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Rated: GC · Other · Erotica · #2274979
Kai looks... taller? You should measure him just to be sure
I went to the study room to get a tape measure and brought Kai to the toilet. Stretching it to his head, he now stood at 6'7, he had grown by 3 inches! Going to his feet, it now measured 14 inches, they were size 17.5! His foot was also about 5.5 inches wide. I lingered there awhile as my eyes were transfixed on his large stompers. They just looked so clean and smooth, they'd definitely feel soft on my face. Shaking that thought away, I then refocused back to Kai and realized that he was staring at me! Flushed red with embarrassment, I quickly added, "Let's see how much you weigh now big guy!!"

My hands fumbled to grab the scale, placing it in front of him, motioning him to get on. His long, large feet occupied much of the rubber mat on the scale. It was a 1 by 1 foot, which meant that his toes were slightly hanging off the edge of them.

Originally at 6'4, he was 180 pounds. Now, his muscular body weighed in at 230 pounds. I simply stared in amazement. "Wowee am I heavy now! Get on there bro! I wanna see how much you weigh!" he laughed while grabbing my arm and dragging me onto the scale. Compared to his, my feet barely had any presence on the scale, they fit with plenty of space on the scale pad.

"Only 125 pounds?! You are my older brother but certainly not the bigger brother! I'm almost twice your weight!"

Those words stuck to me like glue. On one end, it doubled down the fact that I was never going to catch up to his size. However, it also accentuated how he was much bigger than I was and could ever be, and that felt amazing. I stood there frozen on the scale, crestfallen, which was when Kai realized he went overboard.

"I'm sorry bro, I'm just happier that I'm now taller. I didn't intend to tease you." He said sincerely. However, I could feel that he was hiding something, undecided whether he should let loose what was on his mind. True enough,

"Honestly I did all of this for you. I thought you were fascinated by our size difference. I realize how you're always staring at me whenever I had my shirt or shoes off. Even just now while you were measuring my feet you were so focused on them, I was watching you the entire time handling them. Treating them as though they were a national treasure."—guess the cat's out of the bag

"Ever since I became taller you were more defensive and at the same time more interested in our size difference. Honestly, I love it too! I like how I'm so much bigger than you are, I love comparing with you too! Just know that deep down, you're my big brother and nothing can change that."

At this point, I was just dumbfounded. My brother was more mature than I thought! Quickly trying to salvage the situation, "Hey, get it right, I'm the older brother, not the bigger brother! That can only go to you, giant bro!" I quipped, soliciting a chuckle from him. I got off the scale and went up to Kai and gave a good hug, thanking him for his sharing and honesty. That would help to make things less awkward now and allow you to interact more with his new size unhindered. Both of us then went back to the living room and decided upon what to do. I had an idea actually, though I doubt the feasibility of it.

"Kai, you know how I'd always carry you around when you were younger, when you were smaller than me. Either by piggy backing or me being on all fours horse back style. Can I try to do it again?"

Now it was his turn to look dumbstruck.

"You? Carry me? Please bro tell me you're kidding. I'm practically twice your weight and I'm more than a foot taller than you are. You'd be crushed like sticks if I put my weight on you!" he chuckled at that last statement while carrying a half-serious tone expecting me to be joking.

"No really Kai, I think I can do it. Please. You said I'm the older brother, I know what I'm doing. I'll tell you if you're too heavy for me and you can just get off. Let me do this Kai!" I pleaded with him with sincerity. I may not be a bodybuilder, but I wasn't some couch potato either. I truly wanted to carry Kai, perhaps to drive my obsession for his newfound size, though I had some reservations. I was quite fit and strong despite my size.

"Okay bro if you say so! Let me know if you can't do it and I'll get off." Despite his initial concerns, I could also see that he was excited by this as well. He was clearly rooting and cheering for me to be able to carry him. Going to the couch, I went between his muscular thighs and signaled him to drape his arms over my shoulder and lean in. His big hands were near where my thighs were due to their sheer length. His body practically wrapped mine. I grabbed onto his thick thighs and grasped them tightly with my arms. With that, all that's left is for him to lean forward and put his full weight on me.

"1... 2... 3! "

"OOF!" I grunted as I harnessed every inch of power within my body to lift his body up as he leaned his full 230 pound body onto my smaller 125 pound one. Veins popped out across your arms and face as I struggled to hold onto his thighs. I took in deep breaths and was particularly winded as my legs burned to support the significant load placed upon my body.

“You okay there pal? "
" Huff... Yeah... Puff... "

I adjusted slightly and managed to shift Kai ever so slightly to a more manageable position on my back such that I could now carry him properly. I moved my right leg forward, followed by my left. I can even walk while carrying you on my back! I was honestly impressed by my own strength and endurance, walking one whole round around the coffee table. As I walked, I did my best to lift his thighs up as high as I could, but his long toes were still dragging on the floor, his feet were just too big. Rounding the corner of the coffee table, I saw the stairs to the second floor. I then decided to try my hands (or rather legs) at that.

"Hey bro? I don't think that's a good idea... I think we should call it a day." But you doubled down and insisted on it.

I lifted my left foot, almost toppling over on that side, and placed it on the first step. Then came my right foot. I grunted with all your strength to raise it and put it on the second step. Left foot on third step. Beads of sweat rolled down my face as I hoisted myself up another step. This repeated till the very top, even I was surprised that I was able to carry the giant on my back up the stairs! Along the way, I could feel his cock poking on my back and growing larger. He was turned on by this as well. Mine was too, but I was too tired to recognise that. By the time I reached the top, my shirt was soaking wet. It felt like someone had driven a car over my legs and back. They burned with weakness and were terribly sore. I quickly signaled him to get off, to which he jumped off. Immediately afterwards, my legs turned to jelly and I fell into his embrace.

"Wow little bro, you're amazing! I didn't think you'd be able to carry me, let alone up the stairs to level 2! You're strong!"

Still desperately trying to catch your breath, I waved my hands at him to acknowledge his statement.

Afterwards, we both went to shower and had dinner and went to sleep early. The piggyback ride drained whatever energy I had and I needed to rest. Dozing off, I was hopeful for what lay in store for me the next day.
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