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When a beautiful night walk turns into a nightmare on wheels. what can you do |
The night air sent a chill down her spine as she walked along the road with only the moonlight to light her way. The loud music from the earplugs had her dancing as she walked. She had her eyes closed, enjoying the sense of freedom as she walked. She was in her mind so much that she didn’t notice or hear the truck pull up beside her. The passenger door opened as she looked up and took the headphone out of her ear. “Need a lift,” the driver asked. She paused to think. As much fun as she was having walking, it is a very long walk to get where she was going. She looked at the driver, trying to decide if he was a good or bad guy. He didn’t look scary or dangerous. She turned off her music and smiled up at him, “Yes, thank you” she said as she started climbing up into the truck. The truck roared to life as the driver got it into gear and took off. The silence stretched for a couple of minutes. “Where am I taking you?” he asked as his eyes ran over her body. “Just follow this road” she stated. He didn’t ask anything else as he went back to driving. The silence continued. After a couple more minutes, he turned on the music to drown it out. He looked over at her and noticed that she was starting to fall asleep. A smile appeared on his face and it wasn’t a nice one. He continued to drive without saying a word but kept watching her as she fell deeper and deeper asleep. When he was sure she was asleep, he pulled over in to a rest stop. There were no other cars or trucks around. He parked as far from the road as he could. He softly picked her up, trying not to wake her, and carried her to the bed in the back of the cab. He laid her on the bed and stared down at her. “Why have we stopped,” she asked sleepily. Her eyes hadn’t opened yet when she felt something tightening around her wrist. Her eyes opened wide as he pulled her up off the bed and tied her hands above her head to a bar on the roof. “Didn’t your parents ever tell you not to get in cars with strangers” he laughed as he ripped her shirt open. He roughly pulled her pants down and stood back to look at her. The only things she had left on were her bra and G-string. She stared right into his eyes and didn’t scream or move. “You might act tough now but that won’t last,” he said as he pulled her head back by her hair. She still didn’t make a sound. He didn’t like that so he slapped her hard. She shook her head and then went back to staring at him. He let go of her hair and stepped back, “Interesting” He turned away and grabbed something from near the driver’s seat. When he came back into the sleeping area, she saw a little blue pill in his hand. “What’s wrong? Can’t get it up” she mocked. He took the pill with some water as he smiled at her, “I don’t need this but I want this to last as long as it takes to break you. Doesn’t usually take long but you look fun” She knew he was trying to scare her but she wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of showing it. He just laughed as he started running his hand over her, waiting for the pill to work. He reached down beside the bed and pulled out a knife. He pushed that knife tip against her leg softly and began drawing it up her curvy body. She stayed as still as possible and showed nothing on her face. He stopped the knife base of her neck and kept it there for a couple of minutes as he stared into her eyes. She didn’t look away like he was hoping she would do. He shook his head as his hand replaced the knife on her neck. He tightened his fingers slightly making sure she wouldn’t move as the knife went between her breast and cut the fabric at the front of the bra. Her large round breast fell out of the bra and hung free. The hand around her throat moved straight to her first breast and pinched the nipple hard before moving to the other nipple and repeating. If he thought that would make her react, he was wrong. She stayed stone-faced and acted like nothing was happening. He shook his head again and smiled, “Might as well see the rest of what I get to play with then” he said as the knife slid between her skin and the side of the G-string. The knife cut the material like butter and it fell to the ground. He stood back and looked her up and down. “I can work with that” he laughed as he started to undress. When he was naked in front of her, she finally looked down at his body to see how long she had until the assault began. He still wasn’t completely hard so she still had time which made her laugh to herself. He looked to where she was looking. The fact that she was laughing made him angry. He slapped her hard. If her hands weren’t tied above her head, she would be on the ground. She shook her head and stared back into her eyes. She could feel something moving on her lip and she knew it was blood but she ignored it. He grabbed her hair tight, pulling her head back hard, “If you think that your safe until I’m completely hard then you have another thing coming” he stated, “I can make you do things while we wait.” She kept her fixed again, showing him nothing. “If you’re not going to talk or scream then I do something else with your mouth” he smiled as he reached for the rope tying her hands to the roof. He untied the rope from the roof but her hands were still tied tightly. He let them go suddenly and they fell in front of her. He looked at her as if he expected her to fight or run but all she did was shake her arms out coz they were a little sore and stiff. When she didn’t try anything, he stepped in close “Get on your knees” he demanded. She rolled her eyes and smiled her defiance. He grabbed her by the hair and pulled down hard. It didn’t take long before her legs started to shake and she got to her knee. He leaned over her, “Good girl” he mocked as he kissed her hard. She shook her head hard. He let go of her hair and laughed as he stood back up. She looked away from him and spat. That made him laugh harder. When she turned back, he was still laughing, “Let’s get this show on the road,” he said as he moved closer so his half-hard cock was right next to her face. He took a stumbling step back. She looked up at him and saw him shaking his head. He stumbled back another step and reached for the wall to settle himself. He looked at her as he shook his head over and over, “What have you done to me?” he asked. She got to her feet slowly with a satisfied smile on her face. He took a step towards her but his legs gave out making him fall to his knees. His momentane carried him from his knee to his stomach. He has somehow made it to the bed. She reached for the knife that he had dropped earlier and cut the ropes around her wrist. With the knife still in her hand, she rolled him onto his back, “Didn’t your mother ever tell you, what goes around comes around” she laughed as he passed out. As the fog began to clear from his head, he felt movement. He opened his eyes but couldn’t see anything. He tried to move his hands but they wouldn’t move. Sounds of pleasure surrounded him but he didn’t understand until he felt himself release. “It’s about time you woke up” he heard a women say as she pulled something away and light pierced his eyes. She was still riding his hard cock hard as he looked around, trying to figure out what was going on. The moans coming from her make him look back at her. Her breast bounced with every move and ground. He could hear that she was close to climax and he knew that she was going to take him with her. His body hurt all over but he couldn’t think of anything but the pleasure at that moment. With a couple of harder grinds, she orgasmed and he shoot his load in the condom he was wearing. She slid up his still rock-hard cock and climb off him. She moved away from him on the bed and reached for the mini-fridge. She grabbed 2 bottles of water and closed the door. She turned back to him with a wicked smile. She opened the bottles. One she put the blue powder in it and the other she drank down. When she finished her water, she shook the other one and moved back over to him. He watched her shake the bottle and licked his lips. He didn’t know why but he had never been so thirsty in his life. She opened up the lid and held it to his lips. He shook his head, “What did you put in it and who are you?” he asked. She moved it after and laughed out loud. She put the water down and lent over the side of the bed. When she sat back up, she was holding something. She throws what she was holding in the air and it rained down around him. He looked around and knew the items were his trophies. Panties from all the victims he has preyed on. He looked from the panties back to her. He still didn’t know who she was and what was going on. Before he could ask, she grabbed his hair hard and shoved the bottle into his mouth, “Drink” she demanded. He could move away, so he took a mouth full. “All of it” she shouted. He did what she said. The water didn’t taste bad or make him feel sick but went he finished the bottle he still coughed, “What did you make me drink?” he asked in a panic. “Don’t be such a baby” she said demandingly, “It’s just something that will keep you from spoiling my fun.” The way she said it, brought memories rushing into his head. He remembered picking her up at night, tying her up, cutting off her clothes, and forcing her onto her knees. But he couldn’t remember how he had ended up the one tied up and being victimized. He looked around quickly and noticed it was daytime. That meant he was missing the last couple of hours and by the feel of his body, they had been hard hours. Her laugh brought his attention back to her. “What did you do to me?” he asked. She dug her nails into his calf and dragged them up to his cock. She pulled the used condom off and replaced it with a new one. Once it was in place she climbed back on top. “Answer me” he shouted. She had all of him deep inside her as she looked down at him, “Do you ever answer that question” she stated as moved slowly, “How many times have you been asked; Who are you? Why are you doing this?” She moved a little faster as she spoke. I rode him hard and deep. He grits his teeth. He knew that it was wrong but it felt so good. “You offer girls a ride home and you take their innocents. For days you use their bodies as your toy and then you throw them out like garbage” she continues as she rides him hard. “I don’t know what you're talking about” he lies through gowns of pleasure. She stops moving and hits him hard. It’s hard enough that he can taste blood in his mouth. She hits him again and again. By the time she stops hitting him, his eyes have started to swell shut. “I know what you have done. Why lie about it?” she stated calmly. She looks down at him for another couple of seconds before riding him hard and fast. She used him all day and into the night. If she wasn’t riding his cock then she was sitting on his face and making him pleasure her with his tongue. Every couple of hours she would give him a bottle of water with the blue power in it. By the evening, his cock brought him nothing by pain. He wouldn’t cum anymore either. She would bring herself to the peak and orgasm but he would just be hard. There was no pleasure, just pain. He couldn’t stop himself from crying. That brought her more pleasure. When she had finally had either day the day, her legs wouldn’t work anymore. She had enough energy to get off his still hard cock but as soon as she laid down, she couldn’t move. She laughed sleepily, “That was a fun day. You better get some sleep while you can. In the morning we start all over again” and she leaned over and kiss him hard before rolling away and falling asleep. As he started to fall asleep, he was hunted by the word she had just said. They are the exact words he uses at the end of the day with all his victims. He passed out with that knowledge rolling around his head. The next day was his greatest nightmare. The whole day was spent with a rock-hard cock and being raped, whipped, beaten, and cut. She never talked to him except to tell him what to do. She didn’t give him food and the only water he was allowed to have had been mixed with the blue pills. Everything he had ever done to one of his victims, she had done to him but worse. He couldn’t understand how she knew what he had done. The police had been looking for him for years but even they didn’t know everything. After day 2, he wanted to kill himself. He was numb except for the parts of him that were in extreme pain. He wanted to roll into a ball but he was still tied. He also knew that if she had untied him right then he wouldn’t have had the strength to even try and getaway. The next morning, the sun hadn't even risen, when he was awoken to her riding him hard, deep and fast. She was screaming through her orgasm in no time. His eyes were barely open when he felt the knife at his throat. His eyes flew open as found her staring at him. She didn’t slow her pace or tempo of riding him with the knife against his throat. If anything, it gave her more power and she knew how to use it. “I can’t believe in all this time you haven’t figured it out yet,” she said. Another orgasm hit her. As she rode the orgasm, the knife pressed harder against his throat. “I have given you so many clues but you just don’t get it” she continued. She was frustrated and she decided to take it out on him. She found a bit of skin that she hadn’t marked yet and dug her nails until she could see blood. He bucked, sending his cock deeper inside her and giving her another wave of orgasms. When they subsided, she was shaky. “I don’t know what you want from me” he cried out. She smiled, “I have already gotten almost everything I wanted from you. I have taken back what you took from me all those years ago” He stopped moving and stared up at her. “You thought you killed me like all the others but I survived. You took my virginity, my innocent” she shouted as she rode him harder than before. “You took everything and then you tried to take my life. Your final show of power to your victim. I lay on the side of the road for almost a whole day, willing myself you stay alive so I could see my parents again. When a car finally came past, they almost kept driving. Thank the goddess that teenagers want to see bloody things close up” she explained. She could feel herself close again and she wanted the big finishes so she let it build. “I was in the hospital for 6 months. The doctors did everything they knew to keep me alive. But I made it. I won” she was so close to the final orgasm. She leaned in close and kissed him, “I hoped one day that I can make you feel what I felt, what all your victims felt. Do you remember my name yet?” she asked. She exploded before he could answer. As she screamed through the orgasm, “My Name Is Chantell” she screamed then she slit his throat. As his body jerked causing the still hard cock to go deeper and blood to cover her, she was rocked with the stronger orgasm she had ever had. Her head was fogger and her body tingled from the afterglow of the orgasm. She looked down at the man, who took so much from her, lifeless body, and felt nothing. There was no shame over what she had done, no disguised that she had become what he was and no pleasure that it was all over. There was just nothing. She climbed off him and went to the front of the truck to get her bag. She looked around to see if there was anyone around and when she was sure that she was completely alone, so climbed out of the truck. She was still naked and covered in blood. The rest stops were set up for the truck driver to relax and rest so there were showers and toilets. She walked over to the shower, got the soap and shampoo out of her bag, and washed until she was sure that no trace of him was left on her. When she finished showering, she got clean clothes out of her bag and got dressed. When she walked out of the shower block, she looked like a normal sweet woman. She went back to the truck one last time. She grabbed his wallet off the dash. She grabbed all the money he had and throw it back on the dash. A week later, the newspaper read ‘Serial Killer found dead in truck. The serial killer ‘Henry Staff’ otherwise known as ‘The innocent stealer’ was found yesterday murdered at a truck stop. The police report it looks like he was killed sometime through the week but they are no witnesses. In the back of the truck, the police found bags and bags of women’s underwear. Henry Staff was said to have been found completely naked and tied to the bed with his throat slit. The police are asking if anyone may have seen anything you, please contact 000. |