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Suffering, Who's to Blame?

         People often ask me where is God in this world, and why does he allow so much suffering? They say to me that there can't be a God. Why would he/she allow this to happen, is God Blind? We were giving free choice here, to choose whatever fate we wanted. So I say to that question, why do you? We are God as a collective. Giving a full range of thoughts, and fruitfulness. We decide what is what. Light and dark are in a dance here. Could you imagine what would happen if dark got a little more gray? Light got more acceptance of the dark. Because even light has a lesson to be learned in life. No matter how strong your light is, unless you help people at least get to gray, there will be no peace. Eons long troubles keep resurfacing.

         What makes someone light or dark? Culture, and the way you were brought up? Religion? What if you were born in another race, culture, or religious background? Wouldn’t that totally influence who you are today? So if you were holding the light the best you could, grown up differently, would you even recognize yourself? Are you sure? Would you hate yourself because of that? A different race, a enemy of your fathers? Well, people that where we are at now! We are all the same, brought up in different races, societies, religions, cultures, by different parents. In the core we are all the same person. God inside. For that’s where God resides. Inside each and everyone of us. In every cell of our body. But also in all of nature to. Our conscience controls what happens in nature, but when we turn dark to natures light, it will fight back! Just like you. We are all one. The Kingdom of God starts within, said the master Jesus the Christ. If anyone was listening.That’s what’s meant by that. In a harmonic state we are in paradise. Everything works perfectly.

         Just reach out to someone else. Find your common core. With love and respect for each other’s faults we become the greatest expression of love we can make. If we see only the faults in each other, it will be hell on earth. I believe there was a sacred book written all about this. The bible. No one has time to read anymore, but if they could read just this, they may have a clue.

          Love one another, find common ground before you destroy yourself. Sound familiar? Even if you think you hold the light, do you? In who’s perspective? Yours? Now you have just become a judgmental God. You will end up being judged by your thoughts. Not a God in the sky. By by the God you are inside. Don’t you see. Gospels were cut from the bible teaching this.The message from the master himself. So why would you fall into a place where you thought you were worthless and needed a source other then yourself? You were told that by mostly all your spiritual leaders. Not that most of them even knew they were doing that. Taught by others who may have know better, or not. What power is there in teaching that for them? How else could they make you dependent on them as a intermediator. Then collect your money if you knew you already had God inside, and could create the life you wanted without them. Prayer in action. Wouldn't you want the best for yourself, knowing this, we all are God. The Golden rule makes perfect sense with that knowledge. Not because some one told you, but because of who we are. God broke himself/herself into infinite pieces creating the physical universes, and our world, while keeping him/her whole at the same time. God being a part of everything that is known, and everything that isn't known.

         In truth the only salvation you need comes from inside. Again as the master thought us! Now you know where forgiveness, patience, and other virtues comes from. Grace is granted to others, you can’t earn or get grace for yourself. It’s a gift, given, from God. So "you God" can only give it to others. As a loving gesture to all. You can't receive grace less someone else grants that to you. That is the light , darkness comes from not knowing this and selfishness. Never realizing they can not never truly get what they need, because it don't come from the outside at all. Some think they need to hold everything to themselves, to become rich by this world standards. God’s remembrance and conscious effort (grace). It’s granted by your peers in harmonic values. Not many condemn the dead, because they know that will condemn them with the same judgement. So vengeance is from God. Us! All the stories have been written to learn from. I write them too, I also write about a future in a more harmonious way. That’s the dream.

         So remember we are spirit, having a human experience. We can't truly die as spirit, as the master taught us. He who believe in me will never die. When asked by the the apostles to show them the father. Jesus replied "If you seen me, you have seen the father.The Kingdom Of God Starts from within." Praying to a outside force will not work well, because it's your belief that makes it happen. I believe you were told that to! Again by the master himself.

         Thomas the doubter, my name sake. told by the stories. He wouldn't believe until he could stick he fingers in the wounds. I doubt he actually needed to, but maybe. He wrote a Gospel too. Not in the Bible, it is more like what I tell you, and that's why. It didn't fit Emperor Constantine's new christian religion. Mary Magdalene, the bibles whore, was the disciple that Jesus loved. Mentioned twice as that. She knew him better then the apostles did. Read into that what you will. She started the first church after Jesus left, and was the leader of that church. A women as a spiritual leader in that time became condemned for that. Hence the whore. Men's only club. The other gospels and other scriptures where destroyed as they could find them. The dead sea scrolls may be the last reminiscences of them, or what was still left. Did you know Mary had a gospel too? Scraps burnt in a fire, that someone risked their life to remove while still burning. Is there a copy that survived of any of them? If so, they are put away in a safe in the Vatican where they will never see the light of day. They never understood that we still needed teachers of the truth. But they might have to give up some power to do that, and usher in a new age, meant for 2000 years ago.

         They all knew, "God's/Jesus's Apostles" that God was inside, and that's what they taught. They were all killed for them thoughts. Jesus just was just the first. So why?

         So why Does God allow suffering int the World? You might know the answer in your heart and soul now. If not? Next life. Another time for me to tell you about that.

Thomas Seeker
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