Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2271852-This-Spring-Be-Magic
Rated: E · Poetry · Fantasy · #2271852
If a thing sounds too good to be true...perhaps it is.
Written for Fabulous Fantasy Contest
Fabulous Fantasy Contest   (18+)
A fantasy short story and poetry contest. CLOSED
#2125220 by A E Willcox

Line count: 27
Prompt: A spring


“This spring be magic,” murmured Ver the elf.
“'Twill give eternal life, or near enough
To suit a mortal man such as yourself.”

I heard his words, although my hacking cough
Brought blood to stain my linen handkerchief.
Each laboured breath became increasing tough.

“’Tis healing water, if you have belief.
Your pain will ease with each enticing sip.
Come drink it now, be healed and know relief.”

And so I cupped my hands, and leaned to dip
Into that magic water, cool and clear
And brought it slowly up to touch my lips.

“Yes, drink, my friend, be of good cheer,
For soon your ills will all be in the past,
Your life unending bliss, year after year.”

I drank, and learned that sip would be my last.
Pain faded, true, but so did thought itself.
My muscles failed: alive, but still held fast.

Ver took me home and set me on a shelf.
“Another trophy fallen to my bluff!
You foolish man, to ever trust an elf.”
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