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My screenplay about an elderly war veteran that's being mistreated by his son-in-law. |
Andrew MacLeod 15 TANK DRIVER FIRST DRAFT TANK DRIVER FIRST DRAFT ANDREW MACLEOD INT. COLLINS HOUSE – DAY COLLIN is sitting inside his house at the dinner table reading the paper. The décor of the house doesn't seem to have changed much from the 1950's. There are few old war pictures on the walls with World War Two veterans posing beside tanks and a couple of wedding photo's of Collin as a young man and his wife. Collin has snowy grey hair combed back from the scalp. Blue eyes and red faced complexion. He is dressed tidily, in grey flannel trousers and tweed shirt. As he is reading the telephone rings. He picks up the receiver. The caller is his daughter JANET. Her voice can be heard from the mouth piece. JANET (on phone) Hi Dad its Janet. COLLIN Oh Jan, alright luv? JANET Actually good Dad. Dave is out today. He's home now. COLLIN I'll be interested to know how long for this time. JANET Don't be like that please. He's out that's what matters. COLLIN Well he better be straight into a job. No faffing about. JANET Don't worry he's off to the job centre next week. Anyway the reason I'm ringing is to see if you wanted to have a dinner this evening. Its been ages since the boys have seen you. COLLIN Well I suppose I could pop round for an hour. I have a meeting with the chaps tonight at the club. JANET Only an hour with your family? Surely you can miss one night with your old war mates. All you do is talk about how it was in the war... COLLIN You should be more grateful... JANET I know, I know I have heard it all before Dad. Just come round about six ok? COLLIN Yes alright. INT. JANET'S FLAT – DAY Two young boys ROBBIE and FRED are sitting in front of a TV in there parents flat playing video games. The flat is in a council estate. Its generally messy with toys and clothes strewn around. There father DAVE is sprawled on the couch watching the two boys play while smoking a cigarette. Dave is mid 30's, heavy and thick set. He has pale blotchy skin and thinning blonde hair with blue eyes. He has tattoo's on his arms. There is an open can of beer beside him on the coffee table. He encourages one of the boys in a cockney accent. DAVE That's it Robbie stick it to him son. The boys ignore Dave, absorbed in the game. There's a noise of clattering dishes and JANET appears in the lounge hurriedly drying a plate with a tea towel. Janet is in her early forties, slim and of medium height. She has brown eyes and hair and lined skin of a heavy smoker. She has a worried frown on her face. JANET Dave get rid of that lager. Dad will be here soon. Dave doesn't move a muscle as he replies. DAVE What's that grumpy old geezer want? To lecture me again? JANET I invited him around to have dinner with us and I want you to be nice to him. DAVE Why? He never does anything for us. When I went to prison he could have bailed me out! But did he? No! JANET Well you could hardly expect him to! Anyway he's never liked you. DAVE Yeah well at least he could have moved out of that massive old house. Let you and the boy's live there. Even now he could. Its not like he's getting any younger! Janet resigned heads back into the small kitchen with the plate. JANET He'll never move out. I asked him when my Mum died. He told me he would be cold in the ground before we got the house. DAVE Tight old bastard, making us wait until he keels over! JANET Don't talk about my father like that. DAVE Well I don't want to live in this dog box forever! Before Janet can reply there is a knock at the door. Janet answers to find Collin on the landing. She lets him inside. Collin greets the two boys who barely glance up from there video game. COLLIN Hello boys. He sits down beside Dave who grunts acknowledgement at him. DAVE Alright Granddad. COLLIN (evenly) Very well thank you David. I see prison hasn't toughened you up any. Dave ignores Collin. Janet attempts to make conversation. JANET Well it was only a few months. Dave thinks he might get a job with the council. Collin looks sharply at Janet when she mentions the word council. COLLIN Don't mention the bloody council to me. JANET Why? COLLIN I walked out to get the papers this morning and what did I find but one of those snivelling parking wardens ticketing my motor. JANET Oh Dad how much? COLLIN Fifty pounds. But I mean to complain. DAVE Your wasting your time Granddad. They won't lift a finger. Janet puts down the plate and tea towel to kneel in front of Collin. JANET Oh Dad having that old car is costing you a fortune! COLLIN Well its not the cars fault. Its these cut-throat parking people. I never used to get tickets! JANET Dad perhaps its time to slow down and take a break. Sell the car and perhaps move into a nice rest home. COLLIN NO! I didn't work all my life and fight the Jap's in the Pacific just to be shuffled off to an asylum! DAVE Ah here we go, the great invasion! You only joined up at the very end. Dodging bottle caps and hoola girls on the beach was the only action you saw! Eh Pops. Collin in getting in a rage shouts down at Dave. COLLIN Well I spent time in a POW camp in the war, and I thought you of all people could appreciate what its like to be locked up. At least being a soldier is far more honourable than robbing a few filthy little off licenses! DAVE Look old man the sensible thing to do for everyone, is move out into an old folks home before you end up to your neck in parking fines. We'll look after the house. Dave finishes reasonably. Collin outraged stands up glowering down at Dave. COLLIN That's what this is really about! You just want my house! I'll be six feet under before I will let a thieving fat yob get it! Collin storms out slamming the front door behind him. INT. RETIRED SERVICEMEN'S CLUB – DAY The room is filled with war veterans sitting around tables enjoying pints of beer. Collin is sitting looking considerably more content with four others. He finishes telling the others about his visit to his daughters house. COLLIN ... and now my Janet and that sod Dave want my house! One of the men BURT a thick set jovial man with a jolly red face and large grey sideburns comments on his predicament. BURT Sounds like your having a rough time of it alright. COLLIN Yes I'm feed up with them all. No respect. BURT What you want is some land mines and razor wire in the front garden that I'll keep the bastards out! There is laughter around the table at the joke. BURT Actually come to think of it I know a chap who has all that stuff. He's a war memorabilia collector for people that do the dog fights and mock battles at some these air shows. He offered me a job driving some of the old tanks. COLLIN Good oh. Well it would be a good way to get the riot police out I guess. BURT Yes but if you want to do something different to get away from it all, we need more drivers. You would be doing what you did in the war but in mock dog fights and battles. COLLIN Well its something to think about I guess. But I would have to sell my old house. I'm not giving it to Janet while she's still with that bloody crook. BURT So you would be interested then? EXT. COLLINS HOUSE - NIGHT A black cab drops Collin off at his home. He is noticeably drunk as he staggers out of the cab after paying the driver. He walks past his car to see a large yellow wheel clamp on the front wheel. He kicks it viciously and curses out loud. COLLIN BASTARDS! He heads inside and heads determined to the telephone. He dials and picks up the receiver. COLLIN Hello... Burt. EXT. COLLINS HOUSE – DAY Dave shuffles up the street towards Collins house. He has a cigarette dangling out to one side of his mouth and a football shirt on. He opens the front gate. There are sand bags and razor wire in the front garden. Dave glances around frowning and then trips halfway up the path to the door. He looks to find a trip wire down by his foot. Then there is a loud shrill noise as an air raid siren sounds from the roof. Collin appears round the side of the house in full battle fatigues from World War Two. He is carrying an old rifle with a bayonet on the end. He prods Dave gently with the bayonet. COLLIN Up! Get up off my lawn! Dave struggles to his feet utterly surprised. COLLIN Hurry up! Its no wonder you got caught thieving! Dave gets to his feet and Collin sends him on his way with an army boot in the rear. DAVE You've lost your marbles Granddad! COLLIN You'll never get my house! Dave hurries off down the street. With the air raid siren and commotion its not long before the neighbours appear on there front doors looking at Collin curious. An irate man across the street opens his window and yells at Collin. MAN Shut that racket off you potty old fool! INT. PYSCHIATRIC CLINIC - DAY Dave and Janet are at a psychiatric specialists clinic, in Dr Sven Jensen's office. Dave is busy recounting his visit to Collins house to DR SVEN. Dr Sven is a man in his fifties with blue eyes and grey receding hair. He has wire frame glasses on his face. He nods at what Dave is saying. DAVE I tell ya Doc, he's gone mad as a snake! He was fair stabbing me with that bayonet! Dave finishes and Dr Sven considers what Dave has said for a few moments. His voice is high pitched and reedy. DR SVEN Ah yes. Very traumatic. But do not worry I will take care of your father. I deal with these elderly gents every day. JANET Please Doctor we just want a nice home for him. Dr Sven stands up and spreads his hands in a placating gesture. DR SVEN I understand completely. You can put your trust in me, he will get the best care available. Dr Sven forces a cheesy smile at Dave and Janet. EXT. TESCO'S SUPERMARKET – DAY Collin is struggling out of a busy supermarket with some shopping when Dave pulls up at the entrance in his car, an old Volkswagen Golf. DAVE Granddad! Get in the car. I have to take you to the hospital. Collin taken aback by this narrows his eyes suspiciously. COLLIN What the bloody hell for? I'm not going anywhere.. DAVE Listen I haven't got time to argue! Janet's been hurt. So get in! Collin hurrying throws the groceries in the back and jumps in. The car roars off. EXT. CHERRY FARM – DAY Dave's car quickly shuttles through the large ornate gates of Cherry Farm mental hospital. There are large green lawns and brick building's off the hospital with a few patients walking around outside the buildings. INT. DAVE'S CAR – DAY Collin sitting in the front seat beside Dave looks at the hospital with a frown. COLLIN This is a loony bin you twit. Janet won't be here! Dave pulls up at the entrance and toots the horn. Doctor Sven and a large burly orderly appear and approach the car. DAVE No... But you will be Granddad from now on. The orderly opens the car door and unbuckles Collin's seat belt. Doctor Sven hovers closely. DR SVEN Afternoon Mr Smith, my name is Sven... please come with us. The orderly grabs Collins arm and forcibly removes him from the car. Collin is alarmed. COLLIN Here just a minute! He turns to Dave. COLLIN What the hell are you playing at, you shit? DAVE Now now, Granddad! Enjoy yourself! Looks like I will get your house after all! Dave revs the car and takes off. EXT. COLLIN'S HOUSE - DAY Burt walks down Collins street towards Collins house. His eyes narrow into a frown as he sees Dave and Janet outside loading a trailer with all of Collins furniture and belongings. Dave is struggling with a box just as Burt walks up to him.. BURT Hello there Collin around? Dave looks up from what he is doing annoyed at Burt. DAVE That old geezer is out of his skull. So he's been put away. Janet scowls at Dave and apologizes to Burt. JANET Sorry you will have to excuse him, he's in a fowl mood. We have decided that my Dad isn't coping with living on his own. Burt looks hard at Janet concerned at what has happened to Collin. BURT I'm surprised. Collin seemed pretty good to me. So where is he living now? JANET Um what's it called again Dave? Something farm? Merry farm or some such... Burt appalled abruptly guesses the name. BURT Not Cherry Farm? That's a terrible place for him. Its a mental institution! Burt hurries off down the street. Janet turns on Dave with an accusing expression. INT. CHERRY FARM - DAY Collin is sitting in a large lounge in front of a TV with other elderly and infirm people all wearing long white gowns. Collin glances out the window with a determined expression across his face. EXT. BURT'S BACK YARD – DAY Burt's back yard is overgrown with long grass and trees. It is also strewn with old World War Two paraphernalia. There is a large field gun, armoured cars, green ammunition crates and a large green tank. Beside the tank there are the four old veterans from the pub. They are getting tooled up for war. Getting dressed up in World War Two kit, adorning jackets and belts of ammunition. Suddenly Burt strolls out of the back door of his house dressed in a sergeants uniform. He walks up to the group of men. BURT Alright men. Lets do this for Collin. One of the men nods curtly at Burt. INT. CHERRY FARM LOUNGE – DAY Collin is in the lounge with the other patients. Everyone is watching a War film with tanks and guns firing. There is the noise of tanks on the TV, but the noise begins to get louder. Collin looks around puzzled. There are some screams and exclamations. He looks around to see the veterans lead by Burt, burst through the door staggering unsteadily under the weight of there guns. Collin jumps up in the commotion and greets the men. COLLIN Well done boys! BURT We couldn't let you rot away in this place Collin. COLLIN We need to get that mug that put me in here! There is pandemonium as the patients are running riot. Jumping on beds and escaping from the hospital and heading out of the grounds. The orderlies are trying to get them into there rooms and lock them away. Three are dragging one large patient away. DR SVEN is walking around shocked at what is happening. He spots Collin and the other veterans and orders his staff to challenge them. DR SVEN Get them. Get them! Three large orderlies approach them. One of the veterans reaches round on his belt and produces a grenade. He throws it at the approaching orderlies. They leap aside screaming in terror. There is a loud bang but a small explosion and the room only fills with smoke. BURT (chuckling) Good thing we remembered those air show grenades. COLLIN Time we were off? BURT Yes we had better clear out before the enemy regroups. The war veterans head for the exit of the hospital. DR SVEN lifts himself off the floor with his head all covered in black soot from the grenade. EXT. COLLINS HOUSE – DAY Dave and Janet are still outside the front of Collins house with the loaded trailer. Janet is read faced and angry arguing with Dave. JANET Why didn't you tell me you put him in a mental institution! Dad doesn't need that! DAVE What?! I thought you were for it! He's off his rocker anyway. No better place for him. JANET For a retirement village! Not a nut house! DAVE What does it matter? I've got the house anyway. We can... JANET YOU'VE got the house! So you just wanted it all along... Janet is interrupted by the roar of a loud diesel engine, quickly getting louder. Dave and Janet turn to look up the street where the sound is coming from. Suddenly various people from the neighbourhood appear around the corner running for there lives. Hooded teenagers and school pupils followed by an overweight and out of breath parking attendant. Close behind the mob a large green World War 2 tank appears, slewing wildly on its tracks as it takes the corner. The tank comes to a stop in front of Janet and Dave. Collin climbs out of the tank wearing an army uniform and armed with an old rifle, followed by Burt. COLLIN So you thought you could have me safely locked away did you? Well listen here. You can clear off. Collin digs the gun but into Dave's paunch who bends over gasping. DAVE You've lost the plot Granddad! I only did it for Janet and the boys. COLLIN That's not what you told me! JANET Dad's right you only thought about yourself. We were fine living where we were. COLLIN Its alright luv. You and the boys can have the house now as long as this bastard slings his hook. I have been selfish too. But I'm off to Wales to help Burt with his air shows now. Janet turns to Dave with a cold look. JANET Fine by me Dad. Collin reverses the gun to show the bayonet. Dave straightens up with fear. Then runs off down the street. Collin climbs back into the hatch of the tank. COLLIN After him lads! The tank roars off after Dave who is running as fast as he can. CREDITS ANDREW MACLEOD |