Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2275267-Oh-Im--A-Victim
Rated: E · Other · Philosophy · #2275267
brainwashing the next generation with shitty keynote speakers
Today I watched my brothers middle school graduation. This nerd won MVP for football and the 2nd highest GPA in his school. He went up and said his piece, followed by the valedictorian. The keynote speaker takes the stage. He started off well but then proceeded to talk about oppression in this country. A doctor is talking about oppression. It was a shitty impersonation of MLK. This got me thinking about leadership. One of the traits of a good leader is tact. The ability to say and act when appropriate. At that point he could've inspired a new group of graduates or tear them down. He chose to tear them down without them knowing. By telling people that they are opressed inadvertently turns them into victims. It removes them from their power and puts the "system of oppression" in power. It takes self responsibility away from them. lets say someone wanted to do something big, they fail, a victim will say its because "I'm oppressed", a normal person will try again. Victims do little to help themselves because they operate on a mindset that states "some outside source is a cause for my problem". why would they go fix it themselves. It's true what they say that victimhood is a mindset. A mindset can be changed but it difficult to have an open eye when everyone around you operate under the mindset. This mindset turns you into a chicken that goes with the crowd and would rather be herded. They don't know where they'll end up, dead or alive but takes safety in crowds. A group of slaves operate like this, do the safe thing, it takes an empowered, inspired person to want to escape. That takes bravery and an understanding that it may cause your life. In our time it is safer and safer to be a victim and less of a consequence to leave it.
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