Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2282290-ABEL-BOOKWORM
Rated: E · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #2282290
A worm had an adventure. {4156 words}
Abel was a small worm who enjoyed reading books. He often spent hours in the castle library. Sometimes he would imagine himself in the story he was reading. At night when Abel went to sleep, he would dream of all the places he had read about. Abel found himself in a large room that had a desk and chair, maybe an office of some kind. On the chair he saw a red jacket, he wondered what might be in the pocket, so he crawled up the chair leg, up the jacket sleeve and into the pocket just in time for the jacket to be lifted up from the chair. Abel was so surprised by this that he crawled downward into the corner. He had no idea what was going on or where he was going but it was nice to get out of the castle. He had read about the great outdoors but had never been brave enough to go on his own for fear of someone stepping on him or maybe becoming a bird’s lunch.

As time went by Abel began to wish he had not been so curious about the jacket. He was tired and getting hungry, he would give anything for a juicy red apple. All of a sudden, he heard a big bang, clang, clang, and a whistle blow, he then knew he was on a train but, where was he going? He just sat there in the corner of the pocket and hoped he would soon get back to the castle. It was much easier to read about adventures from books, but he decided he would sit back and see what it was like to go on an adventure outside of the castle. Even though the pocket was dark, Abel was comfortable and soon he fell asleep. He awoke with a startle for something had touched him. He stared into the darkness to see if he could tell what it was. He forgot for a moment that he was in a pocket and thought something had invaded his home.

When he realized where he was, he tried to poke his head out of the pocket only to be pushed down by a large round object. Abel knew right away it was an apple and without hesitation he began to eat, he was a worm after all and apples were his favorite food. He no longer cared where he was or if he would ever get back home, he was too busy eating the juicy red apple. He soon became full and fell asleep again. The next time he poked his head out of the pocket and to his surprise the jacket was once again hanging on the chair arm, he was home. He was glad the adventure was over but, he had enjoyed himself and the apple was yummy. All in all Abel had a pretty good day. He slowly made his way to the bookshelf and crawled until he reached the top shelf where there was a small hole in the wall which was Abel’s home. He fell fast asleep.

When the bell rang the next morning Abel jumped with a startle. He came out of the hole and looked at the chair to see if the red jacket was still there, it wasn't. Had he dreamed it? Was he ever on a train? No matter real or dream it had been an exciting adventure and with that thought Abel went back inside and went back to sleep and didn't wake until after dark. He made his way down the bookshelf and headed to the kitchen in search of something to eat. After supper he went back to the library to find another book and a new adventure.

Abel was a very curious worm he spent most of his days exploring the castle. He would crawl into a hole in the kitchen wall downstairs and come out of a hole in a bedroom upstairs. He liked exploring the castle because you never know where the next adventure would be. On one such occasion he went into a hole in the staircase and found himself in a maze. He went this way and that way but, couldn't seem to find another hole to crawl out of. As he was looking around, he finally saw a light shining in the distance. He crawled towards it and found himself in a dark, damp dungeon He wiggled his way out of the hole and crawled across cold concrete floor.

He had never seen this place before and was just a bit scared. He looked around and saw a tall shelf full of books. He was curious as to why these books were down here and not in the library upstairs. As he climbed the shelf he stopped now and then to see if any of the books had a hole, he could crawl through to see what adventure was inside. He spotted a book titled “My Little Garden” and crawled into a hole in the binding. Once inside Abel wiggled and squirmed until the book fell from the shelf and landed on the floor and flew open. This was how Abel read all his books. He often wondered if the librarian were ever curious why all the books were on the floor and opened. He could not put them back, after all he was only a worm.

The book fell open to a page with a garden scene and as Abel began to read, he became drowsy and fell asleep on the book page. As Abel walked through the garden, he saw flowers and butterflies. He heard birds singing and watched as frogs jumped from lily pads into the pond. Abel was very careful not to let the birds see him for he was their favorite food. As he made his way across the grass, he saw a large butterfly with yellow wings. It was just sitting there beneath a rose bush. Abel said hello and the butterfly flapped her wings. “Don’t go.” said Abel. “I just wanted to talk to you.” “I’m sorry,” the butterfly you gave me a startle.” As they sat there and talked, they became fast friends. The butterfly whose name was Sarah, let Abel crawl onto her wings and they both went flying into the sky. As they flew Abel could see everything in the garden.

He saw the pond, flowers, and bushes. As he flew on Sarah’s wings, he thought of himself as a brave knight upon his steed in search of a damsel in distress to rescue. Soon Sarah and Abel became weary and flew back to the rose bush where they had met. Abel thanked Sarah for such a wonderful adventure and then he woke up. It was dark and he crawled down from the shelf and found a hole and went in and came out in the upstairs library, right where he needed to be to go to the kitchen, for a knight needs to eat after such a dangerous adventure.

Abel awoke all refreshed from his adventure last night, even if it had only been a dream. He thought to himself, I have been on a train, I got lost in a dungeon, visited a beautiful garden, and rode on a butterfly's wings what shall I do next? After breakfast he crawled across the floor till he came to a large black piano. Abel knew the piano had several holes he could explore and maybe find another adventure, after all that was what he liked to do most of all. He climbed the leg and sure enough there was a hole and in he went. As he crawled along, he could hear a rustling sound above him.

He poked his head out of another hole and found himself in the attic. Abel knew what an attic was from reading books. He looked around to see if he could find out what had made the rustling sound but saw nothing. As he began to explore, he saw a huge pile of straw on the floor and made his way over to it. He saw a hole in the straw and went through it. Once inside he saw three large round objects just lying there. Abel thought they looked like bird eggs. He backed up to leave, but at that moment the mother bird had returned to the nest.

She did not see Abel but sat right down on him and the eggs. He became very quiet and did not move one inch. Maybe she will leave soon, and he could get away. As he lay there, he heard a cracking sound, he looked around to see one of the eggs opening up. Oh, no he thought the babies are hatching and I could be their first breakfast. He slid down deeper in the nest and found a piece of mud that he could hide in. There he hid for what seemed like forever. Soon the three eggs had cracked open and were chirping so loud. "We're hungry, feed us, feed us."

With that the mama bird flew from the nest in search of a meal for her babies. Abel poked his head from the mud ball and began to slowly and quietly crawl out across the straw until he got to the hole, he came in. He looked back to see what the babies were doing and saw that mama had returned with their food and as he crawled through the hole, he was so glad that he hadn't been their first breakfast after all. Now he knew what was in the attic and made no plans to return there anytime soon.

Going on adventures can be dangerous, tiring and leave you very hungry so off to the kitchen Abel went. He made his way to the counter where the fruit bowl was kept. It was often full of apples, oranges and bananas. Now Abel really liked apples because he could easily find a hole and crawl right through to the juicy inside. He thought he might like to try another fruit but could never find a place to get inside until today. On the counter in a small plate lay an apple, a banana and an orange all sliced up. Yummy thought Abel, maybe I can finally eat something different. He watched very carefully to make sure no one was coming as he climbed onto the plate. It sure did smell good.

Abel came to an orange slice first; he took a small bite it was very tasty and something he had not tasted before. He then moved over to the banana and was just about to take a bite when the plate began to rise above the counter and Abel looked up and saw a hand on the plate and he and the plate moved across the kitchen floor and into the dining room. Abel hid behind the largest piece of apple he could find and found a hole to go into. As the hand sat the plate on a table Abel poked his head out and saw all kinds of food on a long table. He knew this was a dining table and he must be right in the middle of dinnertime. Just as he was about to panic, he looked down the table and saw what appeared to be a small brown mouse with a pouch slung over his shoulder.

As the mouse grew near, Abel said, "Please don't eat me." "Why would I want to eat a skinny thing like you when I have all this beautiful cheese." replied to the mouse. "Well then could you please help me off this table?" asked Abel. "Sure, just hope in my cheese bag and I'll get you down right away." answered the mouse. So, Abel climbed in the pouch and the mouse ran and scrambled down the table leg. When he was on the floor, he opened the pouch and let Abel out. "Thank you so much." he said as he scurried off to his little hole at the top of the bookshelf and there, he stayed for two days without even poking his head out even when the bell rang.

After such a fright Abel though maybe, he would stay on the bookshelf this morning and maybe could find a quiet little book to explore. It had been a while since he read anything that didn't involve danger, of course he always managed to escape. Now Abel was a well-educated bookworm, he had been reading books since the age of three and he was now well over one hundred years old. He had read so many books that sometimes he read the someone twice, but each time he read it there was a different adventure. He crawled along the row of books and found one titled, "Barnyard Pond." He poked his head inside and saw a small house, a barn and an apple tree.

This looks like my kind of story he said to himself. He went inside and began to wander about. He came upon a grasshopper who was just lying there on the ground. "Are you okay?" Abel asked. The grasshopper opened one eye and asked, "Are they gone yet?" "Who?" replied Abel. The grasshopper slowly stood up and looked around. He dusted himself off and began to hop away. "I wouldn't stand to close to the pond unless you want to be eaten by the jumping fish." he said as he hurried along the path. Abel turned to see where he had been pointing to and over his head, he saw a yellow fish flying out of the pond.

He stood there frozen as the fish flip flopped on the ground and then flew back into the pond. One of Abel's nightmares was that he would be eaten by a fish, of course that went for birds also. He slowly crawled down the path and came to a vegetable garden. He found a little carrot and began to eat, as he took his first bite, he heard someone say, "That's my carrot." "Excuse me, said Abel, "I did not know anyone else was here." Then the voice said. "Well, I may be small, but I am here, and this is my carrot." "My name is Congo, and I am the leader of a great ant colony." "Who are you and why have you come into my garden?" "I am Abel Bookworm; Adventurer and I live in the castle." Abel replied. "I often crawl inside books to find an adventure or two." "Well, there are no adventures here and I must get this carrot back to my home so I can feed my 300 kids." said the ant. "I suggest you return home also before the bats began to fly." and with that he scurried along carrot and all. Abel though he was awful strong for such a small creature.

Abel turned to go through the hole and that's when he saw it. The biggest bat he could ever had imagined. He hid underneath a small rock by the pond. Between the bat and the jumping fish, he did not know how he was going to get out of this. Just then from up above he heard the flutter of wings. He looked up and saw a green insect flying toward him. "Better hop on, "said the grasshopper before you become a bat snack or fish kabob." " Thank you, sir grasshopper, said Abel, I am glad to see you again." with that Abel crawled on the grasshopper and away they flew until they reached the hole where Abel had entered. "Goodbye my friend and thank you." said Abel, but the grasshopper was already in the air.

When Abel woke up the next morning, he remembered that his one hundred and sixth birthday was coming up in two days. He didn't realize it was that time of year already. He usually stayed at home on his birthday and had applesauce and apple cider, then take his journal out and fondly recall all the adventures he had been on. There had been thousands of books and just as many adventures. He had certainly had an exciting life. Abel sat there and thought about all the close calls he had in his many adventures and realized it might be time at one hundred six to give up all this book reading and find a more unexciting pastime. He sat there for a long time and flipped through his journal. He came across one entry he had written on his last birthday. It was the adventure of when he went to China and met a Princess who wanted him to stay and tell her of all his travels and adventures. He of course had declined and said goodbye to the Princess.

In the past year he had often thought about taking the Princess up on her offer but never followed through. The adventure to China had happened when the king of the castle went on a visit there and Abel had gotten in his luggage and gone along. He had really met the Princess and they became close friends. He hoped someday soon he might return. Abel got up from his chair and put the journal on the little table, he stuck his head out of the hole and took a look around. Was he ready to give up his books and all the wondrous adventures? Maybe, he was tired and getting older. Well, he had two days to decide what to do. Maybe he would go back to China, but how would he get there? Too many questions to answer on this glorious morning. Abel decided to go for a walk around the castle, it could be the last time he saw it if he decided to leave.

As Abe went from room to room, he found himself in the kitchen, his favorite room. He crawled up on top of the counter and looked around for some more sliced fruit. All he found was a letter addressed to the king. As he read along, he realized it was from the Princess of China. She was asking the king when he was coming for another visit. This might be the chance Abel was waiting for, a chance to go to China to see the Princess. Maybe he would even stay this time and entertain the Princess with his stories. Abel saw the suitcase open and the tickets on the bed. He knew he must hurry home and pack his traveling bag and get in the suitcase before the king left for the airport. In his bag he placed his journal, writing pens, his hat with the feather in it and four pairs of pants, six shirts and his coat. Abel never had much, he found everything in his house from around the castle so it would be easy to leave it all behind. Of course, he would miss his home and the castle.

At one hundred and six it was time to retire from all the adventures. He would enjoy doing something different. After saying goodbye to his home and the books that had been his life, he hurried to the bedroom and crawled in the suitcase deep in the corner where he could not be seen. Just at that moment the suitcase was closed and taken downstairs. He could not see where he was going, but he knew the next time the suitcase was opened he would be in China and in the Princess's castle. With that thought Abel took a bite of his apple slice and fell fast asleep.

When Abel woke up, he couldn't tell if it was day or night. He reached in his travel bag and took out his pocket watch. He opened the cover and saw that it was seven p.m., and his birthday was one day away. How wonderful that he could spend his one hundred and sixth birthday in China with the Princess. Just then he felt the suitcase being picked up and he found a small hole in the handle and peeked out. There before him was a huge castle, he was finally here. He was so excited to see his friend the Princess. Abel was very quiet when the suitcase was sat down and opened. He would be glad when he got out so he could stretch. When he was sure there was no one in the room he climbed out and headed underneath the bed to the small hole that was hidden by the bedpost. He went inside and found that it was just as he left it. It had been his home when he was there before. He unpacked his travel bag and then headed down the long narrow hallway that led to the bedroom of the Princess. He hoped she was glad to see him.

She was the only human he had ever allowed to see him. He could hear voices as he neared the hole at the end of the hall. He peeked out and there she was, she had not changed a bit. He made sure she was alone before he went out the hole and crawled across the room to the chair where she was sitting. He crawled up the arm and came to rest right beside the Princess. "Oh, Abel you came, I am so happy to see you again." she said. "I am glad to be here." Abel replied. "We shall have a wonderful time and I can't wait to hear of all your adventures." she said. With that the Princess picked Abel up and placed him in her pocket and they both went down to the kitchen where she fixed him a fruit plate. They sat together talking for a long time. Soon Abel grew tired and excused himself and went to his little hole and fell fast asleep.

Abel awoke the next morning. popped his head out of the hole and there on a plate was sliced fruit and a note. The note said that the Princess would be with the king almost all day, but maybe they could have supper together. This was fine with Abel because he really wanted to explore the castle. He finished breakfast and off he went. He remembered where most of the holes were, so he had no problem finding his way around. He found the library and there he found a huge bookshelf that was full of books. It was all he could do not to run over there and climb upon top. He was after all here to see the Princess and not go on anymore adventures. He stayed in the library for a while and then he remembered it was his birthday. He decided that ma more adventure would be a great gift for himself. Up the bookshelf he went and when he got to the top, he began to read the titles of the books. Maybe a safe adventure, no danger. He came upon a book titled "Children's Poetry." That sounded safe enough, so he found a hole and went in. He came out on a page with a small poem written on it. He read through each line and shook his, that was funny he though. He crawled on to the next and the next page.

He saw a drawing of a frog on the third page. He watched as the frog jumped onto a lily pad. He knew where there was a pond there were fish. He was very careful as he moved towards the frog. He could hear the frog singing. "I'm a hap-hap-happy frog, I lived by a big oak log, I swim and jump all day, and no one can catch me, hey, hey, hey." "What a lovely song Mr. Frog." Abel said, " I can see you are happy and having fun." "Are there any fish in this pond?" Abel asked." "No this is a frog pond and my family, and I are the only ones who live here." the frog replied. Abel lay in the grass by the pond and he and the frog talked for hours. "Well Mr. Frog I must go now, I am having supper with the Princess," said Abel. "Goodbye now." frog said and hopped onto a huge lily pad and disappeared.

That night Abel told the Princess of his new adventure. They laughed and talked until they both grew tired and went to bed. Abel lay in his bed that night and thought, this could be my biggest adventure after all, living in this castle. Abel and the Princess spent every day together and she even gave him a new title, Sir Abel, and he liked that very much. Abel was happy he had someone to talk to and tell of his travels and adventures. He was sure he would have many more adventures in his new home.

MOONBEAM 2022{{/size}
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