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Rated: 13+ · Novel · Sci-fi · #2275304
Dreamtime. A trip to another time, then another dimension.
"Chapter ThreeOpen in new Window.

“Johannes Kepler was a node?” The twenty first century and final node asked, astonished. Sophia assured him that he was.

“Why can't we remember him?”

“I don't know. For a moment you were there and you remembered me, then you were gone.”

The Orrityga thought about this. “Our memory of the past doesn't seem fixed.” They paused as if struck by a thought, but then continued, “We need to re-establish contact with him. We could send you another letter and ask you to see him again. It is a pity our previous node does not overlap.”

Sophia nodded her agreement, but asked “Would seeing him again achieve anything? He didn't know me.”

The Orrityga considered this, “Perhaps we can use the Meeting Construct to contact him.”

“Either that or the new Inner Construct.” Sophia offered.

“That's an even better idea.” They replied. “Let's try that now.”

Sophia looked amused. The Orrityga in all his nodes was an impulsive creature and his 'right now' actions no longer alarmed or surprised her.

Their offices were very well appointed with chairs and couches and Sophia was not surprised when the Orrityga selected the same couch that had been his favourite when he had been the pharmacist. The node stretched himself out on the couch and Sophia sat next to them. She began to guide them through the Induction process that they had devised together. Soon the Orrityga was in a deep trance and working their way through the Outer Construct.

They were surprised and very pleased when Sophia joined them in the Garden of the Moon, telling them that she had no intention of letting them have all the fun. Soon they entered the Inner Construct together. Sophia was looking around and admiring the new features as the Orrityga busied itself with setting the new central console. They were setting it to target Prague in the early 17th Century. By way of preparation the nodes on either side of Kepler visited the city to fix its layout and appearance in their collective mind.

When they were ready the Orrityga invited Sophia to 'Do the honours'. And she obliged by pulling the lever that began the process of travel. The console pulsed and briefly whined and then was still. On the large screen was Prague as it was in 1603. They were outside the residence of Johannes Kepler. The Orrityga noted the dress of those passing by and with an act of creative imagination he was clothed as a nobleman of the period. Sophia looked and smiled. A moment later she stood in the dress she had worn when visiting Kepler several centuries ago. Together they left the Inner Construct, and found themselves in a Construct of Prague that was both accurate and extremely detailed thanks to the Orrityga's superb memory.

Amyrll was in a panic as the entity she was occupying,'Kepler' had undergone a further change. After some inexplicable activity involving the removal and replacement of his 'clothing' he had laid down and shortly modified many of his prominent senses. Shortly after this he had begun to see and experience disjointed and to Amyrll quite frightening phenomenon. Amyrll did not sleep much less dream and so she had no clue as to what was happening.

In Kepler's dream he was approached by his servant who informed him that there were visitors of Quality at the door. He asked that they be shown into his study. Curious, Amyrll watched.

The Orrityga and Sophia entered into the study. One of the Orrityga's nodes had contrived to enter it some while after his death and Kepler himself was supplying many of the details of his surroundings. The Orrityga introduced himself and Sophia. Amyrll immediately recognised her,as did Kepler, though only as the strange young beauty who had disturbed him a few hours before.

Murmuring “Excuse me Sophia”, the Orrityga stepped forwards and clasped Kepler's hand firmly. Immediately Kepler was a node again. They addressed the invading being.


Amyrll was floundering in the rapidly changing situation. She did now realise that this was some sort of created reality, perhaps equivalent in some ways to Stendhall's laboratory, but she was unsure as to how to react. Cautiously she replied.

“Yes I am Amyrll.”

“Why did you separate our node from us?” The Orrityga questioned.

Amyrll remembered the Closure and checking found that it was no longer operating. The Orrityga's created reality having circumvented it.

“I was afraid.” She broadcast

“Afraid of me?”

“Yes. I am sorry I did not know that it would 'separate your node'.” She repeated this last phrase somewhat uncertainly.

“Where are you from?” The plurality asked her.

She was unsure how to answer this and even if she should answer. A silence lengthened uncomfortably.

The Orrityga made a considering “hmmm” and then lapsed into a look of intense concentration. In front of them, above Kepler's desk began to appear 3 dimensional lines and swirls.

Amyrll and Landseer were horrified as they recognised the depiction immediately as being the Reality Distillation Unit.

“Aha!” The Orrityga exclaimed.

Landseer made a snap decision and turned the Reality Distillation Unit off, trapping Amyrll between the dimensions. He was not sure if she would survive, but weighed the possible threat to his own dimension of higher importance. Then he dismissed Closure and summoned his fellow Vrrall to discuss the shocking developments.

Amyrll wailed in acute distress as her connection to her own dimension was abruptly severed. As she was inhabiting Kepler, the wail issued from his mouth. Sophia who was unaware of what had happened asked in a concerned voice what was wrong.

“It looks like Amyrll has been cut off from her home dimension.” The Orrityga offered.

“Help me. Please help me.” Amyrll begged, her being racked with what her host helpfully defined as pain.

The Orrityga released its grip on Kepler and was gratified that he remained a node despite Amyrll's continued presence.

“Well now,” they said, sounding rather pleased with themselves. “here's the thing.” he paused “I happen to have one of these.” The Orrityga gestured towards the 3 dimensional representation still
floating before them.

“You do?” asked Sophia, wrinkling her nose in puzzlement, “and what pray is that?”,

“Amyrll gasped out “Its a Reality Distillation Unit”, just as the Orrityga said

“Its a multi-dimensional reality tuner.”

Sophia's face registered that now she knew that, she was none the wiser. “and they are?” she asked patiently.

“Part of the Inner Construct my sweet. It lets us focus or tune into a dimension so that we can travel to it.”

“I've always said you're a clever clogs.” Sophia playfully observed.

At this point Amyrll cried loudly and pleaded, “Please can you take me home? I am in such pain.”

“My dear lady of course we can, and will. Please come this way.”

The Orrityga lead Kepler/Amyrll to its time machine, the Inner Construct, with Sophia bringing up the rear. They entered the Construct and despite her pain Amyrll was impressed by the obvious skill and psycho-technical ability that it clearly demonstrated.

Before the door was closed the Orrityga was almost skipping around the Construct. Sophia smiled. She was well used to their exuberance when involved in some 'project', though she had to admit that this was proving intriguing, or “fascinating” as the Orrityga was wont to say. Privately Sophia thought that the Orrityga found everything fascinating, it was a part of their charm.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“I'm tuning the Construct to the signature of Amyrll's Reality Distillation Unit.”

“So glad I asked.”

The Orrityga gave her a quick grin, and when it next passed her a rather more lingering kiss.

Kepler/Amyrll was turning slowly where they stood as Amyrll examined her surroundings. She had found that she could still invoke Synthetics. She had tried Landseer's meditative sequences and they were helping it control the pain that separation from part of its conscious brought.

“What is this place?” Amyrll asked.

“This is the Inner Construct.” Was the Orrityga's reply. “Its my workshop if you like.”

Amyrll understood that this being was in its way very like her own kind in that it used its mind to create usable environments. She marvelled at the plurality of the Orrityga's being, which she could not comprehend in its fullness. Amyrll could only experience parts of the whole, perhaps because her consciousness was tied to that of Kepler.

“There! That seems to be about ready. Would you do the honours please Sophia.” the Orrityga invited.

Sophia smiled again, suspecting that doing the honours might well become a regular task, the Orrityga's way of making her feel included. She pulled the lever that activated the Construct, and shortly it indicated that they had arrived. The screen showed what Amyrll recognised as Stendhall's laboratory.

The assembled Vrrall were looking in amazement at the Construct that materialised before them. To them it was of a completely alien design. A section of the Construct opened and out stepped the Orrityga, Sophia and Kepler/Amyrll. The Orrityga was excited and looked around eagerly taking in details of the laboratory. Then they stepped forwards and held out a hand.

The Vrrall looked at the extended hand with bemused hostility. The eldest of the Vrrall, Fortuna Epoch II Variant Gimel spoke,

“How is it that you speak our language?”

“Oh that's part of the Constructs design.” The Orrityga replied breezily, “It wouldn't be much use if we were always arriving at places and unable to have anyone understand us, would it?”

“A intuitive translation Synthetic.” Landseer suggested.

“Yes, that sort of thing.” confirmed the Orrityga.

“Why did you come here?” Fortuna asked belligerently.

“Oh just to say hello, test the construct, bring home your stray, that sort of thing.”

“Bring home our stray?” echoed the puzzled Fortuna.

“Yes. This is where Amyrll came from isn't it?”

Fortuna looked at the three beings. “Where is Amyrll?”

Kepler/Amyrll stepped forwards and touched the entity lying prone and motionless next to the Reality Distillation unit. Amyrll felt a surge of relief as her consciousness recombined.

“I am here honoured Vrrall.” She said, somewhat shakily.

Kepler stepped close to the Orrityga and touching his hand faded and vanished. In another time and dimension the Kepler node slept soundly and dreamlessly.

Thracewell Epoch II Variant Keph murmured to Fortuna. “I have evoked Quarantine and Lock.” Fortuna replied,

“Thank you Thracewell.”

Sweeping forwards towards the Orrityga's Construct Fortuna asked,

“Your Synthetic travels through dimensions?”

“Yes or strictly speaking no. This is its first trip actually, and it does seem to work as intended.” The Orrityga was grinning, proud of their work, “and we call it the Inner Construct.” They supplied helpfully.

Fortuna stepped through the door and into the Construct.

“And it can obviously convey many between dimensions.” she stated as the Orrityga followed her inside.

Sophia was about to follow too when she discovered that she could not move at all.

“Yes, indeed it can.” she heard the Orrityga reply.

Sophia tried to shout, but found she could not. Panic rose in her and she felt her heart hammering insides her immobilised body.

Fortuna looked around the Inner Construct, both impressed and alarmed by its scale and detail. Clearly the Orrityga represented a great threat, and its Construct offered a great opportunity. A private communication advised Fortuna that the Orrityga's partner had been Locked. The Vrrall had a bargaining chip.

Landseer finished examining an extract of Amyrll's memories taken from her period of being stranded in the Orrityga's alien dimension. He distributed the memory amongst his fellow Vrrall.

Fortuna stopped before the lever that activated the Construct. Looking at the Orrityga she smiled and asked,

“Shall I do the honours?” and without waiting for a reply pulled the lever.

The Orrityga looked shocked, but only for a moment, then they smiled broadly.

“Sorry but the Construct doesn't work like that.”

Fortuna seemed momentarily put out, and then looked questioningly at the Orrityga.

“No?” She asked.

“No.” They agreed, then added, “We see you are telepathic, that must be useful. I take it you are Fortuna Epoch II Variant Gimel.” It was a statement not a question. Unbeknownst to the Vrrall, the Orrityga was maintaining a link with Amyrll and was surprised, though they did not show it to find that they could now see Amyrll's mind almost as clearly as any of their nodes. Whilst addressing Fortuna, the Orrityga was trying to work out if Amyrll had similar access to their own consciousness. Whilst examining this it noticed something fascinating.

Fortuna was startled that the Orrityga knew her name, but made a guess that Amyrll had disclosed it whilst trapped in the alien dimension.

“That is correct. I am head of the Vrrall.”

“How does it work then, the Inner Construct?”, she continued.

“Well for a start it only works if the right person pulls the lever.”

“An ingenious safety device, but how does it work?” Fortuna persisted.

The Orrityga recognised that they were being pumped for information. It further now knew from its examination of Amyrll's mind about Stendhall's project, and deduced that the Vrrall collectively did not yet comprehend how the Reality Distillation Unit worked. However they doubted that the Vrrall would take long to figure it out, and so replied easily,

“By restoring potentials then collapsing a target potential to become reality.”

Fortuna continued to look around as she digested this, taking in the alien design and finding it strangely beautiful.

“Are there many inner constructs like this in your dimension?” she asked casually.

“It is, as far as we know, unique.”

Fortuna was well pleased with this answer. “What a prize it would make”, she thought. An idea occurred to her and she sent a communication to the other Vrrall.

“You said that you brought it here to test it. I take it that you are its creator then?”

Outside the Construct Simshinian Epoch III variant 2.4 invoked a chameleon sequence and took on the appearance of Sophia. Thracewell ran an amendment to the Lock program and rendered the real Sophia invisible to the laboratory.

“Yes we are.” The Orrityga was replying to Fortuna's question as Simshinian came in. Looking across he smiled at her.

“Ahh! Sophia. This is Fortuna Epoch II Variant Gimel, leader of the Vrrall who seem to run this dimension. She's been asking about the Construct and we were about to offer her a demonstration, what do you think?”

“I think that's an excellent idea Orrityga.” Simshinian replied.

The Orrityga then began fussing around the Construct adjusting the controls. Shortly he asked Simshinian if she would do the honours. She responded with a smile and pulled the appropriate lever. Nothing happened.

“Hmmm! How very embarrassing.” The Orrityga sounded crestfallen. They moved to Simshinian's side and with an “Excuse me” pausing very slightly they finished, “Sophia.” Then they pulled the lever down . Immediately the Inner Construct activated.

“Where are we going?” Fortuna enquired, “To your own dimension?” she guessed.

“Actually no. We thought that we would try somewhere new. The Construct has selected a random target potential.

“Isn't that rather dangerous?” Simshinian looked concerned.

“Oh no more than say travelling to your dimension and dropping in on the Vrrall unannounced we dare say.”

“M..my dimension?” Stammered Simshinian.

“Yes. We're sorry we didn't catch your name, but it seems unlikely to be Sophia. By the way,” they added coldly, “We do hope that you haven't harmed her in any way. We would be..... extremely unhappy about that.”

Fortuna was impressed that the Orrityga had detected her ruse so quickly.

“She has not been harmed.” She soothed. “How did you detect our deception?”

“The Construct works with nodal signatures. It is very sophisticated. When you.” They looked at Simshinian here, “tried to activate it, you failed because your signature does not match Sophia's however much you may look like her. What have you done with her?” They turned to direct the question to Fortuna.

Fortuna answered, “She is quite safe, merely detained.”

“Detained! We see. To what end is she detained?”

Fortuna thought carefully before replying she was increasingly regarding the Orrityga as highly dangerous.

“Where are we?” She asked, countering his question with her own.

The Orrityga frowned.

“A good question. But you didn't answer mine.” Looking again at Simshinian they informed her “We'd appreciate if you took on your own appearance.”

Fortuna conveyed to Simshinian that she should reverse the chameleon sequence, adding her fears that the Orrityga should be regarded as very dangerous. Simshinian did as she was instructed and asked “Should we evoke a Lock on him?”

“No, because only he can operate his dimension traveller. If we antagonise him he may strand us here, wherever here is.”

The Construct seemed to have travelled, or so Fortuna deduced, as she could no longer communicate with any of the other Vrrall besides Simshinian.

"Chapter FiveOpen in new Window.
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