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Chapters 8-15 |
Chapter 8. The Vaccines With absolutely zero "at home treatments" being offered during the early days of the pandemic, we were told that historically trusted drugs like Ivermectin were now "horse-paste" and dangerous even though Ivermectin had been used in humans in over six billion doses worldwide. Basically if people were sick they were told to isolate at home and hope for the best, and if they were really sick they were put on ventilators in the ICU. In the United states, hospitals were incentivized to list patients as suffering from COVID-19 and list it as the cause of death due to government payoffs to help the hospitals financially through the crisis, it goes without say this leads to a major conflict of interest going even so far that extra bonus's were paid to hospitals when a COVID-19 patient ended up on a ventilator or dead, (which is why the USA was the leader in cases and deaths in 2020 by such a large margin, it is the only logical conclusion, combined with the sick elderly being put into nursing homes together). For example in May of 2020 the USA had more active cases and deaths than Russia, the UK, Spain, Brazil, Italy, France, Turkey, Germany and Iran combined (source Johns Hopkins University) no amount of incompetence at the government level could have produced this ridiculous statistical anomaly, it's clear cases were being called COVID-19 tens of thousands of times extra when it shouldn't have and deaths were being called COVID-19 deaths even when they may have just been "death with COVID-19" instead of death because of COVID-19 due to the hospitals financial incentives as well as certain states political incentives. Let's not forget that the flu basically decided to take a couple years off in 2020 and 2021 with astronomically low if not non existent flu cases, so again common sense shows that the flu cases were being counted as COVID-19, (this same phenomenon happened in other countries as well including Canada which shows that corruption around the case numbers was not only taking place in the United States). Eventually a major push was made towards a rushed effort to produce a vaccine and a major "flood the zone" effort was made to inspire people to rush out and get this brand new vaccine despite zero long term side effects known and also with very underwhelming claims that the vaccine was effective or safe at all. Originally people were told that the vaccines were 90% effective against transmission and that you couldn't catch COVID-19 if you were vaccinated, both are now proven to be lies. People were pressured into taking the vaccines with the threat of not being able to travel or potentially losing their jobs or also not being able to use the gym and participate in other aspects of society. This breaks rule one of the Nuremberg code which states that with experimental vaccines without long term side effects known that participants must not be coerced in any way or placed under any duress which of course many were. Many people jumped right in without any thought given, surely the government and drug companies would not lie to them they thought, and after months and months of applied pressure from the News media, people were under extreme anxiety and stress (mass psychosis) and we know that during this type of extended anxiety people are looking for any type of solution from someone in a position of power. So by the time the vaccines were released people jumped at the chance to get the jab and post about it on Facebook about how they have helped to end this pandemic and understandably so. They also assumed they would be safe from the virus so the vaccine gave them some comfort, and people like Joe Biden and Dr. Anthony Fauci were on national television telling people that "You won't get infected if you just take the vaccine", surely they wouldn't lie would they. The question people forgot to ask was are these vaccines safe and what are the long term side effects or even the short term side effects?, Since this mRNA vaccine was brand new and was rushed into the population we have ZERO long term side effects known, that's just an undeniable fact and usually vaccines are studied and tested for around a decade minimum before they are offered for use in the public and this is of course done to see the potential for long term side effects. There was a clear push by governments and drug companies to vilify at home treatments and push patients towards the vaccines. The drug companies are so powerful they are almost like a major country at this point (in terms of power), they have basically bought and paid for the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) to say what they want and much of the medical community is sponsored by the drug companies very similar to how Bill Gates controls the media with huge funding, so do the drug companies in the medical community to the point where they are funding their own safety trials. In an absurd turn of events the FDA in combination with Pfizer tried to put a 75 year ban on information related to the clinical trials and potential witnessed/expected side effects of the vaccine. A Texas court overturned this request to hide the data from the public for 75 years in early 2022 forcing Pfizer to release some of the information they wanted to be redacted regarding the adverse effects of the vaccine. Dr. Peter A. McCullough stated "If we see 50 deaths from a vaccine we rush to take it off the shelves, because something has gone very wrong, now we are sitting here with 40,000 vaccine related deaths and nothing is being done". Chapter 9. Agenda 2030 in action Agenda 2030 is a program being rolled out by the UN (United Nations) which claims to be a series of planned "development goals" for the future of our society that will make the world a more inclusive and sustainable place for everyone. With goals like "no poverty", "zero hunger" "affordable and clean energy" and many others, the basic surface idea is that a move is being made to make the world a better place for everyone. I want this to be a short chapter but it is important that the reader is aware of Agenda 2030 because you will see it becoming more obvious in your daily life every month leading up to 2030. From reducing the ability of farmers to use certain amounts of fertilizer to making it more expensive for you to drive, to making the meat you purchase more and more expensive. You are going to see changes in your life that are a direct result of this program. What it basically is going to accomplish is that people from all countries will be on a more "even playing field", now this sounds like a great plan right?, well one problem, that doesn't mean only that people with a lower quality of life will improve their quality of life what it means is that people like you and me (from Canada or the westernized first world countries) will be forced to live in a way that decreases our quality of life. For example things like driving a car will soon potentially be a treat and not an everyday thing, how can this be done? Well picture gas at $20 or more per liter, or another example is your ability to get certain foods like meat will be reduced, we see now the truckers in the Netherlands protesting the recent government changes to the amounts of fertilizer that farmers will be allowed to use and the exact same thing is now happening in Canada. This move combined with the rising gas prices will eventually make food production so expensive for the farmers that it will not be profitable. As we see in the Netherlands, the government are offering farmers one time payments to "buy out" their land while simultaneously making their lives harder if not impossible each day. Some of these objectives may seem noble on the surface, there is a good argument that we can't use gas powered vehicles forever, but the question not being asked is, "What system are we going to switch to", there is no plan in place to replace every vehicle on the planet with an electric vehicle, what about the trucks that will be delivering the food?, you see my point they are basically systematically crashing our way of life piece by piece and not offering a replacement system which in it's self says that something much bigger and different is being planned for that time period. What it looks like is that hard assets are being bought up, an example of this is the massive corporation in the United States named "BlackRock' which is one of the biggest if not the biggest investment management corporations in the world with 10 TRILLION in assets as of 2022. BlackRock is buying basically every single family home they can find right now even going as far as to offer 20-50% above asking prices to guarantee the sale. Now with this level of wealth, what is happening is that buying a home for the average person just became that much harder, if you can only pay $600,000 for a new home and BlackRock is willing to pay $1,000,000 for the same home you can bet your ass that the homeowner is going to sell to BlackRock. So the end result is going to be a much larger "renter class" in the future where it is nearly impossible for everyone but the ultra wealthy to own homes. So again we see hard assets being bought up here similar to the farmland by Bill Gates and others including the Dutch government. What this looks like is a potential expectance that the dollar could collapse or be reduced greatly in coming years which if that happens would leave the rich even more ultra rich with the hard assets they acquired prior to the crash and the general pubic now "holding the bag" of useless reduced value currency while having their farmland/homes bought out with what is now devalued currency. This is in my opinion what "Agenda 2030" is really about, although it stands behind a very flowery and "increased equity for all" cover, what it really is about is making an even bigger separation between the "have's and the have not's". A perfect example was during the COVID-19 lockdowns, Walmart was doing record numbers while small business's were going bankrupt, McDonald's was doing amazing while the local diner had to stay closed. That is the future the elites are looking for, an extreme separation even more than today where normal everyday people like me and you will use less resources and be in a situation where we are forced to rent a home from them instead of own our house, where we will be eating much less meat because it will be so expensive and where even the semi wealthy will be using apps to track the amount of gasoline used or how much electricity your air conditioner is using. So what is being disguised as "Agenda 2030" to help the planet and equality for all is actually about making your quality of life worse and taking away your ability to use resources while at the same time increasing the profits to the ultra wealthy and protecting resources for them. See they will still be flying in their private jets and eating meat whenever they want of course, their quality of life will not change, yours will. So be careful before you get manipulated into thinking "oh well they're doing it for our own good, the climate is changing", that type of thinking is very dangerous and will get you killed. We saw much of that during the COVID-19 lockdowns and vaccinations, "well they should lock us down it's for our own good", well we should all be forced to get vaccines, it's for our own good". Incase you haven't noticed the people running this planet do not care about "your own good". And that's not to say that climate is not changing, the only thing that is guaranteed in the world is change, however there is no way that handing your government extra money for a carbon tax or not being able to eat meat or go on vacation is going to change anything when we have other countries that are not on board and ultra rich flying around in their private jets and sailing in their mega yachts. The planet is literally billions of years old, it has been a giant ball of molten lava and at other times it has been almost completely covered in ice, the climate changes naturally with or without modern human activity. Humans are basically a blink in the history of the planet, to think that forcing people to pay a carbon tax or switch to electric vehicles or take our ability to eat meat away is going to make any major changes is absolutely laughable and it's being used as an excuse to expand government powers. Chapter 10. Vaccine injuries After years of mass coercion and lockdowns almost 70% of Americans were vaccinated and in Canada that number is closer to 85%. What caused the 15% differential between the countries is likely a lack of trust in the government in regards to this topic with horrific past events such as the "Tuskegee experiments" which were conducted by the United States government between 1932-1972 on impoverished black males in which the men were (against their knowledge) infected with Syphilis which led to hundreds of deaths and much more suffering for the family members of the victims who had also been unknowingly infected and harmed. With past events like this it is no wonder that many people in the USA were not trusting of the new experimental mRNA gene therapy for the COVID-19 virus. In Canada a much higher percentage of the population is trusting of the government and ignorant to the past wrongdoings of the Government in conjunction with the medical community (a good example of this is the opiate epidemic which has killed tens of thousands of Canadians and ruined many other lives). People originally were told they were the "hero's" who were doing the right thing to help protect the community and that if they took the vaccine they wouldn't have to worry about getting COVID-19, so it seemed like a win-win scenario for most people. For those who were hesitant they were later coerced over months and years of abuse from their family and other members of society or the media treating them like a "spreader of disease", and also through the coercion of potentially losing their job or not being able to travel or attend places like restaurants or gyms. Now let's go back to the "mass psychosis" chapter of this book, the final stage of using the mass psychosis tactic on the public is to offer them a "solution from someone in a position of power to reduce their free-flowing anxiety", so the scientific attack that was put into place to coerce people to take the vaccine was extremely well planned out, under normal circumstances there is no way that a large percentage of the population would take multiple injections of an experimental and new gene therapy with zero long term side effects known, but after such a scientific and vicious attack upon society from all sides it was no surprise that the majority of people eventually took the experimental "vaccines". We know that since the start of the vaccine push that there have been an absurd amount of vaccine related deaths and injuries and that without a doubt they are being under-represented. Months later, people were told they needed boosters and that they could still catch COVID-19 whether they had taken the vaccine or not. Also originally any talk of vaccine injuries or deaths were being blocked and shadow-banned by all the major social media outlets from Twitter to Facebook, any negative statement about the vaccines would basically guarantee you would be banned from the site (remember back to Event 201) when "flooding the zone" was mentioned, this censorship is part of the flooding the zone technique). So now we of course know the vaccines are not only dangerous but extremely dangerous. We now know that the number one cause of death in 2021 in Alberta Canada is now "unknown causes", to show a clear connection to the vaccines we can see that in 2021 the case numbers of "unknown cause" deaths was 3362, in 2020 that number was 1464 deaths by unknown causes and in 2019 that number was 522. So what changed between 2019 and 2022, we could sit here all day and argue that the deaths were caused by lockdowns or side effects of COVID-19 exposure which of course I'm sure some are but I think common sense tells us that the majority of these deaths are from the experimental vaccine which is proven to be much more dangerous than originally advertised. As of the time of writing this book the vaccine injury numbers in Canada are over 50,000 total vaccine injuries with over 10,000 of those being defined as "serious" which means the injury is life altering or death occurred. We now know we were lied to about how safe the vaccines are and this is only the start, we have no idea about long term side effects, we have no idea about potential damage to the unborn children who's mother's took the shots while pregnant, these are things we will learn years and decades later but it's safe to say that there will be some serious long term side effects if we are already dealing with so many vaccine injuries already. In a recent freedom of information act lawsuit, it was made public that the FDA in conjunction with Pfizer was trying to block documents regarding the safety and testing policies for the making of the vaccines for "75 years" until a judge recently forced the release of these documents. And if there's one thing we all can agree on it's that nothing says "trust the science" like asking for the data to be hidden for 75 years. Chapter 11. Masks, Stockholm syndrome and Lockdowns When we walk outside today to our local mall or restaurant we see people still wearing masks despite literally zero medical papers showing that basic cloth masks will stop COVID-19 transmission and common sense telling us that these masks have not stopped any respiratory virus's before in history so why would they magically work now. But if we take a closer look at who is still wearing the masks it paints a very scientific picture of psychological abuse in action, most of the mask wearing population that I have observed as of the writing of this book (August 2022) is of women aged 30-70. So why is this?, one thing we know is that women are more susceptible to certain mental illness's and abuse tactics. As a quick example, when women are being treated for illness's such as anorexia they almost need to be treated individually, what happens when a group of women suffering from anorexia are housed together is it becomes almost like a competition and the women all become worse in their illness. We also see this now with the trans movement, women are becoming trans at a much higher percentage than males because of this same affliction and this is one of the reasons why when we walk around today we see many of the people still wearing and promoting mask wearing are women. The mask is both their abuser (unbeknownst to them) and their savior, the same way a woman who has been abducted for months by an abuser will sometimes defend their abductor. So what is the harm with wearing a mask and forcing or coercing others to wear a mask?, we know now that the masks harm children who are learning to speak and form words, the masking has caused an increase in autism in young children and speech development problems as well. These "virtuous" people who wear the masks and take the vaccines and tell us to "shut up and stay inside" would like to think that they are the "good guys" but what they do not understand is that their actions are far from harmless. We know that wearing masks harms not only the children observing others in masks but it also harms the mask wearer themselves with increased levels of bacteria being breathed in as well as increased levels of carbon dioxide being breathed into the lungs. But what many do not know is that masks harm us all on a psychological level, seeing the human face is very important to the human mind, when people see only masked strangers it makes people much more likely to judge others in group form as opposed to seeing everyone for their individual characteristics, to put it simply it is easier for people to see others as "less than human" or "less important" when they cannot see their face and this helps lead to large groups of people willing to agree to outrageous things they normally would never do as we witnessed in early 2022 when people were so brainwashed that their were large portions of the population who wanted to see the unvaccinated lose their right to attend places like Walmart (as we saw in action in places like Quebec). Now it is said that one in four young people has experienced thoughts of self harm caused by intermittent lockdowns, we have witnessed rising numbers in domestic abuse, alcohol abuse, drug abuse so of course the lockdowns were not harmless. It was estimated in 2021 that 200,000 small business owners in Canada would have to shut their doors because of the effects of lockdowns on their bottom lines. And again we have to remember that the Walmart's and McDonald's were allowed to remain open during the pandemic while small business's were forced to shut their doors (because we all know that COVID-19 will not attack you at Walmart, it would much prefer to attack you at your local mom and pop small business). And when we think about the logic behind this, it is actually totally backwards thinking, why would we condone people all congregating in one location like a Walmart when we could have people spread out all over town going to numerous stores, surely many people getting together at one place is not a good idea if we are so concerned about social distancing right?. What we do know is that that lockdowns caused a transfer of wealth that had never been witnessed in history, with people being forced to shut their business's and shop only at certain locations, it caused a massive transfer of wealth to the business's that were allowed to remain open such as Amazon and Walmart. And this isn't even to mention the inflation being caused now by the CERB payments that were handed out like candy to almost anyone who applied. So what we see now is inflation going through the roof with everyday products shrinking in size and rising in price and we can't even comprehend how this will affect our economy long term. Chapter 12. The Endgame With artificial intelligence becoming such an incredible new force in the world, the people running the planet (World Economic Forum and other elites) were faced with a very serious dilemma, it is going to be and already is such a dangerous and powerful force that the elites at the World economic forum have come to the conclusion that whoever controls the A.I. and gets ahead of it will be in control of the planet without a doubt. So what we see now going on is basically an attempt to get ahead of this problem by not allowing that to happen. By creating a coalition of many powerful countries and rich elites they hope to be in control of this new technology before another group can take a dominant position and to not let another group or country who potentially pioneer this technology before them. The reason why it is so important to get ahead of this technology is because it is more powerful than anything in the history of man and can be used in ways we can't even fathom, so as an example if a country like North Korea or Russia were on the cutting edge of this technology they could potentially change the entire power dynamic of the world. So what we see happening now with COVID-19 and soon the "climate crisis", what we are actually seeing is a controlled demolition of our society as we know it. The world is changing and there are extremely powerful people who are pushing for a "build back better" agenda. You can see it everywhere you look if you open your eyes, from small business's being forced to close on a mass scale, to farmers being bankrupted out or forced to sell their farms because they cannot afford to farm with the new reductions in allowed items like nitrogen. You can see many countries walking in lockstep and this is not a coincidence at all, they are all following the same playbooks and although many of these leaders are power hungry sociopaths, some may even think it is the right thing to do, because when you listen to people talk such as Yuval Harari who was mentioned earlier in this book, they can actually be quite captivating and they make some good points about where the future of humanity is going. However, what may seem like compassion is actually a cold blooded worldwide power grab that will change our lives and the world to something we couldn't even imagine. The middle class will be decimated, in the future the wealth gap between the ultra rich and the poor will be much more compounded even more than what we see today and with it now being so much harder if not impossible to start a small business with rising costs of electricity and gas as well as with it being harder to purchase a first home. Yuval Noah Harari is said to be one of Klaus Schwab's top advisors and his speeches and interviews are an extremely important picture of what these people (the elites, when I say elites I am talking about billionaires involved with the WEF and others, or as Klaus Schwab is now referring to them as "share holders" in the future). Yuval Harari talks about a future that needs to be shaped now to maintain control of the population, an actual quote from him is "Humans are now hackable animals", which he is not wrong about, with gene editing combined with data about human behavior collected from billions of people Yuval expects a new layer of surveillance that he says will take place "under the skin" (Klaus Schwab also speaks about this in his book "The Fourth Industrial Revolution". So what does that mean? Let me give you an example, picture your health watch (Fitbit) that tracks your heartrate and your sleep and so on, now picture this watch being on you all the time whether you wanted it on or not, then picture every aspect of the data from this being sent straight into the internet/database. So what we have then is total control where every emotion you have is monitored and sent digitally to those who will be using this information for marketing and societal control. Now we can go back to a previous chapter in this book where I mention a clip on Youtube of Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla talking about a new technology they are working with where a digital pill is ingested and can send signals which he claims will be "great for compliance" (Now I have to stop the reader here, this is not an opinion this is the CEO of Pfizer saying this openly at the World Economic Forums yearly meeting in Davos, this is a topic I have seen the mainstream media try to gaslight people about by trying to lump this in with conspiracy theory with articles like "Conspiracy theorists claim Bill Gates is putting microchips in the vaccines", this is how they gaslight the public and pre-slander anyone who speaks on this in the future. So again I will include the Youtube video title so you can see it with your own eyes, as in 99% of this book I am simply trying to make the reader aware of real events and plans they may not and likely are not aware of, the Youtube video name is "Microchips in pills to force compliance is real says Pfizer Ceo" , (I want this type of thing to be seen by the reader so they can understand that this is real and not just an opinion or a conspiracy theory, that is how the media gaslights people before they are even exposed to this information to already almost be pre-programmed to dismiss it, that's why I ask you to search a few of these links I have directed you to so you can see the undeniable evidence with your own eyes). So the elites picture a future where many things will be quite different, a world where they can reduce our (the middle class and poor) quality of life in order to protect and save resources for themselves. There is much more to it than that but this is the type of speech that allows them to recruit leaders like Emmanuel Macron and Justin Trudeau and so on, this is how they recruit leaders because they are launching these plans under the guise of "climate change protection" or social justice but there is an obvious much more sinister overall plan which is about using the WHO and the UN (who we now know have been corrupted through investments from billionaires like Gates) to form a controlled one world government run by the elites where countries no longer follow their own rules but instead are now forced to follow a set of conditions and rules for future outbreaks and conflicts. The way they are pushing this is by using slogans and statements like "we witnessed with the COVID pandemic that if our neighbor is sick we will become sick so it is more important now to be following one set of instructions than ever", they are also using this when it comes to climate change so you can clearly see how this is fooling people who may think they are in some ways doing this for the right reasons, but a deeper look shows clearly this is not being done for the general good of humanity, it is being done to ensure control of the future of the planet with surveillance and control we couldn't even imagine, an example of that control we can expect to see is in February 2022 in Canada when the trucker movement for freedom against mandated vaccines happened, what we saw was a massive amount of donations given from across the world but mostly from Canadians and what we saw was Justin Trudeau activate the Emergencies act to take away peoples rights and even freeze their bank accounts. This will be used in the future under this agenda as a way to silence people, before you even question anything or speak out you will know that you are risking having your bank account turned off which will cause intimidation similar to what we see in China with the social credit scores and people being disappeared. They tried to push the digital passport but were unsuccessful overall as it seemed this was rushed but it doesn't take a genius to understand how the digital passport can and will be used in the future. At a recent WEF event, Alibaba group president J. Michael Evens who previously spent 20 years working for US investment bank Goldman Sachs said "We're developing through technology the ability for consumers to measure their own carbon footprint, what does that mean? (Evens asks the audience), that's where they're travelling, how are they travelling, what are they eating, what are they consuming on the platform, so individual carbon footprint tracker, stay tuned we don't have it operational yet but this is something that we're working on". The title of this video is "WEF speaker: We're working on tracking you" and can be found easily on Youtube with that title search command. With many references to this type of tracking in Yuval Harari's speeches and books as well as Klaus Schwab's books (The Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution) we can clearly see this is not just a hypothetical future, this is one that is being planned and carried out. Chapter 13. The Endgame part 2 So let's look at the COVID-19 pandemic as if it was a crime, who had the motive and who gained from it and in which ways? All the evidence points directly to it being created and released either purposely or accidentally from the Wuhan Institute of virology in China and we know that some form of gain of research was taking place there with involvement from Dr. Anthony Fauci and Peter Daszak, So that has to bring us back to a statement that Dr. Fauci made early on in Donald Trumps presidency, his exact quote was "There is no question that there will be a challenge (to) the coming administration in the arena of infectious diseases both chronic infectious diseases in the sense of already ongoing disease, and we have certainly a large burden of that but also there will be a surprise outbreak". So anyone could easily say "well he was making a point that there were previous surprise outbreaks like the H1N1 swine flu outbreak" or something along those lines which sure is a valid point but what is interesting to me is the date when he made those statements which was January 11th 2017. The reason why 2017 is interesting is because if we go back to the earlier chapter in this book about the Spars Pandemic scenario and booklet, it was finished in October of 2017, and anyone who reads the Spars Pandemic can clearly see it is a walkthrough of how leadership should navigate the COVID-19 pandemic for upper government officials so as to have plausible deniability. Donald Trump was a very polarizing individual who was treated unlike any president in history by the media, forget about what you think about him whether you like him or not doesn't matter, what we can agree on was from day one their was massive collusion to have him removed from office. From the Russia collusion hoax to the multiple failed impeachment attempts it was very clear that the media, big tech and elements of the government were doing anything they could to have him removed. Violent riots were now being called "fiery but peaceful", in fact Kamala Harris was helping support a bail fund that was bailing out violent protestors, statues were being brought down, government buildings and police stations were being burned to the ground and Antifa foot soldiers were inducing fear in the streets similar to the way the "brown shirts" were used in Nazi Germany to use physical violence to stop discussion and intimidate enemies of the Nazi party. We now know that the FBI and the media colluded to hide the Hunter Biden laptop which is said to contain "disturbing images involving children" as well as extreme evidence of "pay to play" deals with his father that Hunter was navigating behind the scenes "10% for the big guy". So why was it some important to oust Trump, is it because all of a sudden the FBI and the media had decided his mean tweets were just too dangerous and something had to be done. Or maybe when we look at Trump's policies like withdrawing from the UN and announcing a withdrawal from the WHO in his potential second term. We now know that the UN and WHO are a major part of the upcoming plans to form an extremely powerful alliance that could dictate which direction the world is going with people like Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab at the helm of the ship. The USA is the most important chess piece that needed to be knocked down in order to complete this plan and with Trump not allowing these organizations to take the power of the country they wanted, they had to go into overdrive to have him removed. We know the COVID-19 pandemic negatively affected Trumps chances of being voted back in for a second term in 2020, from riots in the streets to almost entirely negative news and late night talk show coverage of Trump (again remember who is paying for these programs), it was clear collusion on almost every level and of course I'm not saying Trump is perfect ,there are many good reasons to dislike him, but we also know that the COVID-19 pandemic caused a change in the 2020 election where far more ballots were mailed in which of course caused a much more likely chance of voter fraud. So then we can remember back to 2016-2020 when everybody and their brother were saying "Trump and Russia stole the 2016 election", no evidence was ever offered that held up and Adam Schiff himself and many others pushing the hoax admitted under oath they had no evidence of it. That message was on every major news outlet, every news paper, every late night TV show, it was perfectly fine and encouraged to say that Trump didn't win, you could say it on Facebook and Twitter and not only would you not get banned but you would likely be promoted! So now after an unprecedented and controversial election in 2020 all of a sudden the rules changed. Questioning an election was now not allowed on Facebook or Twitter and if you did it you were a "violence inciting conspiracy theorist". So how did this change and why did it change? It really shows two clear different sets of rules but I also think that it shows something else, It shows massive collusion by the most powerful parts of big tech and the media to interfere with a democratic election, whether you like Trump or not surely you think elections should be fair (I would hope). Just last week Mark Zuckerberg admitted on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast that the FBI personally asked Facebook to block peoples ability to discuss the Hunter Biden laptop which we now know was enough to alter the results of the election with many Biden voters admitting that if they had known about the laptop prior to voting that they would not have voted for Biden. So again why was this so important and why are these forces still to this day trying to silence and prevent Trump from another run? Do you really think the FBI just really wants to protect you from the orange mans mean tweets? Or maybe his policies (removing the USA from UN and WHO control) were throwing a major wrench into the plans that these people have been working on. I think common sense says that they would not be this desperate unless gaining political control of the USA's future policies was of extreme importance. Let's not forget the USA is one of the last real beacons of free speech and freedom to self protection. It is pretty much the King piece of the chessboard, if you can take it down you win the match, so the timing of the COVID-19 pandemic (right before maybe one of the most important elections of our time that would effect the way people voted) is no small piece of evidence. I think it is a very important piece of circumstantial evidence, it wouldn't have taken a genius to know that a released virus and lockdowns would affect the economy and peoples lives and would harm a potential presidential run. This last section about Trump was controversial and I was questioning whether to include it due to the polarizing nature of Donald Trump but I chose to include it to point out some disturbing coincidences and obvious collusion. So again who profited from the COVID-19 pandemic? it is said to be the biggest transfer of wealth in human history, The drug companies profited massively, those who invested in the drug companies profited massively, large chains like Walmart and the big chain grocery stores profited massively while small owner operated business's were forced to close (many permanently which then extended more profits to the large chains). Chapter 14. The Endgame part 3 Basically money was vacuumed up by those who were in the right investment positions. Those who were landlords and were forced to house people without getting rent money lost hundreds of thousands and were later forced to sell their properties or at least consider it which again would benefit companies like Blackrock when they could come in and now pick up more hard assets. So let's take a look at some of the companies that Blackrock owns large pieces of, Amazon, Pfizer, Moderna, Astrazeneca, Raytheon (weapons and wartime company), FOX news, CNN, Microsoft, Netflix, Paypal Merck (pharmaceutical company),Walmart and many more, so as we can see here it wouldn't take a very large group of people invested in these companies to be persuaded that a pandemic would increase profits by 10,000x over a 3-5 year period, and don't fool yourself their are millions of people who would slaughter fellow humans for that kind of profit. In fact it is said that the pandemic created over 500 new billionaire's. Pandemics don't cause the biggest transfer of wealth in human history unless they are planned to do so. Another thing I wanted to include in this chapter is the nature of human evil that most people do not understand, regular people make the mistake of assuming others have the same compassion and values that they do, psychopaths actually see compassion as a weakness in others that they can exploit. There are large groups of people out there who do not have the ability to feel remorse even if they wanted to, the narcissists and the psychopaths estimated to be about 1 in every 100 people not only do not feel remorse, but enjoy inflicting pain and suffering on others. We all think we could recognize the rapist or the serial killer, but the sad truth is many of these people also have a higher than average intelligence and are very cunning and heartless. What they want is power over others and many are sadistic. An example of evil is an Ice cream truck driver who you have known for years and has become a family friend, but is secretly trying to become closer to your child to abuse them sexually, real evil usually comes disguised it's not always the way you think it is. It's unlikely you will spot it the way you think you would in the movies. An example is serial rapist Paul Bernardo in Canada, he wanted to torment his victims and have them tell him how powerful he was while he physically tortured them and psychologically as well. This is the type of evil that is out there, they get off on knowing they have caused severe suffering it gives them "narcissistic supply" which they need to survive, and many like Jeffrey Epstein target children because they also enjoy the sick pleasure from harming the innocence of a child. They cannot self regulate their emotions they need to have continuous dominance over others in varying degrees. And just to show how they slip through the cracks they are very manipulative and cunning, for example an artist's sketch was released of Bernardo which was about as perfect of a portrait as one could ever hope for and yet when Bernardo was asked to come into the police station after friends told police the sketch looked like him, he was so charming that the police figured it could never be him, a well dressed guy with a good job, charming and good looking, even police are not immune to being fooled by these people. The reason I bring this up is because most people always think that when people in elite positions commit evil acts they always assume it's about money and cannot fathom that some people clearly enjoy holding the power knowing they are making massive groups of people suffer. It brings them power and supply that is far more important to them than money, sure they won't say no to money, but that's not always what it's about, and what needs to be understood about this pandemic is it has brought many sick people quite a bit of joy. When you see an interview of Bill Gates laughing as he talks about the next pandemic and saying "Well the next one will get people's attention" with a big smile on his face or when he is asked if people should lose their retirement pay or RRSP's if they don't take the vaccine he gets a huge smile on his face and can barely stop himself from laughing, because these people love mass suffering they get off on it. People like this enjoy "playing god", that is the power they are looking for. The biggest mistake you can make is thinking the person next to you has the same values or compassion as you, just because you would never release a virus that would cause the suffering of billions of people doesn't mean there aren't a million other people who would. As of finishing this book during the first week of September 2022, already we are seeing some interesting developments, the NIH (National Institute of Health) just this week quietly added Ivermectin to it's list of accepted treatments of COVID-19 (after two years of Jimmy Kimmel and CNN telling us it was "horse-paste") and also Dr. Fauci has decided to step away into retirement (likely out of fear he will be investigated for his involvement in the gain of function research which led to the release of COVID-19. The head of the CDC Rochelle Walensky is now openly admitting that her and her colleagues made some major blunders during the pandemic. So what we see now is the rats are all jumping ship, narratives are going to change, as an example Dr. Fauci recently went on live television and when asked "Do you regret recommending lockdowns" his response was "well I never recommended anything" when he is clearly seen on tape doing exactly that back in 2020. So what we can expect to see now is gas-lighting the public "oh well we never forced you to take the vaccine or coerced you that was your choice", we will see many heads of medical communities step down such as Dr. Fauci and others like him, Theresa Tam in Canada I would guess will also step down, people like this who helped push lies and dangerous and ineffective protocols will "fail upwards" (failing upwards is when you take a different and usually higher ranking or paying job by taking the public fall during an event). What will happen next is you will see history rewritten and new facts added quietly during the night to websites such as the NIH who just added Ivermectin to the list of treatments for COVID-19 very quietly. So this is why it is important to have information in physical form and dated which is another reason why I wanted to write this book, I know the gas-lighting is coming and I want this all on record before people start trying to rewrite history. Chapter 15. Advice for an uncertain future The first thing you need to do is make sure you're speaking the truth, we don't get anywhere if we all go along with whatever narrative is being pushed down our throats and don't think even for a second that "just following orders" will be an excuse if you try to push this agenda on people and young children, if you're going to loudly and publicly voice your opinion about children being forced to wear masks or children being forced to take an experimental "V " (EDITED FOR YOUTUBE) you better be damn sure you know what you're talking about and not just following a line you heard on CNN or CBC or you may be forced to look in the mirror one day and realize you not only were fooled by this insanity but you were also involved in pushing it on your fellow man and that will be a very hard pill to swallow. Think logically, use common sense and go with your gut. If your gut is telling you "maybe these experimental v's (EDITED FOR YOUTUBE) are dangerous since we don't have any long term information on them so maybe we should avoid using them on children" you should listen to your gut. A psychopath wants to separate you from your gut instinct, that's why it is more important now more than ever to be correct and think for yourself and do your own research (no matter how dangerous Brian Stelter at CNN tells you that is, yes he actually said that "doing your own research is dangerous" and he has thankfully been fired during the writing of this book). Also now with the changes coming to the agriculture industry under the agenda 2030 plans there will be food shortages, so the best thing you can do is buy a considerable amount storable food items like pasta, rice and beans that can keep for years just incase of a prolonged food shortage. As we see now in Europe there is a major energy shortage that will cause complete mayhem with people unable to afford to heat their homes and business's and it will not be long before that same type of issue will affect Canada and the USA as we see already states like California trying new ways to control how much power people are using at their homes, so without a doubt the "climate crisis" is the next phase of the Agenda 2030 plan to control us and take our rights away while reducing our quality of life, so items that can help you in this regard like axes to cut wood and wood stoves/heating lamps will be items that you will want to make sure you have. Also with inflation looming you will want to spend a reasonable amount of money now on items you will be using in the future because that money will lose spending power, so for an example if you buy a toothbrush now for $2.00 and in two years if that same toothbrush goes up in price to $6.00 you will have made $4.00 on each toothbrush you have bought because that is an item you will have to buy no matter what, so this might not sound like a lot of money but when you consider the total amount of inflation on everyday items from deodorant to toothpaste to cleaning products, the difference between buying them now and buying them in two years is going to literally be thousands of dollars you will save yourself. Also I think investing in physical gold is a good idea to help reduce your losses if the dollar loses a large amount of it's value, invest in "hard assets" that will have some value in the future such as things that people would want or need in hard financial times. The most important thing we can do right is share information that will help others and try to inform them. I wrote this book because I felt obligated to do so after seeing so much evidence of crimes taking place and lies being told regarding the events surrounding the pandemic I was forced to try to put it all together in one easy to read and short book, it's too much to tell someone all at once so to compile it all in one short book that is not filled with confusing dots to be connected or big words that go over people's heads I think is going to be helpful to people. If you enjoyed this book and feel you have learned something of value from it, then the one way you can show your gratitude is to share it with others by spreading this information. Thank you very much for taking the time to read my book, I don't expect you to agree with everything or like everything and I'm sure some (or potentially most people) may not like the information in this book but I hope you at least could learn a few things you may not have known before. Epilogue, The Final Chapter (updated 2024) If you have made it this far I thank you very much for taking the time to read my book, I took two months in the summer of 2022 to write this book, and the reason I wrote the book was out of a feeling of obligation to try to inform people, for my work I spend a lot of time on my computer so I also many times have free time on the side to learn about topics that interest me and with all the information I had found about the pandemic and the events surrounding it I felt obligated to share this information as best as I could, I was considering self publishing it on Amazon but I don't want people to have to pay for the book, I just want people to see it and learn from it, and do I expect many people to see it? of course not, and with the shadow-banning and censoring going on I can guarantee that it will not be read by many people but one thing that keeps me positive is that the truth resonates with people far more than lies do. As an example of this when Elon Musk purchased Twitter he noticed something that most people wouldn't expect, what he found was that the FBI/CIA (who had infiltrated Twitter), he found that they indeed were more concerned about small Twitter accounts that sometimes only had around 100 followers than you would think, they understand that the truth spoken by one man is louder than the lies of a thousand men so they were doing their best to silence those voices as best they could behind the scenes, and as an example of that CHAPTER 8 and CHAPTER 11 of this audiobook I uploaded to Youtube were removed for "medical misinformation", both of those chapters were about the "new medical procedure" that went on a large scale during the pandemic (and this is further proof of "flooding the zone"/shadowbanning I mentioned in a previous chapter, so you can see that in action right now with your own eyes, (and if further chapters are removed in the future this is the reason why), If you Google search my name you can find those chapters on writing.com. I hope this book wakes some people up to what really went on during the pandemic and how it will mold the future moving forward and hopefully makes you more aware of certain things to expect and will leave you more prepared for them and more ready to challenge. Thanks for reading my book, I really do appreciate it and I will leave you with one final quote, "False words are not only evil in themselves but they infect the soul with evil" - Plato |