Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2273985-Gregorys-Violated-Feet
Rated: GC · Fiction · Erotica · #2273985
After his feet are licked in an alley, a boy is forced to endure more bodily violation.

         Camping should be fun for any kid. However, camping in a warm tent isn’t the same as camping under a few scratchy newspapers.

         Next to the gigantic Freddy Fazbear’s Mega Pizzaplex slept a small boy. Well, he tried to sleep. But as the nightly winds pounded his skin, he shook as if he lay on Arctic ice.

         Just go away, wind!

         Young Gregory dug his fingers into the newspapers like his life depended on them. Among other unpleasantries, his hair itched and moved every time he came close to slumber. And while he initially denied it, his body’s odour became a burden on his nose. His armpits reeked and left large, damp stains on his blue shirt.

         They got soap in the bathrooms, he thought. I’ll wash myself there tomorrow.

         As the hour was 8:36, tomorrow remained a distance away. Fatigue quickly set in, and the boy entered the blackness of slumber.

         Several images flashed before him. The disturbingly lifelike features of the Pizzaplex’s animatronics, losing a shoe in the ball pit, and the tall security guard who had it out for him. The ball pit memory expanded, casting Gregory into a bright room with dozens of other children. As the coloured balls covered half of the boy’s body, he felt his white and red sneaker drift away.

         “Get him,” a voice shouted. Suddenly, the wave of kids snapped their heads at the brown-haired boy.

         Two girls snatched one arm, then two more grabbed another. And before Gregory could kick his way out of this sea, more cuties got their clutches on his legs. His socked foot tensed up as a tan girl poked his heel.


         “N-No, don’t!” Gregory burst into giggles, beaming harder than he ever had in the past week.

         His eyes widened when the girl yanked his white sock off. Gregory’s unkempt toenails were an embarrassment to the highest degree, yet the girl squished her nose against his foot. Once she took a breath, Gregory screamed. How was he to fight back when his whole world became weightless?

         “They stink… Stop it…” he chuckled, curling his toes.

         “Say that again, cutie.”

         Gregory’s heart restarted. All at once, the vivid colours of the ball pit swirled into the gritty browns and blacks of reality. Upon his senses fully awakening, his throat tightened.

         Cold, dirty fingers crept on his bare soles. The boy scrambled to dash off.

         “Get the hell away from me!”

         Just as he left the ground, he found himself face-first in the dirty concrete. Even when the boy lifted his head, what was there to find? His breathing got shallower as this invisible weight crushed his spine.

         The mysterious figure shushed the child. “You should appreciate me.”

         Don’t scream for help, Gregory advised himself. Unless he wanted cops becoming interested in him, he’d have to tolerate this attacker. Wait. Maybe if I…

         He reached for the assailant’s leg.


         “KYAA!” Gregory’s panting ramped up, and the feeling of trickling blood on his right cheek froze his nerves.

         “Bad boy! Bad boy!” The figure pushed the knife against Gregory’s neck.

         Now that the boy lay right where they wanted, they planted their bottom on his back. Then his feet ended up in front of their face, where the mysterious attacker dragged their nose across his damp soles. While the boy was blind to the world around him, this person adored the long, slender shape of his feet. Maybe size 9, if not an 8. One more sniff of this child’s feet sent the assaulter into a giggling fit, before they sunk their face in both of Gregory’s soles. And at the same time, their loose fingers crawled on Gregory’s legs like spiders.

         Gregory’s wacky dream now became a true nightmare. Some creep was smelling his sensitive feet, and he couldn’t fight against them in this blackness. As a last resort, the boy tightened his fists and sucked his lips inwards.

         If he’s trying to get me to laugh, no way. Not giving him that sick satisfaction.

         The adult let out a deep sigh once their face left Gregory’s feet. The boy didn’t wash them in days, and the cheesy odour rose from them like toxic smoke. To this figure, this scent might well have been nicotine. They forced their nose between his toes, rubbing his legs while breathing in the moist goodness.

         Ew! Gregory’s face scrunched like a sock puppet.

         If only the little guy knew what awaited him. After his feet had the funk sniffed out of them, something spongey travelled along his heel. He let out a confused “huh” when he felt it again, followed by a smooch. Are my feet getting colder?

         Two hard objects clamped on the ball of his foot, like an animal biting him.

         Jesus! Is he licking my feet!? For the first time since being on his own, the boy whimpered.

         But all the attacker heard was their own slurping. Gregory’s salty soles were a five-star meal, topped off with sock lint, filth, and food crumbs. Every lick lasted a millennium thanks to the kid’s lengthy feet, and as such, this predator savoured every second.

         “Scrunch your toes,” the voice moaned, scratching between Gregory’s digits.

         Gregory laughed his lungs out, scrunching his toes alternately to the assailant’s delight. And a mass of wrinkles appeared on his soles at a regular pace. Now the tongue had a few grooves and bumps to explore, and this remained a beefy journey. After the taste of Gregory’s feet coated every inch of their tongue, the figure rubbed the side of their face against the soles.

         “Aren’t you the ticklish one?”

         Fingers worked their magic on the tops of Gregory’s feet. With how little air reached his lungs, his world began to fade.

         No, don’t pass out! His squirming was useless with this ungodly weight. Searching for any tool in this darkness, the boy felt some fuzz. Except, this fuzz… It was the leg of his attacker. Gregory’s hand couldn’t return any quicker.

         Fine, he wants my feet. He can have them!

         “As much trouble as you are, you’re quite the adorable child,” the voice said.

         “Suck my dirty big toe.” Gregory flicked the figure off, still unable to make out a character.

         The haunting voice giggled. “With pleasure.”

         While they sucked on his flexing toe — BAM! — Gregory’s free foot punted the attacker’s nose. A groan echoed through the alley, followed by Gregory delivering another kick to the head.

         Shoes! He leapt in the opposite direction, scanning for his shoes and socks with his hands. Among this chilly atmosphere, their warmth made their locations obvious. One, two, three, four!

         The sounds of the figure got closer! Footsteps and a laughter that shook Gregory to his core. As if a fire were lit under his feet, Gregory sprinted until he popped out at a street. Lamps finally provided some light to this dark night.

         Great. Now where can I hide!?

         A regular shop would be a poor choice. He looked like someone who hadn’t seen home for a long time. The cops would be on him like white on rice. Aimlessly stumbling into the street, Gregory scanned for any structure that would grant him protection.

         Blocking out the sound of his heartbeats, his ears perked up from the sound of laughter. A 180° revealed the new hiding spot.

         These guys got a history of shitty security. Gregory dashed into the Mega Pizzaplex. Closes at midnight? I’ll be out by then.

         The number of kids inside wasn’t as high as it would’ve been in the afternoon. However, Gregory’s unremarkable appearance meant that he could disappear in the sea of people. Well, once one important change happened.

         While bolted in the handicapped stall, the boy spent 20 minutes scrubbing his feet.

         “I could’ve had a foot fungus, and he probably still would’ve liked that. Fucking weirdo,” the boy growled under his breath. “Definitely can’t sleep outside the building tonight.”

         He stripped to his briefs, splashed water all over himself, then warmed his body underneath an air dryer. Though the bathroom smelt like a typical boy’s bathroom, foul and musty, Gregory couldn’t appreciate the heat more. Rather than constantly thinking about the cold, now he had some free time.

         Thankfully, a box of bandages allowed him to protect the wound on his face, and a minor scrape on his knee.

         With most his clothes on, he wiggled his toes before the long mirror. My feet don’t even look that cute.

         Untrimmed toenails, and filthy soles had been the norm for Gregory since he was on his own. “At least they’re not black for now.”

         With his socks and shoes on, he emerged from the stall a fresher boy. Though, perhaps the scent of homelessness was less distracting than a boy who smelt of strawberry soap.

         Two more boys entered the restroom.

         “It’s gonna start soon,” one of the boys said, hopping up and down.

         “I’m not gonna take long,” the other replied.

         Oh right. I thought that band stopped playing at 8. Gregory left the restroom. I’ll stay with the crowd until mid—

         His feet guided him back into the bathroom. Because on the other end of the floor stood a tall woman decked in black slacks and a white button-down. It was her. The security guard that had been staring at him all week.

         Come on, lady! You wanna fuck me or something!?

         Back in the wide handicapped stall, he crossed his fingers. With any luck, the security guard would leave once the animatronics began their show.

         For 14.5 minutes, and he timed it precisely that long, Gregory’s eyes locked onto his watch. 9:13 was too early to run, but his mind already began to drift. The only noise this bathroom offered was the droning A/C.


         Finally! Now’s my chance! Gregory set his hand on the deadlock.

         “Let’s go, kid.”

         No. A female voice? Gulping, Gregory looked underneath the stall. Indeed, two polished work shoes waited on the other side.

         Ugh, why!? All hope of the boy escaping the Pizzaplex in one piece crumbled instantly. First, he thought of crawling under the other stalls to reach the exit. But what would stop the guard from just waiting at that door? One way in, one way out. The boy’s world shrunk.

         Screaming his lungs out, he slammed into the stall door.


         The deadbolt protected the door, but bounced Gregory to the floor. His muscles tensed once he heard metal clinking. At once, more light filled the stall as a terrifying creak echoed in the room.

         “It’s not the night to be wasting my time, kid,” the guard said. She’d pushed Gregory against the wall, readying to pat him down.

         Starting at his shoulders, her hands explored every inch of the boy’s dressed body. His chest received several unwanted touches, and his genitals clenched when the guard squeezed him there. Gregory’s butt specifically became the target of groping, for the lady felt him like he was a dirty dancer.

         Airport security seems less nosey than her, he thought. A gasp slipped out his lips as he felt warmth now inside his underwear.

         The guard pulled her hand back. “Clothes off. Right now.”

         “Weirdo!” Gregory spun around, directing his foot right at the woman’s nose.

         Before anything, the guard grabbed his ankle. She then tackled him into the marble wall, then rubbed her face against his.

         Her breath tickled his ear. “That trick won’t work on me again.”

         What the fuck? Gregory’s blood chilled.

         “Clothes. Off.”

         With a smile, the woman watched the boy slam each clothing element onto the floor. Socks, shirt, underwear, everything.

         Gregory shuddered as his soles kissed the tile floor. Although only one person was with him, he felt as if thousands of eyes stared at his naked body. Very little hair covered his young legs, his chest, and his genitals. Speaking of his private parts, his penis erected as hard as it could. Be it from fear or confused arousal, Gregory appeared to be ready for some fun, at least from one woman’s perspective.

         She removed her hat, allowing the lights to highlight her blonde hair. “Scream and see and what happens.”

         The child shut his eyes as soon as it happened. His uncut penis gradually retracted its foreskin while entering a deep, moist object. Once stretched to its limits, a slimy device underneath swirled around the boy’s glans. Oh, he flinched alright. His fingers curled into his palms.

         Now the two sounds filling the room were the A/C and heavy slurping. The guard stroked Gregory’s soft legs as she bobbed back and forth. If his feet weren’t salty enough for her, his penis made up for it. As the guard’s breathing ramped up, the more pre-cum oozed onto her tongue. Soon enough, she sucked so deeply that one could only see the base of his penis.

         A tear rolled down Gregory’s cheek. I can’t run. I can’t call for help. Can’t anything go my way?

         The woman yanked his cock out her mouth, then snatched it. “Say my name, Gregory.”

         “Huh!?” The boy’s mind split. Forget her name. How does she know MY name?

         “Vanessa,” she moaned. “You’d better start moaning it or I’ll—”

         “Oh, Vanessa…” Gregory’s voice shook. “Vanessa…”

         Grinning, the woman brought herself to the boy’s level. Their lips interlocked, and Gregory squeaked. But he quickly found himself unable to make noises when the adult’s tongue violated his mouth. There, Vanessa got a taste of Gregory’s daily diet. Pizza, candy, and ice cream.

         She’s gonna shove her tongue down my throat!

         Two painful minutes of smooching later, Vanessa pulled back. “Now sit.”

         “Whatever,” Gregory mumbled. Pouting like any frustrated child, he sank against the wall and stretched his legs out.

         “Perfect,” Vanessa said. “And keep playing with your cock.”

         The security guard lay before the boy’s feet, gripping his ankles as she made out with them. Though they lacked the sweatiness of the previous experience, their mere feeling intrigued Vanessa. Even when Gregory’s sharp toes hooked her mouth, she only moaned.

         While her tongue squished between his little digits, the child pumped his penis. Anything to get this over with. When he tickled his balls, his glans’ sensitivity doubled. The boy now winced in pain every time his fingers rubbed it.

         “Ah… Ah…”

         Vanessa’s smile increased. If a boy made that sound, she had to put her lips right at his dick. And so she gave Gregory’s foot one long lick from heel to toe, burning the taste into her mouth.

         Now she rushed to Gregory’s crotch, forcing him to stand as he played with himself.

         “I’m gonna cum, Vanessa,” he moaned, stroking her face.


         He nodded, pointing his penis right at her exposed tongue. The first gooey burst landed right on the pink muscle. Here we go! The next shot chose a different target, instead shooting directly onto Vanessa’s forehead. As Gregory’s penis shook, the boy doused the security guard’s whole face in warm semen.


         Gregory slammed his foot into Vanessa’s nose! Swooping up his clothing, the feisty kid hightailed it out of there. The security guard gasped, unable to open her eyes due to the boy juice leaking down.

         She’s gonna kill me. She’s gonna fucking kill me. The naked boy bought himself two minutes of time at best. Scouring the floor for anywhere to hide, his eyes led him to one door. A tiny gap of space existed between the door and the room, and the sign read: RESTRICTED AREA.

         “Good,” Gregory made a beeline for the room. “That’s the last area she’d expect to find me.”

         Inside, he slammed the door shut.

         “I hate my fucking life,” Gregory groaned. He wiped the leftover cum on his underwear and got dressed. When he looked up, something caught his eye. Four robots appeared deactivated, lined up against each other. And he recognised each and every one.

         Freddy, Chica, Monty, Roxy.

         If only the animatronics could protect him, then maybe he’d have a chance of blowing this joint. Nearly ripping out his hair, Gregory threw a heavy punch at Freddy’s chest. Suddenly, a hole appeared in his chest.

         “Holy shit, I broke him.”

         In reality, Freddy’s chest opened slowly like a car door, allowing Gregory to look inside.

         He then remembered what that area was meant for. At a girl’s birthday party, Freddy stored a large cake in his chest cavity. A cake as large, if not slightly taller than Gregory himself. While the boy poked around in the open cavity, he beamed ear to ear.

         Good luck finding me now, Vanessa.
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