Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2279188-Lolas-Christmas-Wish
Rated: E · Short Story · Children's · #2279188
Lola wants everyone to have a best friend for Christmas
It's the holidays, Lola and her family are driving through the snow on their way to visit Grandma,

Bosco is snuggled up cozy while Lola looks at her big book of Christmas treats.

"Mommy, are we going to bake cookies with Grandma?" Lola shows Bosco the picture of a sugar cookie.

He sniffs and licks the picture, leaving drool on the page.

Lola giggles and pulls the book away, "They aren't real cookies silly!"

Bosco licks Lola's face, closes his eyes, and lays his head on her lap

He starts dreaming of doggie Christmas cookies instead.

The snow begins falling faster and Lola puts her finger on the window to draw a picture.

She loves the feel of the cold and draws a big heart-shaped snowman.

As soon as they get to Grandma's house the snow stops.

Grandma's house looks like a huge gingerbread house.

Bosco and Lola jump out of the car and run up the snowy path towards Grandma.

Lola gets there first and gives her grandma a big hug and kiss.

Bosco tries to do the same and almost knocks Grandma over.

She laughs and pats him on the top of his head

Inside Grandma's house, it is warm and cozy, the huge fireplace is roaring'

Lola smells a wonderful aroma coming from the kitchen.

She runs to take a peak and sees rows and rows of gingerbread cookies on the counters.

She gasps and points for Bosco to look, they have never seen so many cookies.

Grandma sneaks around the corner and tickles Lola," Guess who all these gingerbread cookies are for?"

"Bosco and me?" Lola hugs Grandma tightly."No silly" Grandma laughs

"We are going to have a CELEBRATION with our neighbors tonight! You will get to meet someone special."

She picked up one of the cookies, I made him a special cookie, see?

Lola looked carefully at the cookie, it was a little boy in a wheelchair iced in blue.

His name is Henry, he is a very nice boy but also very lonely.

I thought he would like to come and meet you and Bosco.

After dinner, Lola and Bosco look out the window, the snow is falling faster.

Suddenly Lola sees lights coming up the driveway, could it be Santa?

No, it was a blue car with reindeer ears and a bright red nose slowing down by the front door.

Lola whispers to Bosco who jumps off the couch to alert Grandma.

A little boy in a decked-out wheelchair comes speeding through the door past Lola.

She giggles, tugs at Bosco to chase after Henry, and meets him at the table beside the cookies.

Look! My grandma made this cookie just for you! I'm Lola, and this is my dog, Bosco.

Bosco trots over to Henry and nudges his hand, Henry smiles and pats him.

I wish I had a dog as a friend but my mom is afraid of dogs. Bosco lifts his head as if to understand.

Lola laughs, No one could ever be afraid of Bosco, he is the friendliest dog I know.

Would you like to make a fort in the living room, we can pretend we are waiting for Santa.

Henry looks down at his wheelchair, sadly he shakes his head "I can't get out and play."

Lola goes and grabs Grandma's fuzzy blanket from the sofa."We can use this." She gently places the blanket over their heads.

Bosco wants to join in the fun, he ducks underneath and giggles are heard as the blanket moves up and down.

Henry's mom comes into the room."Henry, please be careful,

Bosco goes out to greet her but she steps away and puts her hand out.

She takes a deep breath and shouts."Go away, I don't like dogs."

Henry wheels himself out and pets Bosco."Mom, he's a friendly dog don't be afraid."

Henry continues. "Bosco helps Lola when she feels sad or lonely. I wish I had a friend."

Henry's mom looks at Bosco and then at him. She reaches her hand out to touch Bosco's nose and smiles.

She looks at Lola," When I was a little girl I was bitten by our neighbor's dog, and since then I have felt afraid."

Bosco snuggles close to Henry, and Lola smiles." You can share Bosco with me."

Henry and his mom laugh and pet Bosco, I think Henry would like that, maybe when we get back to the city we will
think about getting Henry a friend like Bosco.

Henry does a wheelie in his chair and he and Lola give each other a high five.

Grandma calls from the kitchen. "Who would like a gingerbread cookie?"

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