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Clark Kent upset with Lois risking her life and not telling him about spanks Lois Lane |
Superman Lois Lane Fanfiction Clark Kent spanks Lois Lane in front of Jimmy Olson Clark Kent is sitting at his news desk contemplating where his life is going. He has a girlfriend in Lois Lane but he feels he is missing something. They have a good relationship even though he has to be very careful of her and use utmost control at all times. Unlike with Diana or Big Barda or a hundred other women who can handle his strength. Clark thinks to himself ( Why am I thinking about this now, what triggered these thoughts. Is it because of Batman and his paranoia that I need to be with Lois to stay connected to humanity, which is a load of crock as that same thing would then be true of all the super powered heroes. But he only directs it at me, or his thoughts that if she dies I will go insane and turn into a dictator that will murder all who oppose me. I already know I am going to outlive her by centuries at least. I am well prepared for her death and with the trouble she gets into I expect it sooner rather then later. Do people really think that I am that weak willed. I need to talk to some of the other League members.) Clark ends his introspection and gets uo from his desk to fly to Justice League Headquarters "Hey Clark" Jimmy Olson calls to Clark as he gets ready to leave. "Hi Jimmy" Clark responds "How are you doing." "I would be doing but Lois is busting my balls, man!" Jimmy exclaims "Oh what is she up to now?" Clark asks "She is pissed at me for not getting her better photo shots when she jumped out of the helicopter today to try to interview the villains Wonder Woman was fighting!" Jimmy exclaims in anger "She did what?" Clark yells in anger "Oh she hasn't told you?" Jimmy asks warily "No, no she hasn't." Clark says gritting his teeth "I'm sorry man, I shouldn't have said anything." Jimmy says backing away "No you did right by telling me. I just need to talk to a certain female reporter and superheroine." Clark says trying to control his anger "Where is Lois right now?" Clark asks "Umm, she is in her office." Jimmy mumbles not sure he should have mentioned it "Come with me." Clark tells Jimmy They walk over to Lois's office and when they arrive Clark tells Jimmy to wait here for about 15 minutes before coming in "Wait here Jimmy but come in after 15 to 20 minutes." Clark tells Jimmy "Ok will do" Jimmy says Clark barges into Lois's office to confront her and stops inside the doorway watching Lois work. She looks up in surprise at his entrance and says. "Well come in Clark and close the door." Lois says Clark moves into the room and closes the door behind him and greets his girlfriend with a peck on the lips. Clark decides "So Lois anything interesting happen today?" Clark asks Lois "No, nothing interesting." Lois says quickly "So a wasted helicopter trip?" Clark asks "Well I did get a nice front page story." Lois admits "I just have to finish writing it up." "I wish there were some good pictures of it but Jimmy didn't get the best shots this time." "Oh that isn't like Jimmy." Clark says "Maybe he was distracted?" Clark offers "Well that is no excuse." Lois snaps "Oh" Clark says quietly "I think worried about a very good friend is a damn good reason." "Oh he told you." Lois says quietly "Yes he did." Clark confirms and he walks over and sits in Lois's chair and he beckons Lois over to him with his hand. Lois approachs him. "Lois you know you need to take more care when getting a story, there won't always be someone there to save you." Clark lectures Lois. He then grabs her wrist and pulls her over his lap. Lois is wearing a purple blouse and skirt and purple 3 inch pumps. "I told you the last time something like this happened that I would spank you and that it didn't matter where we were at either. So prepare for a spanking." Clark tells Lois. He proceeds to spank Lois's bottom and she starts to kick and flail around. Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack "Ooooowwwwww" Lois cries out trying to stay quiet do no one hears Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Clark pauses the spanking kust long enough to take Lois's skirt off and proceeds to start the spanking again. Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack "Ooooowwwwww oooohhhhh, please stop." Lois cries "oooohhhhh" Lois moans. Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Clark pauses the spanking again and pulls Lois's panties down to her knees and turns them inside out and gets ready to start spanking Lois again when her office door opens and Jimmy steps in and stops bold with his mouth wide open in shock. "Jimmy! No! Get Out!!" Lois screams "No Jimmy." Clark interrupts "have a seat and enjoy the show." With that Clark proceeds to spank Lois more and harder. Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack "Ooooowwwwww oooohhhhh, oh God oh God please please stop Clark." Lois cries and begs but Clark keeps spanking her. Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack "OOWWWWW AAARRGGGH" Lois cries and kicks her legs as hard as she can not caring that Jimmy is getting a birds eye view of all her charms. Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack "OOOOOWWWW! Please please please stop please, I'm sorry!" Lois screams and begs tears streaming down her face and she just goes limp over Clarks lap Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Clark brings the spanking to a close and allows Lois to cry over his lap for a few minutes and rubs her bottom. "Ok Lois I want you to stand up put your hands on your head and no rubbing and j want you to walk over to Jimmy and apologize to him for your behavior and insults you leveled at him" Clark tells Lois *Sniffle, Sniffle* "Yes Sir" Lois answers Clark, and even though she is embarrassed and humiliated Lois does as Clark has ordered. Lois walks to Jimmy with her hands on her head and she can see that he is staring at her pussy which is shaved bare. Lois stops in front of Jimmy and stands still with her hands on top of her head. "Jimmy I am sorry for insulting you and making you worry about me earlier today." Lois says in a rush blushing as he looks her over "You know Lois you really scared me today when you jumped out of the helicopter and then you got mad at me for worrying about you" Jimmy lectures Lois "So as punishment I am going to deal you some embarrassment." Jimmy tells Lois. "Wwhat do you mean?" Lois stammers "I mean that you deserve to be humiliated." Jimmy says. "Now I want you to spread your legs wide." Jimmy orders Lois Lois stares at Jimmy in shock and considers not obeying when Clark orders her to do AZ he says. "Lois do exactly as he says." Clark orders *Eep* "Yes Sir" Lois mumbles in embarrassment and spreads her legs wide as Jimmy had ordered. Jimmy stares at Lois's pussy lips noting how bare and smooth "Very nice Lois do you keep your pussy shaved for Clark? Jimmy asks Lois Lois blushing red "Umm no I started shaving in college and just kept doing it." Lois answers not going into details on why she shaved in college. Clark smiles because he knows why she started to shaving in college. "Turn around spread your legs and bend over." Jimmy orders Lois "Yes Sir" Lois says with a sigh and submissively turns as ordered and spreads her legs and bends over and is horrified that he is going to be able to see everything, a clear view of her anus and vagina. After Lois bends over Jimmy starts to reach out to touch her red ass but pulls his hand back. Clark laughs and tells him to go ahead. "Jimmy go ahead and feel that ass. It should still be very hot, hahaha." Clark laughs and Lois blushs at his giving Jimmy permission to touch and his laughter. Jimmy elated to have Clark's permission immediately raises his hands to Lois's ass snd starts feeling all over and rubbing his fingers over her anus and pussy lips. Jimmy spends several minutes feeling her all over and reluctantly stops and smacking her on the ass tells her to get in the corner. "Lois stand up keep your hands on your head and go stand in the corner. You will stay there until I or Clark tell you to come out. If anyone comes in the office you will stay as you are." Jimmy orders "Yes Sir" Lois says hoping nobody comes in to her office until she is dressed again. Lois goes toward the corner by her desk. "No not that one Lois" Clark tells her, "I want you in the one by your door." "Yes Sir" Lois says and heads to that corner humiliated to have to stand in the corner by the door into her office. If anyone opens the door they will see her. Jimmy and Clark talk for a while as Lois stands in the corner and there is a knock on her office door. Lois stiffens up hoping that they don't answer the door. "Come in" Clark calls out and Lois dejectedly slumps in the corner knowing he wasn't done humiliating her. Lois's office door opens and her younger sister Lucy comes in and bursts out laughing when she sees her sister's red bottom standing in the corner. "Well well well what do we have here?" Lucy mocks Lois "Getting a little comeuppance Lois dear?" Her sister continues on. "Hi Lucy." Clark says "Did you need Lois for something?" He asks her "I was going to ask if she was free for lunch but it looks like she isn't, hehehe." Lucy giggles "Well she can go to lunch with you in a few I have to go find someone and ask them some questions." Clark says. "Jimmy are you done humiliating Lois?" Clark asks Jimmy "Yeah I think she has had enough for now" Jimmy answers as he studies Lois "Ok why don't you two join me and Lois for dinner tonight, Lois will cook." Clark tells them "Sure that sounds great" Jimmy answers "Good, oh and Lois after you get home from lunch with your sister you will strip naked and stay that way, I expect you to cook naked and answer the door naked." Clark orders her "Do you understand me?" Clark asks "Yes Sir." Lois answers "Lucy, Jimmy feel free to arrive early if you want to watch her." Clark says cheerfully to Lois's humiliation. He goes over to Lois and turns her around and grabs her ass and squeezes as he kisses her. "I will see you tonight babe." Clark says as he turns her to put her back in the corner with a Smack on the ass. *Smack* "Now stay in this corner until Jimmy releases you." Clark orders and heads out the door. Lois is feeling very humiliated but she has no intention of disobeying his order. She doesn't want another spanking. |