full height, I was now staring at his upper thighs! I was that short! I told Kai to wait for me to measure him, as he'd be too tall for the ceilings inside. Grabbing all the fishing gear, I headed in to grab the measuring tools as well as a step ladder. Heading out, I see Kai fiddling with his old AF1s. Creeping up behind him, I realized that I was short enough now to walk between his legs! As he looked at the shoes, I walked between him, and popped out, surprising him.

"Scared me there bro, can't believe I'm tall enough for you to walk between my legs!" he chuckled before grabbing the scales from me and placing them in front of himself. I motioned Kai to get on. As he stood on them, creaks emanated from the scales, struggling to measure his weight. Adding them up, his new weight was now 1214 pounds, slightly over 300 pounds of weight gained!

"Oh I'm loving every bit of this, tell me more bro!" Kai beckoned.

Then came his height. Placing the measure beneath his large stompers, I climbed the ladder to reach his head. He grew to 9 feet 11 and a half inches tall!

"I'm loving this new size bro, let's head in and start cooking dinner, I'm starving! We can talk more about this over dinner!"

With that, Kai walked towards the door, which was significantly shorter and narrower compared to him. Getting down on all fours, he twisted his body sideways and inched in. His pecs, being so big, pushed against the doorway as he was entering, groaning as he squeezed them through. He then laid on the couch, his legs extending far beyond the armrest on the other end, so much so that his calf and feet were resting on the sofa beyond the sofa. As he lay across the couch, it struggling to support his weight, I went ahead to prepare the dozens of fish we caught for our dinner. Occasionally, I sneaked glances at him as he watched the television. That goofy giant, I'm really thankful for him. I'd do anything in the world for him.
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