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The couple arrives at the party, and Hiyoko is not doing so well. |
Didn't take long for the two oblivious lovebirds to reach the small building where the celebrations are in full swing. Hajime: "And only just over an hour late" Hiyoko: "Sh-shut up, we won't get in trouble, I am sure" Had she not tightened her hold on Hajime's arm, that could have been a convincing facade. They both took a deep breath, fully expecting to have to explain themselves and how they definitely weren't planning to murder anyone. Instead when Hajime opened the door, they were met with complete uninterest from the rest of the group. The party was at full swing, and noone had been particularly fascinated by the entrance door as to focus on it much. Ibuki was rocking out with Nekomaru. Gundham and Chiaki were nerding out over breeding mechanics in a certain video game, and how to improve them. Byakuya and Teru were fighting to see who would win, Teru's passion for cooking, or Byakuya's seemingly endless stomach. Mahiru, Sonia and Tsumiki were having a mini tea party by themselves, with Soda trying desperately to grab Sonia's attention, and due to her manners, she did oblige him quite a lot. And Nagito.....was being Nagito, going around checking on everyone and making small talk, mostly. Notably, Fuyuhiko and Akane were both missing. The couple sighed in relief and approached one of the only tables that was still free of any "inspection" from a certain leader. Hiyoko: "Oh my gosh just look at this stuff! There must be at least a dozen plates of fresh japanese handmade candy!" Hajime: "Would you really want to eat it, knowing whose hands made it?" Hiyoko: "Not only am I going to eat it, but you'll help me by going over to the other tables and taking all the kinds of candy that are missing from here!" Hajime: "Huh!? But stealing food from others, especially since we arrived late? That's...." Hiyoko: "Look, you're either going to bring most of it to me, or mister kingpin himself over there will make sure every bit of it is being inspected in his stomach. And of course, you wouldn't want me to starve, right?" She made sure to slurr her speech right at the end as if crying and bring out the puppy eyes, with fake tears already at the edge of them. Hajime knew she was playing him, but he couldn't resist her anyway. He went from table to table, taking any unprotected candy he could. And most of it went smoothly. Everyone was so preoccupied with their own ridiculous conversation as to completely ignore Hajime's lackluster pressence. His streak did eventually end however when he approached the tea party. The objects of interest were a particular girly looking arrangement of muffins. He knew these were most likely made by the girls, and not by Teru. Which meant the only way to complete his goal would be to get one of them. There was no way Mahiru would ignore any man around her acting up to, so Hajime decided to approach the girls directly and hope they'd let him have one. Hajime: "Hey, everyone. Having fun?" Mahiru: "We were, before you rudely interrupted our GIRL ONLY chat." Sonia: "Oh, don't mind him, Mahiru, he only wanted to greet us. We should be cordial and accomodate our guest." Mahiru pouted for a second before letting the case go. Sonia was really scary. Kind at all times, but that made her excude an aura of benevolant dominance that made it impossible for anyone to resist her wants and needs. Tsumiki got ignored. A normal occurance for her, which bummed her out. Especially since Hajime seemed to be the only one to give her attention when she'd greet him. Hajime instead was focused on proccuring his goal and decided to take advantage of Sonia's kindness. He knew he'd go to hell for this. But a worse hell would await him, were he to disobey the little devil across the room. The same one who was gorging herself on all sorts of sweets while he did her dirty work. Sonia continued: "This little party of ours seems to have been quite a success, hasn't it, Hajime? Everyone seems to be having so much fun! You know, our royal celebrations are never this...comfy!" A kind way of saying that this was a peasant sized party. Sonia of course, was sincere when speaking up, even if it made everyone around her feel so small in comparison to her grandiose elegance. Hajime: "Ah, pardon me, my lady but, I couldn't help but notice those splending looking muffins on your plate. Such artistry could only be the result of the hard work of a delicate and elegant hand." He felt himself choking on the pretentiousness of his words.But this did seem to do the trick. Sonia: "Oh, you flatter me, Hajime. Unfortunately I haven't be taught the way of hard labour and thus couldn't have made these delicacies. It was Mahiru's work. I'd be glad to share one with you." The positive attention from Sonia seemed to have appeased Mahiru enough to not bring her voice up in protest. Tsumiki got ignored. And this time she felt really hurt. Before she could act on it in plain sight however... BZZZZZZT The room went to complete darkness. And it was truly, utterly pitch black. A lot of noise was heard around the room, some screams, some rustling, a thump. A cacophonic chaos. Hajime found himself being pushed, having something fall on him, being rolled around the floor and ultimately landing face first into some....nook? He hadn't understood where he even was at this point, or what he was touching. But what he did know is this place suddenly smellt fainlty sweet. Like a weirdly dirty perfume. Just as fast as he had this thought, the lights went back on. And the situation was made clear. Tsumiki had tripped over some wires, sending food across the room, with more of it wrapped around her in a manner that one can only call fanservice. Sonia had fallen off her chair and had it fall directly on her now shoeless foot. And Hajime was somehow up against the wall nearest to the tea party, with Sonia's flat pressed between said wall and his face. The wet insole had made contact with both his nose and lips. Making this a very humiliating occasion. The whole room was still in uproar. It felt like each small group had their own reasons to be loud. Mahiru was of course more concerned with Tsumiki, and went to help her untangle herself. Screaming at all the boys to stop looking at her. Sonia on the other hand was now sitting on the ground, clutching her ankle in pain. Hajime sat up himself, removing the shoe from his face, not before thinking about how he really should be grossed out but wasn't. Soon he approached Sonia whose sniffles were an unbearable sight to behold. He started feeling around her foot to see how serious the pain was. And despite her exaggerations, it seemed like there really wasn't any serious harm. It must be that her sheltered life had made her unfamiliar with pain. Soon Mahiru returned to Sonia's side, much to Tsumiki's disappointment. Mahiru: "Hajime how could you do this to her!" Hajime: "WHAT!? Me!? N-no I didn't do anything!" Hajime for once yelled at an accusation, but it was more filled with astonishment at the shark jumping than anger. "Sonia, please explain to her!" Sonia wasn't responsive, due to the pain, but at least managed to stifle her sniffles as the tears started to dry. Then with Mahiru's help, she managed to sit right back on her chair. But without her elegance and overwhelming aura to calm Mahiru down, this was going to be a problem. Mahiru: "Now you have really done it! You boys should be protecting us, especially a princess, not jumping on to molest her first chance you get!" Sonia winced from the pain, having started to believe Mahiru's narrative due to how vulnerable she felt at the moment. Mahiru: "You better stay there on the ground and beg her for forgiveness right now!" Hajime was quickly losing control of the situation, ready to leave it completely as to not bring any more attention to himself or the insanity around him. But then... Sonia: "The only thing to cure such an unbearable pain, it could only be what my mother, the Queen would do whenever I'd get hurt" She couldn't be thinking... "You must kiss it." Such a childish naiviety could only come from the same girl who almost got tricked into sucking poison from a man's loins....twice. Sonia raised her white stockings-clad foot towards Hajime. Sonia: "Please Hajime, you must do this, for me." Her aura had come back on full power, and with such a pleading face straight from a princess, denying her was out of the question. So as he laid there on the floor, he found himself in situation he was getting irritatingly comfortable with, and lowered his head to touch the tip of the princess' toes with his lips. And that was when the aura was snuffed out. Replaced with a sense of pure dread. He had forgotten to check on something after the lights had come back on, and he was made very aware of that as the feeling of a demon's glare washed over him. He turned his head around, to find Hiyoko, still at her table, staring at the two. She got up from her seat and approached the former tea party table. Mahiru went to stop her from whatever she was about to do and was met with a sharp slap to the face. Hiyoko: "Raise your voice at Hajime or make him do something so stupid one more time, and your remains won't be found on time for an investigation." Her voice was cold, and frighteningly quiet. She then turned to the princess who was now staring in disbelief at her, grabbed her by the wrist in a tight squeeze that could choke a person had it been placed on the neck, and dragged her outside, leaving the door open just so she can look back, look at Hajime, and signal him to come out. Hajime rushed after her and closed the door behind him. But before he could say anything, Hiyoko had already pushed Sonia against the building's outer wall. Hiyoko: "Care to explain yourself?" Sonia: "Pardon me, I don't know what you mean." Hiyoko: "Kissing your booboo goodbye? What are you 10? Don't give me that crap." Sonia: "I was hit by Hajime and I only required a single gesture of good faith from him!" Hiyoko: "A gesture of good faith!? For what? Did you see him push you off the chair? Did he stick his dick in you so you knew it was a man? Please go ahead and answer, I am at the edge of my seat here!" Sonia was flabbergasted by the explicit nature of that statement. Meanwhile Hajime was too scared to stop her, and could do nothing but watch. Hiyoko: "You think I don't understand your game? You pretend to be this perfectly innocent princess with perfect morals, while behind the scenes you get off of everyone's adoration and worship." Sonia: "I, I'd never!" Hiyoko: "If the shoe fits wear it! You cannot win against me, I have been a better actress than you for longer than you have been alive! This show you just forced Hajime to perform; you did it because you loved every second of it!" Sonia: "And why would you care?!" She had finally laid her cards out. "You go around berrating and abusing him more than anyone on this island! You don't have the right to be upset at me!" That's all the confirmation Hiyoko needed. Her hand grabbed the ribbon on the princess' neck and pulled her down so that she could look her directly in the eye. Hiyoko: "Listen well, you royal whore. Only I get to abuse him. Only I get to boss him around. Hajime. is. MINE!" Hiyoko let go of her ribbon.The terror in Sonia's eyes were a clear indicator that her point was crystal clear.She allowed the girl who was significantly taller than her to escape, having learnt her lesson, and with tears in her eyes. Hajime on the other hand knew that were he to try and escape, he would be found 6 feet underground, trampled into his own coffin, knowing Hiyoko. But he wasn't afraid, in fact he was beaming red. "Hers" he thought. She had not just defended him against two other people, but had finally admitted it out loud that she cared for him. In her own unique way. The tingling warm feeling inside him gave way to dread, as Hiyoko now turned around to focus on him. And the glare was the same she gave the girls. Hiyoko reached out her hand, inviting him to give his, and as soon as the two touched, she squeezed it with enough force to make him lose his balance. And with no words, still holding his hand, she started walking. Her destination was unknown but she walked, practically dragging the poor boy behind her, for what felt like half an hour, up a small hill, and onto a secluded little plateau, far away from gazing eyes. Finally she stopped, snapped back to face him. And used a large rock for her to sit. Hiyoko: "Kneel." Hajime knew he was about to hear it from her. And justifiably so, so he complied and took the stance, then closed his eyes in fear and anticipation. Instead of a screeching yell however, he felt his face being caressed. His owner had removed her sandals and started stroking his face with one of her sock clad feet. The fabric felt smooth and soft against him. And there was a distinct warmth coming from it. The result of the long walk. And as most of Hiyoko's actions, this was definitely done on purpose. Seeing his slave being used by others had given her the courage she needed to go back to her confident self. It wasn't easy for her either. The cat was out of the bag and she couldn't afford to back out again like she did in her cottage. Hiyoko: "So, did you have fun with your friends?" The question stung like a wasp. He knew there was no correct answer. And he had too many encounters with feet at this point to pretend he didn't have any attraction to them. So faking that he was the victim of genuine bullying was out of the question too. Hajime: "I am sorry..." This was as close to a correct answer as he could have given. An impressive feat considering he was breathing rather heavily now. Barely able to focus due to the warm and slightly damp ped rubbing all across his face, coating him in his lady's scent. For this good answer he was rewarded with the second foot being raised to start kneading at him. He couldn't describe his adoration for the smell. Unlike Sonia's there was no masking perfume. Nothing to take his attention away from the stuffy, vinegary aroma. Hiyoko had done something to him today. Her cheeky and manipulative attitude was a perfect trap for someone as unsure and apologetic as him. And he was only now realising that this isn't a one time thing. There was no escaping this now. He'd live the rest of his life right there, under her feet, and he only realised he was being turned into her doormat when it was already too late. He did not mind though. Hiyoko: "It's okay. You said you wanted to spend time with all your friends. And so you did. Now, it's my turn. And I don't plan on letting it end." Her voice was gentle and soothing. A complete 180 from her usual self. She didn't have to try and pretend this is some kind of prank or way to fool others into making fools of themselves. This was her at her most intimate. She looked down at the mess that was her plaything. There was drool now at the edge of his lips, and his eyes were unfocused. It just took a day for her to completely break him. A combination of guilt and his usual passivity had made it so easy for her to turn him into her foot toy. Yet it was that passivity, that simplemindedness, that cheerful attitude and genuine worry he felt towards her even while being abused, that turned her own efforts against her. She had accepted it now, that she had lost just as much as him. But they were both happy this way. This was just the way it was meant to be. He lived to serve her, and she lived to use him and protect him when his attitude got him into problems. It had been a good ten minutes since Hiyoko had started to play with Hajime's face using her feet, when she ever so gently placed the tips of her socked toes against his lips. And as if on instinct, her boy toy grabbed the tip with his lips and started to pull the velvetty fabric off of the foot. Hiyoko: "Good boy." She cooed, sending pleasant chills down his spine. He let the sock fall on his lap as the newly bare foot started to stroke his face again, and soon he found his nose trapped under the toes. Hiyoko: "Deep breath". And like clockwork, he obeyed, letting the hypnotising scent fill his lungs, turning him even more numb. Numb enough for him to not realise that the toes had now moved to his lips, and he had began to kiss them instinctively. As if the smell had reprogrammed his brain. Hiyoko was having the time of her life, the feeling of soft lips pressing up against her toepads was divine. She raised her head, looking up at the sky and closing her eyes as she let herself get immersed in the sensations. Each kiss sent chills up and down her body, the slightly cold wind only made the moments when her toes were enveloped in Hajime's warm mouth so much better. And the warmth of his breath as it passed inbetween them was bringing her closer and closer. Soon she found it hard to hold herself back. All it took was the smallest push for her digits end up inside his mouth. His tongue lapping desperately at them like a dog. Exploring the top, tip, undertoe and inbetween each toe to satisfy the hunger for her taste. Each time she felt her foot move forwards from Hajime sucking on her toes, it took every bit of her focus to not shove it as deep as it went. And when she looked down one last time only to meet his puppy eyed gaze, toes in mouth and nose firmly between her socked foot's big and second toe, she was overrun with a sense of pleasure she had never achieved before. Quickly she took her feet away and grabbed Hajime, pulling his face close to her near-climaxing warmth, spreading her legs and lifting the kimono. Without hestiation, he reached in and licked away at his mistress' honeypot, her moans crescendoing in a loud whimper, as wave after wave of juices came out, coating the lustfull servant's face and mouth. She tried to hold on to her conciousness for dear life, but it was for naught. She managed to lay against the rock she was sitting on before her eyes closed. Hajime was left in a similar predicament as earlier today. Once again having to carry an unconcious little girl home. And this time it was an hour long trip away. He cleaned his face as best he could, put the lady's sock back onto her foot, before giving it one last kiss, picked his mistress up along with her sandals and went to tuck the sleeping beauty back to her bed. A grueling task later, he had finally managed to carry her to her bed, tucking the tired girl snuggly under the covers and making sure to take off her hairpins, which caused the golden locks to flow freely down. He caught himself admiring her for a second, and turned around to go back to his own cottage, when he felt something tugging at him. A barely audible whisper was heard from the girl, and when Hajime got closer to listen, he was swiftly pulled closer until he was laying in bed with her. She covered him up and hugged him tight. Hiyoko: "You aren't going anywhere, this is where you belong now." There was no arguing, no misunderstanding or faking emotions anymore. He closed his exhausted eyes, and soon the two were napping in eachother's embrace. |