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This is a short I wrote, I hope you like! P.S. I am 12 |
By:Brooklynn It was a circle and starry night, Demonic and cold. The state alarm went off, Televisions screeched and policemen patrolled. It was curfew 8:30pm on the dot. No matter how many times our citizens protested we only got from 8am to 8:30pm. The reasoning behind it all…Monsters the horror movie kind-and monsters, humans who were known killers, thieves, rapists, and more. Our residents feel no safety because at night you can hear them scratch, scratch, scratching at your door-DON’T LET THEM IN... Earth. Most religions explain that it was made made by a God or Lord-I believe that to-But why would God make Deedleville,NE in between Lincoln and Karney-No one knew about this place until 2039. Everyone thought it was a cute place to reside but in the soil deep, deep under our feet there is a Magnet-A force that attracts dark, demonic souls. Everyone now wants to leave but we can’t because to keep the rest of the world safe Deedleville’s citizens including the monsters are locked in for good. There is an exception to the curfew… The MC’s (Monster Catchers)-Not gangs or toughies but real certified people who could get them & test their DNA & blood. Scientists-People who work 24 hour days testing the samples of soil, DNA, and other scientific specimens. And lastly protectors kinda like the army, protecting our town from trespassers and protecting other towns from people and monsters in Deedleville who try to leave. I always wanted to see a monster or grow up and be an exception like one of these 3 jobs-like my dad. From 8am to 5pm our unexceptional citizens get groceries-And yes, they work. If it is an office job you only work from 9:00am-4:30pm. My mom writes stories all day, she sits in her little chair like she is in a trance and can’t get out. As for my dad...DEAD-Once a curious scientist who dreamed of meeting a monster-And finally did, the night they found his mauled, bloodied body I cried until I couldn’t anymore. Throughout 18 years 3000 people have died. And I know many more are to come… I am a 19 year old boy and since our food is scarce I am lean and frail, weak and pale. My clothes are ripped and my hair is long but I don’t care how I look. My mom used to care how she looked but now she is tall and lean, sad and solemn faced. We used to live in Kansas city but when we learned of Deedleville even I was excited, babbling and clapping at age 1. We moved 2 years after Deedleville was discovered-2041-When I was 3. Deedleville would be normal but the bloodied streets that are dried off in the day and bloodied again at night-The trees scratched and decorated with bloody hanging bodies make this a place no one should call home. Deedle Wilson III-The guy who founded this place died to the 7th monster attack when people started locking down-Being scared. At first people thought it was animal attacks-wolves, coyotes, bears but then the 1st survivor of an attack reported a monster-like figure then another survivor said the same thing-Then another and another-so on. People started looking out their windows and reporting the same sightings...Soon the pictures were taken and published in newspaper articles and on google and soon everyone knew...They were MONSTERS. So they hid and they locked their homes...and then they locked down and no one has left since. But I wanna go, I Wanna be free from this-My mom doesn't. She wants to settle and stay safe-Stay inside. I have written 5 pages setting up the story. But now I want to dive into the present. “Today is a gift,That is why it is called the present” By some Moronic poet, well I say BULL-SHIT. If I was dead I wouldn’t have to hear my mom cry every night, be scared for my life, or just straight up want to die. Suicide is something I have wanted to commit since we got in this mess. I think my mom has the same thoughts. The dark ones and the happy ones.The memories of dad when he was with us-And the memories of being told he had died. No one ever would’ve believed in what now is my life. I could have been a nurse healing people when they were hurt-And I guess I am when I am bandaging my mom when she bleeds and calming her when she is crying of fear or of sadness-Or both. Back in Kansas my mom was still an author writing children's books for a living. Nothing scary-Just happy little tales about how a little girl surprised her grandma for her Birthday-Sometimes I think mom lives in her stories-writing them as if she is the character. Thursday October 27 We got caught by the police for being out after curfew-Damn, Busted-The reason we were out there-Mom had a seizure-NOT NORMAL AT ALL...It felt like my world was ending, my mom was dying and with her I may too. The darkness of the cell swallowed me and the guards chattering startled me. I looked around to see where I was. I spotted 10 bars in front of me, hard, steel bars. There was a little opening in the center of the gate where bread and water lie. I DID NOT EAT OR DRINK THEIR PITY SNACKS. Hungry and cold, I finally stood up and walked around my tiny cell. I knocked on the bread and saw hair in the water-Gross-Nonetheless my stomach still growled-I don’t know exactly what happened next but I think I passed out-I woke up to a loud BANG-And then I saw the light of God's sun shine in. “You’re free son but stay in after curfew” I think I said something back-I don’t know what. I had a big breakfast- Eggs, Bacon, Pancakes-The works. When I was done eating the headache had subsided. Mom looked a mess. I felt bad for her. She didn’t deserve this. Was it my fault?????-Was I a bad son???? My mind whirred out of control and that's when it happened-I was shaken out of my thoughts at the hospital.My mom's face was wrinkled and her eyes red. I had had a seizure-A severe seizure. My head hurt the worst and the rest of my body was not too far behind.There was a can by my bed-I must have thrown up-Or they thought I was going to. My eyes burned and my lips were chapped-Nothing felt right. We were told that it was now past curfew and we would have to stay the night at the hospital-When I got out the shower I felt much better.Fresh-Clean. NO ONE SLEPT THAT NIGHT AT THE HOSPITAL. First there was scratching and tapping-And then we smelt the smoke and felt the heat-No...It was not a fire-Nor a Bomb-It was a concoction of treturous things-The summer nights air being let in through the door now kicked open by the human monsters and the horrid smoke like scent that the Horror movie monsters carried with them. All I know is afterwards there was blood everywhere and my legs were scratched nearly to pieces. All I heard was people crying. Kids, elderlies, my mom-doctors. The doctors were crying to see that I had woken up-Woken up to see my mom bleeding with a yard long pole jabbed through her leg. Blood everywhere-Tears everywhere. But that is not all-Her whole foot was twisted around Clockwise-The sight brought me to tears. I watched as the doctors rushed my mom into the OR...I cried off and on throughout the time she was gone-When she came back I stopped-I had never been so relieved-It was like the monsters were gone and Deedleville was safe and dad was alive. But monsters were still here making deedleville unsafe and dad still dead-I was still relieved-The pole was out of her leg and her foot was as close to normal as it could be. She had a cast on and crutches. She looked happy-Not healthy. The car ride was silent-Cold-Bitter-“Did she think this was my fault????”I stopped thinking because the last time I thought things like that I had a seizure which was why we had been at the hospital and gone through all of this anyway-I fell asleep and woke up in bed-Thank God. Even though we had just been through a great deal of affliction, it woke me and my mom up to things we never thought of-Love and appreciation we never felt- I could smell dinner from upstairs. I was hungry-Starving.The casserole was hot and savory-Just what I needed.The conversation at the dinner table was small-Understandably but then mom said something I had not heard since I was little. She said it with tearful eyes and a solemn face “l Love You.” It came out of nowhere and my heart nearly stopped-With my health it probably did-Even though I casually said it back we both felt the emptiness in the common last words. I woke up to a sound that put hawks in my stomach-My mom was choking-loudly and brutally. I ran to her room and found blood everywhere-In her mouth, on the sheets, but mainly on her leg where the pole had been-That is when I lost it-I started to hyperventilate and my whole body shook immensely I felt light headed and nauseous. At that moment my whole world revolved around me being able to call the police and save my mom. I put pressure on my mom's wounds to stop the bleeding. I gave her water-I sat her up-I held her close but in the end it wasn’t enough…that is why I cry everyday when I wake up and when I go to sleep. Being alone in a home that used to contain a family that was your family is a painful thing-I would know...Mom's perfume was just starting to fade from the air when the first buyers knocked on the door...I slid out the back and went on to travel to god knows where all I knew is I needed to be somewhere by curfew-Even prison… The dry earth made unfamiliar noises under my bare feet and soon I became extremely tired. My watch read 7:30-that is when police start patrolling. I heard the sirens before I saw the lights-I waved my hands and told the officer everything-He took me to this center-an odd place but the food was warm and the bed was soft-I slept for all of 5 minutes and then I woke up crying my mom was gone-SHE WAS GONE!!!!! Someone heard-She knocked on my door and I let her in-Her eyes were like diamonds and her smile was one of the most gorgeous things I have ever seen. Her hair was like a shadow in the wind-She was beautiful...I smiled through my pain and wiped my tears-She smiled back. When she asked if I was ok and why I was yelling I said that I got a leg cramp-Great lie-But she didn’t notice-She sat down beside me-her personality was sassy, classy, and raw-No lies-She bounced around and talked with her hands-How is she so happy in these monstrous times!???-We must have fallen asleep but when we woke she was so different-angry and mean-Workers came in, when they saw us together they made smoochy sounds and we both rolled our eyes. They gave her these white circle pills “Miltown”she later explained that miltown made her, her happy self and not tense and anxious like she is when she's off-pill.The drug name was Meprobamate-I liked her best on-pill. She took her shower first and inspired me to look better-I care how I look-I did my hair in a man bun and shaved for the first time-What a struggle-I then put my best shirt on I felt handsome-might I say sexy. I walked out confident and she looked at me in a way that gave me chills-at the end of it all I was undressed with her beside me. I smelled her all over me and me all over her. She smiled and that made me smile and then it started all over again. When we were out of our love loop we went down stairs and ate breakfast together-What was left of breakfast-then we went out on a stroll till curfew. We were talking so much we forgot about curfew-we were escorted back to the center by an officer-She slept with me that night and we both felt safe-It was the first night that I slept through the tapping and scratching. Nostalgia gave me hope and she made me laugh and made me want to continue to live-I knew I did the same to her-She smiled and giggled and sang and mumbled and these little things were some of my favorite behaviors of hers. All this made me ask the question-The big question-”Will you be my girlfriend” she paused and looked surprised-My heart dropped and my smile faded-But she ended up saying yes! So our relationship bloomed and soon I was truly in love! After a year of dating on my 20th Birthday she got me a car! My first-my own CAR!!!!!!!!!That night we took a drive in parks, near malls, in the woods.We were laughing so hard I got off track. So I went down the wrong street or the right one on the wrong night.First we heard the tapping-We both froze and started screaming-it was 9:50 a hour and 20 minutes after curfew-we were so far away we didn’t hear or see the police cars...The car stopped-it was being blocked-Then we heard the back window being tapped on and we saw the hand of the monster-Bloodied nails and pale gray hands. But soon up came a curved body and many nodules and bunions-the face was brutally disgusting-It was twisted and bloody. He busted the window and snached Nostlgia out of the car beating her viciously her blood splattered-I wanted to help her but I was still stuck in the car-I tried to climb out the broken window but the glass jabbed me-The monster snached me out and started beating me-I kicked and bit, slapped, and cried. He wouldn let go. I thrashed all around and screamed as loud as I could-I woke up in the ER-Apparently My leg was broken and my arm was fractured. Nostalgia’s nose was broken and her face was bashed-Her leg was also broken. We smiled at each other-her smile was still gorgeous-She was too. The next month we were cleared to go home. Center sweet center. But we couldn’t and wouldn’t sleep that night. She tossed and turned-cried and screamed-I did the same-When the morning light came through the window we squinted and squealed. I nearly fell off the bed-I was nauseous and dizzy-I wasn’t hungry-Just tired-The night came fast. When I heard the scratching I got my knife and my unlicensed gun-I sat by our door waiting-Protecting. I heard heavy footsteps, growling, and scratching-In case you didn’t know the monsters were known for coming back for their surviving victims-I cocked my gun.The doorknob jiggled and then busted open I shot at least 12 bullets after the monster had fallen to the ground. Nostalgia screamed and rocked back and forth-She was telling me to stop but I couldn’t-I had pointed down to the monster's already breathless body-I continued to pull the trigger even when the bullets were gone. If they weren’t gone I would have shot myself. For letting all of this happen-Letting mom die and Nostalgia and myself be hurt. It all was my fault. I tried not to think about any of this because I knew it all would come back up and I would fall deep into thought and never wake up.The next night I was getting my gun and knife ready when I saw Nostalgia get out of the bed and sit right beside me-I gave her the gun.She cocked it and got it ready like a professional…I guessed she had used one before-But then she did something unbelievable She shot herself in the leg-Twice-She cried and screamed. She told me to not call the police and to just let her die-But I refused. At the hospital she woke up and I immediately started crying-I left the room.She screamed my name followed by “I am so sorry!”-My legs gave out-I fell to the ground…It was all coming back-Mom dying-dad dying-Me almost dying-And the fact that Nostalgia was just a distraction. I looked into her room and saw what my mind had disguised as beautiful…Ratchet teeth, yellowed eyes, ratty hair-she was ugly-but I wanted her-I wanted someone to love me because everyone who did was gone. I ran out of the hospital and turned every which way I felt like going. I ended up in the woods laying on the ground crying…I looked at my watch and waited patiently for it to say 8:30. For all I knew I was a monster. I was a psychotic, crazy, mean, misleading monster. I knew I should leave and never come back. So I started running-and running-and running. It was calming-like I was leaving my past and becoming a new person. It was like I couldn’t stop. I heard gunshots being fired at me and immediately knew I had reached the border.I stood there and put my hands up-I painfully dropped to the ground my legs couldn’t and wouldn’t do anymore. My breath caught in my throat and I coughed and choked. My life flashed before my eyes. I saw what I thought Nostalgia was-Beautiful, sparkling, and bright.And then I saw what she was-The epitome of ugly but also my prized possession. All I ever wanted was love…And since I knew I never would find it, my mind was subjected to making an ugly creature someone that was loveable. Because in the end I wasn’t loveable. I thrashed and spat-screamed and writhed.The ambulance came and scooped my tantrum bound body up and belted me down.I still screamed and cried the whole drive… I had a few scars but no broken bones so I knew exactly where they were taking me and I knew exactly why. White walls and white lights and white floors and locked rooms. It was a mental house. As much as I hated it I knew I needed to be there. I had been through so much pain and loss-I was confused and sad but mostly blank. I had so many holes in my soul that needed to be fixed and so many disorders to be diagnosed with. Most of them didn’t surprise me-Ptsd, Insomnia, and depression. But one did, anxiety. I was on 5 different meds to compress 4 different disorders. It was a self esteem snatching thing but I had come to terms with it. I didn’t want to spiral back because I was now a new person. I could sense that this day was going to be bad-Very Very bad-The sky was black and the air was thick-Every breath I took was hard to get in and even harder to get out. I was bored of my new routine and wanted to do something different so I staked out by the window and watched the forest. I saw a tree being snatched down and a monster jumped out. He picked up a car and through it at the mental building I was in.The window I was looking out of shook immensely and almost broke-But it didn’t-I ran downstairs and looked at the damage.The whole bottom level was crashed in and people were dead and bloody.The monster wasn’t outside anymore and probably on the same floor as me. I got a heavy piece of rubble to protect me and started looking for a way out. I smelled the monsters before I saw them and yes Them-there was at least 5 and I ran even faster than the day before. It hurt but it was the safest thing to do-I lost all my breath-and fell to the ground-I had a new idea-play dead-or be dead-I bashed myself with the rubish I had. Then I crumbled it up and put it in my hair and on my clothes. I was in pain but I was ok.The monsters crawled right past me and went to the last standing floor. I ran out of the exit door and kept running-This was now my new thing-I ran until I couldn’t anymore-And it felt like I could run farther and farther every time. This time I wound up back at my house-the house I watched my mom die in. I knocked on the door and no one answered. I looked around and saw that there was no “sold” sign but a “To be demolished” sign. I couldn’t do anything but cry but I wasn’t sad. I wasn’t anything-I was just there-by the house that protected me and killed my mom. And I was looking at the door that had once been the door to safety for mom and a depressing lock down for me. I walked away from all those memories-FOR THE LAST TIME-But it wasn’t the last time for me to Run until I couldn’t anymore. I did it for miles never stopping-I was nauseous-and when I stopped running I immediately threw up. I layed there lifelessly in front of my vomit and remembered every detail in my life like it was flashing before me -Again-But this time it was the good things not the bad. There wasn’t that much good but there was enough to make me miss it all and wish I was with mom-I believed she was in a safe and happy place now. In Deedleville I wasn't-so life was worse than death to me. I trudged on but now at a slower rate-a sickly rate-I had to get food and water soon-or I would pass out-I approached a 24 hour diner-It looked cheap which was great because I only had a 20 dollars on me. The dinner was good and the 50 cent pie that followed was even better-I made friends with the manager and was able to talk my way into being able to sleep there-the bench was the comfiest place I have slept since at home-with mom-in my bed. In the morning I helped clean-up the kitchen and earned myself 10 dollars-I was up to 16 dollars and 70 cents that could last me for a couple nights of dinner, maybe even at that diner because when I left I knew that I would always be welcomed back… I continued to wander Deedleville finding things I never knew we had, an arcade, a jewelry store, and an ice-cream shop. All three were dormant but the small homely feeling of the bankrupt ice-cream shop offered me a new home. I walked through the pink double-doors. There were 2 bodies that laid in pieces on the ground. I found cleaning supplies behind the large purple desk. I shoveled the bloodied and decomposed remains up and scrubbed the blood off the floor. My eyes flitted open and all I felt was extreme pain. My head throbbed and my mind whirred. A tall, brown-haired woman slipped out of a seat by the bed I lay in, she walked over to me and smiled. Doctors walked in and smiled. They smiled like it was the first time I had woken up-it was the first time I had woken up-in a whole 2 years. I had suffered a epileptic spasm(seizure) that left me in a coma for 2 years. Deedleville was just a temporary home for me while I waited to come back-back to my real home. I was covered in blankets and given warm tea and hot soup. I was so relieved and excited I felt like I could do anything-but I couldn’t do anything, I couldn't even walk. It was 3 months until I could go home. I was on 3 medications, 1 for my seizures, and the other ones were helping me recover… I am better now but I still have 1 to 2 seizures a week. None of them are as severe as the one that made me imagine Deedleville but I wish I would stop having them. I think about Deedleville every time I hear about a new town opening. I opened a haunted house called Deedleville but it’s only open in October. I work at the town's library during the other months. My life now isn’t as exciting as my life in Deedleville and sometimes when I am really bored I close my eyes and picture that I running until I can’t anymore through the weeds and tweeds that covered Deedlevilles grounds-I think about nostalgia too, her pretty eyes and pretty hair and then how she changed into and ugly beast. Maybe I will meet a girl who looks and acts just like the Nostalgia that I loved-maybe not-I will be OK either way. My mom is alive and well unlike in Deedleville but dad is still dead-he died in a car crash while I was in my coma. I didn’t know if that had something to do with Deedleville or not but I know that someday I will find myself saying “Don’t Let Them In” |