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Mob romance |
Growing up I thought my family life was normal. I had my big brother, Nicky, his best friend, Marco and there were the many uncles always around to play with me. It wasn’t til a parent day in middle school that I realized what a usual family was, a Mom, a dad and maybe a brother that was there pick on the sibling not raise them. But I wouldn’t had traded my life for theirs in a million years back then. Now? Now that I am about to enter college, have no friends that aren’t 30 something year old men, have never been on a date, let alone kiss someone. Sometimes I wish my brother wasn’t the head of one of the top two mobs in the country. He controls the whole east coast all the way to South Dakota. Maybe then my life would be a little more normal. Looking up at the school, I sigh before leveling an unamused look to Nicky. “Isn’t it amazing, Valentina?” “Sure Nick, if going to a school completely controlled by your people is amazing. Then yay!” I circled my finger in the air sarcastically. “bambina, we talked about this. Right now it is too dangerous for you to go any where else, here I can have people keep an eye on you and you can still get a great education.” Sighing I just nod “I know, Nicky. Thank you for looking out for me.” I smile leaning into my brother. Our height difference allows him to place his chin on the top of my head while I rest my ear against his chest. I barely reach five feet, while my brother stands tall at 6’2. “Always, Val.” I can hear the smile in his voice that was reserved just for me as he pulls away. “okay now shall we start moving all these boxes into your room or have you already decided to come home because you miss me too much?” he jokes hip bumping me on his way to the trunk. “I’m surprised we are doing this al..” before I can even finish the sentence, what looks like a parade of Italian heritage day walks towards us with Marco in the lead. “You’re late.” The relaxed tone Nicky had with me is now gone, as he looks at Marco. “Yeah, sorry about that Boss. We stopped at the Princess room first to check it out and then got distracted on the way over.” Rolling my eyes, I just look over the second man that basically raised me. “What was it this time? Food or a woman?” Marco turned his attention away from Nicky to look at me with faked offense. “Princess! No woman will ever come before you! Of course, it was food!” shaking my head laughing I just point toward the trunk. “for that you guys can carry the box’s marked books.” Smirking as Marco’s face dropped along with a couple groans from the “uncles.” Looking over at my boxes, I may have gone a little over board on the books. Especially since my home with Nicky is only twenty minutes away from the college. Shrugging at my internal thoughts, I grab one of the two boxes that have clothes in it and start heading into the dorms, not waiting to see if the Italy parade will follo, I know where ever I go Nicky will go and where he goes they do. Walking through the doors by my self, people greet me with smiles and waves. The moment Nicky enters the building behind me, all eyes are downcast and heads are bowed in a demure manner ton show respect. The difference between the two greetings always makes my shoulders slump for a moment before I remember who I am. Pulling my shoulders back and pulling my spine straight I walk through the group of people like the mob princess I was raised to be. Finding my room through the maze of halls takes a minute, once there I’m greeted with an open door that has music coming out of it. I’m about to step into the room when one of the uncles holds me back and walks in first. From there it's the usual harsh whispering to the other person’s frightened answers. Rolling my eyes, I lean against the wall waiting for it to come to a conclusion if I’m allowed to go into the room. Watching Nicky, I can tell that the unexpected person is not making him happy, the vein in his forehead is starting to pulse as he grinds his teeth. “Boss, when we came by earlier there wasn’t any one here. The room was empty.” Nicky turns and glares at the man speaking, his hand comes up fast and tightens around the man’s throat, pushing the man against the wall. “You say that the room was empty, but then you all left go fuck off before coming to find us. Did any of you think to leave someone behind to make sure it stay empty? Or is my sister’s safety a joke to you?” Rolling my eyes at that line iv heard countless times, I step forward towards Nicky placing my hand lightly on his back. “Nicky, please don’t do this here.” I know I can only stall the punishment of this man for speaking out of turn and for the group not doing their job correctly. But like usual my calm voice makes Nickys shoulders lower and his fingers unwrap from the man’s throat who was starting to turn purple. “ Of course Bambina. I am sorry for the violence in your new environment. “ Nicky smiles kissing my forehead before walking into the room where the man disappeared which seems like ages ago but was only a matter of minutes. Walking in behind Nicky, I see a girl with short pink hair about my age standing straight against the Uncle with her finger pointed into his chest talking back just as harshly. “What is going on here?!” Nickys voice carries through the room making the two step away from each other and look towards us. “I was assigned this room and this baboon of a man is trying to tell me I am not.” Now being able to hear her speak, she has a soft southern accent. “well the reason he is saying this is because, this room is already occupied and it is for one person only.” Nickys response is met with the girl looking at the two beds in the room. “You sure about that Suga? Cause it looks to me this looks like double.” She shrugs her shoulders and pulls her room assignment paper work out of a colorful purse throw onto a chair. Handing the paper to Nicky, she turns her attention to me for the first time. Like most, she is taller than me. Even in my heels I only come up to her chin. Her short pink pixie cut makes her look exciting and fun. I wonder what she thinks of my long black hair pulled up into a tight pony tail. “You must be Valentina! It’s a pleasure to meet you.” She comes towards me before I know to react, wrapping me into a hug. “Oh..um yes?” my brain could barely process this response not use to physical contact. “ My name is Lorelei, your new room mate! We are going to have so much fun!” “Hey wait now! I did not say that this was going to keep!” Nicky was now trying to use his “I’m the boss of everything” voice which I mean he sorta was but the voice still make me roll me eyes. “Oh Nicky. I told you I wanted the whole college experience. A roommate is part of that. So why don’t you get a back ground check on her. Put someone one me 24/7 like you were going to and just relax on this one thing.” My voice was like that of someone trying to calm a angry horse. Blowing out an exasperated breath, Nicky gives a barely there nod letting me I got my way (like usual.) Looking around the room, my nose scrunches when I realize I don’t have as much room as I thought. “hmm I guess we are going to have to send this home with you.” I push one of my clothing boxes towards Nicky just to have it pushed back with a look. “Val, you need clothing. Your books will be okay with out you. “ grumbling a little because I know he’s right I look over at the uncles still holding my boxes of books. “fine, you can take the classics, the scifi, and history home. I will keep the rest here. “nodding at the decision, the men start to go where they are meant to with the boxes. It took about and hour and half to get everything settled and set up. Then another half hour to talk my brother into leaving for the night. Once he was gone, I was ready to throw my self onto the bed and read a book for the night. Of course, my new roommate had other ideas. “So I hear there is this really cool club not far from here that is doing something to welcome students back to school. I say we go and let loose a little.” She looked at my pony tail the moment she said that a smile taking over her face. “ I don’t think that’s such a great idea. I’m not very good with big groups of people.” “Come on, Val live a little! Are you always going to do exactly what your brother says?” raising her eyebrow Lorelei just watches me for a reaction. Sighing I push my self up on my elbows. “fine but we are going to have to lose the goon squad and it’s annoying listening the lecture after so this better be worth it.” Moving towards my boxes of unpacked clothing I start to pull out a pair of jeans and a geek t shirt. Before I have the chance to even undress, Lorelei is shaking her head and digging throw my boxes. “okay you have to have something in here other than jeans and t shirts!” Shrugging I sit back down on the bed. “I think there is a dress in there somewhere.” “you think? For someone who wears amazing shoes, your wardrobe sure is that of a teenage boy.” Laughing g I look over at my red bottom collection. “Yeah shoes are a thing for me.” “Darling, aren’t shoes a thing for all women?” laughing Lorelei pulls the pink sundress from the box. “not exactly the clubbing scene but it will have to do. “ throwing the dress at my head, giggling. “now let’s finish getting ready and blow this popsicle stand!” she let’s out a hoot before turning on her music from earlier. Moving her body to the music, Lorelei pulls on a mini skirt that barely goes to the top of her thighs that has chains hanging down each side, a pair of fishnet stocking, a red corset top that pushes her boobs up making them look amazing. The outfit is pulled together by a pair of black sparkly combat boots. Looking in the mirror at my pink sundress and gold heels that delicately wrap around my ankles, I laugh at the complete opposite anesthetics. I kept my make up light with golds and glittery pink lip gloss, Lorelei went darker with winged eyeliner, a dark smoky eye and blood red lipstick. “Now let’s take this down for the night.” Lorelei pulls the hair tie from my hair and watches the hair fall a little past my ass. “okay, I figured it would be long but not that long. I know understand why you put it up. It probably takes forever to do anything else with it.” Shrugging I pull a little bit over my shoulder that was already curling a little. “if it’s left to its own devices it curls like crazy.” Laughing Lorelei pulls a piece of my hair playfully. “darling those are beach waves, they are amazing. Now let’s go!” pulling me by the hand she sticks her head out the door. “now how do we lose them?” she tilts her head towards the two men sitting down the hall. “Well easy. They are probably already drunk or asleep.” Walking out the door, I slowly walk towards them their shoulders slumped in sleep. The closer I get the stronger the smell of alcohol gets also. “Or both. “ I whisper as we pass them and head out into the warm August night. As we get to the gate of the school, a car idols waiting. “I called a taxi while we were getting ready.” Lorelei winks as she skips towards the car. Laughing I walk after her, my heels clicking know the cobblestone. Sliding into the backseat next to her, I just look out the window making sure we actually got away from my “protection squad” “where you ladies going tonight?” “Sin, please.” Raising my eyebrow at the name of the club, Lorelei just laughs. “I know it’s cliché but I hear they have some amazing drinks and a great DJ.” “If you say so, oh fearless roommate of mine!” laughing together, we watch as the car pulls in front of a light up brick building A line of people wrapped around waiting to get in. “It looks like it's going to be hard to get in Lor.” Swatting me lightly, Lorelei gets out of the taxi after paying the man. “Have a great night ladies!” following Lorelei, I watch letting her take the lead. “Travis, my love!” was her southern accent stronger just now? Holding back a giggle behind my hand, I watch as the guard letting people get into the club turn towards us. You know in cartoons when a character gets hearts for eyes and their heart beats out their chest after seeing someone they found attractive? That is whay would be happening to poor Travis right now as he watches Lorelei walk towards him. “Well hi there gorgeous. Its been a while since you came to visit me.” How often did my roommate come here? “you know I had to go home for break, Travis. But I’m back now and ready to party. “ when she says party she shimmy her chest at him. Watching his eyes follow her movements almost has me losing it. “Oh Travis! This is my new roomie Val!” giving a little wave, I actually let a small giggle out when he barely looks my way never letting his eyes leave Lor for very long. “Yeah hi!” moving away from the door he let’s us pass not before touching Lor's shoulder and whispering something in her ear. Laughing, Lorelei pulls me into the club. It takes a moment for my eyes to adjust to the darker interior that has random lights flashing around the dance floor. The speakers that are placed all around make my teeth vibrate from the volume. Letting Lorelei lead me to one of the bars, I look around all different areas and people. “Two lemon drop shots please!” looking over at the bartender waiting to see if he was going to ID or not. When he doesn’t and just smiles Lorelei, I just shake my head. This girl seems to put a spell on men around her. “ Here you go girls!” the bartender speaks loudly over the music handing us the shots. “Okay down the hatch!” Lorelei tilts her head back and just takes the shot in one go. My eyes widen looking at the shot, thinking k was supposed to sip it. “Uh I don’t know if I can do that.” Smiling Lorelei tilts it up a little towards my mouth. “you never know what you can do til you try.” Blinking at the surprisingly inspiring words. I tilt my head back and down the shot. Instantly my body warms from the alcohol, the small amount of tension that was sitting in my shoulders relaxing. “ Let’s go dance!” before I can answer, I’m being pulled towards the dance floor behind Hurricane Lorelei. We’ve been dancing for about ten minutes when I feel eyes on me. Looking up at the balcony, I expect to see Nicky standing there raging that I disobeyed him. Instead I see tattooed hands wrapped around the railing. The tattoos don’t stop at the hands, following the tattoos up to corded biceps, muscled shoulders, a strong chin covered in a five o’clock shadow, cheek bones that girls spend hours contouring to achieve, a nose that looks like it’s been broken a couple times from the small bump in it. Then there were his eyes, they were like gunmetal. But the fire that was burning in them made them look anything but cold. He looked dangerous, he looked like the man that I only let me self dream about wanting when I was alone late at night…with his tattooed hand wrapped around my neck. Shaking my head, I let the thoughts scatter into the fantasy that they were, he was probably staring at Lorelei like every other hot blooded male was. Letting the small bit of jealous roll threw me, I turned my back to the man standing on the balcony and continued to dance with my roommate. Five minutes later, the smell of alcohol and cigarettes bum rushes my senses as a man enters my personal space. Pushing him self against me, he grabs a hold of my hips trying to force my hips to move against him. Looking yo to see that Lorelei was distracted, my usual sweet voice, lowers into a cold tenor. “what do you think you are doing? I don’t remember giving you permission to touch me.” My voice only heard by the man standing behind me. When a crude laugh comes from the man as he tightens his hold on my hips, I sigh. “okay, I tried to do this the nice way. Please remember that.” Before he could respond, my heel stomps down onto his foot, the stilleto going through his cheap knock off business shoe. The moment he throws his head back, my hand goes out hitting him in the throat. “Now next time you ask a lady before touching her. “ I say as he slumps to the ground holding his neck. Brushing the wrinkles out if my dress, I look around to make sure that the violence was covered up by the packed dance floor. Once again the feeling of eyes on me makes me look up at the balcony. When I meet the eyes of the man, this time there is a smirk gracing his lips. Blinking a little at the reaction from the man, I just shake my head. He probably was surprised that a small thing like me did what I just did. Turning my attention back to Lorelei, I find the spot where she was filled with a different group of people. “really?” pulling my phone from my purse, I see a text saying she went to “get some” and should be back in a couple minutes and that she would meet me by the bar. Rolling my eyes, I moved through the dance floor towards the bar only to be stopped by what looked like a body guard. Raising my eyebrow, I watch as the man slowly raise his hands to show he was not going to touch me that he just wanted to talk. Nodding approval, the man stepped close enough for me to hear him “ Mr. Santoro would like to extend an invitation to the VIP section. “ the name Santoro sparked something in my brain, something I should remember but at the moment I could not for the life of me think of what it was. “To me? Are you sure he didn’t want to see the girl I was with?” the confusion evident in my voice. “No, Mr. Santoro said the girl with the black hair in the pink dress.” Look down at my dress the body guard, gestures towards the stairs. “ But why?” I say already walking up yhe stairs, I could never resist finding out an answer to a question. Stepping into the VIP lounge was like entering a whole different club. The volume of the music was muffled, there was dim lamps on corner booths lighting up the area in a seductive light. A bar was sat against the wall, but the only ones there were workers getting drinks for those sitting at the tables. Passing by the tables being led to one in the back, I could even pick up the smell of food. Food! How unfair that they get food. By the time we get to where we are going, my stomach is growling and I’m drooling a little from all the smells I passed. |