Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2282011-Today
Rated: E · Prose · Drama · #2282011
I am tired of trying I am

Today I feel defeated,hurt, angry and misunderstood
Today in this moment right here I feel like giving up
Today was another long day
A day that I will want to forget
More trauma and pain on top of pain
Yes it seems like all I do is complain
It seems like I am not quite sane
None of this is so I am in pain
However you don’t care you refuse to see me
You refuse to care or truly comfort me
You smile in my face only to slam me behind my back
I see you, I hear you so don’t bother to deny what I know is right
Today I want to scream
Today I want to make you feel my pain ,tear you a part
However you aren’t worth the time it would take
You are so fake
At least you see the true me not like you a fake pain in the A
So self-righteous and so glad you’re not me
However if the right thing happens and you are me

"You're not better than me." I just wear all my pain on my sleeve for all to see
You just hide yours a little better than me but your no different than me
I am happy with Jesus well most of the time I guess
However I don’t live in a world with Jesus Christ
I live in a world with the anti-Christ
I have to draw on the Jesus from within and it’s buried you see under so much stuff
I love and know him you see however that still doesn’t mean I can escape my reality
I love to escape,to be free from me ,from you
I need protection from the world that means you
Because you proven that you will hurt me
You have proven that you will lie
You have proven that I don’t matter in the least
That is my reality you see
Lord help me today because I feel lost, I am lost please set me free
Please sit me free from me first than everyone else I plead.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2282011-Today