Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2279272-Heart-of-Gold
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Teen · #2279272
A teenage boy finds a stray dog! After adoption, however, things don't go as planned...
                   Part One: Encounter

         I closed my book as the last bell of the day rang through the school. It was the final bell before summer break, and the school was abuzz with students chatting excitedly about their plans for the next few months. I didn't have much planned, but I was relieved to finally be done with school work for the year. I walked along the side of the road, thinking about how I could convince my mom to finally get a dog. We had discussed getting one a while ago, and had even bought a collar, dog bed, and a few toys. I had just turned 16, and with school out of the way I had plenty of spare time and ability to take care of one.
         I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I nearly tripped over something very furry, just standing in the middle of the sidewalk. I looked down to see a golden retriever, looking up at me with playful canine eyes. I looked around, but I didn't see anyone nearby who might be its owner. It looked lost and scared.
         "Hey there buddy," I said. "Where's your owner? It's okay, I won't hurt you." I reached out carefully and gently scratched behind its ear. It seemed to calm the poor fella, and it closed its eyes gratefully. I noted it was a boy and continued scratching behind his ears.
         "Yeah, good boy. You like that don't you? Yeah, good boy. Good boy."
         His tail wagged happily, clearly showing his appreciation for the praise and affection.
         "What are you doing out here all by yourself, huh? Are you a stray?" He didn't have a collar, and there was no one around looking for him. I stopped scratching one of his ears and pulled my phone from my pocket, calling my mom. I told her about the dog I found, and asked her to come and pick him up so we could take him to the vet. She agreed, and I continued to scratch and pet the fella until my mom pulled up along the sidewalk. The van's trunk opened, and I guided the dog around to get inside. He hopped up into the back of the car and sat down patiently. I closed the back door and got in the backseat to keep an eye on him. We quietly drove to the vet, the dog lying quietly in the back.
         Soon we arrived, and they took him to the back and did a quick check-up. To my excitement, they told us he was perfectly healthy, and they found no chip, likely marking him a stray. I immediately asked if we could keep him, and after all, it would save us from going out to choose one. We went back and forth for a while, the dog waiting patiently beside me. I eventually talked her into it, and we went straight home.
         When I got home, I carefully took our new friend up to my room. I can't wait to get to know and play with一 Oh! He needs a name! I took a moment to think, and watched the dog hop onto my bed and lay down. How about…
         "Sam," I said aloud, and sat down next to him. "That's perfect! What do you think, boy?" Sam's tail began to wag and he panted happily. He clearly liked his new name. I grabbed the collar off my dresser, and carefully fastened it around his neck. "Welcome to the family!" Grinning, I ruffled my new best friend's fur.

         Then everything went black.

                   Part Two: Changed

         I slowly aroused myself from a deep sleep. Why am I so dizzy… wha… what happened? Did I pass out? I put a hand to my forehead, a painful headache throbbing inside my skull. I slowly sat up, using my elbow to push off the ground. My eyes opened lazily, and I looked around. I was perplexed to find myself in a field of lush green grass. It took me a second to recognize the place. I was in a park I liked to visit occasionally, where I sat and did my school work. I reached toward my pocket to get my phone. Maybe my mom could一
         My hand met nothing but skin, and looking down I was shocked to find myself completely naked. Embarrassed and horrified, I quickly scrambled to cover everything I could, praying no one would see me. Frantically, my eyes searched the field, and, to my relief, there was no one around. A moment later, I heard a small click from directly behind me. Overly paranoid, I jerked around to see what it was. To my relief一 and confusion一 there was no one in sight. My sudden movement, however, caused something to rub against my chin. I tried to look down and see what it was, but was stopped short as my chin hit something firm. Then I realized something was snugly looped around my neck. I felt it with my hands, and was puzzled when I realized it was… a dog collar?
         I reached back further to where the clasp was and attempted to remove it, but for some reason my hands weren't cooperating. Again I tried, but to no avail. I dropped my hands in frustration一 and gaped in utter shock.
         My hands were changing, already deformed and barely resembling hands at all. My fingers were shortening, already half their size, and my thumb was slowly creeping up my arm. Then my fingernails began to lengthen, darkening and curving as they did so, becoming more and more claw-like. My fingers were much less dexterous by now, and worryingly short and puffy.
         I gazed on in shock, I slowly shook my head from side to side in denial. I firmly shut my eyes, knowing I had to wake from this terrible nightmare. I imagined myself lying in my bed, the sun rising to another normal day. I pictured myself waking up, and using my normal, human hands to get ready for another normal day.

         Slowly, I opened my eyes.

         I began to panic. I was still in the park, naked and trembling. I stood up, using my hands to cover me一 but they weren't hands anymore. I gawked in terror, as I realized I had perfect, canine paws. My eyes desperately searched for help, finding nothing. I tried to cry out.
         "Somebardy, helrp me!"
         The muscles in my mouth felt foreign, and words struggled to come out.
         "Herf, m-mree!"
         No one came to my aid. Pain enveloped me, and I gasped in shock. My tongue became too big for my mouth to hold, and it flopped out without my consent. Mortified, I tried again, my voice alarmingly gruff.
         "Harf! Rarf, RUFF! WOOF! WOOF!"
         My eyes filled with tears, words failing me completely, replaced with the barks and woofs of a common canine. I sobbed openly, my tongue flopping carelessly from my aching jaws. A black nose stretched out to obstruct my vision, and I gazed in quiet disbelief at my newly formed snout. My face had stretched during my cries for help, making speech impossible. My throat burned from the strain of trying to speak, the collar snug around my neck.
Confused, afraid, and desperate, I began to run. No longer caring what might be seen, I ran toward the edge of the field, silent tears streaking down my cheeks. Something snapped inside my hip and I tumbled forward, completely losing balance. I laid there in the grass, crying hopelessly, praying I would wake up soon.
         But the changes weren't finished, and my legs slowly shortened and became paws. I tried to stand, but couldn't. I stood on hands and knees, as my hips had locked into a quadruped position. My hindpaws slid along the grass, finalizing the changes to match my arms. I instinctively moved to all fours, the position feeling unnatural. I continued to sob in fear, blended with another, newfound emotion: utter defeat.
         I shrieked in agony, a pained canine howl, as my bones cracked and altered. My arms and legs were now permanently forced outward from my chest, locked into a four legged position. My spine then stretched and grew, a tail sprouting behind me, and my neck craning into position. The tail quickly lengthened, immediately curling beneath my stomach, resembling that of a scared dog's. My ears began to change, moving up my head and stretching into floppy dog ears. Tears ceased to come, as my eyes changed, the ability to cry ripped away from me. Finally, my hair lightened, shortening into a lush golden fur. It spread quickly across my completely canine form, covering every inch of my skin.
         As the fur spread across my body, I felt a sense of warmth and comfort. I accepted it gratefully, my feelings of fear and loss slowly receding from my mind. I was okay now, it was finished, the pain was over, there was nothing to fear.
         One last tear escaped my anguished canine eyes. It streaked down my fur and disappeared into the grass. With that, the last trace of the teenage boy had forsaken me.

         Thoroughly exhausted, I collapsed into a deep, dreamless sleep.

                   Part Three: Renamed

         I awoke to a hand gently scratching behind my ear. It was a pleasant feeling, and I reveled in its gentle touch. My tail began to wag, brushing back and forth across the floor. I was the happiest dog I had ever been, beginning to pant in pleasure. I could just lay here forever and一
         Then my mind exploded in realization. Fear-filled eyes shot open, as thought and memory crashed into view. The pain, the fear, all of it came flooding back. I remembered the changes, my humanity being stripped from me. My mind was torn between canine instincts and human logic. I fought to gain control of myself, and the rushing torrent of thoughts and memories slowly lessened until it was but a steady trickle.
         Blinking furiously in an attempt to clear my mind, I recognized the unmistakable space of my bedroom. I was lying in a dog bed on the floor, where I had apparently been sleeping. It was the one I had picked out with my mom while preparing for when I could get a dog. I was about to stand up when a voice cut through all thought, one that would have made my mouth go dry, if I were still human.
         "Well good morning!" said a very, very familiar voice from directly above my head. I slowly raised my eyes to gaze at the face that owned the voice.
         It was my face. It was me who said those words. Human me was looking down at canine me. It was the weirdest thing I had ever experienced, even over being changed into a dog. I stared disbelievingly at the boy's face一 my face一 and all other thoughts vanished.
         The friendly teenager began to rub my back.
         "Hey buddy, you okay?" he said, looking down at me. I couldn't help being soothed by Jake's rubs and caring tone. I was utterly at a loss for what to do, but I felt… safe in his care. I realized what I was thinking, and desperately fought the feeling of ownership creeping into my thoughts. I wasn't his dog! I wasn't… my dog… but then, what was I? My canine instincts gave me a sense of peace and reassurance. I continued to lay there, looking up at… me.
         "You must've been tired after the vet, huh?" Jake said. "You went right to sleep once we got home." He continued to rub my back, which was admittedly quite pleasant. "It's good to see you're okay. Who's a good boy? Yeah, you're a good boy! Yeah, good boy."
I couldn't stop my tail from wagging madly about. An intense feeling of pleasure and pride swelled up inside me. I began to pant happily, losing all sense of logic and human thought. I rolled onto my side, as my master rubbed my tummy. I was a good boy! I love being a good boy! I lay there contentedly, wishing the moment would never end.
         "Aw, you like that don't you! Yeah, good boy, good boy." Jake smiled warmly, rubbing my tummy even more.
         Yes! I am a good boy! I'll be your good boy! I love being a good boy. I love my master.
         I sat up in my bed happily, watching my owner get up and get dressed for bed. He's such an amazing master, I love him so much. He gave me tummy rubs and called me a good boy! I am a good boy! I'm a very good… boy…
         Am I a good boy? I think I am… but it doesn't feel right… no, I'm not a good boy… am I? No, I'm... I'm a… a…
         My mind cleared and everything that just happened dawned on me. I was terrified, realizing I completely lost myself in my master’s一 No! In Jake's affection. I wasn't his dog! I was… I'm… I'm what? Why can't I remember? My name is… it was…
         "Sam! Come'ere boy!"
         Sam! That's my name! And Master is calling me! I should一 No, he's Jake! He's not my master! He's my… friend… but… that can't be right… I'm a dog! I'm his dog! He's my master! I love him very一 NO! He's NOT my master, and I'm not… not a… not what? I'm… I'm his dog! He loves me! I love him! He's the best master ever! I must obey!

         "Good boy Sam."

         I am a good boy!


Word Count: 2269
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