Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2281292-AGE-DOES-NOT-MATTER
Rated: E · Short Story · Emotional · #2281292
This happens more than we know, {427 words.}
My name is Mary Josephine Moses; I am seventy years young. My beautiful auburn hair is now a snowy white, my blue eyes have faded. I used to be a dancer in the ballet and would travel the world performing for kings and queens. I married a prince and lived in a castle. I always regretted I never had children but, my life was a happy one. The prince and I would have wonderful parties and entertain diplomats and presidents. I wanted for nothing I had a closet full of beautiful gowns and I went to operas.

When my husband passed, I was devastated, and my family thought it best I be placed in a sanitarium where I could be taken care of. The first few years went by rather fast, and I began to accept my situation. My family was gone now and there was no one left for me to live with. So, I lived for three more years at the sanitarium. The sanitarium was closed down and I was shuffled to a homeless shelter, I was sixty-eight by then,

In the shelter I became known as Mary the bag lady. Every day I took my shopping cart and made the rounds to the stores, restaurants and dumpsters that lined the town square. You would be surprised what people throw away. Once I found a good coat that got me through a very cold winter. My little room at the shelter only held so much stuff, so I would give most things to others. I found a stray cat once and snuck him into my room, his name was Prince. He became a good companion we went everywhere together. Prince would ride in the cart on top of all my daily findings. I am now seventy and I still walk the streets each day looking for more treasures.

My closet has one good dress that I save for special occasions. I still go to the opera and stand outside listening to the beautiful music. My parties are when Prince and I find an apple pie sitting on a window that has a note saying enjoy Mary. My Prince and I will grow old together and dream of yesterdays and pray for tomorrows.

If you should pass me on the street just remember you don't know my story or how I came to be here. I would like a smile or a simple hello as you pass me by. So please don't judge me until you have walked in my shoes even if they have holes.
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