Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2271745-Geoclyte-The-battle-of-light-and-dark-5
by alexmp
Rated: E · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #2271745
the last but long part of an adventure/ romance, enjoy!

Chapter 9 Blaze: Finding the others
I feel like its time each of us had a long chapter. From here on out there will be more of us recounting stories with me, Zelda, Jack and Wisteria popping up more often.
I bet you’re wondering why so early with Zelda. I’m not going to lie- but even I feel unnatural about how soon I did this.
The truth was- no matter how short of a time I was with Wisteria, I was hurting inside so bad. It’s like no ache I’ve ever felt.
I know I needed to move on from Wisteria and for some reason I thought that way was finding someone new to distract myself with.
The mortals called that a rebound, and I guess that’s what Zelda was.
Dear reader, I hope you can keep that in mind. I guess you could say I was going through intense changes.
So back to the story, right? I mean who wants to hear godly drama.
Zelda, still holding my hand, walked through the bramble and bushes leading the group to a path. We all followed but got multiple scrapes.
“Ohh,” Jack squeaked and almost fell but Wisteria suprisingly caught him and picked him back up.
“Careful,” she laughed, completely missing Jack's adoring look. “We don't want to know what happens when a god splits their head in half.”
“So,” I said to Zelda, “You’ve never really told me about your past, Can you?”
“I think that's a story for another night,” Zelda said laughing. Come to think of it, when she laughed she was so beautiful.
Beauty is not about what's on the outside, it's what's inside the person that counts. Zelda was kind, she had only been bitter before because naturally it was hard to watch me date another girl that wasn’t her.
Then I thought of Wisteria again. My longing to be with her again came back ten times as strong.
I took a deep breath and reminded myself that she was evil and I was doing myself good to have split up with her. I was strong, I could make it through this- with Zelda that is.
“You’re so beautiful when you’re happy,” I said out loud then immediately became embarrassed.
“Oh yeah?” asked Zelda, “You really mean it?”
“Yeah I really do.”
Zelda sighed and looked at the ground then said quietly, “I don’t know, it’s just seeing you with Mrs. Picture perfect over there, before you broke up, made it really hard for me to be happy. I didn’t even know why until she said that I liked you. I’ve seen glimpses of my old life in dreams and my parents were never happily together. Somehow I know that that's made it really hard for me to give another person my heart, so please Blaze, don't break it,” she paused for a second, “This doesn’t mean it’s official though. It’s still too early.”
“I- wow that sounds,” I started to say, my words trailing off, I didn't know what to say. Then it came to me, “So you actually like me? I won’t break your heart, I really want you to be happy.”
“Yeah I do like you, just please don’t make me regret telling you.”
I was then consumed by guilt at her kind words. I’m sure it would break her heart if she knew my true reasons for being with her.
Then we walked in complete and utter silence all the way to the hut Zelda had found.

It was absolutely and terrifyingly dark inside the hut. I was one of those people you could say was afraid of dark spaces.
“Wow,” said Zelda, reading my mind, “I wonder how we’re going to light this place.”
A light flicked on and an entrancing voice floated down to us from upstairs, “Go away, back to where you came from.”
For a moment it was tempting but then I came back to my senses, whoever said that was using some sort of spell.
“Light or dark side mate?” yelled Jack looking like he was seconds from fainting. Then before an answer came, he - gasp- fainted, Wisteria for the second time catching him.
“Could you faint any more often?!” asked Wisteria, rolling her eyes.
“Do you guys want an answer or not?” asked the person from upstairs, obviously not using the spell anymore.
“Yes of course!” yelled Wisteria sarcastically.
“Light side!” yelled the voice, “But if you’re on the dark side I’m warning you, I’m pretty good in combat!”
“No worries,” I said kindly but loud enough for the person to hear, “We’re on the light side too, I swear.”
I was intensely curious about what the people speaking to us looked like. As we spoke to each other up the stairs I noticed just how confident the person speaking sounded.
“Okay, come up I guess,” the voice said hesitantly, but still with an authoritative edge.
Without hesitation, our whole possy of four climbed the stairs in a rush and there standing at the top were three people. One was a dark brown haired girl who was beautiful but fierce looking, standing up front and obviously the one who had spoken to us. The other two were twin african american boys who wore matching outfits and hairstyles. They were obviously very close siblings, as I could tell from their body language.
“Hi, my name is Alexandria , this here,” she pointed to the boy on the left, “Is Ryan, and lastly,” she said pointing to the boy on the right, “this is Izaac. What are your names?”
“Umm,” I said then cleared my throat, “Nice to meet you guys, my name is Blaze, this... is jack,” I said pointing to the new boy who was groaning and leaning heavily into Wisteria for support.
“That is Wisteria,” I said, waving my hand in her direction not even looking at her, “and last but far from least, this is my sort of girlfriend, Zelda.”
In the last sentence I looked at the ground blushing. I wanted to tell everyone we came across our status so no one was tempted to steal my girl.
Zelda, or course, kept her cool, I mean did she have any flaws? Well, of course she did, but unlike me she was one, good at hiding them and two, didn't have millions of flaws.
“So yeah that's us,” I finished awkwardly with a little laugh.
Furrowing her brows, Alexandria asked the question we were all thinking, “So now there are seven of us, right? But who will be the leader?”
“If I may speak,” squeaked Wisteria, all eyes turning to face her, all except mine. “Back in my old clan,-” she began nervously.
“The enemy clan,” I growled savagely. I wouldn’t let her omit any information from our new companions.
“The enemy clan,” she repeated looking down at the ground, “we dueled for leader, each warrior against the others, all skills known were allowed. We could do that or we could vote.”
“Well I know I’m not going down without a fight for the leader,” Zelda said, a fierce look in her eye.
“Fine then, Its settled,” said Alexandria matter of factly, “Now we duel.”
Wisteria whipped out her wand and ran down the stairs and out the door, all of us followed, but not out of friendship.
“Wisteria, could we be on a te-,” Jack began to yell only to be blasted onto the ground. “Ok, ok, I forfeit the duel, it hurts!!” he squeaked from the ground.
Then there was a moment when Wisteria caught my eye, for a second she almost smiled, but before it fully formed it vanished, replaced by a smirk.
“Looks like softie is going down,” Wisteria cackled, much like when she belonged to the evil clan.
She raised her wand a light glowing at the tip ready to cast her spell.
That was when I felt it. Rage and the unwillingness to lose this duel to a girl I used to love who happened to be a pathetic liar. All the hate that I had accumulated for Wisteria, for trusting a person that the more I knew about her it felt like the less I wanted to be with her. A nightmare dressed as a daydream, that I had fallen hard for only for the daydream-like side of her to evaporate and reveal the real nightmare I was dealing with. My hate for being dropped on this random planet with no recollection of my past or if I would ever know my past. At the same moment the spell shot out of her wand, I unleashed a scream that echoed for miles that formed visible ripples in the air shooting the spell back at Wisteria who collapsed unconscious.
No matter how much I still wanted to love Wisteria- I knew it could never work out. Sure, she was attractive and kind as a partner. But there was also that wicked and rotten part of her that made me repulsed. My scream had shown just as much as I felt. My memories of us infuriated and tortured me to no end.
Dazed, Alexandria , Ryan and Isacc stumbled a bit as my hateful cry died in the air around us. Then seeming to shake of ther daze, all three glared at one another and charged at me. This time blue light encased my body as I transformed into a lion, the three newcomers, taken aback, stopped in their tracks.
“Ok Blaze, we forfeit I guess you win,'' said Alexandria sadly.
“Not quite yet,” said a voice from the bushes. Zelda transformed into a glowing blue jaguar, a snarl ripping from her throat. I stared her down, this was the girl that I liked but I was still willing to take her down in combat. A clear message in her eyes said, “If you dare fight me we are done, gone, bye.”
The funny thing was, I didn’t care as much as you might think I should. Somehow unleashing my scream had caused me to feel the power I needed to move forward as just me. It was as if the scream had released my pain.
It takes some people a lifetime to figure out that they’re ok to be just themselves and they don’t need love to fill them.
All it took me was unprecedented conditions and a couple of lousy experiences. I was Blaze, I was a warrior, I was finally ready to live up to the title.
I didn’t care anymore, I would take her down no matter what I thought, then lunged.
We fought wildly slashing at each other, she was not showing me any mercy because I didn't heed her warning and fought her anyways.
In what seemed like an attempt to prove how weak I was she faked me out and slashed her claws deep into my arm. For a second my form flickered from my normal form back to lion, my vision blurred, I was barely able to see through the pain eating away at my arm.
But I would never give up.
I would rather die than give up.
I knew I was the leader the lightside needed. I wouldn’t let them down even if it meant fighting my friend.
So with a roar I jumped onto her back sinking my claws as deep as I could. Her form flickered dangerously just as mine had. She gave one last wiggle in an attempt to free my claws off her back, then the fire went out of her eyes and she melted back into her human form.
Through angry tears, she forfeit and all six of the others kneeled at my feet bowing low, Wisteria and Zelda both doing so sarcastically. Alexandria was the first to rise, “Looks like we have our leader,” she said smiling up at me.
Over the next few days Wisteria, under my suspicious eyes, opened up portals all over the planet. Day by day our group grew in size from seven to twelve.
However, the larger the group grew the more distant the original group of me, Zleda, Jack and Wisteria seemed to grow from one another. Jack no longer ogling at Wisteria had turned the cold shoulder to her even though she now seemed interested in him.
Jack had also become more independent, so much so I couldn't help stealing shy glances at him. And every once in a while he would look at me, and hopefully it was not my imagination, but I thought I saw him glance at me then look away slightly pink in the face.
I admired him for the courage he had shown. I just wished I could tell him and maybe we could be friends.
Today was the day training for battle was to start. I left my bed early in the morning, without time to make my space clean and devoid of clutter.
I ran across our camp from my tarp past the other tarps, the mess hall, the battle plan office, the weaponry, the basketball courts, the football and soccer field, and finally came to the sword play and wrestling room at the opposite side of the camp.
I paused just outside of the door to take a deep and exhilarated breath, then I grabbed the gold door handle, turned it and went inside.
Alexandria was handing out singlettes and yelling out directions on how to get to the separate boy and girl locker rooms.
“Hey!” said a voice behind me.
I jumped.
I whirled around to see Jack standing behind me grinning.
“You can't scare me like that man!!” I yelled.
Cowering, Jack apologised over and over for frightening me so badly.
I took a deep breath then laughed as hard as I had since who knows when.
Startled, Jack asked, “What’s so funny? I thought you were mad at me.”
“I could never be mad at you, Jack,” I grinned.
Slowly I straightened up from my laugh and put out my hand, “I’m Blaze, I wanted to tell you that I admire the way you dealt with Wisteria. She can be a real pain sometimes.”
Jack let out a jolly laugh, “Tell me about it! Say, would you like to hang with me for lunch today? I could use a friend.”
“Totally!!” I said a bit too loudly.
Jack raised his eyebrows, “I didn’t think you were even going to say yes, let alone that.”
We both burst out laughing.
“Yeah, well,” I said, “I’ve wanted to be friends for a bit. I just didn’t have the courage to ask.”
“Honestly, same here mate,” Jack smiled, “I’m glad we’re friends now though.”
Alexandria had been watching our whole conversation and now was briskly walking towards us.
“If you two wouldn’t mind getting changed into singlets in the boys locker room, we might actually be able to start the session sooner,” Alexandria complained.
“Blaze,” She snapped, turning to me, “I expect more of you being the king of the light side. I would have thought you would be the one leading people to get ready, not one of the people messing around.”
I shyly cleared my throat, “Umm . . . yeah, That’s right. Jack and I were just headed over. Right, Jack?”
Jack vigorously nodded his head, “Oh, yeah, we were totally just about to do that. Do you happen to know where I could get a singlet . . . Umm . . .Alexandria .”
“If you were actually paying attention, you might see that I’ve been handing them out,” She sighed, “You two should be in the same weight class, you’ll be wrestling partners today. Here are your singlets.”
Slowly she extended her arm and on it were two silver singlets.
Quickly so we could escape Alexandria ’s disappointment, Jack and I Grabbed them and ran in the direction of the locker rooms.
Without a word we set our stuff on the bench and got changed, both of us stifling laughter at how crazy the situation was.

Chapter 10: Jack- A new friendship
Blaze was the perfect friend.
Before him, I had no one, even back on earth. As time had passed on geoclyte, I had remembered more and more of my past.
You may be wondering who my parents are. Of course like the others I am a cross between two types of gods. If you could call them gods that is.
My parents acted fake, like the people pleasers they were. Everything they did was for attention and fame with the other gods.
My father was the Australian aboriginal god named Mamaragan, or the Australian version of Zeus. Then my mother was the Greek goddess Khione who ruled over snow and ice.
Both of my parents were stunningly beautiful and famous. They’re love for eachother was a secret from mortals but was legend to the realm of immortals.
They had been together for ten years when Khione announced she was going to have a baby.
She was excited to be a part of the new line of gods- or crossbreeds like she knew I was going to be.
When she told people that she was expecting a baby, she told them stories about how brave and strong I was surely to be. She thought I was going to be the hero of the family and the child she had always wanted.
When I was born, she quickly realized that things weren’t going to be as she fantasized. Upon birth I was diagnosed with an incurable and unidentifiable condition. Minutes after my birth I went into a coma that lasted for three years.
I grew- yet in a state of sleep.
The doctors said I was weak and seemed to lack some source of power I needed to live.
Hearing this my parents brought in the three fates to question the whereabouts of this source of power and how soon I could get it.
They had just laughed and told my parents I would be in my late teens when I found the source and they couldn’t let slip the whereabouts of the source or their master plan would be wrecked.
My parents then looked at me with a new found disapproval. As year by year went by and I remained in a coma, they slowly stopped coming to visit and care for me.
The day I woke up when I was three, they were called in to make decisions about my special care. However they decided they wanted nothing to do with me because my faults and disabilities could be traced back to them. To my parents, that meant the loss of their perfect reputations.
I had learned all this from the headmistress at the orphanage for godlings.
I couldn’t remember details but I knew I had been stuck there friendless for years. Through my childhood I excelled in schooling and rose to be one of the top students across all deity schools.
The kids at the orphanage thought this was hilarious though and I was treated as a nerd or outcast.
Then there was a faint memory- one of a warm smile and a honey sweet kiss. I had been in love for a short amount of time with someone whom I still missed but couldn’t quite remember.
I know that this lover was another cause of bullying too because my lover was another guy. I was teased for being the only gay kid in the orphange- yet I was happy because I was with my soulmate.
Somehow, even now on geoclyte I long to find my soulmate again, the one who had loved me so. Wisteria had only been a passing phase. Now my love for this mysterious partner of my past has grown to new heights. I was determined to find them.
Enough of my history though.
As I remembered my past I had been slacking off on my morning caper with Blaze. He must have noticed because he gestured for me to come stand by him at the frying pan.
“Something’s bothering you,” he said, “Tell me, you’ll feel much better.”
I sighed, “Oh, you know, the usual, I’m thinking about my past again.”
“You seem to do that a lot,” Blaze laughed, “But when are you going to tell me about what’s been going on? Why is your past bothering you so much?”
“I don’t know,” I said nervously, “I don’t know what you’d think of me if I did tell you about it.”
Blaze set down the spatula he was using on the eggs and looked me straight in the eyes. “Jack,” he began, “If anyone tells you you’re not worth it because of the way you truly are, they aren't worth it. A true friend doesn’t judge but listens and helps when needed.”
I broke eye contact with Blaze nervously.
“Ok,” I said quietly, “I see what you mean.”
“Can I guess what’s been bothering you,” Blaze asked kindly.
“Sure,” I laughed, “But it’s a bit weird. I don’t know if anyone could really guess this kind of thing.”
“You know it’s ok to not be straight, right?” Asked Blaze.
Oh boy, he knew.
“How’d you know that I’m- never mind, no I didn’t know that,” I stammered.
“I’m a good people person, Jack,” Smiled Blaze, “I knew you weren’t straight for a while.”
“How?” I asked.
I was astonished.
“What tipped you off?”
Blaze laughed, “You’ve kind of been checking out the guys here lately. And I don't know, things felt a bit flirty between you and Isaac.”
My face felt like fire, I had a crush on Isaac. He felt- close, close to the soulmate I didn’t know but had been endlessly searching for.
“Yeah, well, don’t tell anyone but I might be crushing on Isaac,” I giggled nervously.
“No kidding,” smirked Blaze, “Someone’s in loooove!!”
“I am not!!” I giggled even harder.
“Ok, Jack, Whatever-” Blaze smiled and rolled his eyes.
I burst out laughing and Blaze did right along with me.
“Want to go exploring together later?” Asked Blaze.
“We could talk about this whole Isaac thing,” he smirked and wiggled his eyebrows.
“Shut up!!” I laughed.
* * *
Later that night, I headed out of my campsite as quietly as possible to meet Blaze for a late night exploration.
In the very middle of our set up for the lightside there was a glowing blue flagpole with a blue wolf on a white flag at the top.
This was my destination as Blaze had asked me to meet him there before we headed out on our adventure.
I ran through the setup as discreetly as possible and my face broke into a wide grin when I saw Blaze waiting for me as expected.
“Finally the Lover boy shows up,” Blaze teasingly smirked.
I blushed, “Yeah, well, I guess I am here now.”
I awkwardly scratched the back of my head.
“I hope you don’t mind that I invited someone along for our exploration,” Blaze grinned. “Come out and join us Isaac, Jack’s finally here!”
From the shadows of a small clump of trees Isaac came out to stand with us.
“Sup, Jack?” He smiled.
He was gorgeous.
“Oh, y-y-you know, n-n-nothing much really,” I stammered, wondering if he could see my blush in the dim light.
“That’s cool,” said Isaac, and gave me a welcoming pat on the back.
“So I guess it’s time to go right?” I said a little too quickly, earning me an eyebrow raise from both guys.
“I’m fine, just nervous, you know,” I cleared my throat, then shuffled my feet awkwardly. Luckily the guys were cool about it and ignored my fluke.
We all quickly headed out on the adventure and caught sight of our target destination right away.
A little ways in the distance was a small mountain with a half obscured glowing summit. What was at the top was hidden behind clouds that made the journey all the more appealing.
“So why did Ya’ll decide to invite me along?” asked Isaac, “I’m usually not the top choice for secret night adventures, if you know what I mean.”
“Well, Jack could tell you why if he wanted to,” Laughed Blaze, “I know he has something to say to you sometime.”
The both looked at each other then me expectantly, Isaac was eyeing me curiously. It was so nerve racking to be the center of attention, you could say my parents kind of ruined that for me, and my fainting.
I cleared my throat, “Well, I don’t know what to say, maybe I’ll tell you later when I’m more organized on what I'm thinking.”
“Well ok then!” Laughed Isaac.
“Yeah well sorry I can’t tell you now- I’m just scared, I don’t think I could be more scared at all for that matter,” I laughed again.
“Well, remind me to ask you again after something ACTUALLY scary happens,” Joked Isaac, “I mean really what could be so hard to say?”
An awkward silence followed this comment.
“I don’t know,” I said at last, “Feelings are complicated, you know?”
“I guess so,” Isaac shrugged.
I could see him trying to think of what could possibly be so scary to say. That was fine though because I doubt he had ever had to live with a big secret like mine.
Being gay makes it hard to not think that others unkindness isn’t a result of who you are. I had gotten used to hiding my real self, it was painful but less painful than the rejection of a crush.
We had only been walking for five minutes when we heard low growls from the land around us, accompanied with crackling footsteps.
Out of the shadows wolves lunged at us, vicious snarls ripping from their throats and drools dripping from their hungry mouths. Their claws extended in our direction, ready to tear us to shreds.
Before they reached, we were already running. Blaze had run in the opposite direction but Isaac had grabbed my wrist and was running while dragging me along.
The wolves had not seemed to take interest in us but must have chased after Blaze because now Isaac and I were alone running through the woods.
Both of us were hyperventilating and neither one of us dared to think of stopping. We were both so scared and I was ready to cling to Isaac like a little child. I was terrified and needed the emotional anchor that Blaze usually provided me from day to day. Just Isaac’s hand on my wrist made me have nervous butterflies in my stomach. Even in the midst of danger I was still heavily crushing on him.
Then Isaac began to slow down and catch his breath, still gripping my wrist like his life depended on it.
“Blaze said you had something you wanted to say to me? Now that we’re all the way out here it might be a better time. What’s on your mind, Jack?” Isaac said through heaving breaths, but he still managed to smile that beautiful dazzling smile.

I got up my courage.
This was my moment.
I would not be the weirdo again.
I could be happy.
And in love.
“I like you Isaac,” I said boldly, “Like more than a friend, in case that wasn't clear.”
I was blushing so hard.
A long scary silence followed though, it seemed unnatural.
I was desperately trying to keep myself from fainting.
“Are you joking?” Sneered Isaac.
“No, I m-m-meant it,” I stammered, “I’m sorry.
The moment I had dreamed about literally all the time was quickly turning into a nightmare. I could tell Isaac didn’t accept me.
“I’m not gay,” scoffed Isaac, “You can’t like me that’s wrong!”
“I’m sorry,” I whispered through pained tears.
“I’m leaving,” he snorted, “You can get eaten by those wolves for all I care Jack. How could you think I would ever fall in love with you?”
With that he bolted away without a single look back at me. He was everything I had wanted for the past period of time and now I got to watch him go, taking my heart and hope with him.
When would I ever find love? Would I always be the one gay guy everywhere I went?
I slowly crumpled to the ground in silent tears, my heart hurting worse than any injury I’d ever had. When would anything ever be ok?
I lost track of time but came back to my senses when soft footsteps walked up beside me and warm arms wrapped around me.
I looked up through a haze of tears and saw Blaze was the one to come to my rescue yet again. I was so grateful for his kindness.
“What happened to you?” Blaze asked, quietly.
“Isaac,” I sniffled, “He left me here to the wolves because I’m- I’m gay. He didn’t like me- thought my crush on him was a joke. N-n-now he hates me, and I c-can’t do it anymore.”
Blaze tightened his hug protectively, “Don’t let that get to you, Jack. You're awesome and he’s just a mean jerk. I know you’ll find love one day . . . maybe not where you expected it-” he trailed off.
But maybe I did expect it.
I was broken but I had already regained a drop of hope.
Right then was the moment I started to crush on the best guy in the universe- Blaze, my hero.

Chapter 11: Blaze, The adventure
One day I was getting up from my makeshift bed to go to our makeshift dining hall for breakfast and our plan for the day when I ran into Jack.
“Morning Blaze,” said Jack, smiling.
“Morning Jack,” I said, returning the smile, “Any idea what Alexandria wanted to talk about this morning?”
“Bro!” said Jack, “The only way you wouldn’t already know that is if you weren't listening last night, is everything ok?”
“To tell the truth, I was really tired last night, but could you catch me up?” I asked.
“Yeah, of course mate,” Jack said enthusiastically, “Today we are going to pick mission groups. The groups of two people we’ll travel in to complete tasks preparing for the big war between light and dark.”
“Wait, that's today?” I fretted.
“Yeah it is,” Jack replied looking concerned, “You really must have been tired, or maybe you didn't sleep that well. I could ask our medic if she could meet with you today or-,”
“I’m fine, I’m fine,” I said in exasperation.
“Ok,” said Jack, not looking convinced.
“Oh, yeah!” I exclaimed, “I forgot to ask if the nurse found a cure for your fainting.”
“Yeah she found the problem, sadly not an answer though,” Jack faltered, “She said that- she said that, well, I’m fading.”
“Wait, what!” I shouted, “Jack you mean you’re fading as in disappearing!”
“Yeah, she said that there was a crystal that I had to find, and if I don't, well I’ll basically die.”
“But why do you have to have this particular crystal to live?” I inquired.
“Well, something about me becoming the most powerful crossbreed,” Jack mumbled looking at his feet, apparently fascinated by his shoelaces.
“Well then why aren't we looking for it now?!” I demanded.
“I-Its c-complicated,” stammered Jack, “Its a two-person q-quest on the most d-d-dangerous part of the island. I- I just don't think anyone would be willing to go with me after all my ‘unmanly fainting’ as zelda puts it, I’m just a lost cause.”
I laughed.
Surprised Jack laughed along and asked, “What was that for?”
“You think you’re a lost cause,” I laughed, “No one is a lost cause here, and especially not you if what you say is true, I’ll come with you. Plus you’re my best friend. I can't lose you, Jack.”
“Really?” Said Jack looking too stunned to move.
“Really, Really,” I joked.
“Thanks mate,'' Jack said grinning broadly.
“Anytime,” I said, winking at him, “See ya at breakfast.”
“See ya at breakfast,” Jack beamed, then walked off to do his before breakfast cappers.
That was nice, I thought. Not many people took time out of their days around here to talk to me, much less care about me, I realized frowning. No time to think of that now though, this morning I was on breakfast capper making a meal for twelve hungry deities.
Ever since Jack and I started to hang out I had felt extremely grateful. As I just mentioned, not many people paid attention to me. But Jack did, and Jacked cared like no one else had ever cared. I knew I had an awesome friend.
I walked for a couple minutes over to our cave kitchen that consisted of a pile of ingredients, two magical stoves and a microwave. Luckily for me, not being a good cook, I spied a big bag of microwavable waffles in the corner and two big bottles of maple syrup. Grabbing the bag I made a huge pile of the waffles on a plate and plopped them in the microwave, punched some buttons and waited. In what seemed like no time the microwave beeped signaling to me that waffles were done.
I took them out carefully, dividing the waffles onto twelve plates equally for our group of lightsiders. Meals were the most chaotic because the twelve of us, not quite used to sharing headquarters or anywhere, were prone to breaking out in small riots. The day before Alexandria cooked and someone's pancake was slightly smaller than the rest which turned into a wrestling match for “equality in food.”
Then of course there was the news . . . news about war. With a war brewing, news was not uplifting- ever. This morning if Jack didn’t say something about his crystal he might fade. With so many other obligations to help pull through the hard time, his crystal might be simply forgotten if not brought up today during the picking of groups.
But no, I need to stay focused, I thought. So as to avoid another small riot. I positioned the plates on the table in a rommy part of the cave lit by dull and gloomy candles that perfectly reflected my mood. When hopeless news of the war was told the candles seemed to amplify the solem and distressed mood of the small army. No one talked, or dared look up from their plates even though they ate nothing but simply picked at the meals that no longer seemed appealing.
Eyeing a huge bag of sausages I piled thirty-six of them onto a silver ceramic plate and pped them in the microwave and waited. When it finally bepped I took them out and put three sausages on each plate.
A bell rang at the entrance to the cave as Wisteria rang it signaling the start of breakfast. One by one tired teens lined up at the entrance until eleven were standing there, blank looks and sleepy eyes. It was officially six o’clock in the morning.
“Come in,” I said enthusiastically. Everyone now looking annoyed stared at me as if trying to say really Blaze?
“Ok...never mind,” I mumbled and opened the door. All eleven of the others sat down silently, although a couple yawned on their ways.
“Thank you Blaze,” Alexandria said, obviously forcing her smile. Her eyes were bloodshot and her hair was a mess, she looked utterly distraught.
“You all probably know by now that I’m sorting you into quest groups,” Alexandria began looking edgy. “Before I do so I know that Jack and our nurse Violet have an announcement for us that I’m told may change the outcome of groups, You may go ahead.”
“Well the thing is,” Jack started then opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, fainted. A couple girls giggled flirtatiously and one boy even sighed romanticly- Zelda just rolled her eyes along with Wisteria and Isaac.
“Well that’s exactly the problem,” sighed Lavender. “Jack is in a grave state where his life depends on us finding a crystal, but. . . on the most dangerous part of the island. Without a quest with Jack and one other person. . . he’ll fade.” Violet sat there silent for the next minute letting that sink in.
“Well, any takers on the quest with Jack? Whoever does go with him will be his official quest partner,” asked Alexandria dully.
No one said anything, save for a few girls who siniggered at the thought of going questing with Jack.
Clearing my throat I said, “I will.”
All eyes turned to me questioningly. “I hope Jack and I can become even closer on this quest, plus when was the last time we were nice to him? His fainting is due to this crystal, with it, Jack could be the most powerful of us all. I for one am not sure why none of you would jump at the chance to help a friend when it benefited you.”
With that everyone looked at their plates guiltily, again, not eating, simply picking at what would have been a delicious meal if not for their unwillingness to help a teammate in battle had made them too guilty to do much of anything. That is, anything but simply pick apart their meals.
“Well then it is settled,” declared Alexandria hesitantly meeting my eyes, “Jack and Blaze are an official questing group and will start packing right after breakfast.
“Wait a minute!” yelled Zelda, “They don't have to do after breakfast cappers?”
“No Zelda they do not, mind your attitude please. As for you, your questing partner will be Wisteria. All of the questing partners came to me in a dream and it seems you two are destined to work together, I hope this isn't how you plan to treat her,” scolded Alexandria giving Zelda a stern look.
“No, it isn’t,” grumbled Zelda, scowling at her waffles.
“Good,” snapped Alexandria .
“Not so fast!” Wisteria hissed, “I will not go questing with her.”
“Yes. yes you will,” barked Alexandria in that way where everyone knew not to mess with her, “Understood?”
“Yes,” Wisteria grunted, rolling her eyes.
“Any more problems?” asked Alexandria , fire in her eyes and a threatening hand laid on her dagger. All of us shook our heads vigorously. “Good, if I have named your quest groups you may go, Blaze, Jack, Zelda, Wisteria, you are all dismissed, best get packing now.”
So I went and began to pack.

Chapter 12 Jack: The quest
Blaze is my questing partner!! Was all I could think of at the moment as I ran to my makeshift bed. I was so lucky he was because I could finally work up the courage to tell him how I felt.
Before I had thought that Isaac resembled the guy I had been searching for- my long lost soulmate from my earthly life. Now I was sure it was Blaze.
Over the time I had been hanging out with Blaze I had become very attached and helplessly in love. Nothing had ever felt more right.
I was now at my bed, the only one that had been positioned with no shield from rain or other elements out of all the crossbreeds. Typically, that's what you get when you show any sign of weakness.
“After I find my crystal I’ll show them who’s weak,” I swore under my breath.
Time to pack.
I grabbed my sleeping bag, my water bottle, toiletries and diary. Great, I'm ready, I thought, slinging it all onto my back in a bottomless backpack that I had found in the storage area.
“Hey,” said someone behind me, making me nearly jump out of my skin. Slowly turning around I saw Wisteria with a foxy smile, pretty and expensive looking clothes, all the things that got on my nerves.
“What do you want,” I glowered, fixing her with a deadly stare.
“Look I’m sorry I was mean, I’m still learning how to act . . . good.”
“Sorry,” I said, softening slightly, “What do you mean though, you seem plenty good to me.”
“It’s fine, forget I said that. I came to say thanks for being so understanding, I- I don’t deserve it,” she quavered.
“No, no, it's fine. Please don’t cry, you need your mental strength before questing,” I said, hugging her awkwardly.
“Thank you so much Jack, I know I should have been nicer, please forgive me,” she pleaded.
“Calm down I-,” began before she stopped me with a kiss on the lips. Surprised and furious I squirmed away.
“You don’t understand!” I yelled, “It’s not like that, we are not like that. Look I’m really sorry but I don't like you as anything more than a friend.”
“Who is she?” whispered Wisteria not meeting my eyes.
“She who?” I asked.
“The girl you like,” she faltered, “The girl that has charmed you into liking her, the girl who stole you . . . from me.”
“No one did! There is no girl! If you hadn’t been so busy rejecting me from the moment I met you then maybe I would like you as more than a friend, but no, its all about what you want! You expect me to drop everything and date you after the way you treated me because your highness decided she liked me after treating me like last week's garbage? From what I know that's not how the world works,” I snapped.
“But please,” she whimpered.
“No buts, I don't want to hear from you right now. Who would? You’re just a sly witch that isn't capable of love or real pure goodness!” I yelled as she stared wide eyed at me with tears in her eyes.
My true hidden feelings had come out.
I was silently panicking because I didn't want to hurt her.
“Fine, first Balze now you, no one will ever love me, I guess I am just a witch,” she sobbed then turned and fled.
Defeated after turning Wisteria down, what she deserved, I sat down slowly and began to cry softly. I had just stood up for myself without fainting for the first time to a girl that I used to like and told her all the foul things I had thought about her when she had treated me coldy. I was relieved, scared and sad all at once.
I felt a warm arm slip around me, somehow I knew it was not Wisteria’s. Sniffling, I wiped my eyes and looked to see who had come to comfort me.
It was Blaze. He always had perfect timing.
“It was Wisteria she-,” I began but then my voice broke.
“I know, it’s ok, I saw. I’m here now and I won’t let her hurt you again, you were brave,” Blaze said in a mere whisper, his words full of warmth.
I started to quiver, silent tears streaming down my face. Blaze pulled me in tighter and began to sing.
“All crossbreeds come,
To the ends of the earth they’ll go,
For their triumph or for the love they know,
Many will find themselves,
Reflected in the others,
See the normal life,
But find that It doesn't suit them,
The inner quest begins,
The strongest one of all,
At sometimes must feel weak,
The one who has failed love twice,
Must try again time three,
All the crossbreed in fighting for their world,
Will find who they were meant to be.”
We remained silent for a moment after he had finished then I said, “Wow, that was...beautiful. Where did you learn it?”
“Well,” Blaze began, then stopped, biting his lip, looking uncertain, “I don’t know, last night It came to me while I slept. Angles sang it over and over, I can’t sing it nearly as well but I felt compelled to sing it to you, if that makes any sense.”
“Yeah it does,” I agreed, “Thank you.”
Then we sat for another minute in silence before I cleared my throat and said, “We better get started if we want to find my crystal.”
“Yeah, we can't lose you, I can’t lose you,” Blaze said, blushing slightly.
“Thanks,” I said face on fire, then we started on the quest.

In documenting my adventure to find the crystal, I forgot to tell you Wisteria opened a portal for us to the dangerous island the crystal was located on. But why talk about her when there’s so much more to tell? Right now its night time, thankfully, after a long, treacherous day of questing. Any chance we could skip rehashing it?
Alright fine, no, I simply must tell you.
“Enjoy your trip boys,” said Wisteria smirking as she opened the portal. Before I stepped in I turned enough to see her blow me a sarcastic kiss, then blackness.
When I came to, I realized I must have fainted in the portal because I was on the ground of the strange island with Blaze looking down at me in a concerned way. “Are you okay?” Blaze asked concern shadowing over his face.
“Y-yeah I’m totally fine” I said uncertainly.
About half an hour later I noticed Blaze shooting nervous glances over at me as if I was about to faint again, I caught him in the action and as soon as my angry eyes met him he looked away.
“Look I’m not going to faint again if that's what you're wondering,” I said annoyed. I wanted him to think I was tough.
All I can remember after that was darkness and waking up to Blaze smirking over me. “Not going to faint eh?”
I looked away, a deep red covering my face.
“Well come on we got to go or else you're going to fade and we don’t want that,” Blaze said shyly as he started blushing furiously. After Blaze helped me up we headed in the direction of the most obvious place to go. Where, do you ask?
In front of us was miles and miles of land, but a clear landmark was a snowy mountain with dark clouds surrounding it. The one word that could describe it was simply vile. I was a scene straight out of a nightmare, cold and uninviting. Yet, of course, that was the way we had to go. If my sources were correct, this wouldn't be the last time I would faint on this island. Could I ever be enough for- I began to think sadly but stopped abruptly and shivered.
“Something troubling you,” Blaze guessed.
Taken aback I managed to stutter, “Y-y-yeah, how’d you know that?”
“I don’t know,” Blaze said, becoming distant, “You seem-.”
“Familiar,” I guessed.
“Ok, how did you know that,” Blaze laughed before then becoming dead serious, “But really how did you know that.”
“I don’t know if you’d believe me,” I whispered.
“Don’t worry, I’m sure I will,” said Blaze gently, “You can tell me anything.”
“I have this vague memory, or at least I think I do,” I said uncertainly, “Back before I came here I remember, I was in love. No, It wasn't a girl, like I told you the last time we talked, I’m not straight. I remember this handsome guy, his face blurred to know if anyone I ever will come across is him and he was the one who stole my heart. I remember that one day he got up and left, no goodbyes or even an explanation. I know I missed him everyday, but he never came back. Then I met you. When I’m with you I feel bittersweet, like I should know you and recognize you, like you were that boy from what seems like a thousand years ago. I keep hoping someone would tell me how I know you if I do and why you’re so familiar, as if I knew you my whole life.”
After sighing Blaze replied, “I wish I could tell you I knew the answer, but I don’t. I can relate but- I don't have an answer.”
“It’s ok,” I laughed, “You don’t have to have an answer all the time, you don't always have to please me. If you don’t know, you don’t know, No big deal.”
“You are so nice compared to Wisteria, we both fell for her you know,” Blaze said in a quite grateful tone, “Thank you for treating me like an actual human being, I appreciate that more than you could ever know.”
Blushing furiously I mumbled, “We should really get going.”
“Yeah,” Blaze agreed, “Let’s go.”

Three hours later
“Blaze!” I shouted, “You promised this way was safe!”
“I know,” he said sarcastically, “but obviously I was wrong, give a guy some slack, will you.”
“But we could drown in here!” I screamed, “Get us out now! I don't wanna be stuck here forever!”
“Ok, ok, but you’re really not helping anything by screaming at me you know,” said Blaze chuckling.
“How can you act like that! We are in the middle of a CRISIS!” I bellowed.
“Okay, so?” Blaze said, frowning.
“It is so annoying how you always keep your cool while I look like an idiot yelling and fussing when it’s really you being overly calm,” I yelled, not helping my case at all.
“Well I’m sorry you have a problem with me, maybe it was a bad idea to quest together when you’re so immature about everything! You can't just expect people to change for your benefit,” Blaze said sourly.
“Agreed, we should have never been questing partners,” I fumed, biting back tears after hearing the words I said to Wisteria being said about me.
If it wasn’t obvious, we were stuck in quicksand that was rapidly burying us as we fought. Suddenly I remembered that I was a god so why not just magic my way out. Unleashing a scream I levitated out of the pit.
“Anger issues,” muttered Blaze under his breath, then he concentrated really hard, eyes squeezed shut and blasted out of the pit.
“What did you say?” I asked, knowing full well what he had said.
“You heard me,” smirked Blaze, “I’m not sorry and it’s true. I’d find a way to get myself under control if I were you.”
“Fine,” I said through angry tears, “We can go our separate ways to find the crystal, being the better person I will find it first.”
“We’ll see about that, good luck,” Blaze scoffed.
“Goodbye Blaze,” I said, then turned on my heel and stormed off toward the mountain.
This was the first time we had ever had a fight- and before the quicksand was the first time he ever seemed like he was flirting with me- it was confusing.
How dare he, I thought, as I walked briskly across a field. Immature, I laughed, hardly the case. If anyone was immature it was him, not in a million years would it be me. If Only I could- I began to think but was cut short by my abrupt fall into a pit.
“Ughhhhhh!!!!” I screamed at the top of my lungs, “This is so bloody not fair!!” Then the ground began to shake. I heard thuds coming closer and closer to my hole, so I stood there too terrified to speak. Then a giant shadow began to cover my hole.
The footsteps were dead close
Slowly a horrible face peeked over the edge of my prison. It looked like a gnarled potato with beetle black eyes with red pupils. Its mouth, more like a bloody cut opened to reveal rotting pointed yellow teeth as it gasped.
“MOM!! MOM!!” It’s shouts shook the whole terrain I seemed to be on. “I’VE FOUND ONE!! I FOUND ONE OF THOSE PUNNY WHATCHAMACALLITS!!!”
The response came right away.
“LET ME SEE THEN!! YOU BETTER NOT BE LYING HUN!!” boomed another voice followed by loud crashing footsteps in my direction.
Another face promptly covered the entrance to my pit prison, this one even uglier than the first, and if possible more wrinkly and distorted.
“THANKS MOMMIE!!!!” Squealed the little giant, “I CAN'T WAIT, HE'D BE MY FIRST HUMAN!!!”
“Not so fast!” yelled a familiar voice as Blaze's face came into view, “That there is not a human, he's a miniature giant,” said Blaze camly.
“I’VE NEVER HEARD OF SUCH A THING THOUGH,” boomed the mama giant screwing up her face even more looking confused.
“Yeah its very rare,” answered Blaze, “We’re twins. Sadly our giant mother cast us out of her home today because she swore when we turned sixteen she would be done with us. We don't have any food and we’re on our way to a relatives house.”
“That would be lovely,” sighed Blaze looking distant, “I sure could use a good meal.”
“THEN ITS SETTLED- FOLLOW ME!!” yelled the little giant and started to run toward a cave at the other end of the meadow.
Looking at us suspiciously before following her baby the mother giant made an I’m watching you gesture then finally turned and ran to her kid.

“LUNCH IS READY!” yelled the mama giant eyeing me and Blaze. For the first time in a long time Blaze looked over at me with fear in his eyes. She knows, he mouthed at me. I nodded my head and gulped, an uneasy feeling settling over me. Somehow I knew he was right.
“Ummm-” I said nervously, “Our grandfather Bob?”
“Run,” whispered Blaze, eyes wide.
“Yeah, I know,” I said gulping, standing there frozen to the spot.
Quick as lightning Blaze scooped me up, thrust me over his shoulder and ran. We were out of the cave and running up one of the foothills before the great mountain in minutes. No giant followed but Blaze did not stop until he collapsed at the top of the foot hill shaking all over.
“It’s just a dream, it’s just a dream,” he kept murmuring shakily.
Getting up off the ground where he had dropped me after a couple minutes had passed, I walked over, sat criss-cross applesauce and rested his head in my lap.
Still shaking and sniffling he got up then repositioned himself so he was sitting in my lap. “I’m s-o-so s-s-sorry,” he sobbed.
“Sorry for what,” I chuckled, “You just saved my life back there.”
“No!” he shouted, “I’m not like that I may have saved you but I'm- I’m terrible for what I said to you and I'm so sorry and hope I can make it up to you and now I’m rambling aren't I? Don't leave me again, you're the best and I-,” Blaze stopped turning tomato red.
“You what?” I asked, turning even redder than him.
“I don't know, I kinda think I might like you?” Said Blaze in a barely audible whisper, “Please don't hate me.”
“I could never hate you,” I replied defensively.
“And I could never hate you,” Blaze replied, getting out of my lap and turning to face me.
“Thank you,” I said, “And I’m so sorry for everything I said about you, but more importantly I kinda might like you too,” I said Bravely, then blackness.
When I came to the sun was setting, turning the sky violent shades of pink purple and gold.
“And Jack sets the record for the longest time passed out, do you have anything to say to the fans?” announced Blaze, mocking a reporter's voice and sticking an invisible microphone in my face.
“Uhhhh,” I moaned.
“And there you have it folks, the famous Jack has spoken, more next time,” he said and winked at me. Despite having just been unconscious I couldn't help but laugh. “Here, you might need some help,” smirked Blaze and offered me his hand.
Gratefully I took it and stood up carefully, and ended up nose to nose with Blaze. The stars were just appearing now and I was becoming even more conscious of my hand in his, the result, a fiery face.
Then I started to float, “What the heck is happening!!” I yelped.
“No, not again,” murmured Blaze in a shocked voice. “I don't want to be hurt again,” he said frantically, voice breaking. “I can’t-”
“It’s ok Blaze,” I said, hugging him. “I love you and I’m not leaving.”
And it was true- this was my dream come true.
I had finally gotten the guy I liked to crush back.
I was finally not the only single gay kid but now the happy and in love gay kid. I had finally found a happy ending worth more than a million fairytales. This was my life and I had just overcome what seemed like an impossible feat.
“Ok, ok, ok,” Blaze whispered over and over.
Then we came to a stop in a circle of stars. “Look at me Blaze, you’re ok,” I beamed, “I’m proud to call you mine.”
He looked up with eyes full of fear, “Are you sure?”
“Absolutely,” I said.
Then his eyes met mine, warming me through, my insides melting like butter, “I could never love you more than I do now,” Blaze said in a grateful whisper.
“I uhh-” I said then gulped.
“Oh just shut up and kiss me pretty boy,” he giggled.
I did- after I vowed to never forget that night.

Chapter 13, Cosmo: Revenge on Wisteria

It was hard to imagine that I, a villain, had been madly in love just a while back. My power was the ability of sight. At night in my dreams sad and blurry scenarios ran through my head of all that had been happening to Wisteria. I looked forward to them in a sad way. It was disheartening to see the person you used to love go about her new life as if you didnt exist. The dreams had stopped, what now seemed like a long time ago.
Let me set you straight. I am not a completely bad guy. Villains can love too. I heard a rumor she told you that I didn’t see her heart and I only liked her body. Well, that’s wrong. I love her heart and soul. I can tell she’s still discovering who she is as a villain- how much evil is too much or too little. Its adorable.
Yes- I have anger issues- and I hate to see anyone get in my way of being with Wisteria. I know I have bad boundaries but I want her to be mine so bad that I’ve made some bad choices.
And I’m sorry Wisteria. I know I will make a few more though because I know I can make you mine. After that I promise to treat you better and how I want to treat you. I’m embarrassed about the way I acted before- because I know I’m actually quite the gentleman.
You’ll see soon enough.
But I remember what it was like to be with her. Don't think I’ll ever forget because I won’t. Most of all I remember his face when I’m mad though.
Funny how madness for a stolen lover can turn into an obsession of hurting the taker. Blaze’s ugly, snobby face had been constantly haunting me.
I remember I had seen a future of happiness, the dark side’s victory and a small cozy cottage with Wisteria and our future kids and dates. Then It was gone in a blink of an eye when Blaze the traitor had become part of the evil clan, then as if to make everything worse for me, he whisked Wisteria off to the light side to be . . . good.
That’s another thing I have to say. From the beginning I could tell Wisteria doubted she was truly evil and it started me thinking. Was I really as evil as I acted or was it just a Facade I had to hold to feel ok? There have been multiple times I thought about joining the lightsiders and not just because of the promising fact that Wisteria was there. If anyone asks, I didn’t just tell you that.
I remember just a week ago my vow to all the dark and evil in the world to hunt down Blaze and erase his memories of all the good times, or for that matter of anything in his life. Then his friends would have to sit and watch sadly as he couldn't recall any of them. Then maybe, just maybe I could have Wisteria back.
I was on their trail.
Then night was full of stars, it was now pitch black except for the light of the moon and the light the stars gave off.
There they were, Blaze and his questing partner Jack. Laughing to their heart's content by a small campfire on the mountaintop but more importantly, happy unlike me.
This didn't matter though because I was ready and it was all going to change. I just had to wait for the right moment-
“Alright, I’m going to bed now, night Jack,” said Blaze.
Perfect, it was time. Time to forget Blaze, time for me to get Wisteria back . . . I sprung from the shadows I had been standing in, yelling the memory loss curse while still airborne, “Memorica!!”
I had landed.
There was a blinding light that followed so bright that I was momentarily blinded, overwhelming me with the color of bright red. Stumbling around in the dark dizzy from the light as well I fell to the sharp, gravely ground and gagged. Then it stopped, the world came into focus and I saw something terribly wrong. Everything was ruined!
Blaze was staring at me, completely fine but suspicious, then there was Jack. Jack, he had fallen to his knees and was throwing up over and over a green tint in his cheeks. He looked seasick and I could only imagine losing his memory had left his head reeling too.
Glaring daggers at me Blaze shook his fist at me threateningly then turned, the power draining out of him, concernedly to Jack.
“Jack, are you ok?” he asked weakly.
Jack stopped puking and looked up blankly at Blaze. Then he looked around at the starry sky and lastly me.
“Jack who?” pondered Jack, “Is that my name? I thought my name was- that's funny I can't remember. It must be Jack but then- but then who are you?”
“Good one jack!” laughed Blaze nervously, “You’re not serious right?” Asked Blaze seeing the disgusted look on Jack's face after implying Jack was joking.
“I know what happened!” exclaimed Jack. “It was you. Wasn't it?”
“Me what?” Stammered Blaze, “What are you talking about?”
“It was you!! You erased my memories!! I hate you, I hate you so much!! Give them back, give them back!” Jack started crying.
“Jack, it wasn't me! It was him!” Blaze screamed pointing at me then cursed, “Damn it please believe me, I’m in love with you I don't want to hurt you Jack!”
“No, no I can’t.”
“Can't what?” fretted Blaze.
“I Can’t ever believe you, get away from me you monster!”
A plan had formed in my head, it was sabotage, sabotage equal to Wisteria’s treachery. These two would pay.
“You’re right Jack don't believe him,” I scoffed. “He’s obviously a liar, I’m your boyfriend and we were on the way to get you crystal to save your life when he cursed you.”
“See!” Jack spat at Blaze, “You lied and he knows it.”
“Come on Jack,” I Gloated, “Let's leave this loser here alone.”
“Good idea,” confirmed Jack glaring at Blaze, “Let’s get out of here.”
Sweet revenge, I had now taken everything from Blaze, but part of me wondered, was it right?
“No, Jack, don't leave me, I really do love you,” sobbed Blaze, “Please...”
What a loser I thought as me and Jack walked away without another word.
“Ok so let me get this straight,” began Jack for the millionth time, “We’re dating?”
“Yeah, we are,” I said, putting on a false smile leaning forward to kiss him but he dodged me.
“I’m sorry, I can't do that yet, I still don't remember you enough,” said Jack, “I hope you can understand, I’m sorry If that hurts.”
“It's ok,” I sighed silently, cursing myself for going too fast, “All good things take time.”
“Yeah,” said Jack a little uneasily, “Sure.”
I could tell he knew something was off but had nothing crafty to say.
We walked in silence for about five minutes before Jack spoke again.
“No,” he said.
“No, what?” I demanded.
“I Believe you didn’t curse me but we’re not dating, I don't know how I know, but I just know.”
“Ok, you caught me,” I mumbled, acting guilty, “We’re not dating but I guess I thought if I said we were you might give me some clue to know if you actually had feelings for me.”
Jack soffend and said, “That wasn’t an honest thing to do but I get where you’re coming from. I can’t quite remember but I know I used to like someone enough to do crazy things like that for-” his voice trailed off.
“It’s a shame you can’t remember, I wish I could help you,” I said, again acting, but this time sympathetically.
“Thanks, I hope we can get back to wherever we were before,” smiled Jack.
“Me too,” I said laughing silently, he had no idea.

We were at the base of the snowy hill after having walked all night through the foothills surrounding it. Now I stood next to Jack and stared like him at the fine line where the snow started and the untouched land we were now leaving behind. It was only dawn, maybe five o’clock in the morning.
The night had changed me completely. Funny how silence has the power to do that for better or worse. As we walked in the silence I put together the puzzle pieces. Blaze had been dating Jack before I had wiped Jack's memories away which meant that Wisteria had broken up with Blaze and might be single. In the process of thinking Jack had: saved me from falling off a cliff, running into a tree and tripping over a rock and impaling myself on a rusty sword.
Despite that, I had hope for the first time in a long time, Real hope. When I arrived back with Jack I would say we didn't find his crystal and that I had saved him from Blaze who had wiped his memories away and finally offer Wisteria Jack’s crystal in exchange for her hand in marriage. Jack would die and Blaze would be lonely forever.
“So now we climb,” murmured Jack.
“And now we climb,” I repeated.
A growl rose from behind us, vicious and malevolent. Uh-oh, I thought turning to face a golden skeletal saber tooth tiger that looked anything but friendly. I didn't think I stood any chance with it in battle, this was due to the fact it was made of metal. Looking it over though I could tell it ran on magic and not any kind of engine making the chances of dismantling it too slim to rely on. I stared at me hungrily through small ruby eyes, obsidian slits narrowing viciously.
“Time to go, now!!” yelled Jack.
Turning around I saw an icy path that wound all the way up the mountain, then grabbed Jack's arm and yanked him along at a run along the path. As soon as he got the idea, I let go and we bolted up the path, the tiger gaining fast.
As we ran, me and Jack seemed to become slower because we were running out of energy. However, the tiger seemed to almost feed off of our energy, speeding up the whole time. Then it happened, just what I needed.
The tiger pounced on top of Jack who screamed and fell onto the ice covered path, the tiger on top clawing him and trying to decide the best way to get a bite.
“Cosmo!” he shrieked, “Help!”
“Yeah right,” I scoffed, “It was too easy. Now I’ll get to have your crystal for myself, you didn't really think I was going to help you, or even had the slightest crush on you right?”
“You-” Jack started to say but I was off running along the path before he could finish, I never got to find out what I was. But that was fine because just like Blaze, Jack was a loser and a wuss.
The trees and snow on either side of me grew thicker and thicker as I ran, their shadows cast growing longer as well and less and less inviting. Then when the summit was in sight the tops of the trees merged creating a tunnel and cast me into shadows. Then on either side of me torches began to light as I passed, one by one then flickering out as soon as they were no longer needed.
Then I was there. I knew I was there because I had hit a dead end in a cave made of solid gold. The gold glowed maliciously as if daring me to enter the cave. Snorting in defiance I walked further, not heeding the ominous warning. Then two torches blazed to life with lavender flames over an altar revealing a crystal necklace and a dagger made of pure light pressed into a deadly weapon with hand grips made of pure gold and inlaid diamonds.
Cackling, I made my way forward and extended my arm to pick the necklace and dagger up when the sound of a torch lighting made me jump. Drat!
Standing at the mouth of the cave was Jack, bleeding all over, but none-the-less standing tall and glaring murderously at me.
“Don't you dare even think about it,” he hissed.
Oh I was thinking about it, I regained my senses and grabbed the dagger holding it out before me. “If you dare try and get that crystal I will kill you,” I said furiously.
Now clutching a heavily bleeding wound in his gut, Jack unsheathed A silver sword and brandished it in front of him while advancing, trying to look threatening.
Then he was upon me. Trying to knock the dagger out of my hand he made an attempt to smack the flat of his sword on my hilt. I dodged, bringing my blade down on his arm.
A blinding flash of light followed, throwing Jack backwards onto all fours and gasping for breath. Looking down at his hands Jack had just noticed he was starting to fade. Getting up Jack weakly held his sword in front of him advancing on me again. This time he charged forward using what little strength he must have had jumped up and tried to land his blade on my head but I dodged and stabbed up into his heart. Then I yanked my weapon out of him which came back covered in blood. Stumbling around and tripping over his feat Jack’s breath became labored and husky.
The sound of flames lighting met my ears again and there was a Blaze but it was nearly too late. Jack had collapsed and was transparent and unconscious, bleeding heavily from the wound in his heart.
“What did you do to my boyfriend,” roared Blaze looking dangerously at me, tears in his eyes.
Cackling I said, “You're too late, he’s as good as dead.”
“Not quite,” Said Blaze, unsheathing his sword and pointing it at the crystal. From where it was the crystal floated to Blaze who caught it, ran swiftly to Jack and clasped it around his neck.
“Please pull through Jack,” sobbed Blaze, “I need you.”

Chapter 14: Wisteria, Can't figure her out

“Hey,” said a voice behind me.
Currently I was packing for questing and crying about Jack.
“Are you ok?”
This time I recognized the voice was Alexandria’s, so I wiped my eyes and turned around. “No, nothing is ever ok when you’re me. First Blaze and now-” my voice broke, but somehow, I trusted Alexandria to not hurt me more. She felt- well safe I guess.
“Walk with me,” said Alexandria softly, “I hope you can trust me enough to tell me what's up, you know it’s proven that having someone to talk to helps improve your mood and outlook on life.”
“Ok, that sounds cool,” I said through sniffles, “Not many people bother to talk to me, so I guess this is a first.”
“That sounds awful, sorry to hear that,” Alexandria apologized guiltily.
“No, please don't apologise,” I said getting up and starting to walk, “It’s my fault I deserve it.”
“Why so?” Alexandria asked, “Try me, tell me your story.”
“I’m always messing up,” I sobbed, unable to hold back the tears anymore, “First I didn't tell Blaze about my old boyfriend I was still dating while I was with him against my will.
Then I shared a kiss that felt like ice with him, and he left after learning the truth. But to make it worse I thought Jack liked me more than a friend, and kissed him but he didn't like me anymore then, even though he did like me before.
Now I’ve lost him as my friend and have to go questing with Zelda who hates me because I like Blaze, still, and so does she, which makes a wall between us, but all I want is a bloody friend and the person I love! To make it worse- I might even have a crush on Zelda now, and I doubt she’d fall for a girl.”
There was that lie again- the reason we split was my fault and not about Cosmo. I wasn't ready to tell anyone my discovery. I do still love Blaze though- but I just can’t face him anymore knowing it will never work out. In truth I rushed into things with him to get away from Cosmo- now I just don’t know anymore. Then my new feelings that scared me- and the dream about Zelda.
Alexandria stumbled backward as if punched in the stomach as I finished my sentence. “Woah,” she mumbled, her eyes beginning to turn red. Slowly she crawled to the ground coughing and gasping blue smoke starting to curl from her mouth. Then she snapped her head up to look at me, her eyes fully red except for two, tiny, beady black pupils.
Scared I inched backward trying to get away but too scared to move very fast. My eyes searched the bark covered ground wildly looking for something to defend myself with.
Alexandria lurched forward and grabbed me by the shoulders. “Let me go! Help!!” I screamed.
“Come and find me my love,” rasped Alexandria in a deep blood chilling voice.
“I await you no later than sunset tomorrow. Bring your questing partener, my minions will take care of her before you enter my lair. I know your destiny, and desire you for my own. If you fail to get here by sunset tomorrow I will kill your parents, and yes, I know them, you will never see them again. Or you could obey me, become my loyal wife, and we will rule this planet geoclyte and rule it in darkness like you were destined to be. You’ve been warned, choose carefully. Oh and just because your parents are gods, doesn't mean I can't take them. Anyway, I hope to see you soon, Wisteria. ”
Wide eyed I watched Alexandria drop to the ground, and start choking. Then she stopped and looked up at me. “How’d I get down here,” She asked.
“Umm, well I know the quest me and Zelda have to go on now, I have a quest to find uhhh a . . . Chalice! Yeah and I’m destined to find out how to be truly good and find love on the quest,” I lied.
“Are you sure,” inquired Alexandria , looking not at all convinced.
“Yes, I’m sure!” I snapped.
“Ok, ok, get packing I’ll go tell Zelda, and also, sorry about what happened between you, Jack and Blaze. It sounds really rough but I have to go now,” said a startled Alexandria .
“Thank you and goo-,” I began but Alexandria was already running away.
I had been visited yet again by the voice through a dream telling me the name of the place I had to go to find whoever was calling me. The dream went like this.
I laid down to get some rest before heading out in the early afternoon. Despite my stress I fell asleep so quickly that I was out like a light as soon as my head hit the pillow.
I dreamed it was night and I lay under the stars and what looked like the aurora borealis were flashing in the night sky.
Suddenly I felt a presence next to me, a warm presence. I turned my head away from the stars and looked to my side, my eyes connecting with zelda’s.
“Hey,” she smiled.
“Hey,” I mumbled through my embarrassment, my cheeks were probably bright red right now.
“I love you Wisteria,” she said in a dreamy voice, “Will you be mine? It could be our secret.”
Her voice was music to my ears, sending chills down my spine and butterflies through my whole body. Every inch of me felt completely right.
“Yeah, it’s our secret,” I echoed, “I love you two.”
Then Zelda and I seemed to share the most meaningful moment ever where I looked into her eyes and saw a future. I knew she could see it too and I wanted that future badly.
We leaned forward slowly and began to kiss each other. It started slow and then became more passionate.
Then she pulled away to whisper something in my ear.
The temperature around us plummeted and I began to shake. Her eyes glazed over and turned pure red. In my ear she spoke in the same chilling voice chicka had and told me exactly where I needed to go and reminded me of the threat and that I was running out of time.
I screamed in my dream as images of my parents lying dead in front of me floated around me.
Then I awoke in a cold sweat.
I knew what had to be done.
Now Zelda and I were on a boat on the ocean of storms on the way to the villain who had called for me’s secret island.
“Hey, I’m sorry about what I said about you during breakfast,” Zleda said, not meeting my eyes. “It was wrong of me and despite our differences I want to be friends.”
“Did Alexandria tell you anything about our conversation?” I asked suspiciously.
“Yeah,” said Zelda, still not looking at me, “She said you felt really lonely and asked me to be nice. I get how hard it is now for a person you really like to leave you or even for you to leave them. Blaze was a nice person and I see how much you liked him, and its hard for me to admit, but he was the one who was wrong in breaking up with you. I’m absolutely sure you liked him more than your other boyfriend you were gonna break up with. I’m sorry he took what you said the wrong way.”
“Yeah,” said Zelda, turning to smile at me, “See I can already tell you’re not so bad. You may have some doubts about your true goodness, but I can tell you’re a true lightsider because of your priorities. No dark sider could ever love the way you do. You dont scheme to get what you want, but you let it come to you and do the right thing, even when its hard and hurts. I admire that about you.”
I felt really bad- my lies had reached her and now she was complimenting me based on a false story. But I would just act as if nothing was wrong-
“Thanks,” I grinned, “You’re not that bad either, it takes a bigger person to put themselves out there and try to be friends with a person you might have been unsure about, and forgive them. If it means anything to you I think you and Blaze would have been perfect together, you’re both so nice, but tough on the outside, true warriors.”
“I just wish we had been,” Zelda sighed, “But of course I got big headed about winning and ruined everything and lost anyways. That wasn’t a good or right thing of me to do. But I guess we can work on ourselves on this quest right? We won't let anyone hurt the other because true friends defend right?”
“Yeah,” I said, mustering an upbeat tone, but really I was feeling guilty for the way I was going to have to let her down. I would have to let the minions take her or I would never see my family again.
“Has anyone ever told you how pretty you are,” Zelda asked me laughing.
“Besides Blaze, no,” I said blushing. “Random question, but would you ever consider liking a girl?”
“I don’t think gender should get in the way of who I like if they’re a good person,” said Zelda slowly, “So if the girl was really nice then yeah, I might date her.”
That gave me a lot to think about. Out of all the people I’ve met I know Zelda was one of the nicest. I had failed relationships with any of the boys I’d be interested in. Out of the rest of the boys, none of them seemed interesting.
Then there was Zelda. Everyone whispered behind her back saying how beautiful and strong she was. She always knew the right thing to do and the right thing to say. She was smart and kind, and she valued leadership highly.
Had I secretly been crushing on her this whole time? The answer, maybe. For the past three nights I had been dreaming of two kisses, one with Jack and . . . one with her. I couldn't make sense before why I had dreamed of kissing her but now I realized I’d had a crush on her all along.
Talking about love the question slipped out just like my confessions to Blaze so long ago at the darksider camp- so maybe I had hope. I couldn't take it anymore, I had to tell her.
“Zelda, I’m so sorry but there are two things. I lied to Alexandria about this quest because I was scared to say anything. An evil voice possessed Alexandria while we were walking together and said-,” I faltered, my voice becoming shaky.
“And said that if I didn't marry him and give you to his minions he would kill my family. And one more thing is that I know I like Jack but I also like you as more than a friend. I don't know why but I just couldn’t accept that I might be pansexual. I don't want you to die and I don't want to marry this dark guy, he scares me. Please help me, I don't know what to do.”
There was a moment of silence.
“Wow,'' Zelda said at last, obviously shocked, “You really have been dealing with a lot lately. I’m really sorry about that, it must be hard. Question though, are you serious about liking me, it seems crazy, I thought you hated me.”
“I don’t hate anyone,” I laughed sadly, “but yeah I’m serious, I’m sorry I let boys get in the way of our friendship.”
Zelda was quiet for a minute before speaking.
“To be honest, I don’t know, I’ve always had strong feelings about you. Before, I really didn’t like you because you were stealing Blaze from me. But I don’t know, Both you and I saw how Blaze can be really up tight- and we’re closer because of that. I see that . . . and I’m thinking about it, but for now it’s a little too early. We’ll see though, maybe someday we could be something more.”
“Thanks, that means a lot to me,” I said.
“You're welcome, but if we want to get that far we need to survive this first,” Zelda laughed bitterly, “And that is gonna be hecka hard.”
“We will always live through it, we're immortal,” I giggled.
A Tv screen appeared in front of me and Zelda and a silhouette began to speak.
“Good evening Dm’s! You have now reached a point in the war where it is vital that only the strongest and smartest move forward. Therefore we are temporarily stripping you of your immortality! Good luck and may the best win! When twelve of you are dead we will immediately give back your immortality and the winning side with the most survivors alive will get to decide what becomes of geoclyte. All losing side participants will be moved to another planet to pick sides again. Good luck, over and out!”
The TV screen disappeared and Zelda turned to face me, the color draining from her face. It had to be a coincidence that I had just said we would always live just a second before the broadcast. It was clear, Zelda was doomed. If there were minions waiting to kill her, she would be hopelessly outnumbered with just me to back her up in a fight.
“It’s going to be ok,” I said bravely, even though I felt like bursting into tears, “You're not going to die, we’ll just have to find a way.”
It’s crazy how things can change in the blink of an eye. One minute I was laughing and flirting with Zelda, and making plans for our future. Next, that future was stripped away, leaving me with bones. It was cold and terrifying.
“I hope you’re right,” Zelda said quietly, “Not that my parents would miss me.”
“I’m sure they would!” I protested, “Plus, I would miss you and I'm not going to let you die on my watch.”
I couldn't let her die, I was already falling in love, I thought, but of course I would never say it out loud. Despite my words of courage, I could not see a way out of this one, but I would fight for a chance to escape my fate.
Maybe I was destined to be evil. I was pretty sure that after this mission I would no longer have Zelda. If I didn’t I would have nothing to live for but this new master of evil who had called me his love . . . but I had to keep hoping. I had to hope for a bright future for me and Zelda because only when I did that, would it come true.
(not to mention all the work it would take...and miracles.)
“I know that look,” Zelda said, snapping me back into reality. “You doubt that I’m going to make it, and also, you look scared.”
I laughed. “Kind of a captain obvious thing to say, Zelda, but yeah,” I became serious, “You're right, I am worried about you.”
I looked out to sea, the cold air wiped against my cheeks, and small flecks of water dotted my cheeks. It was a beautiful day, the sea was a clear blue. We were too far out to see the bottom, yet, the water still sparkled like the pictures on postcards.
Despite the beauty, my mood was cloudy and dark, the opposite of the landscape in front of me. Now I was facing an impossible situation and my friend was marked for death. I had no idea how to act, I was at the end of my rope.
“It's going to be okay,” Zelda said bravely, “Even if I die, the others will save you and more importantly, you’ll find someone else who you deserve.”
“Are you saying you’re not a good person?” I asked.
“Basically,” Zelda answered sadly, “Honestly I’ve been through so much that I’m a mess when it comes to love.”
She sighed, “I don’t have the trust it takes to truly love anyone. Face it Wisteria, I’m a goner, and way too broken to move forward.” Zelda looked at me with the same sad look she had when she talked about Blaze and other failed love attempts and sat down, then she looked out over the ocean behind us.
“You know we could always go back,” I said, trying to keep my voice steady.
“No, we can't do that,” Zelda said, whipping her head to face me again and going wide eyed, “The guy who called for you would kill your parents! You can't sacrifice them for me, they’re your family and I’m not!”
“But then I’d have to watch you die,” I said loudly, scowling.
Zelda turned away from me and was silent for several minutes before speaking again. I could see her body shaking with silent tears that were surely streaking her distraught face.
“I don't matter!” whispered Zelda, “Stop being such a good person! I can't stand it when you do that and put me before you, I- I- I hate It!” She turned to face me, no longer staring out at the sea behind us. Her eyes were red and puffy and her face was streaked with tears.
“Fine, I won’t force you to live or to like yourself and see yourself how I see you,” I snapped, “but when you give up your life there won’t be any going back. Please just be quiet, I don’t want to talk anymore.”
I layed down in the boat and closed my eyes tight, tears still escaping at the edges. Broken, that was how Zelda had described herself. I knew that in the near future, I too would be broken, and Zelda- she would be gone.
My thoughts and questions spun around in my head at about a million miles per hour, but somehow, I drifted into an uneasy sleep.
I was in a room that was made out of folds of the sky. A spotlight that floated in midair, was angled at a blonde girl of about sixteen, sitting cross legged in the middle of the room.
“Welcome, my name is Grace, and we are in heaven. No, you are not dead,” She said, seeing the look in my eyes.
“I must give you some advice.”
“If Zelda dies, don’t Blame yourself or you’ll go down a path we can only hope you don't. There is a small chance she could live, in which case you would have tough decisions to make. Hero? Villain? Neither? You must blaze your own path now. Good luck. I'm sorry our meeting had to be so short, but you are needed back on geoclyte. Goodbye Wisteria.”
I tried with all my might to speak but my vocal chords seemed like they were cement. I was being sucked back to my physical self, I could feel it.
I fell to my knees and clawed at the ground in an attempt to stay with grace.
I silently screamed in desperation.
It was too late.
I lost my grip and fell into darkness.
I woke up with a start, and sat bolt upright in the boat. I heard sniffles from the front of the boat and Zelda had her face in her hands. As soon as she heard me move her crying quickly stopped. She wiped her eyes and turned to face me.
“Oh, good, you’re awake now.”
She smiled uneasily, quickly her smile turned creepy and got wider and wider. A new crazy light danced in her eyes.
She giggled.
“We’re almost there, see that lovely island? We have to find the magical butterfly!”
I did see the island. It was impossible to miss when it was only about a quarter mile away. It had a rugged beach with sharp black rocks that made their way into the water. In some places there were shipwrecks, but in the very middle there was a huge patch of red sand. It was the perfect place to dock the ship, except for the fact that there, on the patch of sand, stood ten figures in a circle around someone, watching our ship from a distance.
“The whole darkside is assembled on the beach! How can you smile?!” I shouted at Zelda, angry tears welling up in my eyes.
“Only eleven of them! They’re missing one! Great news, right?!” Zelda said giggling uncontrollably, “Just kill them! Dark side, kill! Kill! Kill! We will!”
“Zelda?” I gasped, “Are you ok? Please be ok!”
Of course! I should have noticed she had lost her sanity after the comment about a...magical butterfly- she was breaking under the pressure, I thought, mentaly kicking myself for being so dumb.
“Fine as a pea in a pod,” Zelda warbled. “Will you be the other pea please?”
“It’s ok Zelda we’ll fix you before w-we get th-,” I started, but then our boat hit the shore. “Great! Plan B! Let's kill them ok?”
“Kill kill kill! Kill kill kill!” Zelda sang over and over. Then I got out of the boat with my- crazy- companion to meet our island hosts.
“Oh a butterfly!” Zelda screamed, running after something, “We have to make a wish NOW!!!”
I ignored Zelda and kept marching forward until I came to stand in front of the darkside army, who were all in a tight circle around someone I still couldn't see even being ashore now. I figured that Zelda would be ok because her instincts in combat were amazing, crazy or not.
I took a deep breath and Grace's words came floating back to me, don't blame yourself for Zeldas’s death. But Zelda was not going to die today.
“I’m here for whoever called me,” I said in the sweetest voice possible.
“Wisteria!! The butterfly is leaving!” Screamed Zelda, “I won't ever talk to you again if you don't wish on it!”
Zelda then plopped herself criss-cross on the ground, then proceeded to put her thumb in her mouth and stare at me with tears in her eyes.
“What's wrong with her?” snarled one of the guards to my right. He was red headed and had a face full of zits. He creeped me out in an odd way, as if he was important somehow . . . but I couldn’t think about that. I had a mission to complete.
“What do you mean?” I smiled and batted my eyelashes.
A voice coming from the middle of the huddle said, “Kill that crazy girl Rick, and you guys can let me aside to speak with the girl I sent for.”
I couldn't shake the feeling I knew who was speaking. “Yes, sir, I can do that,” replied the same red headed boy who had been so rude to me about Zelda.
He left and the crowd slowly parted. The result? I was shocked to see a face I had hoped to never see again.
It was Santigao.
I was so stunned I didn't notice what was happening. I stood there, hearing the beat of my own heart pounding in my ears for several seconds. But by the time I got over my shock it was too late. As I recovered, I turned around to see Rick launch an arrow straight into Zelda’s heart. Time slowed down and it was as if the arrow was moving in slow motion.
“No!!” I screamed helplessly.
Zelda mumbled, “Oh an earring!” as it entered her body, then keeled over dead.
I fell to my knees at Santiago's feet and wept uncontrollably.
“I’m sorry for you, love, but it had to be done,’” he laughed, “Plus she was too broken to ever be ok again anyway. You can have a new life . . . with me!”
I had no strength to protest when he picked me up into his arms and carried me away from Zelda’s body. I had lost everything, but I had to hope the darkside could give me some sort of a life that I needed. Now I knew why Rick had seemed important, he was destined to kill Zelda. My old life was now a distant memory that I couldn’t get a grasp on, and I was left to die in my pit of depression.

Chapter 15, Alexandria : My army of eight
It had been two day since Jack, Blaze, Wisteria, and Zelda had left, and I was already nervous. Last night I had one of my most vivid nightmares out of the whole time I was on geoclyte. My sanity had slowly been crumbling away since the evening of the day the four left, when I had received the message that our immorality had been stripped away…
My name is Alexandria , and one thing that you should know about me is that I hate change and things I can't control. The whole three months we trained to fight as a team, I yelled and cursed when my teammates didn’t pay attention and got off topic because I felt like everything was so out of control and unorderly. Not only that, I also felt deep in my gut that something was coming.
Yesterday evening, my fear was confirmed. By losing my immortality I lost control. I’ve never understood how mortals could handle knowing that someday, they would die. It would be unpredictable and you would never know when might be your last day, or if you would ever get to say your goodbyes-
Death itself is not an orderly neat thing. No one knows what really happens to you.
Do you spend an infinite number of eons floating aimlessly around on earth or in the fields of asphodel, wondering numbly what more is left?
Do you go to Elysium and get reborn into a whole new life? And, will that life be on earth or somewhere else far, far away?
Then there’s the fields of punishment . . . no doubt the worst kind of an end. And if you went there, what would you think as you relived for the rest of time the punishment that was given to you after your last moments ran out and you slipped away?
I had never had to contemplate these things as a mortal would have to. These things that make a mortal life special and a treasure. Not knowing when you’re going to die, and sometimes no second chances are given, you learn so much more. When you make a huge mistake that humiliates you deeply, you don't just dismiss it because you know that people will have forgotten somewhere along the road in the eternal life you live. Instead, you learn, you have a reason to always do good things for the world. In a way, you know you will have a chance at leaving a mark on the world for every child you taught, and for every plant you watered and cared for.
Being mortal has such a high risk, but it’s almost more valuable than a never ending life because you get to explore and mold yourself into an end product that can never be replaced, and is no less than anyone else’s- or any divine life that has existed- so long that it is a story not that of growth but sadness and being trapped.
In my whole life, I never had to learn, but it was always something I could choose to do. Now, I was facing the reality that I hadn’t learned anything in however many millenia I had been around, except what I wanted to learn. This fact led me to think only failure could be ahead of me. I had failed my army of eight and I had broken their enthusiasm with my bitter controlling self that I had never learned to change.
But where was I? Oh right! My horrendous dreams last night! Silly me, I just conveniently forgot. ANYWAY-
The scenes I watched came and went in black and white like a film from the olden days. I saw Jack being struck in the heart and falling to the ground limp and bleeding. I saw Blaze crying in furry and demanding what had happened to his boyfriend.
(That was new to me, last I saw them they were both single. Come to think of it- things were a bit flirty between those two . . . )
Then possibly the worst scene. Zelda and Wisteria fighting and crying on a boat. Darkness. Then a red headed boy shooting an arrow, all in slow motion, and Zelda falling over dead. But the worst was Wisteria’s helpless and shocked look as it happened. Then Wisteria fell to her knees, her sobs echoing as the scene faded out.
The thing that worried me most about these dreams was the fact that they didn’t seem like fake events. They seemed as real as the fact that I was no longer immortal. As real as the fact that we were on the brink of war that could decide the fate of an entire world.
As I lay in my sleeping bag in the early morning light thinking about my dire situation- I knew things were all going on around me as if nothing had happened. As if the situation wasn’t...well, dire.
A light flicked on in the dining hall. It was officially five thirty in the morning, and breakfast was being made. That meant that in just thirty minutes I would have to be up, and ready for the day, and not to add I would have been expected at the dining hall by then.
I slowly shimmied out of my sleeping bag and got to my feet. The plus side of being on geoclyte? The one outfit you got to wear was always clean when you woke up the next morning, and your hair was brushed and clean.
I wanted to go on a walk with Ryan this morning. With the war drawing nearer and nearer, I hadn’t had much time for the love of my life.
“Hey,” said a voice behind me.
I jumped a million miles in the air. “Holly Hades!! You scared me Ryan!”
He laughed, “Technically my dad is Hades, Alexandria, but yes, good morning to you too.”
“I don’t remember saying good morning, did I?” I asked, startled by the thought that I might have already forgotten something I said less than a minute ago.
“You okay,” Ryan frowned, “I think somethings up- tell me.”
I hesitated biting my lip. The stress welled up inside me and then it all came spilling out.
“It’s just that I had this dream about Blaze, Jack, Wisteria, and Zelda. I think they’re in trouble,” I said quickly, “We have to help, or maybe we’re too late. I know I’m a failure.”
“But it's just a dream!” Ryan laughed nervously, “Right?”
“Wrong,” I whispered, “It was so real, so real I just know it happened. We have to find Jack and Blaze to see if they’re ok. Then once we have most of our team back, we have to go to the enemy base to take back Wisteria, but sadly, there’s nothing we can do to help Zelda now that she’s dead.”
“Wait! Hold up,” Ryan made a dramatic symbol with his arms to cut me off. “Zelda, she’s- ?”
“Dead, and gone for good.”
“But Wisteria?” he looked at me sadly. I could see the hurt in his beautiful blue eyes.
“Don’t worry,” I reassured him, “Wisteria is alive, but it might take a lot of time before she’s ever back to normal.”
“Well, it could be worse,” he sighed, “This really does prove that we are in fact mortal. It also gives me a lot to think about.”
“Yeah,” I agreed, “Like the idea of death. Twelve of us have to die before the war ends. Basically, it’s now become a hunt. The dark siders out to kill as many of us as they can, and the light side is trying to kill as many of them as we can.”
“We’re gonna be okay though,” Ryan grinned, “I can just feel it! Then we can settle down, start a life, and maybe meet our-” Ryan looked like he was struggling, the grin from moments ago disappearing. “Our parents,” he said at last.
“I Feel really bad for all the gods who are about to lose their kids,” I whispered. Tears welled up in my eyes, before I knew it my cries were escaping my body, and the tears were streaming down my face.
Ryan took my hand, and guided me to sit down. The forest floor was prickly, yet, with my overwhelming sadness and Ryan sitting next to me, it didn’t really matter. The moment was bittersweet. I wanted it to end, but at the same time, I wanted it to go on forever. It’s just like the life of a mortal. Beautiful, and cherished, but bittersweet because you know nothing is permanent. You know that the person you love the most could be gone forever, in the blink of an eye.
“Alexandria ,” Ryan began softly, “You mean the world to me. As long as I’m alive, I won’t let anyone harm you. Even if I die, it’s important that you go on living. Not just living though, but happily living. We’re young, so we’ll never know what’s meant to be. Sometimes, what’s meant to be, isn't what we want.”
He paused before continuing, “But if we just roll with it, we might find something even better than we could ever have imagined having before.”
My crying slowed down, and at last came to a stop. I looked into Ryan’s eyes, “But how can you be sure?”
“I can be sure, because . . . It’s happened to me before.”
“Really, when?” I asked, eyes wide with wonder. It felt like I was a little kid again, learning about the world through millions of questions. Each answer, priceless and fascinating.
Ryan became distant, as if he were staring off into a whole other plane of existence. He closed his eyes, one tear escaping and trickling down his cheek slowly. He took a shaky breath, then opened his eyes.
“When I was little,” he stuttered, “I thought my parents were the greatest thing in the universe . . . Freya would always read me a bedtime story in my cozy room in my fathers underworld palace.” Ryan began to shake, silent tears slowly tracing down his cheeks, “My Father always said that Freya was his destiny, and swore on the river Styx that they would never part. My mother always said that a getaway from Frey was nice, and that love and death went hand in hand. At those words she would always take my fathers hand and kiss him delicately on the cheek… Every day my father would tell me I can't wait until the day I get to see you as happy as we are when we’re together.”
“But what does this have to do with what you told me,” I frowned, putting a supportive arm around his shoulder.
“Well, you see, then there was that one night when everything changed.”
“Go on,” I said in a hushed voice.
“Hades dared to say out loud that Freya was better than persephone. Little did he know that Persephone had expected for quite a while that Hades was up to something.
That night she had borrowed Athena's cap of invisibility. As soon as those words escaped his lips, she tore off the cap in outrage.
“Swear on the river styx you won't EVER let HER back in again!” She screamed at Hades, “swear to me! After all, you’re the one who trapped me here!”
Afraid of what the other gods would say if he kept seeing Freya, his secret, but true, love, Hades swore on the river Styx he wouldn’t let Freya back in.
You monster! Freya wailed, I LOVED you, and I was foolish to think you would really choose me over your reputation! I would have done that every time for you!
Hades was heart broken, “Freya, wait! I still love you more than anything!”
But Freya wasn’t hearing it, “Tell that to the oath you just made! Goodbye!”
Freya disappeared in a puff of pink smoke.
By taking an oath that he would never let Freya back in, Hades broke his earlier oath that he and Freya would never part.
Everyone knows that when you break an oath on the Styx, bad things happen. At that moment, strong wind whisked me from my bed and started carrying me away from the underworld.
“What's happening!” Yelled persephone, “Why is your son floating away?”
Hades looked horrified, “The oath! The oath I took that my and Freya would never part! I just broke it, and now it’s cursed me with losing my son! Save him Persephony! I can’t do anything, but you can!”
Persephone crossed her arms, “And why should I do that for you?” She questioned him, then stalked off.
By then it was too late, I never saw them again. The wind ripped me from the underworld and thousands of miles away above ground.
One night under the stars, about a year after being taken away, I felt the urge to go exploring. All I remember is falling into a pit. Then I woke up on geoclyte, where I met you and my forever family of warriors.
Had I not been taken from my family, I would never have been drawn to that pit, and landed in this world.”
We were silent for a few moments, in my case, I was still processing Ryan's story. Taking a deep breath I wiped my eyes and smiled. “Thank you so much. I couldn’t have asked for a better boyfriend.”
Ryan stared at me, obviously confused. “Ohhh, You’re saying- ok, I get it.” he scratched his neck awkwardly. “Oh, and thank you,” he said quickly, a pinkish tint in his cheeks.
Right, I thought, He was still processing his story too. I needed to give him time. I cleared my throat, “Well, it’s about breakfast time, see you there.” I got up off the ground, and brushed the pine needles off my clothes.
“Wait!” Ryan sprang to his feet. “Can I walk with you? I mean, we were originally going to have a walk together before!” He smiled at me hopefully.
I sighed deeply, “I’m sorry Ryan, as much as I love you, I can’t. I just think I need some time alone, you know?”
Ryan wilted in disappointment, “Okay, see you there I guess.”
“Yeah, Sounds like a plan!” I smiled and tried to catch his eye, but he wouldn’t return my gaze.
Ryan turned around and shuffled off sadly in the opposite direction of the dinning hall.
“Well, Goodbye!” I yelled hopefully. No luck, Ryan didn’t even bother to look back at me. But he didn’t have to, I reminded myself. He had been through a lot today and I was being selfish to expect more.
Forcing a smile I turned around and looked at my little outside living space. “Well isn’t this gonna be fun to clean!” I said through gritted teeth, still painfully maintaining my phony smile.
My area was a mess. My silver sleeping bag was waded up, and my muddy shoes had fallen down onto my once pristine white pillow. Spilling out of a small wooden box were three weeks worth of love letters from Ryan. (One per day.) On a small tree stump next to my bed lay my bow and a quiver of arrows. Shoved in the quiver was a half eaten candy bar that I had never finished because I had been called off to censor a fight about who stole whose pillow between Ryan and Isacc.
But the most curious item of all? My secret, a magical locket engraved with my father’s name: Belenus.
Forgetting the messy state of my living area, I walked to the locket in a trance.
“Come forward my child,” a deep voice echoed in my head. “I have much to show you if you are to live. Now, pick up the locket- and open it slowly.”
I grasped the locket tightly in my hand, then slowly lifted the lid. Gold smoke billowed out, encasing me in a swirling room of it. Images popped up in silver smoke. Yet again, I saw Zelda falling over dead and Blaze weak and bloody, on the verge of death.
A small cry escaped me and tears welled at the corners of my eyes, but I forced the back. I had to stay strong because I was the leader.
Then a new image appeared of two groups of twelve stick figures.
“Things are not what they seem. There has been an exchange. Wisteria, a lightsider at heart, has joined the darkside. Be warned that one amongst the light side is truly dark and evil. They blend in. This does not mean they have any true good in them. In their own time they will betray you all and leave you hanging if you’re not prepared. Fate says they will rise to lead the dark side. Do not let this break you. As the leader of the light and friend to all your companions, you will suffer most. What matters is how you treat that burden. So will you be the rise or fall of your team my daughter? You have the choice. A bit of lighter news- two new lightsiders will be joining you for the two you lost. Good luck.”
“Dad!” I screamed over the tornado of gold smoke, “Stay, help me! Is that all?! Now you’re just going to leave me again?!”
“I have been forbidden to help you, it’s for the best. Goodbye Alexandria , we will meet again.”
“No!” I wailed. Despite my pleas the gold smoke died down to nothing, and I fell to my knees sobbing.
I cried for about five minutes before straightening up again, my makeup re-applying itself to hide my tears stained cheeks.
Furious, I smeared the makeup, I hated always having to look “perfect” as if I had to makeup for what I lacked. I should have been enough without being altered. Yet, somehow it wasn’t enough for the gods tuning into us like entertainment right now, I had to look like some ridiculous model. This was all entertainment for the gods on earth.
Even after my effort to make myself look hideous, the makeup just fixed itself again. I wilted in despair, nothing was right here.
Then remembering my place as a leader I straightened up and marched off to the dinning hall to deliver the news. Get a grip, I told myself, they can't see how scared I am or we’ll be defeated. I’ve got this.
* * *
The six warriors not including Ryan and myself seemed to be in the best mood since who knows when. They were digging into their french toast sticks and eggs like nothing else mattered. We had been eating for fifteen minutes now and it was time to deliver the news.
Standing up and clearing my throat I said, “May I please have your attention.”
All eyes turned to face me, french toast sticks hanging out of mouths or paused in mid air.
“I had some err- bad news. Zelda has been killed and Wisteria has joined the dark side- again.”
Murmurs erupted from the table and one person shouted, “I knew Wisteria was bad news, right ryan?”
Ryan bit his lip and stared at his shoes unwaveringly.
“That's enough!” I shouted, “That wasn’t all I was trying to say if you guys would be kind enough to not interrupt me!”
Everyone guiltily picked at their food, a habit we all had become accustomed to.
“Jack has been stabbed in the heart and is now dead or dying. Luckily Blaze is ok- but emotionally hurt. We all are going to gather forces and get to Jack and Blaze as fast as we can. Then, we start the war and make our first attack on the dark side.”
Everyone was utterly shocked. “Are you sure we’re ready?” A girl named Jasmine fretted.
Keeping a calm tone I said, “Yes, you’ve all proved yourselves and it’s about time we made our move.”
“Okay,” Jasmine said looking un-convinced, “so when do we set out?”
“Right after breakfast.”
At this news the seven of them all started to eat as slow as possible.
“We’re going to be okay,” I reassured them, “Plus this had to happen sometime soon. You’re all very brave warriors, all will go well.”
“I think you’ve forgotten the fact that 12 people have to die and only one has so far,” whispered Jasmine.
Ignoring her remark I said, “Breakfast is over! You have twenty minutes to pack and I expect you to be back here when time is up.”
Everyone scrambled out the door as fast as possible, leaving me behind. So I did the last thing left to do: go pack my bag for the long journey ahead.

Chapter 16: Blaze- Panic
“Please pull through Jack,” I sobbed helplessly, then whispered, “I need you.” Jack lay limp on the ground barely breathing and staring off into nothingness.
Then he spoke in a raspy breath, “Blaze, I remember- I remember everything, I-,” But he never got to finish before his body went still in my arms.
“I love you Jack- you can’t die now- please,” I pleaded. But it was already over, Jack was gone.
“How do you like having everything taken away from you, Blaze?” Cackled Cosmo from the other side of the room. He was grinning like a maniac and splattered with Jack's blood and holding the knife he had used to get rid of my boyfriend. He had a devilish glint in his eye and was the poster god of what being pure smug should look like. It filled me with absolute and utter fury.
Softly kissing Jack's cold and dead forehead for the last time, I knew it was time to let go, both physically and mentaly. Taking shaky breaths I slowly stood up from the hard crystal floor and faced Cosmo.
“Ok you won that battle, how does it feel to have purposefully robbed someone of their happiness? We may not see eye to eye on everything- I get it- that's life. But when Wisteria and I started dating, I didn’t know that I was robbing you- or anyone for that matter- of such an amazing girl. I thought I was the first and only one. But I was wrong, I made a mistake. I may not be experienced in love- but I’m sure killing my boyfriend isn’t going to make Wisteria want you back. You have a chance though, you can join us and redeem yourself. What do you want?”
It looked as if Cosmo had been knocked backward by an invisible force, he stumbled around wide eyed and confused.
“I t-think, I t-think,” he then straightened up and cleared his throat, “I think not Blaze, one smart alec speech won’t get me to change my mind. Let’s end this now, once and for all. A battle to the death, each warrior for themself.”
The next moment would shock me for the rest of my life. Are you ready? Here we go-
“I think you mean Blaze and I will both fight you. Two against one mate.”
It was jack! He was alive!
I slowly turned around to see Jack standing and grinning. His clothes were fresh and didn't have a trace of blood. His hair was combed to fall gracefully over his big beautiful eyes. Most surprising- he looked way stronger than before and held a new air of confidence. He was stunning-
“But how?” I whispered through grateful tears.
Jack made his way to my side and wrapped me in a warm and honey sweet hug.
“It doesn’t matter now that I’m here,” he whispered in my ear, “I love you Blaze, now let's go kick this guys butt.”
Flooding relief and love filled my body. Jack wasn't dead. I would never let him scare me like that again.
When we hesitantly turned around, we found that Cosmo had fled. Exchanging silent smiles we couldn’t help but fall over laughing with relief and joy. This had been the best and worst day of our lives.
* * *
Two nights later Jack and I sat by the campfire playing truth or dare, and it was my turn to ask him something.
“Truth or dare, Jack,” I said, laughing lightly.
“Hmm, let me think,” Said Jack, Staring at the stars and feigning sarcasm, “Let’s go with truth- who could go wrong picking that?”
We burst out laughing.
Then I thought of the perfect question- a perfect but serious question.
“Is it true you have a theory to explain why you came back from the dead, and if so what is it?”
I couldn’t help but ask. I had been dying of curiosity ever since I was lucky enough to not lose the love of my life. Had he had an experience on the other side?
Jack sighed, “Are you sure you want to talk about this now?” He looked nervous and upset as opposed to his happier attitude just seconds ago, laughing with me.
“Yeah,” I said quietly, “I mean- I want to know what happened, I’m still so happy you didn’t die.”
Jack nodded slowly, then said, “You have a right to know, I’m sorry I didn’t talk to you about this sooner.”
“Thank you,” I smiled, just to show him how thankful I was.
“I was visited by someone named Grace- she told me about some special conditions in the war. She told me that when I put on the necklace I was guaranteed three returns from death only in times of true need. She said you really needed me, told me to try to not get killed and sent me back here. I used up one chance and have two left before I’m dead for good.”
We were both silent for a minute, processing what he had said in our own ways.
“Well she was right about one thing, please try not to die again,” I said seriously. But we couldn’t help falling over in laughter again.
“I would say the same to you Blaze,” Laughed Jack.
We laughed for a bit longer and then started talking about when we first landed here. When I started to mention Kalob, I noticed I hadn’t seen him since we first met the dark siders.
“Who’s Kalob?” asked Jack. He was obviously as confused as I was.
“He’s another lightsider, I swear, we were friends when I first got here before he disappeared.”
Thinking deeply, Jack was silent for a moment. “Blaze, there is no lightsider by the name of Kalob, but that’s the dark siders best spy’s name.”
I was shocked, I had been betrayed. But not just that- I had been betrayed and didn’t know about it till what felt like a millenia later.
“Are you trying to say-?” I gulped.
“He lied to you Blaze,” Jack said, wide eyed, “If he left that either means he gave up, or now he knows your biggest weaknesses.”
I tried to frantically think back to when we were spending time together. What could he have learned about me?
In case you didn’t know, Jack and I hadn’t left the Crystal cave since the fight. We had made camp there, but I was starting to think we needed to leave. We had to keep moving before someone like Kalob found our hiding place.
“Jack we need to leave,” I said panicking, “He could have tracked me here, we’re not safe.”
“Calm down, I’m sure -,” He started.
But he was interrupted by the sound of a large group marching towards us. Then the torches Blazed to life and in came our team of lightsiders, frantically running.
Alexandria was in the lead, terror clouding her face. “Jack, Blaze,” she nodded toward each of us quickly, “We don’t have much time before they get here. It’s time for the final battle, we have to meet them and confirm who’s on which side. Then we’ll have a certain amount of time to prepare before we end this.”
As if on cue, marching could be heard, and the entire darkside entered the room. Santiago and Wisteria in the lead, closely followed by Kalob and the rest of the darksiders.
“Stand at attention, Darksiders!!” yelled Santiago.
One by one all thirteen darksiders, not including Santiago, stood at attention. Then Santiago walked up to Alexandria , and snarled, “Let’s finish this once and for all.”
Alexandria, looking equally as menacing, said, “Yes, but first, we will set conditions and finalize teams.”
Slowly, Alexandria levitated into the air and began to speak, “Light and dark siders, if you wish to fight with the pure light team, join my group on the right side of the chamber next to the gargoyle statue! If you wish to join Santiago’s Evil team, please stand to the left side of the chamber next to the wolf statue!”
I watched slowly, in horror, as Ryan moved to join the evil clan and was immediately made at home by pats on the back and fist bumps. As he did this Alexandria silently started to cry and mouth “why?” at him. He just shrugged and rolled his eyes.
But then to my relief, a girl who looked about twelve and her maybe seventeen year old brother joined our side hand in hand.
“We were prisoners for so long, I’m so glad we could decide where to be in the final battle,” said the girl.
“Yeah, thank you so much for the opportunity,” said her older brother smiling at Alexandria who was trying to hold herself together for him. All of a sudden Alexandria seemed shy and self conscious like she knew this guy already from somewhere important.
“ Glad to have you here,” Alexandria smiled sadly, “What are your names?”
“I’m Rose,” said the girl, returning Alexandria ’s smile.
“And I’m Rain,” said her older brother, also returning the smile.
“Well that’s all well and good, but if you remember, Alexandria, we have to set our terms for war,” laughed Santiago, “I may be evil but your team has eleven people and ours has twelve, so if I were you I would be trying to give my team an equal chance.”
At this he raised his eyebrows in a pure mean and teasing look. Although, it was to be expected from Santiago- being the lead of the dark side and all.
But Alexandria was too strong to falter under his pressure, “Yes, I was aware of that, thank you for the reminder. I propose we have until noon tomorrow to get our troops ready. It’s nine oclock pm right now so we have fifteen hours to prepare. Are you ok with that?”
Santiago shrugged, “That’s fine with me, but where will we hold this battle?”
It was my turn to speak up.
“If you please Santiago,” I said clearing my throat, “I’m Blaze, and we met before when I joined you clan for a short period of time. On the way here Jack and I passed through a large field of dry grass- we could fight there. It would be just about half a mile from where we stand right now.”
Santiago glared at me but said, “I see, we will fight there at noon tomorrow. Be ready to lose- for my team is highly trained in combat. Good night.”
With that he and the rest of the dark side swept swiftly out of the crystal cave without another word. We could only hope our side would be ready to meet the challenge with strength and courage.
* * *

Blaze and Jack: 2 Hours Until War
“Blaze,” tears streamed down Jack's cheeks, “Please, we have to leave! I can’t afford to lose you to this battle!”
“I know, OK!” Blaze shouted, “But I have responsibility for these troops, I was made king of the lightsiders for a reason! I can’t leave no matter how much I love you Jack.”
Jack shook his head slowly looking down at the dead grass. “Blaze, right now, I can’t go through with this- I’m sorry.”
From where Blaze stood, back turned to Jack, he whipped around, faster than lightning. “What do you mean you can’t go through with this? This, as in what?!”
Jack sucked in a nervous breath, “I’m breaking up with you until the war is over- I can’t be in a relationship that could end in one or both of us dead, and possibly one of us grieving.”
“No!” yelled Blaze, “Don’t you get it? I am at the highest risk for death- THEY WANT ME DEAD! I’m not leaving my life and soul knowing we weren’t together for our last moments!” Blaze broke down in sobbs, “Please I love you more than anything Jack.”
“Ok then,” Jack sighed, half out of relief, half out of fear and anxiety, “Then please- let me go with the other extreme.”
“Jack, no, I will do anything for us to stay together.”
“I know,” Jack grinned, “Blaze- will you make me the happiest being on geoclyte and marry me?”
Blaze’s mouth dropped open, the fear in his eyes immediately turning to pure love and shock. First Jack wanted to break up and now he wanted to give Blaze everything he wanted?
“M-m-me?” Was all Blaze could say.
“Yes, you,” smiled Jack, “Who else mate?”
There was utter silence, time seemed to stand still while all of the geoclyte held its breath, just waiting for an answer.
Then it came-
“Yes, YES! Yes I will marry you Jack!”
Then Blaze and Jack flew into eachothers arms and kissed with content. They both fully knew that one might lose the other in the following hours to come. Despite that, at the moment love was all that mattered.

Wisteria, Santiago and Cosmo: 30 minutes before War
Wisteria stood alone behind a tree, watching Blaze and Jack from a distance. She envied their ability to fully love one another. But to heck with happily ever after, Wisteria laughed bitterly to herself, that would never be me. Heck I love Cosmo more than Santiago.
Footsteps from behind her startled her out of her negative spiral. Glancing quickly behind her into even thicker forest, Wisteria saw Santiago approaching. Speaking of the devil.
“My love,” Said Santiago, whispering softly into Wisteria’s ear. “Why are you here of all places? Must you watch those two light side scum go all lovey dovey on eachother? Think about it babe, that could be us right now if you weren’t preoccupied.”
Wisteria jerked away and slapped Santiago.
Touching his cheek in disbelief, then turning to stare at Wisteria, Santiago quickly grew furious.
Santiago rushed forward and grabbed Wisteria by the collar of her shirt. “Listen here girl, if you don’t start to act a bit more loving to your boyfriend then I’ll have no choice but to kill you first chance I get. I don’t want the future queen of geoclyte to be as nasty as you.”
Gasping for breath, Wisteria just nodded. Seemingly satisfied, Santiago let her go. But that was a mistake because as soon as she was released she punched him in the gut.
“I don’t want to be the queen if you’re the king! I hate you santiago!” Exclaimed Wisteria.
The truth had finally come out. Wisteria would not put up with Santiago any longer.
Santiago began to cackle. He got louder and louder, until he stopped with a murderous gleam in his eye.
“That’s fine, I guess we won’t be needing you anymore.”
Wisteria froze in panic.
Something bad was going to happen.
She was sure of it.
Santiago unslung the bow from his shoulder, and fired a gleaming diamond arrow into Wisteria’s heart. Wisteria collapsed and her breathing was already turning husky. “No, please, I don’t want to die, Santiago,” pleaded Wisteria.
Santiago laughed. “You made your bed, now sleep in it darling, that’s my cue to go. Maybe I’ll see you on the other side. But I doubt I’m going to die- unlike you.”
Santiago gave one last vile wave and then left.
Wisteria knew she wasn’t going to make it. However, she was too injured to cry so she could only feel immense sadness.
She would never make peace with Blaze, Jack, or Cosmo.
Two blurred figures were running toward her and another was walking up to her side from the woods. Silent tears formed in her eyes.
“Wisteria?” asked the soft voice from her side.
“Who are you?” Wisteria rasped.
“Cosmo- but that doesn’t matter- tell me what happened to you?”
“Santiago- shot me- bow and arrow- hurts,” Wisteria gasped in pain.
Blood was quickly gushing from her wound.
“I can’t do anything to save you but I want you to know, you’re a wonderful girl- I love you. You’ve inspired me to join the lightside babe,” Cosmo said proudly, painful tears brimming his eyes.
“So sorry I left- love you too- are you-” Wisteria managed.
“Shh, there’s no need to worry, save your energy.”
“I don’t want to die, I’m- I’m scared.”
Cosmo slowly scooped a dying Wisteria up in his arms. “Relax, I’m right here, you’ll be ok- you have to right?”
Cosmo began to cry. “I’ve been such a terrible person. All the time I go on living and when you’re gone, I’ll spend my entire waking moments learning how to be as good as you. I’m so sorry I failed you.”
“You didn’t fail me,” croaked Wisteria, “one last request.”
“Yes?” sniffled Cosmo.
“Kiss me for the last time, I know I’m about to die. Please, that's all I want. Maybe it’ll make me feel like I didn’t fail in love.”
Cosmo and Wisteria began to float, sad violin music filling the air. They came to rest in the middle of a swirl of clouds. Cosmo slowly bent in to kiss Wisteria, still holding tight onto her like there was no tomorrow. In reality tomorrow there wouldn’t be an US or a couple relationship between Wisteria and Cosmo. Wisteria would surely be gone and Cosmo might die in battle.
The kiss was wonderful, the best experience time and space could hold for the two. But when it was over Wisteria took one shaky last breath and said, “I love you, Cosmo.”
Then she was dead.
The clouds gracefully brought down a sobbing Cosmo holding Wisteria’s lifeless body. Geoclyte had lost one of it’s most controversial and most important people.
Jack and Blaze were there in an instant, hugging Cosmo who was still holding Wisteria’s dead body, and they began to sobb to. It was an immeasurable loss. There weren't enough stars in the sky that would amount to sadness all Wisteria’s friends and family would feel. It would never be enough.

Rain and Alexandria: 10 minutes to Battle
“Alexandria!!” Shouted Rain, “Wait up!!”
I was walking frantically around overseeing the readying of the weapons and armor for battle when the new lightsider Rain called to me.
“Do you need some help with something,” I asked politely.
“You could say so,” He laughed, “I just wanted to talk to you for a minute before we have to jump into battle, you know?”
Rain was a wild but kind spirit. Despite my romantic situation I was immediately attracted to him and every awesome quality he had, ever since the first time I saw him- which was long before he came to the light side. Now that Ryan was gone and he was a lightsider my past hope of us being together came flooding back to me.
“Yeah,” I smiled, “I understand, I could spare a little break to talk.”
Rain motioned for me to walk with him smiling broadly, and we walked a ways away from the group of lightsiders prepping. We were away just enough to have a bit of privacy.
Then we stopped and he turned to face me.
“Alexandria,” he said, “I know you’re still getting over your old boyfriend Ryan and I’m still getting over my own stuff, but maybe we could date, just think about it you know?”
I was shocked.
And flattered. This had been the moment I had dreamed about for so long and it was finally happening . . . but why now?
“Why me? How could you possibly like me?” I asked dumbstruck.
I felt like a fish out of water- I had to fight to keep my mouth shut and keep control of my rapidly declining breath. For once in my whole life as a leader, I was speechless.
“I’ve noticed you ever since I first saw the lightsiders,” Rain said honestly, “You’re always in the lead, strong and smart. I like that about you. I see something in you and you’re chill- I really like you.”
“I’ll think about it,” I said slowly.
My heart wanted me to scream yes, right then and there, but something held me back. I needed to think for a minute.
I was still completely shocked. He didn’t know it but sometimes when I saw the darksiders around in the beginning of my time on Geoclyte, I would secretly watch him and wonder if he and I could ever be a thing.
He was a darksider at the time and I was a lightsider, so our differences seemed almost too vast to work. Plus there were so many cute girls on the darkside that he would probably fall in love with instead of silly old me.
Over time I gave up on the idea of us and sometimes thought of him and hoped he was happy with someone he really liked.
When Ryan asked me out I said yes and parted with my last Fantasies of Rain and I being together. I loved Ryan with all my heart until he betrayed me.
The funny thing was that when Ryan left me to struggle on my own and hurt, who would show up but the one I had dreamed of in the first place, but Rain?
Rain was a miracle, and I guess we both had been thinking of each other all along. That was the reason I was ready to move on so quickly and give Rain all my heart.
“Heck,” I laughed all of a sudden, as he was just turning to walk away, “Forget what I just said, yes, I want to be with you, I love you Rain.”
“Wait what?” He said.
Now it was his turn to be shocked at what I had just said.
It was a quick turn around that almost neither of us had expected.
“I thought you’d say no because of Ryan and stuff,” he gasped.
“Well I started to think about that,” I said truthfully, “But then I realized it would all be ok because I secretly had my eye on you before Ryan was even in the picture, I just lost hope because I thought it would be impossible for us to be a thing. It seemed like you already had everything worked out.”
He was silent for a moment.
“You thought I had everything worked out?”
“Well yeah,” I said, “You always seemed so confident and energetic, and I’m just a mess compared to you.”
I laughed nervously before clearing my throat and becoming quiet again. There was a wonderful moment of silence between us filled with the presence of new love for one another.
“Really?” Rain laughed at last, “I’m just as bad off as you really. Yeah, I’m comfortable with being myself and I knew I didn’t belong on the darkside all along. But I recently went through a final breakup with a girl on the dark side. I really liked her but she kept calling things off at random. It hurt a lot, kind of like what you had to go through with Ryan. My point simply being I definitely don’t have everything together in my life.”
“Wow,” I never knew I said quietly.
“It’s ok,” Rain smiled, “you didn’t have to know, but we can make eachother happier now. We’ll get through this together.”
“Yeah, together,” I smiled, “That has a nice ring to it.”
“Now let's go win this battle,” he laughed, “Love you, Alexandria.”
“Love you too,” I blushed.

Chapter 17: The Big Battle and Finale
All of our needs were in place and it was time for the final battle, the one that would decide the fate of a world. In the end dead or alive I would be a warrior and fight with courage until the very end. The sun would either rise or set on our land and it would be our responsibility to save this beautiful place.
Alexandria Walked to the very middle of the grassy field where a red and blue line was drawn, the divider of our sides and with it our values. As Alexandria waited we all saw Santiago slink up to the line, dressed in an all balck combat uniform.
We all held our breath for our signal to fight.
Slowly, Alexandria stretched her hand out to Santiago and they shook hands signifying an agreement to battle terms and to kick everything off. As Alexandria ran back to our side, cries of war rose from each side as we all ran to meet each other in the chaos.
“Jack!” I yelled frantically.
Through all the dust rising I saw a figure running towards me half obscured. I raised my sword protectively in case it was the enemy.
Suddenly Jack burst through the dust, chest heaving.
“Blaze,” He shouted over the din, “Please stay safe- I can't lose you. You don’t have extra lives like me, if you die- you die.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll be careful I promise Jack,” I said.
“Could you come closer to me?” Jack asked.
“Of course,” I agreed, dropping my weapons and hurrying to his side. All the battle had migrated away from us and we had found a moment of privacy for the two of us in the midst of the war.
Jack dropped his weapons and wrapped me in a tight embrace. It was honey sweet and perfect.
Pulling back slightly he looked deep into my eyes, “I love you Blaze, this is the last step. If we can make it through this we are guaranteed a future together.”
“No future could be better than a future with you in it,” I smiled, “Kiss me lover boy.”
And then we kissed for a wonderful moment- evading all reality of the violent vicinity we currently existed in.
I ran my fingers through his choppy but soft blonde hair as if it was the last time, which it might be.
Then it was over and we left each other's arms blushing but scared as ever.
We then each gave each other an awkward wave and jumped into battle.
Jack, Cosmo, and Rick
Out of the corner of his eye Jack saw Cosmo standing and heaving with fury at someone slinking towards him.
“Cosmo!” Jack shouted, “Who’s that!”
Cosmo turned, his face contorted in furry, “It’s Rick! He’s the whole reason Zelda died and Wisteria had to join the dark side! If you think about it he’s the reason Wisteria is dead! I won’t stop until he’s killed.”
“Relax,” Chided Jack, “You’ll be killed if you can’t think straight.”
Angry tears began to trace their way down Cosmo’s face, “But that’s the thing, I can’t. I will never forget her, I would do anything to avenge her death, Jack. Please, you have to understand!”
“Ok then,” Jack sighed, “But you’re not doing this without help. Come on, I’ll fight with you mate.”
Cosmo gave Jack a grateful smile and they both nodded and drew their weapons. Rick was just smiling cruelty and watching while leaning on his gleaming sword.
“I’m not afraid of you two weaklings, if you’re fighting is anything like it was before then I should have no problem.”
Rick laughed.
Jack and Cosmo charged head on into battle, swords ready to defend or jab and part of their enemy they could find. Wisteria was lucky she had such good friends, she wouldn’t have died in vain.
Even with two people fighting Rick was a nearly impossibly skilled enemy. Only a minute in, Jack and Cosmo were soaked in sweat while Rick effortlessly countered and attacked, not even a drop of sweat gracing his orange hair line.
Slowly it seemed that Rick was pressing them back and limiting their moves. Cosmo and Jack were trying so hard to parry all the moves and come up with strikes of their own. So as to not get sliced in half they took multiple steps back to give themselves space.
Rick thrust a strong jab aimed at Cosmo, who abruptly jumped back and began to sway trying to keep his balance because he was smack on the edge of a clif. Jack was right in front of him so he desperately grabbed his shirt for balance.
Jack became unsteady but managed to keep Cosmo from falling. At this moment Rick decided to go full attack mode. He threw fast jabs with mediocre aim at Cosmo and Jack.
Jack counted every single one, a pained expression on his face for he was already suffering multiple injuries. With a quick decision he tripped Rick and then pushed him off the edge of the cliff.
“We did it!” Jack Shouted.
Jack had expected to hear Cosmo join in on his celebration but instead everything was silent. Jack looked around frantically for Cosmo and spotted him on the ground, his breath barely there.
“You were a good friend,” Whispered Cosmo, a grateful tear in his eye, “Goodbye, Jack.”
Cosmo’s body went slack and Jack screamed for the nurse, they couldn’t lose him now!
Immediately Lavender came running over and examined Cosmo thoroughly before turning back to Jack.
“Don’t worry, he’ll be alright- he’s just passed out and injured,” She said, “I’ll take care of him, you get back to battle.”
“Thank you,” Jack exhaled, “Oh my gosh, I really thought he was dead!”
“Miracles are kind of my job,” Lavender laughed.
“Thank you,” Jack smiled, “See you- see you when this is all over.”
His expression darkened, he had already seen too much horror in such a short time of being alive. He was broken far beyond what anyone would ever know.

Isaac vs. Chu Hua
My twin brother had just betrayed me and our family history. I know we had only met when we got to geoclyte but my twin had been the closest person to me- until he turned out to be a traitor.
As everyone ran off to battle I tried to hang back and lose myself in the chaos. I felt like if I just wasn’t alive anymore it wouldn’t hurt so much, and I wouldn’t have to live without my other half.
I would never take my own life so isolation was how I planned to move on. After the war I would find a place nobody would ever find me again and slip into a deep sleep that would last eternity. Either that or I would get my memories altered by the strongest sorcerer I could find.
I had begun to space out into my own thoughts when a searing pain went through the middle of my chest from behind.
I fell to the ground.
I was quite sure I was hallucinating at this point. My thoughts of death must have conjured this image.
But then the real pain started and a num cold spread through my body. I tried to breathe but I could feel my own blood quickly filling my lungs. It was like I was drowning inside myself. I coughed and sputtered for air, dark red clots of blood bubbling at the sides of my lips and some spilling on the floor before me.
A voice beside me spoke, “Funny thing about love, it can be conjured by magic if the enchantress is strong enough and causes people's morals to change when they are bewitched. Should my spell on Ryan ever break I’m sure he’ll miss you, but of course- you’ll be dead.”
I turned to painfully look up into the cold icy blue eyes of the dark side sorcerous named Chu Hua.
At least Ryan actually does love me, but now I won’t be there for him when he comes back to the right side.
I smiled.
These were my last thoughts before I died an honorary death for the cause of truth and peace. Let good morals and the true lightsider spirit ring true, this is my last wish for the world.

Rain Vs. Giselle
As soon as the signal came telling me it was time to fight I ran at the opposing troops only to be stopped by Giselle materializing in front of me.
“I saved a lot of magical energy to do that,” she smirked at me, “I had hoped to see you in the final battle, Rain.”
“Can’t you just let go Already!” Rain complained, “I have a girlfriend now, you lost your chance.”
“I know that,” Said Gisselle smugly, “But that doesn’t mean I don’t get to have my parting wishes on your future with her if you choose to kill me in battle.”
Gisselle waved her fingers around, sparkles of misty magic flowing between them for a second.
“Not if I can help it,” Rain replied, “My girlfriend is an awesome person, I’d give my life to protect her.”
“Glad you feel that way now,” Laughed Gisselle, “But you may find that . . . you’re not feeling quite yourself.”
Rain charged Giselle on the spot ready to pulverize the little evil witch. Just as his blade nearly connected with her, she vanished and reappeared behind Rain.
Rain Swiveled and dodged a wave of magic she sent flying in his direction, barely making it away, the spell missing him by less than an inch.
Rain ran at her again, this time Gisselle was ready. Gisselle put up her hands and released a spell that connected with Rain. Rain's momentum however was moving dead ahead for her and he ran her through with his weapon before collapsing.
The spell slowly began to take over Rain's body, but through the pain he could just barely see Gisselle give him a pained smirk before dying.
Gisselles voice met rains ears, “I told you so.”
Rain got to his feet, but this time a whole different person.
Across the field he saw Alexandria standing alone and shaking like a leaf. He then ran to her at an unnatural speed for himself.
“Alexandria,” He whispered as he came to stop at her side.
Alexandria’s head whipped up to look at him.
“You’re finally here!” She laughed, wrapping Rain in a huge hug.
Rain pulled roughly away and grabbed her throat.
“Listen here girl, the dark side will prevail and I’m here to make sure of it. If you want to live you better act like we had a victory if the lightside wins. Otherwise I’ll kill you, because even if I’m the last one who’s left on this planet who’s evil . . . that’ll still make a big difference in the end. I’ll crumble the new world your side builds for a ‘noble’ cause and raise dark again. You’ll soon find out perfect worlds aren’t possible, or perfect boyfriends.”
Rain pulled away and gave the shocked Alexandria a firm kiss on the lips before pushing her to the ground.
“Oh yeah,” Rain said with his back turned to Alexandria, ready to leave, “Please kill that Ryan guy, if you don’t I won’t let you even think about letting you say hi to your parents, I’ll extract your voice with my magic.”
And so Rain ran away, but he wasn’t really Rain because inside was Gisselle’s spell temporarily replacing his soul. Rain’s soul had died along with Giselle’s body. The trade had been made. If Ryan was killed Ryans soul would inevitably take the place of Giselle's spell and Rain would become Ryan. The evil ryan.
Alexandria did the last thing possible for her to do- She got up and found herself face to face with Ryan and killed him before he could even try to say he was a lightsider again. Ryan had planned to trick Alexandria and kill her but instead by killing Ryan, Alexandria sealed her fate of an even harder future stuck with Rain and her own feelings of betrayal.
Alexandria was Shattered and it would take a miracle for her to love anyone ever again.
Blaze Vs. Santiago
I ran to my galaxy sword that lay on the ground and pulled it from its sheath. But when I turned around I was face to face with Santiago.
“Let’s have a little dignified fight to the death- just one king to another king,” he cackled. “You should be terrified after my murder of Wisteria, but- it may just take your own death to show you you’re rightful place, Blaze.”
“I could say the same to you,” I growled, “Nobody kills my friends and then gets away alive. I will avenge Wisteria and splatter your blood on the ground, exactly where it belongs, Santiago.”
“You think I’m scared of you,” he snorted, “I mean really? I am everything you’re not and you could never make it as a leader let alone kind of a whole planet.”
He must have seen the realization in my eyes, the idea of ruling a whole world was completely overwhelming.
“You see,” he laughed, “I can see the doubt in your eyes now. We both know you could never be good enough for a job like that, I would be way better off in that position. But then of course- If you join my side now I could give you a partial rule. You could be great and by my side rise to your potential, instead of dying now because you couldn’t match up to me. What will it be, Blaze?”
“I say never!” I roared.
I lunged forward at him, sword in hand ready to batter him. I was a loyal king and that was where he made his fatal mistake.
As I struck he quickly parried and jabbed back with a strike of his own. I dodged and staggered backwards, breathing heavily.
Santiago saw how tired I was and began to advance on me throwing multiple fast strikes that I could barely counter by myself.
I began to grow weak, my defence getting worse and my own strikes slowing down exponentially. I knew I would be defeated within seconds if I didn’t make a massive change.
Suddenly Santiago thrust a weird ball out of his pocket and threw it at the ground. In his moment to do that I was upon him and sank my blade through his gut.
He dropped to the ground wheezing and blood was beginning to stream out the corners of his mouth. An even more horrendous sight was his gut where his organs were spilling out onto the dry prickly ground.
“This isn’t over Blaze,” Santiago croaked, “My side will defeat your side and you will be dead soon because of the poison I put in the air around you.”
The light then left Santiago’s eyes and he was dead.
Only then did I notice the green haze in the air around me, but it was too late by then.
I crumpled to the ground and my lungs felt like they were on fire. It seemed like this was going to be the end for me no matter what. I would never see which side was victorious.
“Jack,” I whispered.
I wanted to shout his name but my voice only amounted to a small murmur because of the pain caused by the poison.
My vision was shaky and everything was blurry and spinning.
I just barely saw two people running towards me before I passed out cold.
I came to just minutes later I was told. The medic Lavender was crouched over me and pouring a hot thick liquid down my throat.
I coughed and sputtered.
I looked up at Lavender, the girl who had just saved my life and realized how red and puffy her eyes were.
“How is everyone?” I asked, “Are any of our lightsiders…?”
“Yes, We’ve already lost three,” she sniffled.
“Who?” I asked quietly.
“We lost Isaac, Jasmine, and Rose,” Lavender said in a lifeless voice.
“And the dark side?” I questioned.
“They’ve already lost six members,” Lavender said quietly.
I sprung to my feet.
“The war’s almost over then! If we kill one more of them we win!” I shouted happily.
Jasmine gave me a look, “How can you say we won when five of our people are dead and gone? Not much of a victory if you ask me. We may have won the war but we’ve lost so many valuable lives. Think about how Rose's brother feels!”
I never got to respond because at that moment a loud horn blew as if from the sky and space above us. Our mission was over and the last person was dead for good.
Out of the dust Alexandria came running, hand laced with Rains, a big smile on both of their faces.
“We killed one more dark sider!” Shouted Rain.
“We won!” Yelled Alexandria.
Something was off about them and their excitement seemed off . . .
Lavender was the only one who didn’t join in the celebration, she was just biting her lip and sadly looking at Rain.
Finally, after jumping up and down a bit more, Rain noticed Lavender and slowly stopped celebrating.
“What happened?” He asked.
“Rain-,” Lavender began, “Your sister-”
“What happened to Rose?” Rain gasped.
“I’m sorry, we couldn’t save her,” Lavender said quietly, “She’s dead.”
“That’s not true!” Rain shouted, “She’s here, she’ll be here in a second, I swear, I swear!”
We all began to cry and our group of now seven people huddled together in a group love to comfort each other for all of our losses.
We were all silently grieving when there was a loud crack to be heard from all across the land, and a big dark and swirling pit opened in the ground before our feet.
It was time to go home.
As the huddle dispersed I made eye contact with Jack and walked over to meet him. This could possibly be goodbye- if only for a short time.
“I’m so glad we’re ok,” sighed Jack “I love you Blaze.”
“Me too, Jack, I love you too,” I blushed.
“One last kiss before we go home?” laughed Jack.
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” I smiled.
We both rushed into one another's arms and kissed like there was no tomorrow. Then we pulled away holding hands and walked to the pit's edge. With one last love that filled a glance at one another, we jumped in, ready to be delivered home to our families.
With so many losses our cause had triumphed and it was time to build Geoclyte and also go back to a somewhat normal life.
But I can’t tell you how wrong I was because the first person I saw when I landed home was someone I thought I would never see again. Someone that went against everything I thought I knew to be true. Their existence could only mean one thing- it wasn't over yet.

The end
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